2020 06 17 V English 1

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Class V
Lesson-3 (Grammar)
Transformation of Sentences
A sentence can be changed from one kind to another without changing its
1. From Exclamatory to Declarative
An exclamatory sentence can be changed into declarative sentence and vice
For eg: How beautiful she is! (exclamatory)
She is very beautiful. (declarative)
2. From Declarative to Interrogative
a) A declarative sentence can be changed into interrogative by putting the verb
before the subject.
For eg: She is very kind. (declarative)
Isn’t she very kind? (interrogative)
b) When a declarative sentence has two verbs- one helping and one main , it can
be changed into interrogative by putting the subject between the two verbs.
For eg: I will met you at the mall. (declarative)
Won’t I meet you at the mall? (interrogative)
c) When declarative contains the adverb never, it becomes ever in interrogative
For eg: I never asked you to do it. (declarative)
Did I ever asked you to do it? (interrogative)
d) When declarative sentence contains the adverb no, it becomes any in the
interrogative sentence.
For eg: There is no fun in doing that. (declarative)
Is there any fun in doing that? (interrogative)
A. Change the following declarative sentence into interrogative sentences.
1. Sheila is my best friend.
Is Sheila my best friend?
2. Rahul and Amit are going to the school fest.
Are Rahul and Amit going to school fest?
3. My brother is in class XII.
Is my brother in class XII?
4. He had finished practicing his music.
Had he finished practicing his music?
5. Fauna has stopped going out in this heat.
6. She never goes out when it is raining.
7. She is no fun when she is in a grumpy mood.
8. Diane is no fool that she will fall for your trick.

B. Change the sentences as instructed.

1. Come here. (Change to interrogative)
Will you come here?
2. It is a great victory. ( Change to interrogative)
Was it a great victory?
3. Stop talking. ( Change to interrogative)
Will you stop talking?
4. Will you get away from the pool? (Change to imperative)
Please get away from the pool.
5. Shut the door. ( Change to interrogative)
Can you shut the door?
6. Do not disturb me. (Change to interrogative)
7. What a beautiful view! (Change to declarative)
8. Has she finished her work? (Change to declarative)
9. Is she your friend? ( Change to declarative)

C. Change these sentences into negative sentences without changing their

1. He is honest.
He is not honest.
2. Iron is a heavy metal.
Iron is not a heavy metal.
3. He is always on time.
He is not always on time.
4. Everyone liked the lecture.
No one liked the lecture.
5. I shall never forget you.
I will not remember you.
6. He is sure of his success.
He is not sure of his success.
7. He refused the order.
He did not refuse the order.
8. Everybody is present.
9. Everyone found the film interesting.
10. The water is too cold for me to drink.
11. Everyone will agree that he is an intelligent person.
12. I am Unhappy with the way things are progressing.
Tag question
A declarative sentence can also be changed into interrogative sentence by
adding a short question at the end. Foe eg.
She is beautiful, isn’t she?
These short questions that we put at the end of sentences are called Tag
Usually if the sentence is positive , the question tag is negative.

D. Complete the statements using suitable question tags.

1. He can drive, can’t he?
2. You were late, weren’t you?
3. He invited her, didn’t he?
4. You will help us, won’t you?
5. This won’t work, will it?
6. You don’t like her, do you?
7. It isn’t snowing, is it?
8. Saina isn’t a tennis player, is she?
9. You will tell me if she calls, won’t you?
10. I went to the party that evening, _____?
11. The weather is bad, ____?
12. You didn’t visit the museum, ___?
13. You aren’t his brother, ____?
14. I can climb the hill, ____?
15, He didn’t try his best, ____?

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