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1. Hábitos. Cosas que pasan regularmente. 1. Para hablar de acciones que están ocurrien- 1. Acciones del pasado que tienen conexión 1. Acciones cuyos resultados son todavía apre-
Ej: I go there every weekend. do en el momento. con el presente o su resultado es obvio en el ciables en el presente.
Ej: I’m listening to music now. presente. Ej: Ej: I’m exhausted. I have been working on this
• They have bought a new house. (=they can project all day.
2. Situaciones permanentes. live in it now).
Ej: Mary lives in Cordoba. • It has just started to rain. (=now, so bring the
washing in) 2. Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y
todavía continúan en el presente. Expresa la
3. Cosas que son siempre verdad. 2. Para hablar de situaciones temporales. • You’ve spilt the coffee all over my trousers –
look! duración de la acción a diferencia del Pre-
Ej: People like going out with friends. Ej: As I broke my leg two days ago, I’m not sente Perfect Simple.
2. Acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado sin
working this week. Ej: I’ve been writing for two hours.
The sun sets in the West. especificar CUANDO.
Ej: He has been to London. Pres. Perf. Simple > I’ve written six reviews.
4. State verbs 3. Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y
continúan en el presente (often with for and
Sense: appear, hear, look like, see, taste since). Ej:
Feeling: like, hate, love, prefer, want, wish • We’ve built 20 new schools this year. (=it is
Thinking: agree, believe, forget, know, think, still this year)
understand • I’ve worked there for two months.

Possession: belong to, contain, have, own 4. Para acciones con expresiones como:
Being: be, exist Already, just, yet, before, ever, never, often, recently,
Other: cost, depend on, mean, need still…
•Rain has already ruined the tomato crops.
•Have you ever seen a UFO?
•They haven’t sent an astronaut to Mars yet.
A) Frequency adverbs: always, often, usually, A) Para referirnos a ahora: At present, currently, A) Lately/Recently ! A) Todas las partículas del present perfect
generally, frequently, occasionally, sometimes, now, !right now, at the moment, at !this moment B) For/since ! !B) This week, month, year !
rarely, seldom, hardly ever, never. B) Contrastando con un !hábito: Today C) Already/yet/still*/just EJ: I have been learning English this year
B) Frequency expressions: Ej: I usually play football but today I am playing D) Never, ever ! C) All +expresión de tiempo (day, week, year)
Every........., tennis!
E) How long ! EJ: !I have been studying all day
Once/twice a............, C) Para referirnos al futuro:
F) So far, up to now (hasta el !momento) ! !D) Since when..?
Three/four times a................, This afternoon, week...
G) Today !
On + (any day of the week) Tonight
H) This morning .... !
Day by day, weekly, monthly, daily, yearly, each Tomorrow
day, regularly...! I) Después de adjetivos y !superlativos Ej: This
Next week, month... is the !worst film I have seen !
C) At first..., then, still ...
J) The first time, the only time Ej. This is the
second time he has won the lottery.


1. Present simple – Horarios. 2. Present continuous – Citas o planes fijos. 3. Be going to • Predicciones basadas en algo obvio, que se
Ej: The train leaves at 10:30 Ej: I’m meeting Eve after this class. • Planes/intenciones. puede ver.
Ej: I’m going to study this evening. Ej: Look at that big black cloud. It’s going to rain.

1. Para hablar de creencias, opiniones, espe- 1. Se usa para expresar lo que estará ocurrien- 1. Para hablar sobre una acción que estará 1. Para hablar de la duración de una actividad
ranzas y predicciones futuras. (a menudo van do en momento concreto del futuro. completada para un momento concreto del que ha estado en progreso antes de un momen-
acompañadas por maybe, perhaps, probably, Ej: futuro. Ej: to concreto del futuro.
definitely). Ej: • I’ll have finished this assignment by Saturday. Ej: By 2001 I will have been living in London for
• Where will you be living in five years’ time?
2. Decisiones espontáneas. (Today is Tuesday, Rosie will finish at any time sixteen years.
• We’ll be holding a meeting soon, so we can
• In the next century, most people will proba- decide then. up to Saturday, but not later)

bly live in big cities.

• I feel very tired, so I’ll have a rest.
A) Tomorrow, this evening, in an hour, at 2 A) At this time tomorrow /next (week), on A) By the time (+vb in present) / By June / By the
o’clock, later, next month, soon, in a few weeks, Thursday, in the next decade end of (the week) By next Sunday / By this time
in the future, on 1 May. Ej: next week / By 3 o’clock / By then / In four
B) Probably, maybe, perhaps ! • This time next week I will be sunbathing in months
C) I hope / expect / think / !believe / suppose / Bali. Ej:
guess... • Just think, next Monday you will be working • I’ll have finished all my homework by tomor-
D) I am not sure ! in your new job. row morning.
• We won’t have become fluent in Spanish by
the time we leave Mexico.
1. Para hablar de acciones, eventos o situacio- 1. Para describir una actividad en proceso del 1. Hablar sobre un evento que ocurrió antes de 1. Para hablar de acciones que estaban en pro-
nes que empezaron y terminaron en el pasado. pasado ocurriendo durante un período de otro evento del pasado. Ej: greso hasta el momento en el que otra acción
Ej: I enjoyed the film we saw last night. tiempo concreto. • When I had bought some fruit I went back to tuvo lugar. Ej:
Ej: At nine o’clock I was sitting in the cinema. the beach. They had been climbing for five hours before
(The film was from 8 to 10) they reached the top of the mountain.
• After they had eaten, they cleared the table.
2. Para hablar de una actividad pasada que • When I arrived at the party, Mary had left.
2. Para describir acciones habituales en el estaba ocurriendo cuando otra acción la inte-
pasado (es necesario el adverbio de frecuencia) rrumpió. Ej: • By the time he came, we had left.
Ej: Every day we got up early and went to the
• I was having my lunch when Ruth phoned.

While I was waiting for the bus, I met Karen.

3. Para hablar de dos acciones incompletas en
proceso en el pasado ocurriendo a la misma
A) Ago ! A) While/As ! A) (Before + past simple) + (past perfect) A) That / Those + day, week
B) Yesterday ! Ej: Josh called while I was watching the news. Ej: Before she went to the zoo, Jane had read a lot B) Todas las partículas del Present Perfect
C) Last ! A lot of people arrived as we were leaving. about elephants
D) The previous (day, week...) ! B) When ! B) (After + past perfect) + (past simple)
E) The (day, week...) before ! Ej: He was walking to work when he fell. !Ej: After the family had had breakfast, they went
to the zoo.
C) At that moment / All day long ! / The whole
day...! C) Todas las partículas del present perfect !


CONDITIONAL 1. Para hablar de situaciones hipotéticas o bastante improbables del futuro. 1. Para hablar de cosas que podrían haber ocurrido en el pasado.
Ej: If it rained, you would get wet.!If I spoke Italian, I would be working in Venice.
Ej: If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.

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