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Angelica F.

Dela Cruz


Reaction Paper

After I watch the film there is ethical principles that I can apply to the film that I watch.
Which is the Law, immoral, and amoral.

Law. I choose to apply the law because it is shown in the film. They show that the law
should be equally applied to all and loyalty need to stick to the personal conscience of man.
Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee a lawyer of the two marines who assaulting for murder to their fellow
marine. Kaffee as a lawyer stands for them to know the truth and to attain justice. He keeps being
vigilant in seeking justice. And to help to know the truth behind Santiago's death. This movie
shows that hierarchal governmental structures are good to maintain order or control. This movie
helps to educate the lawyers or the future lawyers to always fight for their rights. Law is
requiring performing the required action regardless of our feelings towards such action. Which is
to fight for the rights of the individuals that can be seen in this movie.

Immoral actions. I secondly choose immoral actions that I can apply in this show.
Because there is an order that morality is wrong which is code red. Code red is like hazing or
mostly like a violent extrajudicial punishment to those who will disobey their rule. Killing is
totally immoral in any aspect even if it is not intended. Especially Jessup the commander colonel
in this movie. He is the most immoral actions. Also, there is a part in the scene where Nathan
Jessup a commander colonel tells a lie to Lt. Daniel Kaffer a lawyer who assign to handle the
case. We all know that lying is immoral no matter what. Immoral is one of the most ethical
principles that can apply in this movie because of the murder case. We can clearly see the
immoral actions that this movie has.

Amoral actions. I choose amoral actions because of amoral stands for being neutral in
morality. It may be good or bad, right, or wrong which can see in the film A Few Good Men.
Amoral action in the film is code red or a violent extrajudicial punishment. Even the commander
colonel which is Nathan Jessup knows that killing is a wrong action he sticks to continue to use
the code red rule. Also, because of the circumstance that the movie has can see the amoral action.
Like the two marines Harold Dawson and Louden Downey that accuse of killing their fellow
marine William Santiago. Their action can be amoral because they not intended to kill Santiago,
but they must still obey the order of their superiors even if it's totally wrong. Jessup is the most
person can see in the movie having an amoral action. He has no concern about whether his
behavior or action is morally right or wrong. He can be an example of amoral actions.

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