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Activity 2

Name: Rose Neil B. Lapuz Score: _________

Course/Year/Section: BSED 1-D Date: September 29, 2021

Directions: Read the article below and answer what is being asked. You can use the link
below for easier access.

What could be the main objective of that speech delivered by Aquino before the U.S. congress?

According to the article above, I believe the main goal of Corazon Aquino's speech was to
support democracy. Her address was filled with references to her husband, former senator Ninoy
Aquino, whom the Filipino people had designated as the anti-Marcos poster boy. She began by
recounting what happened to Ninoy Aquino and hundreds of others, including senators, publishers,
and everyone who had spoken up for democracy as its end came closer. She defended her presence
in front of the United States Congress by using metaphorical and figurative language, alluding to her
relationship with the late Ninoy Aquino on the one hand and delivering her responsibility to the Filipino
citizens on another. As we already know, Ninoy Aquino was killed because he decided to face
Ferdinand Marcos once more and reestablish democracy in the country, despite countless threats.
The purpose of the former President Aquino's address is to promote Filipino freedom and to
give rise to a new era for Filipinos and the country. Through the EDSA People Power Revolution,
which occurred three years after Ninoy died, Filipinos were urged to overturn a dictatorship, and he
has been honored as a freedom hero for restoring democracy in the Philippines. She ran for president
in a sudden election following his husband's death, but when they declared a people's power, the
Macro administration was completely overthrown. She has decided to combine the spirit of
reconciliation with steps to place her new government in firm control as she undertakes the
responsibilities of unifying a divided Filipino people, reconstructing the institutions wrecked by a
discredited dictatorship, and regenerating a devastated economy. This creates a good impression in
the social and political circumstances in the Philippines at that time and recounts the country's first
peaceful revolution.
As the Filipino people gather for the cause of freedom, it carries the suffering of the people
who fought the struggle against the evils of dictatorship. Their suffering transformed into power,
resulting in the nation's greatest achievement; The elimination of a dictatorial government, paving
the way for true liberty, the development of human rights, and the protection of Filipinos' welfare.
Cory became a symbol of democratization, empowering a politically underprivileged community.
Corazon Aquino fought for democracy all the way through until the end. Yet, in the end, she
succeeded as the Philippines' first female president. She also brought the country to freedom and
democracy following Ferdinand Marcos' long dictatorship. She emphasizes the significance of
democracy, stating that our nation needs proper democracy since a true democracy promotes
citizens' dignity, ensuring fair protection for all individual citizens, and prevents leaders and
authorities from abusing citizens' rights. She strives for democracy in order to protect our country's
identity and freedom. The strength of an assembly is motivating and encouraging to preserve and
support democracy.

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Activity 3
Name: Rose Neil B. Lapuz Score: _________
Course/Year/Section: BSED 1-D Date: September 29, 2021

Direction: In light of contextual and content analysis, read and scrutinize the ostensible Rizal's poem.
Elucidate the contentious poem "Sa Aking mga Kabata "and identify the hermeneutical approach
(principles of internal criticism and external criticism, contextual and content analysis) to justify the
integrity and facticity of the text mentioned above. Did the young Rizal pen the disputed verse?

Rizal’s poem entitled “Sa Aking mga Kababata” gives us a message that as a citizen,
we must love our own language because it is the main ingredient when it comes to our
communication, it is the soul that enables us to identify as a Filipino citizen, that just like a
bird in the air, we might feel freedom when we love our own, since it is a tool that allows us
to communicate with other people, express our ideas, and allow our voice to be heard when
it comes to opinions and our thoughts in mind. It is a tool that represents our nation. Rizal
emphasizes the importance of one's mother tongue, stating that a nation's passion for its
original tongue is intimately connected to its desire of liberty, likening it to a free-flying bird.
Even though we are held by the Spaniards, our language can be a symbol of freedom. Rizal’s
most notable quote, he who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and a
smelly fish. simply reminds us that when one did not love their own is like a smelly fish
because you do not give importance about what gives you identity in life. We will understand
and share what we talk about if we communicate in our own language with the same Filipino
individual. However, when we interact with other countries in a different language in order to
share ideas and converse with them, a people's language is preserved along with the signs
of liberty. As we maintain our own nationalism, we also maintain our dignity as Filipinos with
a pure heart.

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