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BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151 on 11 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 24, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Supportive supervision to improve
service delivery in low-income
countries: is there a conceptual problem
or a strategy problem?
Gertrude Sika Avortri,1 Joy Belinda Nabukalu,2 Juliet Nabyonga-Orem1

To cite: Avortri GS, Nabukalu JB, Abstract

Nabyonga-Orem J. Supportive Summary box
Supportive supervision is perceived as an intervention that
supervision to improve service strengthens the health system, enables health workers
delivery in low-income ►► Supportive supervision has the potential to improve
to offer quality services and improve performance.
countries: is there a conceptual the quality of health care and management, enhance
Unfortunately, numerous studies show that supervisory
problem or a strategy skills of health workers and improve performance.
problem?BMJ Glob Health mechanisms in many low-income countries (LICs) are
►► Supervisory mechanisms in many low-income coun-
2019;4:e001151. doi:10.1136/ suboptimal. Further, the understanding of the concept and
tries have low coverage, are irregular, unsupportive
bmjgh-2018-001151 its implementation is still shrouded in misinterpretations
and demotivating.
and inconsistencies. This analysis contributes to a deeper
►► Evidence on realising and sustaining envisaged ben-
Handling editor Seye Abimbola understanding of the concept of supportive supervision
efits from supportive supervision is mixed.
and how reorganisation of the approach can contribute to
►► To realise the full benefits that the intervention ac-
Received 1 September 2018 improved performance. The effectiveness of supportive
cords, limited understanding on what constitutes
Revised 7 November 2018 supervision is mixed, with some studies noting that
Accepted 23 November 2018 effective supportive supervision, and how different
evidence on its role, especially in LICs is inconclusive.
supervision approaches influence performance in
Quality of care is a core component of universal health
different social and cultural contexts need to be
coverage which, accentuates the need for supportive
supervision. In the context of LICs, it is imperative for
►► A methodological shift that builds capacity at the
supportive supervision to be implemented as an on-going
lower levels of service delivery for internal sup-
approach. Factors that affect supportive supervision
portive supervision especially in health facilities will
encompass cultural, social, organizational and context
reduce the systemic and logistical implementation
dimensions but the capacity of majority of LIC to address
these is limited. To this end, we underscore the need to
review the supportive supervision approach to improve its
effectiveness, and ensure that facility-based supervision
embodies as many of the envisioned qualities as possible. influenced largely by supervisory practices
We thus make a case for a stronger focus on internal from the political, business and industrial
supportive supervision where internal refers to health arena.3 It encompasses various ideas, different
facility/unit/ward level. Inherent in the approach is what approaches and methods from different disci-
we refer to as ‘supervisee initiated supportive supervision’. plines.4 Are the variations explained by lack
The success of this approach must be anchored on
© Author(s) (or their of conceptual clarity? Martin et al raise this
employer(s)) 2018. Re-use a strong system for monitoring, data and information
concern highlighting the lack of consensus
permitted under CC BY-NC. No management at the health facility level.
on the definition as well as the most effective
commercial re-use. See rights
and permissions. Published by models, processes and methods.5 Definitions
BMJ. aside, what supportive supervision entails
Health Systems and Background is another murky area, while some relate
Services Cluster, World Health Supportive supervision is perceived as an supportive supervision to ‘facilitative, clinical
Organization, Inter-Country intervention that strengthens the health or professional supervision’6 others equate it
Support Team for Eastern
system, enables health workers to offer to ‘mentoring’ and ‘quality improvement’7
and Southern Africa, Harare,
Zimbabwe quality services and improves performance.1 and indeed use these terms interchangeably.
Independent Consultant, In low-income countries (LICs), the primary The low numbers, inadequate skills and
HealthNet Consult, Kampala, healthcare (PHC) movement highlighted inefficiencies in management of the avail-
Uganda the need for supportive supervision to link able health work force in LIC,8 accentuate
Correspondence to
remote workers to the health system and the need for supportive supervision as one of
Dr Juliet Nabyonga-Orem; supplement their training.2 The concept of the interventions to improve performance.9
​nabyongaj@​who.​int supervision has evolved over the decades, Unfortunately, supervisory mechanisms in

Avortri GS, et al. BMJ Glob Health 2019;4:e001151. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151  1

BMJ Global Health

BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151 on 11 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 24, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
many LICs have low coverage, are irregular, unsupportive issuing of orders, intimidation with a focus on data collec-
and demotivating.10 Scholars emphasise the need for a tion and use of checklists.
better understanding of the human interactions involved Over the years, the traditional supervision model has
if efforts to transform the traditional form of supervision been realised to be unproductive, necessitating a shift
that comprised top-down authoritarian approaches, to to a more facilitative approach that promotes mentor-
new methods that are more liberal and collaborative, ship, joint problem-solving and communication between
are to deliver expected improvements.11 We also argue supervisors and supervisees.11 Supportive supervision
that the understanding of the concept and its implemen- encounters should typically include performance obser-
tation is still shrouded in misinterpretation and incon- vation and comparison of actual practices with standards;
sistencies. Healthcare organisation have an obligation facilitative feedback on performance; provision of guide-
to ensure that supportive supervision is defined, appro- lines or technical updates; ascertaining opportunities for
priate and supported to be effective. In undertaking this improvement; problem solving as a team and follow-up of
analysis, we draw on varied concepts from different disci- previously noted problems.14 Scholars draw our attention
plines to examine the concept of supportive supervision to the importance of human interactions highlighting
and implementation approaches in healthcare delivery the importance of a relationship between supervisor and
in LICs. We further explore the different supportive supervisee in which the responsibility and accountability
supervision mechanisms, innovative approaches and for the development of competence, demeanour and
their impact on performance and quality of services. ethical practice take place.19 In this context, the super-
The objective of this analysis is to contribute to a deeper visor is responsible for providing direction to the super-
understanding of the concept of supportive supervision visee, who applies relevant work theory, standardised
and how reorganisation of the approach can contribute knowledge, competency and applicable ethical content
to improved performance in LICs. in the practice setting in a collaborative process.
Attempts have been made to distinguish clinical, profes-
sional and managerial or line supervision.20 Managerial
supervision is carried out by a supervisor with authority
Conceptualisation of supportive supervision in the and accountability for the supervisee. Clinical and profes-
health sector sional supervision on the other hand are often used inter-
Supervision in the health sector dates as far back as the changeably to refer to an approach where staff are given
early 1900s when it was conceived as an organisational and the opportunity to reflect on and review their practice,
management process.12 In the initial stages, a traditional discuss individual cases in depth, change or modify their
form of supervision based on a top-down authoritarian practice and identify training and continuing devel-
approach was introduced.11 Contemporary methods that opment needs.19 Other scholars state that supportive
are more liberal and collaborative are believed to have supervision covers three main overlapping domains—
evolved from USA and the UK.3 administrative, educational and supportive.21 While the
Supportive supervision has been defined in several administrative component addresses issues of meeting
ways as ‘provision of guidance and feedback on matters policy and guidelines requirements, the educational
of personal, professional and educational develop- aspect deals with learning relationships between super-
ment’13; as ‘an approach that emphasises mentoring, visor and supervisee and monitoring clinical and profes-
joint problem solving, two-way communication’6 and as sional developments of supervisees, and the supportive
‘a process that promotes quality at all levels of the health element relates to decreasing supervisees job stress,
system’.14 Garrison et al defines the concept as a process motivation and creating a work environment that facili-
of guiding, helping, training and encouraging staff to tates performance. Schriver et al, however, caution that
improve their performance continuously in order to attempts to distinguish between managerial, education
provide high-quality health services.15 and supportive supervision may represent a simpli-
Though a number of definitions and models of super- fication of interrelated aspects as the components
vision have been developed, the concept still remains overlap.22 Likewise, while some definitions differentiate
ill-defined.16 The word supervision is a coinage from two supportive supervision from mentoring and coaching,23
Latin words: ‘super’ and ‘video’. Super means ‘over’ or others emphasise mentoring, team work, joint problem
‘above’, while video means ‘to see’. Taken together, super solving and open communication as major dimensions of
video means ‘to see from above’ or to ‘oversee’.17 Supervi- supportive supervision.14
sion has thus been defined as ‘to oversee, to superintend Other types of supportive supervision employed in
or to guide and to stimulate the activities of others, with a LICs include individual supportive supervision which
view of their improvement’.3 Some scholars denote supe- aims to improve clinical or managerial performance and
riority in the supportive supervision concept as: ‘an inter- respond to professional development needs of an indi-
vention provided by a senior member to a junior member vidual. Integrated supportive supervision which focuses
of the same profession’.18 This view of supervision seems on supporting the service delivery team to provide respon-
to have greatly influenced the design of the traditional sive and quality services, build capacity for self-assess-
supervisory approaches which were characterised with ment and joint problem solving, comply with standards

2 Avortri GS, et al. BMJ Glob Health 2019;4:e001151. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151

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BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151 on 11 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 24, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and build teamwork. Integrated supportive supervision their work) and quality interpersonal interaction. Task
of management systems focuses on improving manage- assistance, however, offers the greatest impact on positive
ment functions through ensuring proper implementa- worker outcome.18 38
tion of government policy and guidelines, adherence to Regarding organisational context, the policy environ-
standards and improving coordination of health actors. ment, the value or priority accorded to the supervision
Emergency supportive supervision on the other hand function and the existing organisational configurations
seeks to support response efforts to emergencies.24–27 play an important role in how supervision interventions
are implemented.28 The organisational objectives for
issues such as productivity, flexibility, costs, health and
Effect of supportive supervision
safety greatly influence the design of structures, which
Evidence on the effectiveness of supportive supervision
includes supportive supervision.39 Additionally, the
is mixed with some studies reporting that its role, espe-
acceptability of supervision need to be understood in a
cially in LICs, is inconclusive.28 Some studies have linked
social and cultural context.11
supportive supervision to positive outcomes such as job
motivation, retention, satisfaction and better perfor-
mance.29 Supervisory dimensions of task assistance, social
Supportive supervision structures and processes in
and emotional support and interpersonal interaction
have been highlighted as beneficial outcomes for health
A favourable policy environment where supportive super-
workers.30 Additionally, evidence shows that improving
vision has clearly defined and accountable structures and
supervision quality has a greater impact than increasing
is firmly anchored in sector performance management
frequency of supervision alone.2
processes is essential. Most LICs have developed super-
Improved adherence to clinical guidelines has been
visory structures or a system for the health sector, and
reported. In Ethiopia, for example, the consistency in
diverse mechanisms and strategies have been employed.
pneumonia case management improved from 38% to
Among the strategies is development and application of
78% during the first to the fourth supportive supervi-
policy/guidelines and tools, training, continuous super-
sion.31 Improved adherence to standards and guidelines
vision and support, monitoring of provider performance
for emergency obstetric care was reported in Uganda.32
and availing required logistics.32 36 40
Other studies observed supportive supervision related
An analysis of the supportive supervision in Tanzania
improvements in medicines management,33 treatment
and Malawi noted a favourable attitude towards, and
of common childhood illnesses34 and general quality of
more support for supportive supervision, as well as a
health care.35
paradigm shift towards more supportive and problem
On the contrary, however, some studies demonstrate no
solving approaches in Tanzania, attributable to the
positive effects. Madede et al found no statistically signif-
policy environment.28 Limitation in supportive super-
icant differences between health workers job satisfaction
vision polices/guidelines impact on implementation
scores pre-supportive and post-supportive supervision.36
approaches. For example, while countries like South
Bosch-Capblanch et al in a systematic review to ascertain
Africa24 and Ethiopia25 put in place policies and guide-
whether supervision has a positive effect on the quality of
lines that adopted a whole systems supportive super-
PHC in LICs and middle-income countries posit that the
vision approach with an emphasis on improving sector
long-term effectiveness of supervision is unknown.37
performance, other country efforts were disease or
programme specific.40 41 Regarding conceptualisation
Factors that influence supportive supervision of supportive supervision, different views emerge. Some
Factors that promote effective supervision have been countries perceive supportive supervision as a process
highlighted as: (1) good knowledge of the local situation; with an intended outcome (improved health outcomes,
(2) opportunity for the supervisor and supervisee to work enhanced skills of health workers)27 42 as regular visit to
together on the issue; (3) frequent constructive feedback monitor performance25 and as a range of measures to
and (4) structured or scheduled supervision with agreed ensure that supervisors carry out their work.41
content and learning objectives.13 Furthermore, the level In practice, supportive supervision strategies vary
of knowledge and skills of supervisors in teaching, assess- greatly in approach, content and tools. In most instances,
ment, counselling, appraisal, feedback, career advice and supportive supervision tends to be the responsibility
interpersonal relationship are key.13 of external top-level officials.28 43 Vasan et al observed
Evidence highlights three main factors that contribute that the focus on external top-level supervisor could
to supervisory outcomes including task assistance (eg, be attributed to the fact that most of these are donor
provision of tangible work-related advice, instruction, supported with the quest to impose managerial agendas
support training and learning activities such as coaching), and power dynamics within organisations, and a growing
social and emotional support (ie, listening to workers as ‘risk’ of practitioners’ well-being often underpin the
they discuss job difficulties, providing supportive state- institutionalisation of external supportive supervision
ments and relating to the emotional needs of the workers mechanisms.44 In other instances, implementation
when they feel overwhelmed, stressed or confused by of supervision is sourced externally through private

Avortri GS, et al. BMJ Glob Health 2019;4:e001151. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151 3

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BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151 on 11 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 24, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
arrangements—contracted out to agencies or individual A number of limiting factors characteristic to LIC
practitioners.44 Suffice to say that composition of some of include low coverage, lack of motivation and inadequate
the outsourced teams do not always meet the technical training for supervisors on problem-solving methodol-
expertise or qualification required. ogies.37 Others relate to inadequate supervisory skills,
Generally, supervision paradigms are one of peri- poor staff attitude, lack of transport, lack of support
odic inspection and control,28 with so much focus on from the national level and lack/non-use of supervisory
collecting and analysing data.45 Other studies have tools.50 There are instances where supervisors themselves
noted that supportive supervision sessions were used as attested to being ineffective and expressed the need
opportunity to check reports and or avenues to organise to transform their supervisory approaches to be more
meetings on a broad range of general issues.43 Bradley collaborative, transparent, team building and caring.50
et al note that supervisors grapple with several demands An assessment in Pakistan observed that supervisors had
in their capacity as managerial supervisors combined varied understanding of the definition of supervision,
with clinical supervisory responsibility either within the lacked requisite knowledge and skill.51
health facility in which they were based or to different
health facilities.28 Usually tools such as checklists, job
aids, guidelines and, to some extend, mobile technology Need for change in strategy
or e-Health devices are used to facilitate data collection, We underscore the need to review the supervision strategy
identification problems and record-keeping.7 Unfor- to improve its effectiveness and ensure that facility-based
tunately, these tools often captured a huge number of supervision embodies as many of the envisioned quali-
indicators leading to difficulties in compiling, inter- ties as possible. It is also evident that despite huge invest-
preting and use of the findings during the visit to ments in supportive supervision interventions, expected
support staff. Rarely do focused or technical supportive improvements have not and may not be achieved without
supervision visits by people with expertise in specific a better understanding of the human interactions
areas take place. Evidence highlights staff frustration involved and a change in strategic direction that directs
with their supervisors due to their inability to respond investments to mitigate the factors that hinder its imple-
to their concerns.43 In Rwanda, for example, instead of mentation.
external supervisors helping supervisees’ professional In the context of LICs, it is imperative for supportive
development, they rather focused on evaluating their supervision to be implemented as a continual, ongoing
performance against the performance-based financing approach. Contextual, institutional and logistical chal-
benefits.22 lenges continue to hinder supportive supervision. In this
Combined approaches have shown some positive regard, we make a case for a stronger focus on internal
results. George et al document an initiative in Uganda supportive supervision. Internal in this regard refers to
that utilised mentoring with a combination of external health facility/unit/ward level. In this approach, the
specialist teams and local mentors that resulted in more supervisors are on-site, thus limiting logistical require-
productivity, increased problem identification and ments applicable to using external supervisors. Inherent
solving, improved management of patients and health in the approach is what we refer to as ‘supervisee initiated
worker skills.46 They, however, noted challenges with supportive supervision’ whose characteristics include:
documentation practices and use of self-assessment tools. ►► The supervisees (ie, individual health worker or
In their view, initial involvement of external mentors, group or health facility) and where necessary, the
involvement of local leadership and having mentees that supervisee’s line manager, have the responsibility to
are passionate and interested in the initiative were key identify supportive supervision needs using a number
success factors. PHC supervision initiative in South Africa of tools and approaches internal to the health facility
comprised regular review of PHC facility performance, and together address the needs of the supervisee.
in-depth programme review, problem-solving discus- ►► In situations where the technical expertise is not
sions and improvement planning, training and review of internally available a request should be sent to the
previous actions taken since the last supervision visit and ‘next level’ for supportive supervision. The next level
new actions to follow.47 In their assessment of PHC super- analyses the request and plans with the supervisee to
vision initiative in South Africa, Jacobs et al reported provide supervision. In this way, external supervisors
improvements in supportive supervision processes but no would have prior knowledge of the identified need
demonstrable impact.47 to guide their planning, including the constitution of
Noteworthy is the fact that majority of interventions teams.
to improve supportive supervision in LIC are externally Positive experiences of the internal supportive super-
funded22 48 and are pilot projects.40 43 Scaling-up and vision approach have been reported in Tanzania and
sustenance of improvements even in the pilot sites fizzle Malawi, although challenges were highlighted as well.
out once donor funding is withdrawn. Evidence shows For example, time constraints associated with the dual
that supportive supervision provision in its current state role, where supervisors have to supervise lower level
is insufficient to meaningfully improve the quality of care facilities and undertake direct supervision within their
in countries.49 departments.28 The success of this approach must be

4 Avortri GS, et al. BMJ Glob Health 2019;4:e001151. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001151

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