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Team Building

Trainer: Quynh Nguyen
Quynh-Anh Anh
“Teambuilding is a set of activities whereby members of a work team

• 1) begin to understand more thoroughly the nature of group dynamics

and effective teamwork, particularly the interrelationship of process

and content (task) and,

• 2) learn to apply certain principles and skills of group process toward

greater team effectiveness.”

-William Burke
A team is a number of

persons associated together

in work or activity.
Team Pseudo-Team

 Two or more members  Same as a Team

 Specific performance objective  Lacks collective focus

 Coordination of activity amongst  Does not perform together,

members is a must rather individually

 Mutually Accountable  Individual Accountability

Complete the following statements

Coming together is a directly on a worksheet or feel free

to use a journal. Be honest with

yourself while reflecting on places in

beginning, keeping togetheryour life where you currently use
your time well and other areas where
is progress and working you’d like to be more productive. Use

this time management exercise to

together is success. hold yourself accountable and revisit

it every few months to keep yourself

on track.
 A powerful fuel that allows

common people to attain

uncommon results.

 Members create an environment

that allows everyone to go beyond

their limitation.
 An effective team has certain characteristics that allow the team

members to function more efficiently and productively.

 They develop ways to share leadership roles and ways to share

accountability for their work products, shifting the emphasis from the

individual to several individuals within the team.

 Effective teams operate in an environment in which there is two way trust

in an environment of open and honest communication

 Feedback on "performance" should be two-way and constant.

 It should provide information to all members of the team on how their work

supports the specific and overall effort of the team and the practice.

 Listening is a feature of that communication

 Creativity

 Innovation

 Synergy

 Strategic Thinking

 Problem Solving

 Decision Making
Good Leadership

Find/Hire smart people

Lots of training
 The successful teams are characterized by:
 The absence of highly dominant individuals, and
 A particular style of leadership.
 Successful leaders were skeptical people who sought to impose some
shape or pattern on group discussion, and on the outcome of group
 They focused attention on the setting of objectives and priorities, and
shaping the way team effort was applied. The successful leaders were
tough, discriminating people who could both hold their ground in any
company, yet not dominate the group.
 Provide clear direction to

establish the team’s purpose,

setting goals, etc.,

 Provide strong, hands-on

leadership to keep people

talking and task-focused.

 Codes of behavior becomes

established and an identifiable

group culture emerges. People

begin to enjoy each other’s

company and appreciate each

other’s contributions.
 Teams that reach this stage

achieve results easily and

Work naturally



Clear Expectation





Creative Innovation


Cultural Changes
 Law of Significance  Law of high morale

 Law of the big picture  Law of the catalyst

 Law of the compass  Law of the chain

 Law of the bad apple  Law of communications

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