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An farigament Oa « Washing ao burirem Plan” Cowre Tithe: Evdae preneunalie Development Coune Code: MAT- 304 Preponed bons Ad. hari Raihan Uddin Amistont paederron Department of Management rnivearihy of dhe ka Paspaned ba : Sheikh Shehaior Ahmed! Boteh ; 95% Th 634 S$ ection Mee Peport ment ot Meragement Unive noi ty db Dheka Dete of Submision : Cn Mas, 2o22 | A Burinem Plon - on Cfts and Toys Retail Shep Divine Gifts omd Toys in a stctup retail stone oflening Hine gith; collectibln and ey, The stone coil be Accated in Gahchan Medel Teun, Gulshan, Dhaa — Cotenins. te the middle and uppen-elen @omumers orho Sock beyond the Congertid rateil malls Sn the Special shopping. experience. oi offering a wide ana of unique, quality product, the conrmamens will enioy drsendly and Kmowledgeable curtomen service and a cenvertent, uncongerted Ce Te bwin plan to prefered fe obhin Boonsing in the amount ot 40,00000 TK fy porchere invertong. ond fo ele coven «*Kpemen in the Fast Year of openaham. We are cho ating fon a eradit Line of les, Lorsoesr TR te be wed ar reeemory in Aes earths periods. Me ond ma Guend Anidil will oun ond operate the hone together or a team We mil provide 30/00,000 TK in cash a an egal oot lo be ured in stat-up Conta, equipment purehone Fea openshing Copitel . The sober finecats ured in thr pon one vena Cowenvative Compared fo ao aimiler burinem row opencting in Gulshan. Ive clecndy cboeaved the Aoergdh» and WeckKrener of thi, Aone ond ” Convinced it Can be done betten. Gorponents Yean-21 Yo 2 Yeon -3 Soler 1/26/0970? 4, 44,a0,000 | 4, $g s0,550 Cuom Mergin | $2, 0°,000 68,00 ,o0d %5 50, 550 Net Proht @ 3,950,000 | 9,00, 000 16 62,00 ( (Te develop Divine Gift) ond Tays inte the premiene, aidt and toy celal sfore in Cubshen: (iV) To begin and maintain a gnen prodit morgin obove 409, ba the Sout yeor: (i) To oequing a euttomen bere of 5,000 by the end of the Fort geo, bu wing permreral eurtomen seavice ond mon dering (iv) To achieve a aubstantel net eroht by the. end ot year 3. ° 1.2 Miron Divine Bilt, ond Toys will be a neheil gift and fy Stone apecializing in Ge GE, fogs, ColleeKbls, collectible dull ond ell accertonion. We want fo provide paoduch From qvelity sapien ond provide predeni ened aurtomen Aorwiee in = tniendhy Telnaes (4 493 4o Sucee> To beacme, gueeen kA in thin burinen we must: Selk products trot the eurtomen | denier, Provide highest qvelity and et Aeyr ond 4th wath Jet of dectiuner. 3B. Provide doiendly escent ane actail rbeop, Ae Paovide All support baping a predact 5: Make online selling and cone toting the digitel mertteting prepente. & Estoblish exeellert vendon/supplien ralefenskp thet wll dacilitte quick alipment oF cadenn zB Provide authente pacducty to goin nes customer and Keep eurrent curtomens G vent mw RQI to goin Qompetitive advarilig g in the meartet, \e \Is ilo? 5. 2» Ce compare Summ ane bb Divine Cifttr ond Tory in prepared te be ele Preprietonrhip Company openoted ba. Sheikh Shabrian Ahmed and Anh Grlam and in a rowdy ertahLished retail bare. offe nig. wrigue eh and elegant eallectible toys and dal. Leested in Gulshan Medel Toon, Dheka, we eal astern to ppesiel eurtemers oto ore intenerted in Finding, anigue ond antique idem to rep plement fhein toy ond dell cedlection on Trading. a xf het Con vot be found wr the refer ehin Athena. in oO Vert burg. and cargetted hopping onal We. intend +o expand our buvinem by cone building oO nopest euntoren bose and provide Hae pire duchs and wir @hondint they ixioaat + preter. we tel Fir important to oflen perroned pnegponte and tenvines te ackiove cut business ‘phils. BL Company Ourcenvhip le Divine Cds and Teqa wil( begin o penstion ana aole-proprieharkip burinem. The Company. will be | paved by Sheikh Shahnar Ahmed and Anihh Laem. To tal eummernt ond bong, Ten. amet alll motle-up — 724. oF atent-up nequinemernts. Strtup : | (a) Owns’ investmert trom Shokniart ond Angad of 30/0 () Commereicl Loon of 40/00,000 Tk, coleleled of 71. 0? you @) Line oF cnedit of 10,00,650 TK to be ured as macemery, [R Start-upondpetaile oF other Shrtup expemer Seniell Nome oF the ifenn Mensa cequited 4 Rereanch and development Totel = 58,0 Toke 2| dst Month Ret and Deponit Tebl= 14,.02,<00/4n 3 Leaneheld {mprevements Hotel = G,o2,c00 ‘4 Phone Line intbation Totl= 8, Co0/ Ling S Foumrenve bil For Find moth Aotel = 55,960(Fon Got 6 Adveod sing ond — Premetion Te tal = 298,100 Rl Totel Start-up expemes Tol = 2%, 24,600 BK Tobl Stort-op Amety and Gee, 9 |_ Stert-up expemer to Zand 2% 24/6 te] Stature Amel toFind 52,25, 4or To tol handing. Nequined = "0,00, o00 Total CoPited = 28Ferdem tk. 12,75, 400 TK. Tot! Licbiliter = 40,<0re8> TK, 2% Leocotion Prepered : a The mot dovinebe frewton weve Bund in in Rupayon Gentne FL, Mohakheli Commeneicl fara, Qulshen Medel Town, Gulshens DhoKa. The preperty manager extimeter thet elmont reer Conn pun this cuter deily. quis Loeotion for 1:862 5g. ff and ia priced ot 1,000 Tha per cq: G. The CAM sxpeme onli per ay Be ond 1» odgurtable ond refindable of the end oF the goon, G. cthen vwonds, if the Comme ofnsa maintenance Zand her nef been Fully ured daning fe geo, the rameining. portion of the Fund will be credited foutond the tenons Lense pospment: Approximolels 350 s4Ft in dle back neon aan lve ured on vtork apoce and Ahooo ge . Monthly rart iy 1,2.2,500 Tele, and the common Acca Maintenance (CAM) in 20,000 TK bon o fehl of t4orcm per month, All appropricte, inoanance or Licbility and inverto ng in the tenants corporribllity . The oumer ip veny helped amd Hexible tr. 9. 3. Produce Divine Gif and Toys plemd to dang. ppeciok eecamion gi€ty, togr , Collect bler and merchonding Boom pome bocal Gomparier near Cazipun ond Crukistan, We che elon te import Oud, tyr Q eallectiblern trom at oven the world by enacting sooth matty alsin tala with ned predicts provider. We will noe produce, nome of oon own baanded hy otter being enteblished within 2-3 yeony, we plan & bey and sell Aintique Colleetows be ete mining there products bs Pore -escPenleneg We will be collecting toend product Like by, dlls and offer colectife 4th ond sell at Pearonoble price to feep exiting, ertemers, a and gfow “new ones, Ae Menkeding analyrin Sereman [ey Recording fo 0 wreth Known — menket invertigeton, | the fous gift ond collectible jndurtag genencbes 2 Lakh Crone every geor thet ta inensering- deg by dag. The Cut jaduding, Neh includes general gifty, callectblor, etioneng and greeting Conds and foyy geneneter billion of toler becaure Hae mamber oF childrens ane inehearing cng boy. doy ond people in beirg ean Hving qth and Celeetiblan en mang SCeamom Aike neven bectne. 4-1 Maenket Seqmentotion et “The ideal custamer we expect f nore ir: 3 Middle to upper-olen. 2. Primarily ferele ant elild, Br S-FS Yeon of Ay. & Edicated, 6. Home Owner 9) 1. GS Quolify Conrciony « 4 Value dembiour & Family oniarted . We will attract there cusbmen by obenivg wigne and -Un- Commen product peleetion pat Lynd in The pos poakel. dE Mone ond mene comumery are AeeKing independent retsilev thet offer them tle feel of home wtth a mone penronolized opring expemienca. 4.2 Induitnn Analyrin (tt HAA commumen beame mene fimo-depnived, Hey (he Aecig +o shop ot Aoner oo DALI (Se offerings ane an equal in quality, ond valve to thein pneducty, : } 42:1 Competition and Buying Patterns Brand nome produc all well in the shner fet peice good~ seleahon, qord Peotien ord ed Jedgeable , friendly emplogeos, There ane mast vitol faces when sollicg gif, collectible, and trys. other stones in thin enea carry one on hus diner of dally and ith but do nat offen a wide verichy oF collectible della, anhqgver, fogy and 4i th. we jedend fe offen more GHenent Lett Lice Lil acervrenien, toy, pemonalized lwtedgeablr $ nuwice , ond & voriety of ofkn Unque «tt * menchandine. the internet offen dell ot direourt prices. | How even, ment - «f the merchandise in netined on Lnearkinusd Diker thet the’ manuheturers elt! bulk at direouint wholesale prieer. There or! vot te produc, we intend te Canny ta oun _ hep s wie indind te devalap' a nb poge at some mit prebobly within fete years after the stu, Then well market oun: menchandire on the inteanet dasm owt orth offeidl wobrite. Monomer , Gockel media ull be oon Sat online tanget morket place, eae ia 5. Steategy, and Suglimertaction Summons (13. vine fh and toys ill develop product adfeniags and coonheting. Aochegy fo jnaneene its errbomer baer while daiving polis and prot. The: Plowing nection peviews are verioun Aastegion thet oll arp pot thin effeat. Divine Git and Toys will Grows ib marketing Fort, by advect sing. in the, online nour portaly, newrpaperr, Aetiol media ond coble TV, we will abe increase emer ardSatneyy, nretoin the existing aurtomen. and paemefe soles via Acareral porteand anc vewsletter mailing The mailing will anreurce apecial event and holidays. There events uull be ved fo nell obey mevirg products, Diving Gif ond Tey, will odfern For evens ovr TK Apert, The coupon can be wed bg the curtomer on Adure vite to the Aone - LOT Sco coupom 5:2 Soleo _Stasber Ute Divine Gilly end Toys will approach roles roma Salerperron-curtomenr netetionip bara. ALL eustomers will be amiited in a very personal manner. Celtining Hey eurtorer inthamation and necking perboamence Feedback on the pacduct and rew/eny Hered will emt wm in the Fellousing Wor : () Tengeting oun morketing eon mone ethetively, WW) Develo ging product ote ond enshandinng Foamstr thet will ineneme redler, (i) Developing renvicer Tt enhance. the shopping Senne! (iy) qrcneane AUR NOM of divine eth ond Avy within the aehoil Cowen morketplace. (wv) Develop botone selo» opportunities Hot cdleus ton contioned grasth of the busine, Sales in the nefail Gir, tegr ond Colleot bles induitog in enhanced by pear) ellen ond Die aving oecotion | Mondhy salen forecast thew thet beat Got jh)so,c00 on be eandad, ond geo, Seber Haveniea will be obmadt. 1, 55.) ar TR: TTems Year = 1 Near 2 Year - 3 ~ Tofel sales 4, 23,s0.e001K|4, 33,0000 |7,55,2,000 - Vineet Cont of Scler Jo, Tk.| FG 60,o00 38,00, 55D 2:3 Compe Htive Edge 2:3 Compe tive Edge Divine a ad Toys sail AMisle trl cemehitively on a unique retail envinenmert thasugh produet offen a and Friendly, pervroral Curren ee one moms Wonpiths, medica! oHieer., hetel» and urivean figs olf heeded “within 1/2 mle of the proposed nite, We will cttewd fo offer item thet appeal thr diverc population cr well ar the deli calleeha. G4 Pomonrel Plan ee ae included in the Falasivg foble. Ft pho the omnes Selenies oberg with, one. port — He’ erplogee ned 09 rvreeded, (tz eee Ferenneh plan fend |Yen-2 |Yeor-3 Monager JOwaanr Soler and Merchooding 42.5.7? |18,75,000 |13, 75 e00 Owesr{Monegen~ Operation and Finanaal 775,080 | (2,00, 850 |\2, 00,000 Pent Hime cy raoded 2, b0,000 |%, 45,080 | 4, 30,050 Tetel peopte 3 3 a Toth poynati—— | 22260 | 29/2060 | 55.05 ox J: Fioanciel flan L At the beginning, growth will be modencte. Le Corr will Ge managed and Soran, hon Fine perdoamed one regular bars. weed, will be Bn Fn dicg the night product, ot the right pee will Sncble the bonineny fo mech pleaned wairtein inventory ot an accoptobte merginn ond devel. EA Geportant Ramametiona 2 We wont rell anatica on @nadit. 2. We omme the continued popubenrt fy 4 4th, © foys, calleatibtes and autiqg ven will (neneare dog. by deg | amme acon to FSranci 3. we AN cient ty moirtein ow Financial plan. A Evers. georble deciriem will be ‘mode ba the Awe owner on Maregennd . The eptimation shew thet obout 2,50,c00 TK prcht will be eorned por marth And shout Sonam TK Pooht sill be earned por seer we expect fo have a gren mengin percent above tof. in the Laat yeor, which will confine fo grow in Yew tute and free, We till have a veqetive predit/sel, pereentige fon the Fait ture yeonn uth < porttive net prof t by Your three. 7:3 Basck- even foalyrin: The Follering tbl Ahows oun ertimealod morhdeg Revenng bneak- even poink: Bacok even Arel nis : Mordht fevente Bresk-even 9,950,080 TK Amueptions: : Average. percent venlable Gaat SE% Entimated moedhly Bred Cont 4,05, «80 ZA Grojeded Cath Flows es —— UL camt be cvyhousn here due to Apoce problem. Thet rh oka. ody Wee Bolence ty Given here Gon 3 geo: Co How Yeon 1. peor 2 feen—3 - Cor Bolenee 45,00,000 | 39,20, 000 43,0015 75 Projected alone Sheat Due apace preblom the Filh helanee sheet coat be whowa here. Thet in wha only Toth anch and Drchilifes ond capi oytimetion of Byer vr giver below with Net cron of the Compang: Nome geen feer-2 | oan 3 Tobel Apretr 63, bh |57, 74,000 [C7000 Tot Lebilifies ond Corl 63,6415 IG 7, 74,000 62,097,660 Net Utentth 13,125 [p41 62,000 33,141, 000

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