MYTHM 2022 - Cue Card - v2

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Mid-Year Town Hall Meeting 2022 – Cue Card

Note: all talents (presenters) to mute his/her own mic if not presenting/speaking.

No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /

Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
1 07:30-08:00 WIB MS Teams host • Yogi • Teams host
08:30-09:00 opens the virtual • Alpin • Content share-1
WITA meeting room 30 • Heru • Content share-2
minutes before • Zaenal • Spotlight &
event starts. Mute-Unmute-2
• Adi Jkt • Content share-3
• Royke Jkt • Spotlight &

• MS Teams host
to mute all
mics, except
1. Yogi
2. Alpin
3. Heru
4. Zaenal
5. Adi Jkt
6. Royke Jkt
7. Kiki
8. Dila
9. Corsec
10. Muhammad

/Sri Kushartinah; MYTHM 2022_Cue Card_v2; 31/08/2022 13:11 Page 1 of 1

No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
1 07:30-08:00 WIB 11. PD
08:30-09:00 12. Francis Frei
WITA 13. Bp. Agung
14. Samsudin

MS Teams host • Alpin / • Play music Screen

plays music & for Heru / Adi • Share content backdrop
waiting time

• Chat room (Chat room announcement-1 template):

• Puput announcement-1 “Dear Colleagues, kindly register your atten
dance through this link: ………………“

• Chat room
• Puput announcement- (Chat room announcement-1A template):
1A “Dear Colleagues, kindly use the attached
virtual background “

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
1 07:30-08:00 WIB MS Teams host • Chat room Screen (Chat room announcement-1 template):
08:30-09:00 prepare to start • Puput announcement-1 backdrop “Dear Colleagues, kindly register your
WITA the event attendance through this link: …………………..“

• Chat room (Chat room announcement-2 template):

• Puput announcement-2 “Everyone – except Mr. Agung Pribadi and
BOD - please kindly switch off your camera.
Thank you – Committee”

• Kiki / Dila • Announcement 2 Kiki / Anna Dear Colleagues,/ Kiki / Dila

Everyone/ – except BOD-/ please kindly
switch off your camera/ so we can start the

2 08:00-08:02 WIB Welcoming and • Zaenal / Spotlight Kiki Kiki Good Morning,/ ohayou gozaimasu,/ Kiki / Dila
09:00-09:02 safety briefing by Royke annyeong haseyo/ welcome Bp. Agung
WITA MC Pribadi, BODs and Colleagues/ to the DSLNG
• Kiki / Dila MC Kiki / Dila refer Mid-Year Town Hall Meeting 2022 //
to cue card
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb/
Peace be upon us all.//

First of all/ let us be grateful/ that God has

granted us our health, the time and
opportunity/ to gather here today for this

/Sri Kushartinah; MYTHM 2022_Cue Card_v2; 31/08/2022 13:11 Page 3 of 1

No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
2 08:00-08:02 WIB Welcoming and • Kiki / Dila Kiki / Dila Ladies & gentlemen,/ in case your Kiki / Dila
09:00-09:02 safety briefing by connection is lost,/ please kindly re-log into
WITA MC the MS Teams link.//

Before we proceed to the main agenda/ let

me share a short safety briefing;
1. Since we are all in different places,/
Please identify/ and be aware of the
nearest exit at your place.//
2. During this MS Teams meeting,/ please
always be aware of your surroundings,/
hence in case of emergency situation
happen/ you can act accordingly and
immediately,/ in this case, when using
earphone please use it only on one ear for
your alertness.//
3. In the event of an emergency,/
immediately go out of the room/ and if
you are at home,/ make sure to take all
your family members/ and others in your
4. And remember to always wear a mask if
you go out.//
2 08:00-08:02 WIB Kiki / Dila MC Kiki handover Kiki / Dila Ladies & gentlemen,/ now I would like to Kiki / Dila
09:00-09:02 to MC Corsec. invite our Corporate Secretary/ Bp.
WITA Bramastra Lalean to open this event.//

Pak Bramastra/ the time is yours.//

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
3 08:02-08:05 WIB Opening by • Zaenal / Spotlight Corsec / Corsec / Dila Thank you Ibu Kiki. Corsec /
09:02-09:05 Corporate Royke Dila Dila
WITA Secretary Bp.
Bramastra Lalean • Corsec / MC Corsec / Dila Distinguished Bp. Agung Pribadi,/
Dila opens the event Distinguished DSLNG Board of Directors,/
and DSLNG colleagues,/

Selamat Pagi / Good Morning,/ Ohayou

Gozaimasu,/ Annyeong Haseyo///

I hope we all are in good health,/ and we are

always blessed by Allah SWT./

I am very pleased to welcome you to DSLNG

2022 Mid-Year Town Hall Meeting./

This event aims to inform DSLNG employees

about the Company’s Mid-Year 2022 status,/
and latest condition,/ as well as to capture
employees’ thoughts and aspirations.//

Alas,/ we hold this event online again,/ but

regardless of all the curb by having this
virtually,/ I hope,/ all the messages from the
Management/ can be well conveyed to us
all,/ and by the end of this event,/ all DSLNG
employees will remain optimistic/ and as
always uphold DSLNG values/ and strong
teamwork/ to be hand-in-hand realize the

/Sri Kushartinah; MYTHM 2022_Cue Card_v2; 31/08/2022 13:11 Page 5 of 1

No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
3 08:02-08:05 WIB Opening by • Corsec / Corsec / Dila DSLNG vision/ "To be a safe and reliable Corsec /
09:02-09:05 Corporate Dila provider of LNG".// Dila
WITA Secretary Bp.
Bramastra Lalean Ladies and gentlemen, the rundown
arrangement of today’s event will start with:
• Alpin / Share content Rundown * Safety Moment by QHSE Team
Heru / Adi * after that, the main agenda of this event:
the remarks from DSLNG President Director
Mr. Atsushi Hozumi,
* subsequently, we will hear the remarks
from the Head of the Bureau of
Communication, Public Information Services,
and Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy
and Mineral Resources, Mr. Agung Pribadi
* after that, is the Q&A session
* then, we will have the 250 Cargo
* followed by, DSLNG CSR Scholarships
* and, Employees video
* finally, we will close the event with a

• Corsec / Invited Pak Ahmad Ladies and Gentlemen, now we are entering Corsec /
Dila the first agenda/ which is a Safety Moment Dila
that will be delivered by QHSE.

Bp. Muhammad Haerul/ the time is yours//

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
4 08:05-08:10 WIB Safety Moment • Zaenal / • Spotlight Pak • Pak Haerul Pak
09:05-09:10 by QHSE Bp. Royke Haerul Haerul
WITA Muhammad
Haerul • Pak Haerul • Unmute mic: Pak

• Alpin / • to share content • Safety (Pak Haerul present the material)

Heru / Adi Moment
material -----
• Pak Haerul • Mute: Pak
Haerul mic
• Corsec • Unmute: Corsec Corsec Thank you Pak Haerul for your presentation Corsec
mic and ……………………………………….
(quote as per Safety Moment subject – Near
Miss Reporting)

5 08:10-08:20 WIB Remarks by PD • Corsec / • To invite PD for • Corsec / Dila DSLNG Colleagues,/ moving on,/ we have Corsec /
09:10-09:20 Mr. Atsushi Dila his remarks come to the main agenda of this event that Dila
WITA Hozumi is:/ the remarks from our President

we would kindly invite Bapak Hozumi/ the

time is yours//
• Zaenal / • Spotlight PD • PD

• Alpin • Unmute PD’s mic

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
5 08:10-08:20 WIB Remarks by PD • Francis Frei • Share content, • PD material (PD remarks) PD
09:10-09:20 Mr. Atsushi refer to PD
WITA Hozumi remarks cue card

6 08:20-08:30 WIB Remarks by Mr. • Corsec / • Invite Mr. Agung • Corsec / Dila Thank you Bapak Hozumi/ for your Corsec /
09:20-08:30 Agung Pribadi, Dila Pribadi remarks// Dila
WITA Head of the
Bureau of
Communication, Next,/ we would kindly invite/ the Head of
Public the Bureau of Communication,/ Public
Information Information Services,/ & Cooperation/ of the
Services, & Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources,/
Cooperation of Mr. Agung Pribadi, to share his remarks,/
the Ministry of Bapak Agung/ the time is yours//
Energy & Mineral
• Zaenal / • Spotlight & • Mr. Agung (Mr. Agung Pribadi remarks) Mr.
Royke unmute Mr. Pribadi Agung P
Agung Pribadi

• Alpin / • Share content • Mr. Agung

Heru / Adi material

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
6 08:10-08:30 WIB Remarks by PD • Corsec / (If the PD can’t be Corsec / Dila Apologies (Pak Hozumi),/ Corsec /
09:10-09:30 Lagging scenario Dila heard clearly) we cannot hear you clearly,/ could you Dila
WITA please repeat?//

(ask 3x)

Apologies (Pak Hozumi),/

since the connection is unstable,/ we will
move to the next agenda,/ and we will get
back to you once your connection is back//

• Corsec / Refer to next Corsec / Dila we would kindly invite/ the Head of the
Dila agenda (Mr. Bureau of Communication,/ Public
Agung remarks) Information Services,/ & Cooperation/ of the
Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources,/
Mr. Agung Pribadi, to share his remarks,/
Bapak Agung/ the time is yours//

• Zaenal / Spotlight & Mr. Agung (Mr. Agung Pribadi remarks) Mr.
Royke unmute Mr. Agung Pribadi Agung P

• Alpin / Share content Mr. Agung

Heru / Adi material

• Corsec / Corsec / Dila Thank you (Pak Agung) for your remarks. Corsec /
Dila === Dila

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
6 08:10-08:30 WIB Remarks by PD • Novri (If the previously
09:10-09:30 Lagging scenario lagging PD has
WITA rejoined)
• Inform WAG

• Corsec / Refer to WAG for Corsec / Dila Ladies & gentlemen, our (PD) has rejoined us Corsec /
Dila info of rejoining back. Dila
(Pak Hozumi), please kindly continue your
message, the time is yours.

• Zaenal / Spotlight PD PD ((PD continue his remarks.) PD


• Francis Frei Share content PD material

• Corsec /
Dila Thank you (Pak Hozumi) for your remarks. Corsec /
=== Dila

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
6 08:10-08:30 WIB Remarks by Mr. • Corsec / (If the Mr. Agung Corsec / Dila Apologies (Pak Agung),/ Corsec /
09:10-09:30 Agung Pribadi Dila can’t be heard we cannot hear you clearly,/ could you Dila
WITA Lagging scenario clearly) please repeat?//

(ask 3x)

Apologies (Pak Agung),/

since the connection is unstable,/ we will
move to the next agenda,/ and we will get
back to you once your connection is back//

• Corsec / Refer to next Corsec / Dila next agenda is the (Q&A session / 250 Cargo
Dila agenda (Q&A Commemoration) - (please refer to the cue
session OR 250 for the agenda in the next pages)
Commemoration) ===

• Novri (If the previously

lagging Mr. Agung
has rejoined)
• Inform WAG

• Corsec / Refer to WAG for Corsec / Dila Ladies & gentlemen, (Pak Agung) has
Dila info of rejoining rejoined us back.

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
6 08:10-08:30 WIB Remarks by Mr. • Corsec / Invite Mr. Agung Corsec / Dila (Pak Agung), please kindly continue your Corsec /
09:10-09:30 Agung Pribadi Dila message, the time is yours. Dila
WITA Lagging scenario

• Zaenal / Spotlight & Mr. Agung P ((Mr. Agung Pribadi continue his remarks.) Mr.
Royke unmute Mr Agung Agung P

• Alpin / Share content Mr. Agung

Heru / Adi material

• Corsec / Thank you (Pak Agung) for your remarks. Corsec /

Dila Dila

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
7 08:30-08:45 WIB Q & A Sessions • Corsec / • Corsec opens the • Corsec / Dila Ladies & gentlemen,/ now we are moving to Corsec /
09:30-09:45 Dila Q&A session Q&A session.// Dila
We appreciate our colleagues/ who have
sent their questions through Corporate
Secretary mailbox,/

The Committee have received Questions

from 12 employees/ which emails have been
forwarded to BODs/
For this session, we have compiled and
summarized the questions based on topic;/
Then we would like to invite BOD to address
these questions//

Let’s start the first topic://

• Alpin / • Share content • Questions Topic no. 1 is about …………..//

Heru / Adi Topic no. 1 (read the question & name of the

I would like to invite CAD / to address the

Pak Drajat/ the time is yours.//
• Zaenal / • Spotlight CAD CAD
• CAD • Unmute CAD mic (CAD address the questions)

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
7 08:30-08:45 WIB Q & A Sessions • Corsec / Thank you Pak Drajat/ for the explanation.// Corsec /
09:30-09:45 Dila === Dila
Next, Topic no. 2 about ………………//
• Alpin / • Questions
Heru / Adi • Share content Topic no. 2 (read the question & name of the

I would like to invite CAD/ to address the

Pak Drajat,/ the time is yours.//

• Zaenal / CAD CAD

Royke • Spotlight CAD (CAD address the questions)
• Unmute CAD mic

• Corsec / Thank you Pak Drajat / for the explanation.// Corsec /

Anna === Dila

Next, Topic no. 3 about …….// Corsec /

• Alpin / • Share content • Questions Dila
Heru / Adi Topic no. 3 (read the question & name of the

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
7 08:30-08:45 WIB Q & A Sessions I would like to invite CAD / to address the Corsec /
09:30-09:45 question.// Dila
WITA Pak Drajat,/ the time is yours.//
• Zaenal / • Spotlight CAD CAD
• CAD • Unmute CAD mic (CAD address the questions) CAD

• Corsec / Thank you Pak Drajat/ for the explanation.// Corsec /

Anna === Dila

• Share content • Questions Next, Topic no. 4 about …..//

• Alpin / Corsec /
Heru / Adi Topic no. 4 Dila
(read the question & name of the

Corsec /
I would like to invite FD and then followed Dila
by CAD/ to address the question.//
First,/ Ibu Kim,/ the time is yours.//

• Zaenal / • Spotlight FD FD FD
(FD address the question)
Royke • Unmute FD mic

• Corsec / Corsec /
Thank you Ibu Kim / for the explanation.// Dila

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
7 08:30-08:45 WIB Q & A Sessions I would like to invite CAD/ to add
09:30-09:45 explanation regarding the Bonus topic.//
WITA Pak Drajat,/ the time is yours.//
• Zaenal / • Spotlight CAD CAD
Royke • Unmute CAD mic
(CAD address the questions) CAD

• Corsec / Thank you Pak Drajat/ for the explanation.// Corsec /

Anna Anna

• Corsec / Maybe other Director would like to add the Corsec /

Anna explanation,/ regarding the Project Anna
Extension topic?//

(if OD / FD / CAD offer to add comment)

• Corsec / Please Pak Beta / Ibu Kim / Pak Drajat, the

Anna time is yours

• Zaenal / • Spotlight OD / OD / FD / CAD (OD / FD / CAD add comment) OD / FD /

Royke FD / CAD CAD
• Unmute OD / FD
/ CAD mic

Thank you Pak Beta / Ibu Kim / Pak Drajat / Corsec /

• Corsec /
for the explanation.// Anna

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
7 08:30-08:45 WIB Q & A Sessions • Corsec / (If the answering Corsec / Kiki / Apologies (Pak Drajat),/ Corsec /
09:30-09:45 Lagging scenario Kiki / Dila Director can’t be Dila we cannot hear you clearly,/ could you Kiki / Dila
WITA heard clearly) please repeat?//

(topic 1-6, 7.c, (ask 3 x)


Move to next topic Apologies (Pak Drajat),/ Corsec /

(7, 8, 9, 10.b) since the connection is unstable,/ we will Kiki /
move to the next topic.// Dila

• Corsec /
Kiki / Anna We move to the next, topic no. 7
About Project Extension//
Corsec /
• Alpin / • Share content • Questions (read the question & name of the Kiki /
Heru / Adi Topic no. 7 questioners) Anna

• Corsec / Invite PD I would like to invite PD / to address the

Kiki / Anna question.//
Pak Hozumi,/ the time is yours.//

• Zaenal / • Spotlight PD PD
Royke (PD addresses the question.) PD

Corsec /
• Corsec / Thank you (Pak Hozumi),/ for the Kiki /
Popy explanation.// Dila

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
7 08:30-08:45 WIB Q & A Sessions ===
09:30-09:45 Lagging scenario • Novri (If the previously
WITA lagging Director
has rejoined)
• Inform WAG

• Corsec / Refer to WAG for Corsec / Kiki / Ladies & gentlemen, our CAD has rejoined us Corsec /
Kiki / Dila info of rejoining Dila back. Kiki /
Director Dila

• Corsec / Pak Drajat, please kindly continue your Corsec /

Kiki / Anna explanation, the time is yours. Dila

• Zaenal / Spotlight CAD CAD

Royke (CAD) continue addressing the question.) CAD

• Corsec / Thank you Pak Drajat for your explanation. Corsec /

Kiki / Dila Kiki / Dila

8 08:45-08:47 WIB 250 Cargo • Zaenal / Spotlight Kiki / Dila Kiki / Dila
09:45-09:47 Commemoration Royke
• Kiki / Anna DSLNG Colleagues,/ Kiki / Dila
In December 2021,/ DSLNG reached a
momentous milestone/ by successfully

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
• Alpin / Share content 250 250 Cargo slide delivering the 250th cargo,/ it is the moment Kiki / Dila
Heru / Adi Cargo slide to appreciate all employees/ for this
achievement/ by giving away the 250th cargo
souvenir/ for all employees in the form of a
silver coin/ engraved with DSLNG MCHE,/
which will be distributed this year.//
This is the picture of the token to be given//

9 08:47-08:51 WIB DSLNG CSR • Kiki / Dila Kiki / Dila Ladies and gentlemen,/ Kiki / Dila
09:47-09:51 Scholarships PT Donggi-Senoro LNG is strongly committed
WITA video to develop an integrated community
• Alpin / • Share content, development. One of them is Education by
Heru / Adi CSR video CSR video providing scholarships to the young people
of the Banggai district. Here is a video of
Christina Angraeni Panellah, an Information
Technology student at Gadjah Mada
University, Faculty of Engineering in 2020,
who received the regional delegates
scholarship from PT Donggi-senoro LNG.

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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
10 08:51-08:54 WIB Employees video • Kiki / Dila Kiki / Dila Now,/ before closing this event with a Kiki / Dila
09:51-09:54 prayer,/ we have a short video from
WITA employees,/ we hope this video can evoke a
sense of togetherness,/ solidarity,/ and
increase our motivation/ to join hands/ in
• Alpin / Share content: Employee realizing DSLNG/ as a world-class LNG
Heru / Adi employee video video company.//

11 08:54-08:59 WIB Prayer • Kiki / Dila Invite Pak Kiki / Dila DSLNG Colleagues,/ we will have a prayer to Kiki / Dila
09:54-09:59 Samsudin to lead complete this event,/ we would kindly invite
WITA the prayer Pak Samsudin to lead the prayer,/
Pak Samsudin, the time is yours.//

• Zaenal / Spotlight Pak Pak Samsudin (Pak Samsudin lead the pray) Pak
Royke Samsudin Samsudin

• Kiki / Dila Kiki / Dila Thank you Pak Samsudin / for the prayer.// Kiki / Dila

12 08:59-09:00 WIB Closing & group • Kiki / Dila Kiki / Anna DSLNG Colleagues, we have come to the end Kiki / Dila
09:59-10:00 photo of today’s event/ but before you leave the
WITA venue/ we would like to ask everyone to stay
for a group photo/ and for this I will hand the
arrangement to Pak Irman/
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No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
12 08:59-09:00 WIB Closing & group Pak Irman, can you please direct everybody/ Kiki / Dila
09:59-10:00 photo so that we can have a group photo/thank
WITA you//

• Zaenal / Spotlight Irman Irman


• Irman I would like everybody to switch on your Irman

Okay please smile and hold for a couple of
Okay we are done/ the photo has been
taken/ thank you All.//

• Kiki / Dila Kiki / Dila Thank you Pak Irman// Kiki / Dila

Ladies & Gentlemen,/ this is the end of our


Thank you for your kind participation/ and

apologies for any mistake in conducting this
• Zaenal / Unmute: all
Royke participants mics Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.//
Stay safe and stay healthy!//

/Sri Kushartinah; MYTHM 2022_Cue Card_v2; 31/08/2022 13:11 Page 21 of 1

No Time Agenda PIC Details Content / Voice Over (MC/Talent) / MC /
Spotlight / Chat Room Announcement Talent
13 anytime MC Lagging • Dila (refer to WAG to
Scnario take over)

• Zaenal / Spotlight Dila Dila


• Dila MC backup takes Since (Ibu Kiki’s / Pak Bram’s) connection is Dila
over unstable,/ I will continue the event

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