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Why is holistic development important?

Holistic development is important as it allows children to develop physically,

emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually. It also helps them become more
independent and better able to cope with problems. When children are given the
opportunity to develop in all these areas, they are more likely to be successful in
Given the aspects of holistic development, what areas do you need to develop
to achieve balance?
Holistic development is a journey, not a destination. It is a continuous process of
growing and changing, in which we strive to embrace all aspects of our being. We
must develop all aspects of our being in order to achieve balance.
What were your experiences physically, emotionally, or cognitively, what
aspects of yourself were affected? Most importantly, how did you recover from
the experience and restore in your life?
When I was a child, social anxiety and emotional regulation issues caused me to
be an outsider. I didn't know how to connect with them. This made me feel
isolated and lonely. I felt like I didn't belong anywhere. But one day I decided to
come out of my comfort zone and socialize more with my friends and leave the
past me and move forward to develope myself.

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