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English for Academic and Professional Purposes, Quarter 2, Week 3


Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

-Writes various kinds of position paper

Learning Objective:

After going through this weekly learning activity sheet, you are expected to:

1. Define what a position paper is; (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIa-d-1)

2. identify the elements of a position paper; and
3. write a position paper. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIa-d-5)

Time Allotment: 5 hours

Key Concepts

 This weekly learning activity sheet is designed to help and guide students on how
to write a position paper.
 English for Academic and Professional Purposes, Reader Page 124-186


Position paper is an essay that expresses a stand about an issue. It gives arguments that
support the opinion of the writer which are based on the facts collected. Its goal is to convince
the audience that the opinion raised underwent thorough investigation and data collection and
is therefore valid.

How to Write a Position Paper

The purpose of a position paper is to generate support on an issue. It describes a position on an
issue and the rational for that position. The position paper is based on facts that provide a solid
foundation for your argument. In the position paper you should:
• Use evidence to support your position, such as statistical evidence or dates and events.
• Validate your position with authoritative references or primary source quotations.
• Examine the strengths and weaknesses of your position.
• Evaluate possible solutions and suggest courses of action.

Choose an issue where there is a clear division of opinion and which is arguable with facts and
inductive reasoning. You may choose an issue on which you have already formed an opinion.
However, in writing about this issue you must examine your opinion of the issue critically. Prior
to writing your position paper, define and limit your issue carefully. Social issues are complex
with multiple solutions. Narrow the topic of your position paper to something that is
manageable. Research your issue thoroughly, consulting experts and obtaining primary
documents. Consider feasibility, cost-effectiveness and political/social climate when evaluating
possible solutions and courses of action. The following structure is typical of a position paper:

Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:
An introduction
• Identification of the issue
• Statement of the position

The body
• Background information
• Supporting evidence or facts
• A discussion of both sides of the issue •

A conclusion
• Suggested courses of action
• Possible solutions

Introduction – This art of the paper identifies an issue that is being discussed by the author
emphasizing his/her position about the issue. Here, the topic is introduced; the background and
history of the issue shall also be discussed.

Body of the paper– This part illustrates the central argument which can be presented through a
brief description of the argument. Details, points of view, evidences are used to support the
claim. It can be divided into these sections namely: background information, evidence
supporting the author’s position, and a discussion that addresses and refutes arguments that
present both sides of the issue.

Conclusion – This part restates the main points, then summarizes the arguments made in the
paper and then provides a call of action.

Position papers are utilized to present an issue and to generate support on them. Therefore,
gathering factual information to support your argument would be very essential.

Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:

Read the essay that follows. Examine its basic elements. Tell whether the parts are
expressed according to the standards that you have learned from the previous discussion. Write
your observations in your answer sheet.

Importance of Education? Essay on Education

By:  Priyanka Nagrale

Imagine a world where everyone is uneducated. We would perhaps never have worn clothes or
eaten delicious food. Possibly, we would be walking around in the forest and climbing
mountains, hunting for wild animals for flesh accompanied by leaves, roots and fruits. Above all,
you would not be reading this article.

As we can see, education is very important. It is the most important thing in this world.
Education is an ongoing process as we call it. What we learn during our childhood stays with us
all life, even if we forget complicated lessons taught in schools and colleges. Skills that we learn
during our life can actually help us to stay alive. This can be anything simple from sewing a
button on our dress or taking medicines for illness.

Nowadays, many people say that education and wealth are closely linked. This is not entirely
true. Education does not merely mean a good degree of some great university. Education
actually means how we see and perceive things. Above that, education also means how we
respond or react to situations. Education from schools and colleges is important because it helps
us how to live in a civilized society and respect one another. It shows us how to obey laws of the
society and laws of the land we dwell.

Education is very important because it also helps us become rich. It teaches us how to recognize
and utilize our skills and use them for a job or business. These skills can be used for betterment
of the society, our country and the entire world. In fact, every innovation, invention and
discovery made by mankind was due to education.

The importance of education can also be understood from the fact that education decides the
behavior of humans towards animals. In a civilized and well-educated society, all animals are
treated humanely. They are cared for and fed. If needed, educated people give medicines for
animals too. In sharp contrast, uncivilized societies sometimes show lesser respect to animals.

Nowadays, education is important because there are thousands of things around us that are
made with modern technology. We require education to use these modern gadgets and get the
best benefits of technology. Education also teaches us how to respect other human beings. It is
because of education that every country has laws that tell people what can be done and what
should be avoided.

Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:
Write your observations inside the boxes.

Observation (Introduction) Observation (Body)


Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:

Copy the table below in your answer sheet. Identify and list at least 5 issues that your
community is facing right now. Write down the specific information that you would like to deal
with in your paper.


Example: Cyberbullying  What are the effects of cyberbullying
among teenagers?
 What should the government do to
address cybercrimes?

Activity 3 Know your Stand.

Direction: Write a three- paragraph essay stating your position on the use of social media, will
you consider it as a boon or bane?

__________________________ (Write your own title)

Introduction: (In the introduction part you should capture the reader’s attention, define the
issue given and state your claim.)

Body: (State three arguments then cite the evidence supporting your

Conclusion: (This part includes restating your claim, summarizing reasons and explaining why
your stand/ claim is worthy to

Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:
4 3 2 1

Content and Takes a strong, Clear position Position not No clear position
Development well-defined taken and clearly stated; taken; reasons
(50%) position; uses at defined; some development is underdeveloped;
least three reasons and brief, unrelated, no supporting
appropriate some details unsupported facts used.
reasons with at present, but not general
least two fully developed. statements,
supporting Counter reasons, and
details for each arguments details, minimal
reason. Counter addressed. facts used.
arguments Counter
effectively arguments not
addressed, acknowledged.
Organization Structure of Structure is Structure of the Organization and
and Structure paper is clear mostly clear paper is not structure detract
(20%) and easy to and easy to easy to follow. the message of the
follow. follow. Paragraph writer. Paragraphs
Paragraph Paragraph transitions need are disjointed and
transitions are transitions are improvement. lack transition of
logical and present. Conclusion is thoughts.
maintained the Conclusion is not logical.
flow of thought logical.
throughout the
Conclusion is
logical and flows
from the body of
the paper.
Format Paper follows Paper follows Paper follows Paper lacks more
(10%) guidelines. guidelines. most of the elements of correct
Paper has Paper has guidelines. formatting. Paper
appropriate appropriate Paper is is inadequate/
length as length for the over/under excessive in
described for the assignment. word length. length.
assignment. Format is good.
readability of the
Grammar, Rules of Rules of Paper contains Paper contains
Punctuation grammar, usage, grammar, few grammatical,
& Spelling punctuation are usage, grammatical, punctuation and
(20%) followed; punctuation are punctuation spelling errors.
spelling is followed with and spelling Language uses
correct. minor errors. errors. jargon or
Language is Few/ no Language lacks conversational
Author: Gladish G. Morada
School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:
clear and spelling errors. clarity or tone
precise; includes the
sentences use of some
display jargon or
consistently conversational
strong, varied tone.


Activity 4


Direction: Identify the term being described from the statements below. Write T if the
statement is true and write F if otherwise. Write your answers in your answer sheet.

________1. Position Paper reflects a series of statements for or against something that
involves logic, research evidence and assertion to make persuasion.

_______2. As a type of paper, a position paper should not only criticize but should also express
_______3. A position paper can be written by anybody regardless of status.
_______4. A social issue can be a good subject for an essay.
_______5. The body of an essay is where evidence are stated to prove a claim.
_______6. Conclusions in an essay are more detailed than the body.
_______7. Evidences in an argument add weight to a claim.
_______8. An emphatic statement at the end of an argument will influence
adjudicators /judges in a debate to merit the speaker’s claim.
_______9. Gathering of evidence need not be done as long as words are chosen
properly to express a strong claim.
_______10. A thorough investigation about a subject must be observed in any essay.

Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:

1. Why is it important to take a stand on a certain issue?

2. What do think should a speaker do to be able to make appropriate speeches in

particular situations?

Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:
References for learners:

Tucker, Kerry, & Derelian, Doris, Rouner, Donna. (1997). Building the case: Position papers,
backgrounders, fact sheets, and biographical sketches. In Public relations writing: An issue-driven
behavioral approach (pp.79- 85). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Saqueton G, Uychoco M .2016. English for Academic and Professional Purposes. 1977 CM Recto
Avenue, Manila: Rex Bookstore.

Wyson, John Daryl B. 2016. English for Academic and Professional Purposes, Quezon City:Vibal
Group Inc.

English for Academic Purposes Learner’s Material and Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education,
First Edition, 2016.

Answer Key

Activity 1-Enumerate
Answers may vary.


Answers may vary.

Activity 3 Know your Stand.

Answers may vary.

Activity 4

1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. F

Author: Gladish G. Morada

School/Station: Jaliobong National High School
Division: Agusan del Norte
email address:

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