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Class : Secondary 1
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Score :

A. Write the correct form of plurals of nouns below to complete the sentence.

1. There are 24 _______________ (hour) in a day.

2. The accused _____________ (man) had carefully prepared alibies.
3. _____________________ (milk tooth) aren’t permanent, but they’re important.
4. Nicotine is a poison. It can cause life-threatening ___________________ (disease) such as cancer.
5. Has he emailed you that list of ___________________ (address) yet ?
6. Peter always throws really wild __________________ (party).
7. The ____________________ (piano solo) will be played by John Smith.
8. ______________ (mouse) can sometimes take the cheese in a mousetrap without being caught.
9. All stationery __________________ (supply) are kept in this room.
10. Here’s a list of all the firm’s _________________ (secretary) with their _____________________
(department) and _________________________ (extension number).
11. What sort of social _____________________ (facility) do large ________________ (firm) provide ?
12. I always keep _____________ (copy) of important _______________ (document) that I send off.
13. The __________________ (burglar) broke into the ________________ (villa) without attracting the
attention of ____________________ (passer-by).
14. A lot of _________________ (house) in Barcelona have __________________ (balcony).
15. ___________________ (seismograph) register the strength of _________________ (earthquake).

B. Fix and rewrite the sentences using correct form of plural!

1. My niece has a farm where she raises disease-resistant varieties of sheeps.

2. Like all farmers, she has a constant problem with mouses and rats.

3. She and her husband run the farm by themselfes, so it is a lot of work for them.

4. The river in the valley is full of salmons in the fall.

5. Once they lost some oxs when some childs left a gate open.

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