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1. Celebrities have a lot of influence nationally and internationally.

• Of which Ukrainian celebrity are you most proud?

• What are some of this celebrity’s accomplishments?
• How does this person bring pride to your nation and culture?
A great number of international celebrities appeared in the 21st century because «the cult of
celebrity» was created by mass media. There is a wide range of ways by which people may become
famous: from their profession, appearance and gesture or even by accident or unethical behavior.

Quite often celebrities become real role models for children teens and adults. However, I think, that
not all of them are worth it. Moreover, many modern celebrities can only spoil people’s characters,
violate the life values and destroy moral principles.

To my mind a true celebrity is a person, who can set an example to other people by doing something
useful for the local or global community. There are not so many famous Ukrainians who meet these
criteria. But some of them earn our respect and honor.

One of them is Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, a well-known vocalist not only in Ukraine, but in the whole
world. He is a lead vocalist of Okean Elzy, the most-successful rock band of our country. Svyatoslav
Vakarchuk was born in Mukachevo, he is Ivan Vakarchuk’s, a professor of physics at Lviv University,

Svyatoslav has released 9 studio albums together with his band, Okean Elzy. However, he also has a
degree in theoretical physics. In one word a talented person is great in everything.

Vakarchuk takes an active part in social and cultural projects. He is a founder of the Charity Fund
«People of the Future». The main projects of the Fund were «A Book Creates a Man», «The Country’s
Education», «Think, Act, Help». Together with the members of the band he actively supported the
preventive campaign «People Are Not for Sale».

In 2003 Svyatoslav has become an Honorary Ambassador of Culture in Ukraine. The magazine
Korrespondent ranks him as one of the 100 most influential people of Ukraine.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk is aso active in politics. In 2007 and 2008 he was a member of the
parliamentary committee for freedom of speech question. In early 2008 renounced his seat in
Verkhovna Rada because of the political situation.

I really like his active citizenship and views on political life in Ukraine. He attracts mass attention to
some important issues and problems. This personality brings pride to my nation by dissemination of
Ukrainian culture all over the world through his songs. He is a great example to follow for people,
showing the way we should love and respect our Motherland.

I think that we should appreciate such people as Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, because they inspire all
Ukrainians to unite and create a happy future for our country.

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