IVZ Assignment

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Name Andrew Arvin A/L Suresh

TP Number TP061549
Class Introduction to Virtualization

Table of Contents
Part 1.......................................................................................................................................3


2.Problem Statement...............................................................................................................4

Factors that are going to lead to the issue...............................................................................4

What is the issue caused with the current infra?....................................................................4

3. Solutions.............................................................................................................................4



PART 2...................................................................................................................................6

Architecture of the Cloud.......................................................................................................6


Part 1

In this modern generation companies need to focus on moving their physical hardware
to the cloud services, The company that we are focusing in is Genie Tech, this company is a
food technology company. The business gathers much information about people and their
personal details. It is important for the company to store such data safely for the purpose of
the company. Recently the company was planning to move its storage from the servers to the
cloud, their initial thought was to move to the Amazon Web Services, AWS cloud storage.

The current state of the company is as many companies as possible in the country,
they store their data and memory in servers which are not very efficient. As the company
grows, they must sort to look for other alternatives. The number of employees is about 50 in
the company. The number of employees is expected to grow in the coming years.
2.Problem Statement

Factors that are going to lead to the issue

There are several factors that can lead to the issue of the high cost of the infra. And that is the
infrastructure itself, this is simply because the infra structure is a traditional infra that is so
reliant on heavy machinery. Building servers can cost a lot of money that can be a issue for
the company in the long term, that is why the company decides to change its infra to the
cloud. The cloud is much more cheaper with lesser maintenance and that in itself is so
important and could help the company save money.

What is the issue caused with the current infra?

The company decided to move to a cloud-based structure because the current
infrastructure has a high maintenance, which is a very problematic issue, and it cannot
be maintained while they are running. Moreover, the cost of the maintenance comes
to a staggering total of around RM 2,40,000 per annum and this too much money
considering that the machines are at least 3 years of usage.

3. Solutions
There are many reasons why many companies are going cloud based in this modern
generation, the cloud based has good security. The storages are safer than local infra because
it has the use of encryption. Only people that have access to it can gather the information.
Moreover, it is easily accessible. You can retrieve the cloud from anywhere you are in the
world and all you need is internet, and this is easily available anywhere you go now. Lastly,
the cloud is good if you want to recover your documents. This is simply because when there
is a malware or hard drive problem the storage and documents are already kept in the cloud,
and this would help companies be able to retrieve the data that they have lost in their local
There are also reasons why the local infra is losing it popularity now because of its
down sides. Firstly, of its cost. This whole upgrade from local infra to cloud is because of
how much money we saved from moving to the cloud-based storage. For a company to
upgrade a local infra would cost way more money. Besides that, of its back up and recovery,
if one of your servers dies, then that is it for all the data, it will be lost forever and will not be
able to trace back. Lastly its is accessibility, its hard for company to share things among its
employees compared to cloud.


100 Machines


Total cost for the machines: RM3,200,000

Maintenance Cost: RM8000/Machine

Maintenance Cost for all 100 Machines: 8000x100 = RM80,000x3 = RM2,40,000

Total amount spent inclusive of maintenance: RM3,200,000 + RM2,40,000

RM 5,600,000

There are a total of 100 machines that will be used. Each machine cost about RM 32000,
hence the total cost for the machines is about RM3200000. Moreover, the maintenance cost
for each of the machine is RM8000, hence the maintenance cost for all the one hundred
machines will be about RM240000. Therefore, the total amount that will be spent just to buy
the number of machines needed and the total cost of the maintenance will be about RM
5,600,000. This will be a lot of money that will be needed to spend by the company to just be
able to purchase the number of servers needed.
Architecture of the Cloud


Among the tools that are being used in the architecture of the cloud are the, DNS, Amazon
Route 53, this is the DNS for the website. Moreover, the Content Delivery Network (CDN)
will be used to make the media available to the users, and to reduce the distance between the
user and the cloud. Besides that, we will be having more than 1 Virtual Machines, the
Amazon EC2 for the website, the reason for having more than one EC2 is because, this
company handles a lot of data about the customers so in order to have a faster flowing data its
important to have more than one, not only that, its important so we wouldn’t have to keep on
updating every customer details when there is a new requirement that we have. The multiple
instances will allow us to scale each customer at different time rates and will allow the
company to be able to develop each solution without having to interrupt other customers.

With this I can conclude that having a cloud based system is better than a local infra as it has
better security, accessibility, and it is more efficient this can help my company grow I their

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