Texas Majority Builder Email: 7/18/11

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Dear fellow Democrat, Just as we saw in the Texas Legislature, the Republican Party will almost always put

politics ahead of policy. Lets take, for example, the on-going debt ceiling debate. No matter to them if it means a devastating default on U.S. obligations like payments to senior citizens receiving Social Security. Republicans are holding the global economy hostage while they drive home the GOP objective: defend tax breaks for the wealthy and for corporations. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said interest rates would rise across the board if we dont increase the debt ceiling. This would increase mortgage rates, further hurt our economic recovery and leave middle class Americans paying ever higher interest rates. Simply put, bad policy is proving bad politics for the GOP. President Obama said it best on Friday, "The American people are not interested in the reality TV aspects of who said what and did somebody's feelings get hurt. They're interested in solving the budget problem and the deficit and the debt. Whether it be in Washington or in Texas, Democrats will fight for whats right and stand firm against bad GOP politics and policy. Best,

Ruben Hernandez Executive Director Texas Democratic Party

Articles: July 13 to July 18, 2011

TEXAS' DEBT GROWING AT FASTER RATE THAN U.S. GOVERNMENT'S Fort Worth Star Telegram July 13, 2011 For all the controversy over the national debt ceiling, here's a surprise: Since 2001, the debt load in conservative Texas has grown faster than the federal debt. Texas has been borrowing more than most other states, too. And local entities, from cities to school districts to transit authorities, have been piling up even more debt. From 2001 to 2010, state debt alone grew from $13.4 billion to $37.8 billion, according to the Texas Bond Review Board. DOOR OPENS AS PAUL HEADS FOR EXIT Houston Chronicle July 13, 2011 The surprise decision by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Lake Jackson, not to seek re-election to Congress, announced Tuesday via Twitter, prompted immediate speculation among both Democrats and Republicans about possible successors. Paul said he expected at least a dozen candidates to eventually join the race to represent the Gulf Coast district stretching from Galveston County and the Houston suburbs to Jefferson County. FOR TEXAS POLICYMAKERS, DROUGHT EXPOSES LIMITS OF POWER The Texas Tribune July 13, 2011 The Texas drought has escalated into a significant natural disaster. Around the Panhandle, normally one of the most agriculturally productive regions of the state, acres of dry dirt fill would-be croplands. Lakes' levels are falling statewide. Cities are tightening water restrictions, amid the driest Octoberthrough-June stretch in Texas history. So what can the government do to help those who are hit hardest? Not much, at the state level, experts say. Droughts are tricky to manage. PAUL SAYS REDISTRICTING WASNT A FACTOR Houston Chronicle July 13, 2011 U.S Rep. Ron Paul, R-Lake Jackson, said his surprise announcement Tuesday that he wasnt running for reelection had nothing to do with redistricting or criticism he had received in the past about running for two offices at once. I wasnt overjoyed with getting the new district, but that was

not a major factor in my decision, he said. A candidate for president as the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988 and as a Republican in 2008, he said it was hard to focus on two races at once. TRANSCRIPT SHOWS PERRY LIKENING OFFICE TO PULPIT Houston Chronicle July 14, 2011 Employing deeply religious language that national experts say affords both power and peril for his political career, Gov. Rick Perry in late May told a group of East Texas business leaders that he was "called to the ministry" at age 27, suggested that the governor's office was his pulpit and that God put him "in this place at this time to do his will." PERRY WATCH: OBAMA WOULD TROUNCE RICK PERRY IN A NATIONAL PRESIDENTIAL MATCH-UP Houston Chronicle July 14, 2011 Theres a little bit of good news and a lot of bad news for Rick Perry in the newest national presidential poll. First, the good news: For the first time, the Texas governor has cracked double digits in a national poll of Republican presidential prospects. Barely. At 10 percent, Perry places fourth among potential GOP presidential contenders behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (25 percent), Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann (14 percent) and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (12 percent). PERRY, SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES AND THE ROAD TO THE TOP The Texas Tribune July 14, 2011 Twenty-six years after he rode into Austin as a Democratic House member from Haskell, Rick Perry sits at the top of one of the country's most conservative state Republican parties, having forged a coalition of economic, religious and social conservatives that has helped him become the state's longest-serving governor and poised for a national political run. When he started, two of those groups weren't always welcome at the Republican table. REP. GOHMERT: BOEHNER IS WRONG ON DEBT CEILING DEADLINE The Wall Street Journal July 14, 2011 Rep. Louie Gohmert (R., Texas) cautioned House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) to stop listening to President Barack Obamas fear mongering about what happens after Aug. 2 if the countrys debt ceiling isnt raised. Mr. Gohmert said that the Republican House leader is wrong when he says the

debt ceiling needs to be raised before Aug. 2. THE REPUBLICAN CASE FOR COMPROMISE The New York Times July 14, 2011 I HAVE always been a conservative Republican, and I subscribe to the ideas of less government, lower taxes, innovation and entrepreneurship. But I also believe that, in the face of a possible debt default by the federal government, Republicans need to embrace the principle of compromise. Indeed, despite talk that Senate Republicans might simply let the president raise the debt ceiling unilaterally, and thus avoid the issue of budget and tax reform, its not too late for both sides to strike a grand bargain. By so doing, they will prove the better statesmen. BETWEEN THE LINES: EVERYTHINGS BIGGER IN TEXAS, EVEN THE OPPORTUNITIES Roll Call July 15, 2011 Texas might very well be the biggest land of opportunity for House candidates in 2012. Not only is the state gaining four House seats, but theres also an additional open seat in play after Rep. Ron Pauls (R) retirement announcement. The new Congressional map is expected to become law this month, and then the Justice Department must pre-clear it. Texas insiders expect the courts to draw the final lines eventually, but that hasnt stopped Congressional hopefuls from gearing up to run for the open seats. FORT WORTH LEGISLATOR PLANS LEGAL CHALLENGE TO TEXAS' CONGRESSIONAL REDISTRICTING MAP Fort Worth Star-Telegram July 15, 2011 State Rep. Marc Veasey, D-Fort Worth, plans to file a federal lawsuit today aimed at blocking the congressional redistricting plan approved by state lawmakers last month. Veasey said he will lead a group of plaintiffs challenging the plan because they believe that it disenfranchises minority voters across the state. State lawmakers are tasked every 10 years to redraw political boundaries to reflect population changes. Texas is slated to get four new congressional districts. IS LLOYD DOGGETT TEXAS TOAST? Politico July 15, 2011 Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett is an endangered species: an Anglo-Democrat in a state almost entirely made up of Republicans and minority members of his own party. Hes now facing the most serious threat to his survival: a looming primary battle against Joaquin Castro, a 36-year-old state

representative who is regarded as a rising star. Its a precarious position for Doggett, a nine-term congressman who, along with Rep. Gene Green, is one of the states two remaining white Democratic House members. FBI OPENS INQUIRY AFTER REPORT THAT NEWS CORP. TRIED TO HACK PHONES OF 9/11 VICTIMS The Washington Post July 15, 2011 The FBI has opened a preliminary inquiry into allegations that News Corp. employees sought to hack into the phones of victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and tried to bribe law enforcement officers for information, U.S. officials said Thursday. FBI agents are reviewing information on the phone-hacking scandal engulfing Rupert Murdochs British media operations and trying to determine if U.S. laws were broken, the officials said. PHARR PASTOR FORMS NATION'S FIRST HISPANIC TEA PARTY The Monitor July 18, 2011 At the beginning of each of its meetings, the Rio Grande Valleys newest Tea Party group says the Pledge of Allegiance, gathers in prayer and sings the National Anthem, all in English. The discussion then shifts to current events in a language they all better understand. A Pharr pastor established the countrys first Hispanic Tea Party in the United States last month, wanting to give voice to a movement he feels has left many Valley conservatives behind because of a language barrier. ACROSS NATION, BUDGET TALKS STIR PESSIMISM The New York Times July 18, 2011 On Friday morning, President Obama insisted that he completely understood how the American people a phrase he mentioned more than two dozen times felt about the slow pace of negotiations over the debt ceiling. They expect, he said, that we actually try to solve this problem. But, as Yoda once said, there is a profound difference between try and do. WHO PAYS FOR RICK PERRY TO CRISSCROSS THE COUNTRY? The Texas Tribune July 18, 2011 Gov. Rick Perry has been burning up the miles since he won re-election last year. He is on track to have made nearly 50 stops in 21 states by November. He's been on a book tour. He's been the top pitchman for the Lone Star States friendly business climate and an unabashed poacher of jobs from other states. Also, as leader of the Republican Governors Association, he has traveled the country

to help Republican candidates for governor. BUDDY ROEMER 2012 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN TO FORMALLY LAUNCH THURSDAY Politico July 18, 2011 Its official: Buddy Roemer will formally announce his presidential campaign Thursday from New Hampshire. While the former Louisiana governors campaign has not set a location for the announcement, hes scheduled to speak at Dartmouth College that afternoon as part of a national politics series. Were ready to move forward, said Roemers newly-minted campaign director, Carlos Sierra.

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Pol. Adv. paid for by the Texas Democratic Party, www.txdemocrats.org. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.
505 W. 12th St. Suite 200 Austin, TX 78701


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