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No Time Agenda Committee Positioning Voice Over PIC/Visual

1 08.50-09.00 Host will open the ICT (Host) Everyone will be asked to set Dear Colleagues, kindly open your camera Nova
(5’) virtual meeting room their cameras and mics. and mute your mic so we can start the event.
15 minutes before
the event starts (Participants will be muted) Please fill in the registration link that has
been provided by the committee through the
MS team chat room. For information for
those who fill in the registration link will get a
voucher token from the committee.

2 09.00-09.05 Opening by MC MC: Nova & Cue card ready. Agenda: Good Morning, ohayou gozaimasu, annyeong Nova and
(5’) Amal • Opening haseyo/ welcome BODs and colleagues to the Amal
DSLNG Halalbihalal 2021//
(Participants will be muted)
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb/
Peace be upon us all.

First of all, let us say our praise and gratitude Nova

to God, due to all His blessing and mercy, so
that we can gather in this DSLNG
Halalbihalal// Nova

Ladies and gentlemen/ This time, is the

second year for us to celebrate the
Halabihalal virtually, since all of us still in the
midst of the pandemic/ hopefully it won’t
decrease our enthusiasm to maintain the
silaturahim among us//
In the spirit of the Syawal Month/ allow me
to greet everyone with Minal Aidin Wal
Faidzin Taqabbalallaahu minnaa wa minkum,
Taqabal ya karim.


Before we proceed to the main agenda/ let

me share a brief safety briefing.
1. Since we are all in different places, / Please
identify and be aware of the nearest exit at
your location. //
2. During this MS Teams meeting,/ please
always be aware of your surroundings,/
hence in case of emergency situation
happen/ you can act accordingly and
immediately,/ in this case, when using
earphone please use it only on one ear for
your alertness.//

3. In the event of an emergency, /

immediately go out of the room/ and if you
are at home, make sure to take all your
family members and others in your home. //

4. And remember to always wear a mask if

you go out. //

3 09.05-09.10 Saritilawah by the MC: (Participants will be muted) Ladies and gentlemen/ the rundown Nova
(5’) children of the Nova&Amal (run down dipasang hanya arrangement of today’s event will start with
employees sebentar) Al Quran Recitation and Saritilawah, welcome
Employees’ speech by CAD, greeting video of DSLNG
Children Family, prayer and photo group//

Ladies and gentlemen/ now we are going to Amal

listen to Al Quran Recitation and saritilawah
delivered by the son of Bapak Desard
Mahendra from legal compliance, Ananda
Bilal Khairy Deiz and Ananda Kaela Shafiya
Abbas and Loula Shaqeena Abbas daughters
of Ibu Adisty Boediman from Corporate
// kindly keep your microphone muted///
Please welcome.

Thank you very much for the Al quran
recitation and saritilawah by Ananda Bilal,
Kaela and loula/ It was calming and
beautiful ///

4 09.10-09.15 Welcome speech by MC: (Participants will be muted) Ladies and gentlemen/ Thank you very much Amal
(5’) the President Nova&Amal for your participation in this Halalbihalal
Director event// We are so excited and grateful that
President we can gather here, even though it is a virtual
Director: event.
Hozumi Right, now we are going to listen to the
speech from our Corporate Affairs director,
Bapak Drajat Iman Panjawi // Kindly keep Amal
your microphone muted // For Bapak Drajat
the stage is yours.

Thank you very much for the welcoming

speech, hopefully everything will get better, Amal
and we are able to see each other in person

5 09.15-09.20 Greeting video of MC: (Participants will be muted) Moving to the next agenda, we are going to Nova
(5’) DSLNG Family Nova&Amal watch a very heart-warming video/ Which
some of the employees and families of
DSLNG, sending their wishes for the Eid//
Enjoy the video

5 09.20-09.25 Prayer by Pak MC: (Participants will be muted) It was a very touching video/ Hopefully, we Amal
(5’) Samsudin Nova&Amal can gather to our families, friends and all the
people that we love, in healthy condition.
Samsudin Now, we are going to listen to the prayer,
delivered by one of our employees, Pak
Samsudin/ To Pak Samsudin, please unmute
your microphone and turn your camera on
6 09.25-09.30 Group photo and MC: (Participants will be muted) Thank you very much for your participation Nova
(5’) closing Nova&Amal until this session/ We are so grateful that we
can gather here, as DSLNG family

Yes indeed, even this is a virtual gathering

event, it is kind of lovely to see all of us
So, it is the end of our DSLNG Halal bihalal of
2021/ We are hoping that next year, we all
can meet in person in better condition//
Before we end the gathering, let us take
group pictures/ Kindly turn your camera on/

IT please take a screen capture.

(MC directs the participants to take pics)

Thank you very much and for information
The committee will distribute vouchers no 3
weeks after this event for those who have

Once again, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, may this Nova

Ramadan brought us peace, and hopefully
we can see the next Ramadan//

Stay safe and sending you our best regards to

all your families at home/ Thank you very
much and Wassalamualaikum Nova &
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Amal

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