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Salary Payslip for the Month Of August-2022

Pay Period 01.08.2022- 31.08.2022 EIH Limited

Bhupender Kumar Sharma

Employee ID : 10004688 Bank Account No & Name : 100401509309 & ICICI BANK LTD,
Department : Housekeeping
Designation : Housekeeping Supervisor
DOJ / Gender : 02.01.2006/Male Grade : Staff-Permanent RL8
PAN NO : APVPB0836M Days Worked In Month : 31.00
PF / Pension No : DL/1509/1281 Notice Pay : 0.00
UAN No : 100113167680 LOP + Unsched Previous Months: 0.00
ESI No : Gratuity/Leave Encashment : 0.00/0.00

Rate Of Salary INR Earnings INR Deductions INR

Basic Pay 22,874.00 Basic Salary 22,874.00 Arrear Ee PF contribution 1,072.00

House Rent Allowance 43,389.00 House Rent Allowance 43,389.00 Ee PF contribution 2,745.00
Performance Award 24,000.00 Arrear Ee VPF contributio 1,968.00
B/F Basic 8,944.00 Ee VPF contribution 5,032.00
B/F HRA 15,672.00 Income Tax 2,847.00
Cafeteria Deduction 250.00

Total Standard Salary 66,263.00 Gross Earnings 114,879.00

Gross Deductions 13,914.00

Net Pay 100,965.00

Income Tax Computation
Monthly Tax Deductions Exemption U/S 10 Deductions Under Chapter VI-A
August 22 2,847.00 Agg of Chapter VI 150,000.00

*This is a computer generated payslip and doesn't require signature or any company seal. The above payslip is generated after considering the payroll inputs till
24th of this month. All one time payments like taxable LTA, variable pay etc. will be subject to one time tax deduction at your applicable tax slab. All the
payments and deductions are subject to change on the basis of the actuals supporting documents submitted. The calculation of income tax is only provisional

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