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Printed on: Tue Aug 03 2021, 07:39:45 AM Official Status: Currently Official on 03-Aug-2021 DocId: 1_GUID-D9B34A1D-4805-442A-A9ED-9084F4BCDBB8_2_en-US

Printed by: Le Tran Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2021 Document Type: USP @2021 USPC

Sample solution: Dissolve 1.0 g of Zinc Carbonate in a

Zinc Carbonate mixture of 20 mL of water and 3 mL of nitric acid.
3Zn(OH)2 · 2ZnCO3 548.96 Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution shows no more
chloride than the Standard solution (0.002%).
Basic zinc carbonate;
Zinc subcarbonate [5263-02-5].
Standard solution: Dilute 0.10 mL of 0.02 N sulfuric acid
DEFINITION with water to 10 mL.
Zinc Carbonate contains the equivalent of NLT 70.0% of zinc Sample solution: Dissolve 10.0 g of Zinc Carbonate in a
oxide (ZnO). mixture of 75 mL of water and 10 mL of hydrochloric acid,
and filter. Neutralize the filtrate with ammonium
IDENTIFICATION hydroxide, and dilute with water to 100 mL.
• A. IDENTIFICATION TESTS—GENERAL á191ñ, Chemical Analysis: To 10.0 mL each of the Standard solution and the
Identification Tests, Zinc Sample solution, add 1 mL of 0.6 N hydrochloric acid and
Sample solution: Dissolve in a slight excess of 1 mL of barium chloride TS, and allow to stand for 10 min.
hydrochloric acid. Acceptance criteria: The turbidity produced in the Sample
Acceptance criteria: Meets the requirements solution is NMT that produced in the Standard solution
Add the following: • IRON á241ñ
Test preparation: Dissolve 0.5 g of Zinc Carbonate in 20 mL

• B. The retention time of the zinc peak of the Sample of water and 3 mL of hydrochloric acid.
solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.002%
obtained in the Assay.▲ (USP 1-May-2021) • LEAD

ASSAY Standard lead solution: Standard lead solution TS
Sample solution: Transfer 10.0 g of Zinc Carbonate to a
Change to read: 100-mL volumetric flask, add 20 mL of nitric acid and 10 mL
of water, swirl to dissolve, and dilute with water to volume.
• PROCEDURE Blank: 4% (v/v) nitric acid in water

Diluent, Mobile phase, Post-column derivatization ci Instrumental conditions
reagent, and System suitability: Prepare as directed in (See Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy á852ñ.)
Zinc Determination á591ñ, Procedure, Ion Chromatographic Mode: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Method. Analytical wavelength: 217.0 nm (lead emission line)
Standard stock solution: 2 mg/mL of USP Zinc Oxide RS, Lamp: Lead hollow-cathode
prepared as directed in Zinc Determination á591ñ, Procedure, Flame: Air–acetylene
Ion Chromatographic Method Analysis
Standard solution: 20 µg/mL of USP Zinc Oxide RS in Samples: Standard lead solution and Sample solution
Diluent from the Standard stock solution Add 10.0 mL of the Sample solution to each of three 25-mL
Sample solution: 27 µg/mL of Zinc Carbonate in Diluent volumetric flasks. To the respective volumetric flasks add
prepared as follows. Transfer an appropriate portion of 0, 5.0, and 10.0 mL of Standard lead solution, and dilute
homogenized Zinc Carbonate to a suitable volumetric with water to volume. These solutions contain 0, 0.002,

flask. Add Diluent to about 50% of the final flask volume to and 0.004 mg/mL of added lead, respectively. Determine
dissolve. Sonication may be needed to aid dissolution. the absorbances of these three solutions. Plot the
Dilute with Diluent to volume. absorbances of the three solutions versus their contents of
Chromatographic system: Proceed as directed in Zinc added lead, in mg/mL, as furnished by the Standard lead
Determination á591ñ, Procedure, Ion Chromatographic solution. Draw a straight line (calibration curve) best fitting
Method except for the Columns. the three points, and extrapolate the line until it intersects
Columns the concentration axis. From the intercept determine the
Guard: 4.0-mm × 5-cm; 9-µm packing L100 or 4.0-mm concentration, in mg/mL, of lead in the Sample solution.
× 0.5-cm; 4.6-μm packing L91 Calculate the quantity, in ppm, of lead in the portion of Zinc
Analytical: 4.0-mm × 25-cm; 9-µm packing L100 or Carbonate taken:
4.0-mm × 25-cm; 4.6-μm packing L91
Analysis Result = (V1/W) × (V2/V3) × (C/F)
Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution
Calculate the percentage of zinc oxide (ZnO) in the portion V1 = total volume of the Sample solution, 100 mL
of Zinc Carbonate taken: W = weight of Zinc Carbonate (g)
V2 = final volume of the solution used for analysis,
Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100 25 mL
V3 = volume of the Sample solution used for analysis,
rU = peak response of zinc from the Sample solution 10 mL
rS = peak response of zinc from the Standard solution C = concentration of lead in the Sample solution, as
CS = concentration of USP Zinc Oxide RS in the determined from the calibration curve (mg/mL)
Standard solution (µg/mL) F = conversion factor, 0.001 µg/mg
CU = concentration of Zinc Carbonate in the Sample
solution (µg/mL)▲ (USP 1-May-2021) Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 ppm
Acceptance criteria: NLT 70.0% Sample: 10 g of Zinc Carbonate
IMPURITIES Sample solution: Dissolve the Sample in a mixture of
• CHLORIDE AND SULFATE á221ñ, Chloride 100 mL of water and 7 mL of sulfuric acid.
Standard solution: 0.03 mL of 0.02 N hydrochloric acid Analysis: Heat the Sample solution on a steam bath for 1 h.
Filter the solution through a tared sintered-glass crucible, 1/2
Printed on: Tue Aug 03 2021, 07:39:45 AM Official Status: Currently Official on 03-Aug-2021 DocId: 1_GUID-D9B34A1D-4805-442A-A9ED-9084F4BCDBB8_2_en-US
Printed by: Le Tran Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2021 Document Type: USP @2021 USPC

wash with hot water, and dry the crucible at 105°. Cool, 100 mL, and allow the precipitate to settle. Decant the
and weigh. supernatant through a filter. Use the clear filtrate.
Acceptance criteria: The residue weighs NMT 2 mg Analysis: Transfer 50 mL of the Sample solution to a tared
(0.02%). dish, and evaporate to dryness. Ignite, gently at first, and
• SUBSTANCES NOT PRECIPITATED BY AMMONIUM SULFIDE finally at 800 ± 25°. Cool, and weigh.
Sample: 1.0 g of Zinc Carbonate Acceptance criteria: The weight of the residue is NMT 2 mg
Sample solution: Dissolve the Sample in 10 mL of water and (0.4%).
2 mL of sulfuric acid. Dilute with water to 80 mL, add 10 mL
of ammonium hydroxide, and pass hydrogen sulfide ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
through the solution for 30 min. Dilute with water to • PACKAGING AND STORAGE: Preserve in tight containers.

O 2/2

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