SELC-Module C-Assessment Guidelines - Term-4, 2022-Diploma of Project Management

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STR 502 & BSBPMG 539)Diploma of Project Management - Assessment Due Dates:

sk 1:- Due Date-31st of October,2022-(Week-4)

k 2 & Task 3:- Due Date- 14th of November,2022-(Week-6)

k 4 & Task 5:- Due Date-21st of November, 2022 (Week-7)

PMG 536) Diploma of Project Management - Assessment Due Dates:

sk 1:- Due Date-14th of November, 2022 (Week-6)

k 2 & Task 3:- Due Date- 28th of November,2022-(Week-8)

Module-C- (BSBSTR 502 & BSBPMG 539)Diploma of Project Management

Assessment Task 1

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain the importance of establishing a formal system and process to support continuous
Hints: Search online “Why is it important to establish a formal system to support continuous

For instance- A formal system ensures that continuous improvement is embedded in organisational
processes and etc

2. Explain at least two key elements of a formal continuous improvement system.

Hints: Search online “Two key elements of a formal continuous improvement system”
For instance: One component-
● Measurable: continuous improvement must be measured through clearly identified
performance indicators.
3. Explain how the Plan, Do, Check Act Cycle can be used to support effective continuous
improvement. Explain each part of the cycle in your answer.
Hints: Search online “Plan, Do, Check Act Cycle”
For Example:
The model has the following components
● Plan: Define the problem to be addressed and collect data needed.
● Do: carry out the changes required.
● Check: monitor the progress of the changes and confirm results
● Act: document results, review lesson learned and make recommendations.

4. Explain how brainstorming with staff can be used for effective continuous improvement.
Hints: Search online “how brainstorming with staff can be used for effective continuous
For Instance: Through Brainstorming, Many ideas can be generated, then explored, refined and developed

5. Explain the relationship between continuous improvement and knowledge management

Hints: Search Online “relationship between continuous improvement and knowledge management”
For Instance: Employees will need to acquire knowledge to make decisions and influence others in the
organisation in order to improve performance

6. Explain the importance of continuous improvement as part of a quality management system.

Hints: Search Online “importance of continuous improvement as part of a quality management

For Instance- It makes sure that there is a formal process for reviewing business systems and processes.

7. Discuss why the goals of lean manufacturing and sustainability are synonymous.
Hints: Search Online “goals of lean manufacturing” and “goals of sustainability Manufacturing”
For instance- Both the methodologies have many similar goals-
- Lean methodologies-the goals of lean manufacturing are --
- Sustainability methodologies- the goals of Sustainability manufacturing are ---

8. Discuss the relationship between performance management and continuous improvement

within an organisation.
Hints: Search Online “the relationship between performance management and continuous
improvement within an organisation”

For instance-
Using performance management, employee’s performances are measured against the
Performance Indicators specified.
On the other hand, Continuous improvement makes sure that the performance indicators are
modified to allow for improvements in productivity.

9. Define project issue management in your own words and describe how effective issue
management can positively affect a project’s success.

Hints: Search Online “Project Issue Management” AND “how effective issue management can affect
a project’s success”

For instance- Issue management plays an important role in maintaining project stability and efficiency
throughout the project lifecycle

10. What is the difference between an issue and a risk in project management?
Hints: Search Online “the difference between an issue and a risk in project management”

11. Describe seven steps that can help track and manage project issues.
Hints: Please explain the following SEVEN steps:
1. Create an Issues Register.
2. Log Issues.
3. Assign actions so the responsibilities are well defined.
4. Monitor progress to ensure that action items are being followed up on.
5. Assess the impact of the actions taken.
6. When issues have been resolved, ensure that the result is approved.
7. Close the issue and take it off the list.

12. Describe project issue escalation in your own words and give at least two examples of when it
is used.
Hints: Search Online “project issue escalation” AND “project issue escalation example”

For instance- Escalation means you bypass your direct contact by reaching out to their management in
order to direct attention to a pressing issue.

Two examples-
Example 1- Please provide an example here
Example 2- Please provide an example here

13. Describe at least four elements that should be included in a project’s escalation plan.
HInts: Search Online “elements that should be included in a project’s escalation plan” and choose
any Four and explain these
For instance-
- Element 1-Plan escalation- It is a plan through which it is decided under the circumstances that an
issue to be escalated. Secondly, Who will be reported and so on
- Element -2- Time limits: To reduce any negative effects, time limit has to be in place for issue

14. Describe at least four components of effective authority delegation

Hints: Search Online “components of effective authority delegation” and choose any Four and explain
For instance-

● Responsibility: Responsibility is the activity or task entrusted by the manager to subordinates

● Authority: To carry out the responsibility assigned, there is need for authority to spend resources,
command people, issue directions and make decisions

15. Explain three methods of solving conflicts within Project Teams

Hints:- Search Online “methods of solving conflicts within Project Teams” and choose any three and
For instance-
1)Withdrawal/avoid. Retreating from an actual or potential conflict situation; postponing the issue to be
better prepared or to be resolved by others.
2) Confrontation.

16. Explain three methods of moderating conflicts within Project Teams

Hints:- Search Online “methods of moderating conflicts within Project Teams” and choose any three
and explain
For instance-
-Regular One to one meeting with the stakeholders
- Open Communication
And etc

17. Explain what project scope is

Hints:- Search Online “Project Scope” and explain

18. Describe the triple constraints of project management

Hints:- Search Online “triple constraints of project management” and describe

For example-
The three primary constraints that project managers should be familiar with are time, scope, and cost.
These are frequently known as the triple constraints or the project management triangle
19. Define what a project management plan is. List two components.

Hints:- Search Online “Project Management Plan” to define and also mention TWO components

Fro example-
A Project management plan is a formal, approved document that defines how the project is
executed, monitored, and controlled.

Componentes are -executive summary, Gantt chart/ timeline, stakeholder or team

chart, risk assessment, communication sub-plan, and resource sub-plan
20. Describe what the project communication plan is. List two components.

Hints:- Search Online “Project Communication Plan” to define and also mention TWO components

21. List 2 elements of the risk management plan

Choose any TWO-

Risk Identification.
Risk Analysis.
Response Planning.
Risk Mitigation.
Risk Monitoring

22. Explain the role and purpose of a PMO in the project governance model.

For instance-

A Project Management Office (PMO) is a management structure that standardises the

project-related governance processes and facilitates the sharing of resources,
methodologies, tools, and techniques. The PMO is in charge of creating procedures and
best practices that will help operations: Go smoothly. Complete on time.
23. RACI is an important element of project governance plans. Describe how RACI assists project

Hints:- Search Online “ how RACI assists project governance” and describe.

For instance-
The integration of the RACI chart into your project helps in boosting the overall efficiency
and productivity of your team because it aids you in knowing who does what and hold
anyone accountable for his actions and inactions as far as the execution of the project
tasks is concerned
24. Explain what a stakeholder management plan is

Hints:- Search Online “ A stakeholder management plan” and explain

For example-
A stakeholder management plan is a written document that outlines how your team plans
to manage the goals and expectations of key stakeholders during the project lifecycle.
25. Explain what a knowledge management system is

Hints:- Search Online “ A knowledge management system” and explain

For instance-
A knowledge management system is any kind of IT system that stores and retrieves knowledge to
improve understanding, collaboration, and process alignment.

Assessment Task 2

Complete the following activities:

1. Conduct continuous improvement systems and processes research

Use the Research Notes Template to guide your work.

Your notes should be about three pages long.


Continuous Improvement

Research notes

Benefits of continuous improvement

Hints: Please search online for “benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes
across the company” and provide 3-4 benefits
For example-
- Continuous improvement drives both the improvement of processes and products.
Companies that actively look for ways to enhance their business will invariably
increase the value of their products and services.

Continuous improvement models

Hints: Please explain all of the following Continuous Improvement models in details-
- PDCA cycle
- Six sigma
- Kaizen
- Lean Methodology
Building in continuous improvement
Ways of building continuous improvement into business systems and procedures including performance
management, sustainability, health and safety and knowledge management and to address existing issues
within the company.
Hints: Please select only ONE model from the above Continuous models

For example: Six sigma model could be implemented as the continuous improvement model. It
could be reinforced by involving employees in the introduction of Six Sigma strategies and
training key employees in Six Sigma techniques.

Continuous improvement tools

Hints: Please choose any 3-4 tools and explain each one in one or two sentences
Pareto chart: identifying root causes of an issue and ranking these in order in terms of their occurrence
Continuous improvement register:
Check sheets:
Run charts:
Control Charts:
Flow charts:
Feedback form:

Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making.

Hints: Please search online for “Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement
decision-making” and mention 2-3 strategies

Processes for communicating the continuous improvement processes and outcomes

Hints: Please choose any 3-4 randomly and explain each one briefly

Ways of collecting feedback to inform continuous improvement

Hints: Please choose any 3-4 randomly and explain each one briefly
Customer surveys
Staff surveys
Internal audits
Staff performance reviews
WHS evaluation
Policies and procedures review
Training/professional development
Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able to
implement and support continuous improvement processes.
Hints: Please rewrite the following two paragraphs in your words-

Ongoing mentoring would include the provision of mentoring services where a skilled and experienced
employee acts would guide and counsel a less skilled and experienced colleague. This would involve
encouraging and advising on the implementation of continuous improvement processes.

Ongoing coaching would involve the provisions of coaching services to a specific individual or an entire
team. This would ensure that the individual or the team is fully aware and trained about the new continuous
improvement process and procedure

Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability.

Hints: Please search online “how to promote sustainability in the workplace” and explain briefly 5-6
For example:
- Developing a green purchasing policy
- Choosing products with minimal packaging.

A discussion of strategies for knowledge management and suitable strategies for use at E-
Hints: Please choose any 2 randomly and explain each one briefly
Knowledge sharing: Since the organization does not have a continuous improvement process in place,
through knowledge sharing production quality would enhance and etc
Sharing of best practices:
Establishing communities of practice within the organisation:
Cross-project learning:
Post project reviews:
Performance management:
Social software such as chat rooms,web blogs, internet forums

2. Develop a continuous improvement policy

Use the Continuous Improvement Policy Template provided to you that includes notes for
guidance in completing each section.


Continuous Improvement Policy

Hints: Please search online “purpose of a continuous improvement policy”
This policy applies to E-OfficeWorx’s staff and stakeholders, and to all processes within the Quality
Management System.

Continuous improvement principles

E-OfficeWorx is committed to continuously improving all aspects of its operations with the aim of delivering
the best possible services to service users.
Our continuous improvement policy is guided by the following principles:
Hints: Please choose any 2-3 following principles-
● E-OfficeWorx believes in taking a top-down approach to continuous improvement as ideas from
employees are highly valued
● E-OfficeWorx measures effectiveness constantly - Please explain further in One sentence
● E-OfficeWorx perceives continuous is everyone’s job- Please explain further in One sentence
● E-OfficeWorx focuses on making incremental improvements- Please explain further in One
● E-OfficeWorx measures the results of continuous improvement efforts to change operations-
Please explain further in One sentence
● E-OfficeWorx believes in taking ownership and accountability for improvements- Please explain
further in One sentence

Continuous improvement model and implementation

E-Officeworx adopts the --------- model of continuous improvement.
Hints: Please select only ONE model from the above Continuous models and explain its

For example: Six sigma model could be implemented as the continuous improvement model. It
could be reinforced by involving employees in the introduction of Six Sigma strategies and
training key employees in Six Sigma techniques.

Tools to support the continuous improvement process

E-OfficeWorx uses a number of tools to support the continuous improvement process including:
Hints: Please choose any 2-3 tools and explain each one in one or two sentences
Pareto chart: identifying root causes of an issue and ranking these in order in terms of their occurrence
Continuous improvement register:
Check sheets:
Run charts:
Control Charts:
Flow charts:
Feedback form:

Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making.

E-OfficeWorx encourages staff to participate in the continuous improvement process and decision-making
process as follows:
Hints: Please search online for “Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement
decision-making” and mention 2-3 strategies
Processes for communicating the continuous improvement processes and outcomes
E-OfficeWorx will inform staff of the outcome of continuous improvement through a variety of means
Hints: Please choose any 2 randomly and explain each one briefly
Emails: to inform staff of specific issues and improvements

Hints: Please rewrite the following two paragraphs in your words-
Compliance, monitoring and review
- The Operation manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with and monitoring
implementation of the policy and to undertake reviews as required
- input and involvement of all staff should be reinforced in identifying and implementing quality
Records management
- Staff must maintain all records relevant to administering this policy in a recognised recordkeeping

3. Develop two continuous improvement tools.

You are also required to develop a minimum of two of the continuous improvement tools as
identified through your research.

Hints:- Please prepare any Two tools. I have attached Three tools for you. Please recreate your tools by
following my Samples below-

Check sheet-

Name: Check Sheet-Computer Equipments Date:

Position title:

Item No: Supplier: Wrong order: Shipping Damage: Other:(please


00002020 ABCD Ltd ✔️

Office use Only

Reference No; Person receiving: Sign:

Date Received: Position Title:

Feedback form-
Feedback Form

Position title:
Telephone contact:

What needs to be improved?

Which category does this apply to:

Office use Only

Reference Number: Date Received:

Person Receiving: Sign:

Continuous improvement register-

Office use Only

Reference Number: Date Received:

Person Receiving: Sign:

4. Develop continuous improvement presentations . You are required to develop PowerPoint

presentation slides.
Hints: Please prepare some power point presentation slides using the following HEADINGS. To find
responses for the following headings,please refer to Q.1’s answer-
● The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes across the
● The continuous improvement models that you have identified as most suitable for use in E-
OfficeWorx, and that are the basis of the policy you have developed.
● An outline of your policy.
● Continuous improvement tools (for example, continuous improvement register and forms,
flow charts)
● Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making.
● Strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes,
as well as the outcomes of continuous improvement processes.
● Mechanisms that can be used to obtain feedback from customers, suppliers and staff.
● Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able
to implement and support continuous improvement processes.
● Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability.
● Knowledge management strategies to ensure that insights and experiences from the
business’s activities are captured and learnings are accessible to all staff.

For example-
5. Send an email to the General Manager (your assessor)



The General Manager


Project Manager

Date - Put a Date

Subject- Attachment of Research notes, Continuous improvement policy, Continuous improvement tools,
Continuous improvement PowerPoint presentation


● The contents of the Research notes, Continuous improvement policy, Continuous improvement tools,
Continuous improvement PowerPoint presentation are summarised as follows-

● Research notes > Please summarize in bullet points

● Continuous improvement policy > Please summarize in bullet points
● Continuous improvement tools (x2) > Please summarize in bullet points
● Continuous improvement PowerPoint presentation > Please summarize in bullet points

● Please find attached the Research notes, Continuous improvement policy, Continuous improvement
tools, Continuous improvement PowerPoint presentation and provide Your valuable feedback

● May I ask for a date and a time for a meeting with you to discuss this further.

For Your Consideration

Your Name

6. Update the continuous improvement policy

Hints: Copy and Paste from Q.2 and then make some changes-

Updated Continuous Improvement Policy

Hints: Please search online “purpose of a continuous improvement policy”

This policy applies to E-OfficeWorx’s staff and stakeholders, and to all processes within the Quality
Management System.

Continuous improvement principles

E-OfficeWorx is committed to continuously improving all aspects of its operations with the aim of delivering
the best possible services to service users.
Our continuous improvement policy is guided by the following principles:
Hints: Please choose any 4 from the following principles-
● E-OfficeWorx believes in taking a top-down approach to continuous improvement as ideas from
employees are highly valued
● E-OfficeWorx measures effectiveness constantly - Please explain further in One sentence
● E-OfficeWorx perceives continuous is everyone’s job- Please explain further in One sentence
● E-OfficeWorx focuses on making incremental improvements- Please explain further in One
● E-OfficeWorx measures the results of continuous improvement efforts to change operations-
Please explain further in One sentence
● E-OfficeWorx believes in taking ownership and accountability for improvements- Please explain
further in One sentence

Continuous improvement model and implementation

E-Officeworx adopts the --------- model of continuous improvement.
Hints: Please select only ONE model from the above Continuous models and explain its

For example: Six sigma model could be implemented as the continuous improvement model. It
could be reinforced by involving employees in the introduction of Six Sigma strategies and
training key employees in Six Sigma techniques.

Tools to support the continuous improvement process

E-OfficeWorx uses a number of tools to support the continuous improvement process including:
Hints: Please choose any 3-4 tools and explain each one in one or two sentences
Pareto chart: identifying root causes of an issue and ranking these in order in terms of their occurrence
Continuous improvement register:
Check sheets:
Run charts:
Control Charts:
Flow charts:
Feedback form:

Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making.

E-OfficeWorx encourages staff to participate in the continuous improvement process and decision-making
process as follows:
Hints: Please search online for “Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement
decision-making” and mention 2-3 strategies

Processes for communicating the continuous improvement processes and outcomes

E-OfficeWorx will inform staff of the outcome of continuous improvement through a variety of means
Hints: Please choose any 3-4 randomly and explain each one briefly
Emails: to inform staff of specific issues and improvements

Hints: Please rewrite the following two paragraphs in your words-
Compliance, monitoring and review
- The Operation manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with and monitoring
implementation of the policy and to undertake reviews as required
- input and involvement of all staff should be reinforced in identifying and implementing quality
Records management
- Staff must maintain all records relevant to administering this policy in a recognised recordkeeping

7. Send an email to the General Manager (your assessor) .

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.
It should summarise the feedback you received at the presentation and explain the revisions
that you have made to your continuous improvement policy.

Attach your revised continuous improvement policy to the email.



The General Manager


Project Manager

Date - Put a Date

Subject- Attachment of Revised continuous improvement policy


● The contents of the Revised continuous improvement policy are summarised as follows-

● Purpose > Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the Revised Continuous
Improvement Policy
● Scope > Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the Revised Continuous
Improvement Policy
● Continuous improvement principles > Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the
Revised Continuous Improvement Policy
● Continuous improvement model and implementation > Please summarize in bullet points by
referring to the Revised Continuous Improvement Policy
● Tools to support the continuous improvement process > Please summarize in bullet points
by referring to the Revised Continuous Improvement Policy
● Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making
> Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the Revised Continuous Improvement
● Processes for communicating the continuous improvement processes and outcomes >
Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the Revised Continuous Improvement Policy
● Responsibilities > Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the Revised Continuous
Improvement Policy

● Please find attached the Revised continuous improvement policy and provide Your valuable feedback

For Your Consideration

Your Name

Assessment Task 3

Complete the following activities:

1. Write a continuous improvement report

Analyse and report on results provided in the case study information.
Review the survey data and provide a report to the General Manager (your assessor) on the
Also include your recommendations for actions based on your analysis.
Your report should be between half a page and one page.

Your report must be written in clear and concise English

and include:
● An analysis of the overall results against industry benchmarks for overall customer
satisfaction, ease of doing business and customer loyalty. You should convert the findings
into bar charts that clearly shows the results of the survey and in percentages. If you are
not sure how to do this, use word help to find out how to create charts in word.

Hints: You can watch this link- to learn how to create a

Bar Chart-

Barchart -Overall customer satisfaction results against industry benchmarks

An analysis of the overall results against industry benchmarks

Overall satisfaction with E-OfficeWorx

Industry Average =42%
Totally Satisfied =53%
From the survey results, it can be inferred to say that E-officeWorx has been able to make customers
overall happier with their customer service as the total number of satisfied customers in terms of
percentage is higher than the industry average percentage.

Ease of doing business with E E-OfficeWorx

Industry Average =47%
Totally Satisfied =40%
> Please interpret the above results by following my interpretation provided in the previous section
Customers who said they would purchase products from E-OfficeWorx again
Industry Average = 72%
Totally Satisfied =85%
> Please interpret the above results by following my interpretation provided in the previous section
Customers who said they would recommend E-OfficeWorx to others
Industry Average = 63%
Totally Satisfied =77%
> Please interpret the above results by following my interpretation provided in the previous section
Recommendations for future customer surveys
Hints: Please choose any TWO from the following list by rewriting them in your own words-

➢ E-officeWorx might brainstorm to use other techniques so that a larger number of customers would
complete the survey
➢ E-officeWorx might Send 1 or 2 reminders to those that have not completed the survey
➢ E-officeWorx might offer incentives to increase survey completion rate
➢ E-officeWorx needs to further analyse why some customers are unsatisfied,if possible personally
contact them for justifications
➢ E-officeWorx needs to reCheck on the question wording. Is each question easy to comprehend?

2. Send an email to the team (your assessor).



The Team


Project Manager

Date - Put a Date

Subject- Attachment of Continuous Improvement Report


● The contents of Continuous Improvement Report are summarised as follows-

- analysis of the overall results against industry benchmarks -

> Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Continuous Improvement report

- Recommendations for future customer surveys-

> Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Continuous Improvement report

● Please find attached the Continuous Improvement Report and provide Your valuable feedback

For Your Consideration

Your Name

Assessment Task 4

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a Project Governance Plan.

Use the Project Governance Plan Template to guide your work.

You will present and negotiate your plan at a meeting with the project stakeholders, so save
this version of the document as Draft Project Governance Plan.

When completed, submit your Draft Project Governance Plan to your assessor.

Grow Management Consultants

Draft Project Governance Plan

Clearly state the reason and context for this project, including the desired outcomes.
The project aims to conduct a Leadership Conference in October. It is part of the regular professional
development workshops offered by Grow Management Consultants.
Hints: Please rewrite the following paragraph into your own words-

The company is running a Leadership conference in October this year.

The company offers regular professional development workshops on all aspects of leading and managing
staff. The workshops are conducted every 3 months in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, where they also
double as networking events. The workshops are also offered to businesses, who run them as part of their
management education projects.It is hoped that business people from the Sunshine Coast and the Gold
Coast, as well as Brisbane, will lift the company’s brand awareness in those areas.

Project governance models

Identify and analyse project governance models that would be appropriate for the project.
Hints: Please rewrite the following paragraph into your own words-
The suitable governance models for the project would mean to ensure transparency for accountability,
responsibility and delegation process. They are well defined in the policy and procedures for all to
Compliance requirements
How the company’s policies and procedures define which project governance models would be most
The program must comply with the following company documents:
Strategic Plan
As part of the plan’s section on attracting, engaging and developing the best staff, is the following point:
Encourage employees to learn from each other and develop skills that support the competent delegation of
This would support the use of company employees rather than externally-sourced personnel to support
Project Team Members.

Project Management Policy and Procedures

The following is the last section in the policy and procedures:
6. Project delegation and authority frameworks
A project delegation and authority framework should be established in the Project Management Plan.
Wherever possible:
Each Project Team member should have at least one support person who can take on delegated tasks.
Authority should follow company hierarchy. When this is not appropriate a formal agreement to this
variation needs to be agreed to by all parties.
Members of the Project Team and the accepting delegated responsibilities should be Grow Management
Consultants employees.
This would support:
The use of company employees rather than externally-sourced personnel to support Project Team
Following the company hierarchy in the governance model.

Stakeholder expectations
Determine what the expectations of the project’s stakeholders are
Hints: Please choose any 2 from below-
Management: Event is successful, profit is made and market exposure is boosted
Employees: Event is successful, profit is made and additional skills are obtained
Clients: Event is beneficial and interesting to attend,additional skills are learned
Venue provider: Event is successful, profit is made, client base is increased and reputation is boosted
Speakers: Event is successful, their reputations are boosted.

Roles and responsibilities

Set out the project governance roles and responsibilities

Project Team member Role(s) Responsibilities (Please try to change the

following responsibilities in your own words)
Project Manager Plan and manage the Full responsibility for the success of the
conference conference
Dan Streep Venue manager Helping to determine and prepare the venue
Donna Chisholm Speaker co-ordinator Contacting and lining up the speakers.

Erin O’Donnell Marketing co-ordinator Coordinate preparing the marketing


Edith Partridge Project financial management Oversee Project Finances

Delegated authorities
Describe how authority for project decision-making will be delegated

Project Team member Role(s) Responsibilities (Please try to change the

following responsibilities in your own words)
Project Manager Plan and manage the Fully responsible to ensure that the Conference
conference event is a success
Dan Streep Venue co-ordinator Obtain quotes for Venue selection
Select the best quote
Enquire to book the venue
Confirm venue selection

Donna Chisholm Speaker co-ordinator Confirm with speakers for the conference
Topics selection

Erin O’Donnell Marketing co-ordinator Coordinate designing of Marketing materials

Commission marketing works
Approve and Prepare Marketing materials

Edith Partridge Project financial Project Budget preparation

management Mentoring subordinates
Report Generations

Organisational authority
Identify any differences between the organisation’s functional authorities and the project’s authorities
There will be no differences between the company’s functional authorities and the project’s authorities
- No differences have been identified

Position descriptions
Determine the project position descriptions, including each position’s delegated authorities
Project position Position description (Please try to Responsible Delegated Authority
change the following position
descriptions in your own words)
Project Manager Oversee to the overall operation of the Your name Dan Streep
Venue co-ordinator Coordinate venue selection and Dan Streep Ben Lee
prepare the venue for event

Speakers co-ordinator Determine and select the speakers for Donna Chisholm Dan Streep
the conference event
Marketing co-ordinator Coordinate the preparation of Erin O’Donnell Zaid Assis
marketing materials
Financial management Oversee project finances Edith Partridge Betty Ling

2. Create a presentation
You are required to create a PowerPoint (or another presentation program) presentation slides

Hints: Please prepare some power point presentation slides using the following HEADINGS. To find
responses for the following headings,please refer to Q.1’s answer-


-Project governance models

-Compliance requirements

-Stakeholder expectations

-Roles and responsibilities

-Delegated authorities

-Organisational authority

-Position descriptions

For example-
3. Revise your Project Governance Plan.
Update the plan to reflect the discussion you have during the shareholder meeting.

Save this version of the document as Project Governance Plan Baseline.

When completed, submit your Project Governance Plan Baseline to the project shareholders.

Hints: Copy and Paste from Q.1 and then make some changes-

Grow Management Consultants

Baseline Project Governance Plan

Clearly state the reason and context for this project, including the desired outcomes.
The project aims to conduct a Leadership Conference in October. It is part of the regular professional
development workshops offered by Grow Management Consultants.
Hints: Please rewrite the following paragraph into your own words-

The company is running a Leadership conference in October this year.

The company offers regular professional development workshops on all aspects of leading and managing
staff. The workshops are conducted every 3 months in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, where they also
double as networking events. The workshops are also offered to businesses, who run them as part of their
management education projects.It is hoped that business people from the Sunshine Coast and the Gold
Coast, as well as Brisbane, will lift the company’s brand awareness in those areas.
Project governance models
Identify and analyse project governance models that would be appropriate for the project.
Hints: Please rewrite the following paragraph into your own words-
The suitable governance models for the project would mean to ensure transparency for accountability,
responsibility and delegation process. They are well defined in the policy and procedures for all to

Compliance requirements
How the company’s policies and procedures define which project governance models would be most
The program must comply with the following company documents:
Strategic Plan
As part of the plan’s section on attracting, engaging and developing the best staff, is the following point:
Encourage employees to learn from each other and develop skills that support the competent delegation of
This would support the use of company employees rather than externally-sourced personnel to support
Project Team Members.

Project Management Policy and Procedures

The following is the last section in the policy and procedures:
6. Project delegation and authority frameworks
A project delegation and authority framework should be established in the Project Management Plan.
Wherever possible:
Each Project Team member should have at least one support person who can take on delegated tasks.
Authority should follow company hierarchy. When this is not appropriate a formal agreement to this
variation needs to be agreed to by all parties.
Members of the Project Team and the accepting delegated responsibilities should be Grow Management
Consultants employees.
This would support:
The use of company employees rather than externally-sourced personnel to support Project Team
Following the company hierarchy in the governance model.

Stakeholder expectations
Determine what the expectations of the project’s stakeholders are
Hints: Please choose any 3 from below-
Management: Event is successful, profit is made and market exposure is boosted
Employees: Event is successful, profit is made and additional skills are obtained
Clients: Event is beneficial and interesting to attend,additional skills are learned
Venue provider: Event is successful, profit is made, client base is increased and reputation is boosted
Speakers: Event is successful, their reputations are boosted.

Roles and responsibilities

Set out the project governance roles and responsibilities

Project Team member Role(s) Responsibilities (Please try to change the

following responsibilities in your own words)
Project Manager Plan and manage the Full responsibility for the success of the
conference conference
Dan Streep Venue manager Helping to determine and prepare the venue
Donna Chisholm Speaker co-ordinator Contacting and lining up the speakers.

Erin O’Donnell Marketing co-ordinator Coordinate preparing the marketing


Edith Partridge Project financial management Oversee Project Finances

Delegated authorities
Describe how authority for project decision-making will be delegated

Project Team member Role(s) Responsibilities (Please try to change the

following responsibilities in your own words)
Project Manager Plan and manage the Fully responsible to ensure that the Conference
conference event is a success
Dan Streep Venue co-ordinator Obtain quotes for Venue selection
Select the best quote
Enquire to book the venue
Confirm venue selection

Donna Chisholm Speaker co-ordinator Confirm with speakers for the conference
Topics selection

Erin O’Donnell Marketing co-ordinator Coordinate designing of Marketing materials

Commission marketing works
Approve and Prepare Marketing materials

Edith Partridge Project financial Project Budget preparation

management Mentoring subordinates
Report Generations

Organisational authority
Identify any differences between the organisation’s functional authorities and the project’s authorities
There will be no differences between the company’s functional authorities and the project’s authorities
- No differences have been identified

Position descriptions
Determine the project position descriptions, including each position’s delegated authorities

Project position Position description (Please try to Responsible Delegated Authority

change the following position
descriptions in your own words)
Project Manager Oversee to the overall operation of the Your name Dan Streep
Venue co-ordinator Coordinate venue selection and Dan Streep Ben Lee
prepare the venue for event

Speakers co-ordinator Determine and select the speakers for Donna Chisholm Dan Streep
the conference event
Marketing co-ordinator Coordinate the preparation of Erin O’Donnell Zaid Assis
marketing materials
Financial management Oversee project finances Edith Partridge Betty Ling

4. Write an email to the Project Team and other relevant stakeholders (your assessor)
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for their feedback
and approval to move forward with the project.

Attach your Project Governance Plan Baseline to the email.



The Team


Project Manager

Date - Put a Date

Subject- Attachment of Project Governance Plan Baseline


● The contents of Project Governance Plan Baseline are summarised as follows-

-Introduction > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance Plan Baseline
-Project governance models > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance
Plan Baseline

-Compliance requirements > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance
Plan Baseline

-Stakeholder expectations > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance
Plan Baseline

-Roles and responsibilities > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance
Plan Baseline

-Delegated authorities > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance Plan

-Organisational authority > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance
Plan Baseline

-Position descriptions > Please summarize in bullet points referring to the Project Governance Plan

● Please find attached the Project Governance Plan Baseline and provide Your valuable feedback to
move forward with the Project

For Your Consideration

Your Name

Assessment Task 5

Complete the following activities:

1 Write the first monthly project progress report.

Hints: Please put the following bullet point information into ONE paragraph answer by
changing the explanations into your own words-

● Edith notified that no quotes were received for the printed marketing materials which was
considered a minor concern. While Edith would be on holiday, any financial matter would be
dealt with by Betty,however, to do so Betty just needs to obtain approval from someone in the
senior management.

● Donna chisholm has prepared all the marketing materials and has maintained sound
communication with Erin in confirming the speakers and conference topics

● Erin’s work progress so far tells that She has not yet developed the promotional materials and
has notified that it would be considered a minor concern as long as these get prepared within
the next 14 days. Erin has confirmed that Zaid’s preliminary marketing campaigns through the
Social Media Platform have received very good responses from people.

● Dan streep was supposed to discuss about the list of quotes in terms of their cost effectiveness
with Edith Partridge in finalizing the conference venue as HIlton

2 Write a project governance closure report.

Use the Project Governance Closure Report Template to guide your work.


Grow Management Consultants

Project governance closure report

Governance impact
Analyse the impact that project governance had on achieving the project’s objectives-
Hints: Please choose any 3-4 and change the explanations into your own words-

● Ben’s event management work has demonstrated to be indispensable as he brought in his

previous work experience and made made the conference operate successfully
● Zaid’s design ensured that the conference improved Grow Management Consultants’ brand
● Preparation of marketing materials using innovative design concepts by Zaid has proven to be
modern and futuristic
● While Edith was away, the delegated person,Ben has been able to handle the financial matter
● Dan has worked very successfully in securing the speakers for the conference

Lessons learned

Hints: Please change the following bullet point explanations into your own words-

- To make decisions quicker, it would be a good idea to trust and empower the delegated employee
to deal with financial matter including authority to approve finances
- To sort out speaker and topic confirmation and venue selection would have sped up if team
members had worked more closely right from the beginning of the Project


Hints: Please choose any 2 -3 and change the explanations into your own words-

- Full autonomy and authority should be given to persons delegated to carry out their tasks including
financial procedures
- A comprehensive training could be provided to delegated persons to carry out Coordinator’s work
in future so that they won’t require any supervision
- Team members should work closely with each other right from the beginning to allow smooth
- There could be a training arranged either internally or externally to learn the art of delegation

Module-C- (BSBPMG 536) Diploma of Project Management

Assessment Task 1

1. Identify at least two project risks for each of the following risk categories:
a. Scope risk
Hints: Search Online “Scope risk examples”- Please Mention Two examples-

For example:
● Staff integration issues

b. Scheduling risk
Hints: Search Online “Scheduling risk examples”- Please Mention Two example

For example-
● Errors in estimation
c. Resource risk
Hints: Search Online “Resource risk examples”- Please Mention Two examples-

For example:

● Skill related risk

d. Technology risk
Hints: Search Online “Technology risk examples”- Please Mention Two examples-

For example:
● App or program incompatibility

2. Outline three examples of tools or techniques that could be used to identify risks as part of a
risk assessment process

Hints: Search Online “What are the tools and techniques used for identifying risks?” .. Please
mention Three and explain each in One sentence.
For example:
● Risk identification checklists

3. Outline three sources of information that can be used to gather information on potential risks
within the workplace.
Hints: Search Online ““sources to gather information about potential risks” ”.. Please mention Three and
explain each in One sentence.

For example:
● market research

4. Explain each of the key components of a risk management plan

Hints: There are six components of a good risk management plan:

● Definitions: please explain searching online 
● Assumptions:please explain searching online
● Risk Breakdown Structure: please explain searching online 
● Probability Impact Matrix: please explain searching online
● Accuracy (or Confidence) Estimates: please explain searching online
● Risk Register: please explain searching online

5. Summarise the purpose of Australia/New Zealand Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS
ISO 31000:2009) and identify the key principles underlying this risk management standard.
Hints: Search Online for “Purpose of AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009” AND “11 key principles of AS/NZS ISO

6. Describe the characteristics, techniques and appropriate applications of both quantitative and
qualitative risk analysis.
Hints: Search Online for “characteristics, techniques and appropriate applications of quantitative risk
analysis” AND ”characteristics, techniques and appropriate applications of qualitative risk analysis”

7. Outline the key steps involved in a risk management process.

Hints: Search Online for “7 steps of risk management process” and explain each step
8. Explain five options for controlling risk.
Hints: Search Online for “Risk Management Options” and explain each Option

Assessment Task 2
Q.1. Prepare a Draft Risk Management Plan
Q.2. Send an email to the CEO
Q.3. Prepare a Risk Management Plan
Q.4. Complete the Risk Register
Q.5. Send another email to the CEO

1. Identify project risk

Review the scenario information, as well as the Risk Management Policy and Procedures.
Review also the Risk Management Plan Template and the Risk Register Template

Take project risk notes that include the following:

● · Identify risk objectives and standards.
● · Summary of the risk identification methods used to identify the project risks.
● · Establish the project risk context.
● · Identify an appropriate risk ranking system
● · Determine risk analysis classification criteria
● · Classify the identified risks within risk categories
● · Determine risk priorities

Use the Risk Management Plan Template to record your work and save this document as Draft
Risk Management Plan.

NatureCare Products
Draft Risk Management Plan

Project risk context

Summarise the risk management context

Hints: Please rewrite the following bullet point information in your own words-

- To establish a chain of retail outlets in central Sydney and Melbourne within the next six months.
- The CEO is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the culture of risk management throughout
the organisation
- To increase market share by 20%

Risk management objectives and standards

State the objectives of risk management, the objectives of this plan and the standards that will be
used to guide it.


The objective of risk management: Please rewrite the following bullet point information in your own

- To identify potential problems before they occur and have a plan for addressing them
- To look at internal and external risks that could negatively impact an organization

The objective of this Risk Management Plan:Please rewrite the following bullet point information in your
own words-

- To decrease the likelihood or/and impact of human resource related risks which are associated
with the expansion of retail outlets of NatureCare Co.

The professional standards that will be used to guide:

- Australia/New Zealand Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009)

Risk identification methods

List at least three methods that could be used to identify risks for the NatureCare expansion

Hints: Search Online for “Methods of identifying risks” and then Choose any three and explain
each method in One sentence-

For example:

- Reviewing documentation from past projects

Risk categorisation process

Define the categories that risks will be assigned to and how they will be assigned to these


· Scope risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

· Scheduling risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

· Resource risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

· Technology risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

The Senior Management will discuss in brainstorming sessions for assigning each of the above
risk categories

Risk analysis classification criteria

Risk likelihood and impact assessment processes

The likelihood and impact of each risk is to be assessed separately using the following scales:

Please rewrite the following information in your own words-

Likelihood: The probability is assessed for each risk to occur and then a risk rating is determined
as desirable when a risk is improbable to occur, and Catastrophic when the risk is frequent to

Impact: The consequence of each occurred risk is estimated and then a risk rating is determined
as Desirable for a Negligible impact, and Catastrophic for a catastrophic impact.

2. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).



The CEO ( Your Assessor)


Project Manager (Your name)

Date- Put a date

Subject- Attach draft Risk Management Plan


● The contents of the Draft Risk Management Plan are summarised as follows-
- · Identify risk objectives and standards: Please copy information from the above Draft Risk
Management Plan and summarize in bullet points
- · Summary of the risk identification methods used to identify the project risks: Please copy
information from the above Draft Risk Management Plan and summarize in bullet points
- · Establish the project risk context: Please copy information from the above Draft Risk
Management Plan and summarize in bullet points
- · Identify an appropriate risk ranking system:Please copy information from the above Draft
Risk Management Plan and summarize in bullet points
- · Determine risk analysis classification criteria:Please copy information from the above Draft
Risk Management Plan and summarize in bullet points
- · Classify the identified risks within risk categories:Please copy information from the above
Draft Risk Management Plan and summarize in bullet points
- · Determine risk priorities:Please copy information from the above Draft Risk Management
Plan and summarize in bullet points

● Please find attached the Draft Risk Management Plan

● May I ask for a project meeting time and date to discuss project risks

For Your Consideration

Your Name

3. Analyse project risks

Use your Draft Risk Management Plan to guide your work and save this version of the document as Risk
Management Plan. Your risk management plan should be about four pages long.


NatureCare Products
Risk Management Plan

Project risk context

Summarise the risk management context

Hints: Please rewrite the following bullet point information in your own words-

- To establish a chain of retail outlets in central Sydney and Melbourne within the next six months.
- The CEO is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the culture of risk management throughout
the organisation
- To increase market share by 20%
Risk management objectives and standards

State the objectives of risk management, the objectives of this plan and the standards that will be used to
guide it.


The objective of risk management: Please rewrite the following bullet point information in your own

- To identify potential problems before they occur and have a plan for addressing them
- To look at internal and external risks that could negatively impact an organization

The objective of this Risk Management Plan:Please rewrite the following bullet point information in your
own words-

- To decrease the likelihood or/and impact of human resource related risks which are associated
with the expansion of retail outlets of NatureCare Co.

The professional standards that will be used to guide:

- Australia/New Zealand Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009)

Risk identification methods

List at least three methods that could be used to identify risks for the NatureCare expansion

Hints: Search Online for “Methods of identifying risks” and then Choose any three and explain
each method in One sentence-

For example:

- Reviewing documentation from past projects

Risk categorisation process

Define the categories that risks will be assigned to and how they will be assigned to these


· Scope risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

· Scheduling risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

· Resource risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

· Technology risk - Please define what it is by searching Online

The Senior Management will discuss in brainstorming sessions for assigning each of the above
risk categories
Risk analysis classification criteria

Risk likelihood and impact assessment processes

The likelihood and impact of each risk is to be assessed separately using the following scales:

Please rewrite the following information in your own words-

Likelihood: The probability is assessed for each risk to occur and then a risk rating is determined
as desirable when a risk is improbable to occur, and Catastrophic when the risk is frequent to

Impact: The consequence of each occurred risk is estimated and then a risk rating is determined
as Desirable for a Negligible impact, and Catastrophic for a catastrophic impact.

Risk Management approaches

How risks should, ideally, be managed

Hints: Please rewrite the following information in your own words-

- Risk Register would be created and maintained that will enlist identified and emerging risks
- Agreed upon treatment options would need to be implemented to tackle risks
- Constant monitoring and adjustment would be conducted to ensure risk impact and probability are
updated regularly
- All key information are to be communicated to the stakeholders in order to make them informed as
well as getting their further recommendations

Risk monitoring and review processes

How, and how often, risks are to be reviewed.

Include a staff survey as part of review.

Hints: Change the order of the following-

- Risk review will take place every time there is a team meeting either fortnightly or Monthly
- A status report needs to be forwarded to the project manager by the assigned person
- Survey employees to find out how content they are using satisfaction Questionnaire
- Staff retention percentage to find out staff turnover
- Profit and loss statement
- Shareholder’s equity statement

Staff survey questions:

Please choose any 3-4 questions from the following list and rewrite the questions in your own words-

- Have the treatment options been implemented according to the risk management plan?
- Are the treatment options working as per expectations?
- Has the treatment options reduced the probability of risk occurring?
- Has the treatment options eliminated or reduced the inverse impact of risk occurring?
- Has the nature of the risk changed?:
- Has there emerged any new risk?
- Is everyone following the instructions to ensure that the treatment options are functioning?

Risks identified

Identify at least six risks associated with the expansion

Hints: Please choose any 6 from the following list:

1. Critical skill deficiency within internal workforce

2. Critical skill shortages in the external labour force
3. Limited Career Advancement Opportunity
4. High staff turnover
5. High training cost to upskill existing staff
6. Non-competitive compensation arrangement
7. Compatibility shortages between existing talented staff and company objectives
8. Behavior and practices that undermine diversity and inclusion
9. Excessive labor costs
10. Inability to compete for critical talent
11. Absence of Succession Planning
12. Unethical behaviors

Classify project risks

Classify each risk within agreed risk categories

Below is an example of probability, impact and risk rating. However, You can choose different Probability,
impact and risk rating for each risk by referring to above Risk Matrix table-

Risk Probabi Impact Rating


1 Probable Significant High

2 Frequent Low Medium

3 Remote Significant Medium

4 Frequent Catastrophic High

5 Probable Catastrophic High

6 Occasional Moderate Medium

Potential treatment methods

Including associated threats and opportunities

Hints:Please Choose below the corresponding Six risks with treatment methods-

I. Critical skill deficiency within internal workforce

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Provide tailor suited skill training for the internal workforce(costly approach, but beneficial for skill
- Employ staff from external sources (training cost involved, but fresh ideas and new perspectives)
- Mentoring Opportunity (Time consuming and costly, but beneficial for personal development)

II. Critical skill shortages in the external labour force

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Competitive pay offer(May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)

- Practice diversity and inclusivity to attract external talent (May be time consuming, but an easy
option to attract staff)
- External referrals arrangement(Additional cost involved, but an easy option to attract external staff)

III. Limited Career Advancement Opportunity

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Professional Career Pathways internally(Additional costs involved, but career pathway attracts
- Provide financial support to undertake courses and training externally(costly, but beneficial for staff
to advance in their career )

IV. High staff turnover

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Competitive pay offer(May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)

- Flexible work arrangements (May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)
- Promote diversity and inclusivity(Some training costs involved, but may become known as
employer of choice )

V. High training cost to upskill existing staff

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Recruit external staff (May be time consuming, but an easy option to fill in positions)
- Facilitate coaching and mentoring programs (May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)
VI. Non-competitive compensation arrangement

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Pay competitive compensation (May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)
- Recruit apprentices/trainees (training cost involved, but fresh ideas and new perspectives)

VII. Compatibility shortages between existing talented staff and company objectives

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Introduce succession planning (Costly and time consuming, but beneficial for developing new
- Employ staff from external sources (training cost involved, but fresh ideas and new perspectives)

VIII. Behavior and practices that undermine diversity and inclusion

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Promote inclusive behaviors (Some training costs involved, but may become known as employer of
choice )
- Incorporate these practices into company policy and procedures (May be time consuming, but may
become known as employer of choice ))
IX. Excessive labor costs

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Recruit apprentices/trainees (training cost involved, but fresh ideas and new perspectives)

X. Inability to compete for critical talent

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Competitive pay offer(May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)

- Flexible work arrangements (May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)
- Promote diversity and inclusivity(Some training costs involved, but may become known as
employer of choice )

XI. Absence of Succession Planning

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Introduce succession planning (Costly and time consuming, but beneficial for developing new
- Offer training(Costly, but beneficial for professional and personal development)

XII. Unethical behaviors

Please choose 1-2 from the following list-

- Introducing code of conducts (Some costs involved, but beneficial in the long term in promoting
ethical behaviors)
- Exercise ethical behaviors (time consuming, but Good option for promoting ethical behavior)
- Introduce a reward scheme for ethical practices (Expensive but, Good option for promoting ethical

4. Complete the Risk Register.

Use the Risk Register Template to guide your work.


NatureCare Products

Risk Register

Risk register

Please fill in the following register with your chosen six risks:
Area Risk Severity Likelihoo Risk Treatment/ Responsibility
d Rating control

Human High staff -Competitive Human

resources turnover. Probable Significant High pay offer Resources
expansion -Flexible work Manager, Chief
arrangement Financial

Human -Introduce Human

resources Absence of Frequent Low Medium succession Resources
expansion Succession planning Manager, Chief
Planning Executive





5. Write a risk management plan documenting risk control measures.

This should include the risk register and an outline of actions for each identified risk including responsible
person for monitoring the risk (who will identify that the risk has occurred or about to occur), responsible
person for taking action (who will have to respond to the risk and how?)

Approx. length min 500 words (100 per risk)


Please refer to the above Q.3 (Analyse project risks) and Q.4 (Risk register) and write a risk
management plan for each of the 5 identified risks.

Make sure to include the following details for each of your 5 identified risks:

- What treatment method will be taken to reduce/eliminate the identified risk?

- Who will be responsible to identify and monitor the risk?
- How will the responsible person reduce/eliminate the risk by taking treatment action?

For example-

Risk - 1- High staff turnover

- What treatment method will be taken to reduce/eliminate the identified risk?

Competitive pay offer(May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)

Flexible work arrangements (May be costly, but an easy option to attract staff)

- Who will be responsible to identify and monitor the risk?

Human Resources Manager and Chief Financial Officer will be incharge to provide the final
decision on identifying and monitoring the potential risk

- How will the responsible person reduce/eliminate the risk by taking treatment action?

Competitive pay offer- Offering a competitive pay rate is essential for developing a productive
and successful team of employees. Providing competitive pay for your employees has several
immediate and long-term benefits. This may be costly, but an easy option to attract staff

Flexible work arrangements - A flexible work arrangement is an agreement between a

workplace and an employee to change the standard working arrangement to better accommodate
an employee’s commitments out of work. Making workplaces more flexible and responsive to the
needs of employees will attract and retain diverse talents.This may be costly, but an easy option to
attract staff

Risk - 2-
Risk - 3-
Risk - 4-
Risk - 5-

6. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).



The CEO ( Your Assessor)


Project Manager (Your name)

Date- Put a date

Subject- Attach Risk Management Plan and Risk Register


● The contents of the Risk Management Plan are summarised as follows-

- Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the above Risk Management Plan

● The contents of Risk Register are summarised as follows-

- Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the above Risk Register table

● Please find attached the Risk Management Plan and Risk Register

For Your Consideration

Your Name
Assessment Task 3

Q.1. Monitor Project Risk
Q.2. Prepare the Evaluation Report
Q.3. Send an email to the CEO
Q.4. Send an email to the store managers

1. Monitor project risk

Review the Training Survey Results and the Manager Feedback, as well as the case study
information above, and from Assessment Task 2.

Identify changed circumstances impacting project risks

Determine risk responses to the changed environment


Changed Circumstances impacting project risks (What has changed for the Store Managers?)-

Please choose any 2 -3 from the following list and rewrite in your own words:

- On-the-floor experience is stressed to be incomparable to classroom training

- Involvement of Administrative Jobs was challenging and overwhelming
- Training course is presumed to have provided some background.but not the required skills
- Due to excessive supervisions on staff and relocation, a healthy work-life balance was not
- Manager training course had just delivered practical and theoretical skills, but did not provide
training on all-encompassing opening a store
Risk Responses to Chanaged Environment (What could be done to reduce the risk of the store
managers leaving their jobs?)-

Please choose 2-3 from the following list that match with the above project risks:
- Job based manager training could be introduced and undertaken
- Arrange training on Financial Services for store managers
- Outsource to an accounting firm or Appoint a bookkeeper/accountant to takeover the accounting
duties from the managers
- More in-depth course on retail staff skill could be undertaken
- To maintain a healthy work life balance, existing staff could be provided managerial training so that
they could oversee the managerial works while store managers would be away

2. Write a Risk Management Evaluation Report

Use Evaluation Report Template to guide your work.

Your evaluation report should be between half a page and a page long.

NatureCare Products
Risk Management Evaluation Report

Effectiveness of the risk management treatment

Review the project outcomes to determine this

Hints: Please choose any 2-3 from the following list and rewrite in your own words-

- New Stores in Sydney and Melbourne are operating successfully and performing financially well
- The Two customer Service Representatives as the store managers are successfully managing the
functioning of the stores diligently
- More retail store management skills needed to be incorporated into the management training
- A healthy work-life balance has not been promoted with specific plans

Effectiveness of the risk management processes and procedures

Review the project outcomes to determine this

Hints: Please rewrite in your own words-

- New Stores in Sydney and Melbourne are operating successfully and performing financially well
- The current risk management processes and procedures had been adequate to assist in planning
and implementing the risk management initiatives

Changed circumstances that may impact project risks

What has changed for the store managers?

Please choose any 2 -3 from the following list and rewrite in your own words:

- On-the-floor experience is stressed to be incomparable to classroom training

- Involvement of Administrative Jobs was challenging and overwhelming
- Training course is presumed to have provided some background.but not the required skills
- Due to excessive supervisions on staff and relocation, a healthy work-life balance was not
- Manager training course had just delivered practical and theoretical skills, but did not provide
training on all-encompassing opening a store

Determine risk responses to changed environment

What could be done to reduce the risk of the store managers leaving their jobs?

Please choose 2-3 from the following list that match with the above project risks:
- Job based manager training could be introduced and undertaken
- Arrange training on Financial Services for store managers
- Outsource to an accounting firm or Appoint a bookkeeper/accountant to takeover the accounting
duties from the managers
- More in-depth course on retail staff skill could be undertaken
- To maintain a healthy work life balance, existing staff could be provided managerial training so that
they could oversee the managerial works while store managers would be away

Recommended improvements for application to future projects

What changes would you make to your Risk Management Plan to ensure that the risk treatment is
more effective the next time a new store is opened.

Hints: Please choose any 2 -3 from the following list and rewrite in your own words:
- Outsource to an accounting firm or Appoint a bookkeeper/accountant to takeover the accounting
duties from the managers
- More tailor made comprehensive training course would need to be arranged that would include all-
encompassing aspects of opening a store
- A number of existing staff could be provided managerial skill training so that they could work
- On the job training could be a desirable option as this would equip staff with more hands on skills
- Succession planning could be initiated at a store level

3. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback and
approval to move forward with the project.

Attach your evaluation report to the email.



The CEO ( Your Assessor)


Project Manager (Your name)

Date- Put a date

Subject- Attach the Evaluation Report


● The contents of the Evaluation Report are summarised as follows-

- Please summarize in bullet points by referring to the above Evaluation Report

● Please find attached the Evaluation Report and provide your valuable feedback and approval to
move forward with the Project

For Your Consideration

Your Name

4. Send an email to the store managers (your assessor).

Assume that the General Manager has given approval for you to implement two of the risk
responses that you listed in your evaluation report.
Choose the responses that you feel would be most beneficial to the managers and write them a
short email to inform them of this.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.



The Store Manager ( Your Assessor)


Project Manager (Your name)

Date- Put a date

Subject- Inform General Manager’s Approval


I would like to inform you that Our General Manager has given approval to implement the
following two risk responses:

Please choose any 2 from the following list that match with the above project risks:
- Job based manager training could be introduced and undertaken
- Arrange training on Financial Services for store managers
- Outsource to an accounting firm or Appoint a bookkeeper/accountant to takeover the accounting
duties from the managers
- More in-depth course on retail staff skill could be undertaken
- To maintain a healthy work life balance, existing staff could be provided managerial training so that
they could oversee the managerial works while store managers would be away

For Your Consideration

Your Name

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