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July 2019

Hans Schattle
Yonsei University, Department of Political Science and International Studies
Billingsley Hall 306, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, South Korea
E-mail: or
Office phone: +82-2-2123-5945 Mobile phone: +82-10-9058-5452


2013-present Professor of political science (tenured), Yonsei University

2008-2013 Associate professor of political science, Yonsei University
2005-2008 Assistant professor of political science, Roger Williams University
2004-2005 Visiting assistant professor of political science, Babson College
2001-2003 Adjunct assistant professor of political science, University of Massachusetts Boston,
Babson College, Bryant University


2004 University of Oxford (Mansfield College): D. Phil. in politics

D. Phil. thesis: Concepts, pathways and agendas of ‘global citizenship’ as interpreted beyond the
Supervisor: Prof. David Marquand
Examiners: Dr. Stuart White and Prof. Anthony McGrew

1998 Boston College: M.A. in political science

M.A. thesis: Challenges of public deliberation: a case study of citizen participation in
environmental policy.
Advisors: Prof. Kay Lehman Schlozman and Prof. John Tierney

1991 Boston University: B.A. in economics and B.S. in journalism


Citizenship; democracy; civil society; cosmopolitanism; nationalism; global governance; politics of

Europe, East Asia and the United States; political theory; political communication.



2018 Making Social Democrats: Citizens, Mindsets, Realities, Manchester University Press. (Edited
collection of 16 essays by leading scholars; co-edited volume with Jeremy Nuttall.)

2012 Globalization and Citizenship, Rowman & Littlefield. Contribution to the globalization series
edited by Manfred B. Steger and Terrell Carver.
Hans Schattle 2

Chapter 2, “Global media, mobilization and revolution,” reprinted in The Global Studies Reader,
Manfred B. Steger, ed., Oxford University Press (2014), pp. 70-87.

2008 The Practices of Global Citizenship, Rowman & Littlefield.

Refereed journal articles and book chapters

2019 “Ideological divergence and delegitimation within Catholic political activism in South Korea: A
retrospective of contentious politics during the Park Geun-hye presidency.” Forthcoming in
Politics, Religion and Ideology. (With Cathy Sona Lee) Released online 4 June 2019 at

2019 “Fostering a global public sphere in real time: transpacific Skype seminars as a teaching strategy
with implications for citizenship and identity.” Forthcoming in Education, Citizenship and Social
Justice. (With Thomas Plate)

2018 “Citizenship.” The Oxford Handbook of Global Studies, Mark Juergensmeyer, Saskia Sassen and
Manfred B. Steger, eds., Oxford University Press, pp. 697-714.

2018 “Globalisation, the breaking and re-making of social democratic citizenship.” Making Social
Democrats: Citizens, Mindsets, Realities, Hans Schattle and Jeremy Nuttall, eds. Manchester
University Press, pp. 111-138.

2017 “The ‘Gangnam Style’ phenomenon as a global manifestation of hybridity.” Asian International
Studies Review 18(2): 1-20. (With Hesu Yoon)

2017 “The idea of global citizenship and the opportunity for a new civic education in the Republic of
Korea.” Intercultural Perspectives in the Multicultural Era, Jung-ok Lee and Nanhee Shin, eds.,
Center for Multicultural Studies, DCU, Multicultural Studies Monograph Series 6, CM Press.

2017 “Toward an incremental pathway to peace on the Korean peninsula.” East-West Center Asia-
Pacific Issues Series, No. 134. (Working paper series with double-blind peer review.)

2015 “Global citizenship as a national project: The evolution of ‘segye shimin’ in South Korean public
discourse.” Citizenship Studies 19(1): 53-68.

2015 “Testing the possibilities and limits of global and national public spheres: Lessons learned from
the campaign to stop a military base in South Korea,” Globalizations 12(2): 169-189.

2014 “Mediating love of humanity, love of country and love of culture: A comparison of normative
debates on global citizenship in the United States and South Korea,” Korea Journal 54(3): 5-32.

2014 “The pursuit of state status and the shift toward international norms: South Korea’s evolution
as a host country for refugees,” Journal of Refugee Studies 27(3): 317-37. (With Jennifer

2014 “Governments and citizens in a globally interconnected world of states.” The SAGE Handbook of
Globalization, Manfred B. Steger, Paul Battersby and Joseph Siracusa, eds., Sage, pp. 105-122.
Hans Schattle 3

2013 “Cosmopolitanisms in flux: Lingering impediments in the ‘West,’ rising interest in the ‘Rest,’ ” Il
Politico (special issue on the European Union, nationalism and cosmopolitanism) 54(3): 147-68.

2012 “Solidarity as a unifying idea in shaping an East Asian community: Toward an ethos of collective
responsibility,” The Pacific Review 25(4): 473-94. (With Sunhyuk Kim)

2010 “Human rights, transparency and transborder collaboration in Korea: The case for a deliberative
approach at the Kaesong Industrial Complex,” Pacific Focus 25(3): 417-38.

2010 “Conveying the first steps of global citizenship to children in Korea: A case study of an exhibit at
the Samsung Children’s Museum,” Korean Journal of Sociology 44(6): 69-85.

2009 “External contestation in the European Union: A call for further investigation at the nexus of
European institutions, civil society organizations and transatlantic relations,” The Korean Journal
of International Relations 49(3): 57-73.

2009 “Global citizenship in theory and practice,” in The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study
Abroad: Higher Education and the Quest for Global Citizenship, Ross Lewin, ed., Routledge, pp.

2008 “Education for global citizenship: Illustrations of ideological pluralism and adaptation,” Journal
of Political Ideologies 13(1): 73-94.

2005 “Communicating global citizenship: Multiple discourses beyond the academy,” Citizenship
Studies 9(2): 119-33.

2003 “Bringing perceptions from the ‘global village’ into American political science courses,” PS:
Political Science & Politics 36(2): 433-36.

Review articles

2017 “Global citizenship.” Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations, Patrick James, ed., Oxford
University Press.

2009 “Review of Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community and Democracy
Across Borders: From Dêmos to Dêmoi,” Perspectives on Politics 7(2): 395-96.

2009 “Bringing the world to the rising sun: Review of Japan’s Global Future: An Agenda for Global
Citizenship,” Global Asia 4(2): 98-101.

Works in progress

“The resilience of global citizenship and the re-envisioning of political community in nativist times.”
Paper presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the International Studies Association; manuscript in
revision for a forthcoming symposium in Ethics & International Affairs.
Hans Schattle 4

“Moral visions of sanctuary across the great divides in contemporary political philosophy.” Paper
presented at the 2018 annual conference of the International Studies Association; manuscript in revision
for a special issue of Globalizations.

“The elusive pursuits of fairness and efficiency in South Korean refugee policy.” Paper presented at the
2019 annual conference of the British International Studies Association; manuscript in revision for
journal submission. (With Yeojin Seo)

“Global public perceptions of online brinksmanship: Evaluating the Trump presidency and its rhetoric on
the Korean peninsula.” Paper presented at the 2018 annual convention of the International Studies
Association; manuscript in revision for journal submission. (With Sang Yup Lee and Youngwuk Kim)


American Government and Politics (8 semesters, 2001-present)

Globalization, Capitalism and Democracy (3 semesters, 2004-2008)
International Political Economy (3 semesters, 2005-2008)
Introduction to International Relations (4 semesters, 2005-2009)
Introduction to Politics and Political Science (13 semesters since 2003)
Politics, Media and Globalization (4 semesters since 2012)
Politics of Collaboration and Integration in Europe (11 semesters since 2004)
Seminar on Global Citizenship * (Also taught as ‘Cosmopolitanism and Critics’)
(13 semesters since 2003)
Seminar on Political Communication * (8 semesters since 2012)
The Idea of Democracy (9 semesters since 2005)
United States Foreign Policy * (8 semesters since 2008)
* Taught separate undergraduate and postgraduate versions of these classes.


2017 International Studies Association, “Re-allocating responsibilities to protect the global

environment: overcoming the impediments to collective action and collective will formation,”
and “From armistice to peace treaty: the process of incrementally phasing in a peace treaty to
end the Korean War.”

2016 American Sociological Association, “Cultural globalization as hybridization:

‘Gangnam Style’ and communities of sentiment.” (With Hesu Yoon)

2015 International Studies Association, “Imagining political correspondence across space and time:
Writing to national leaders as an integrative teaching strategy in introductory political science
courses.” (With Yul Min Park)

2014 International Studies Association, “Ethics for virtual public and private spheres: the challenges
of anonymity and incivility.”
Hans Schattle 5

2013 International Studies Association, “The role of reconciliation in regional community building:
Evaluating the impact of political leadership, civil society and external actors in Europe and
Northeast Asia.” (With Sunhyuk Kim)

2012 International Studies Association-West, “Internet communication and the evolution of the
public sphere in South Korea: A case study of government websites and citizen voice.” (With
Jaein Lee)

2012 Law & Society Association, “From the pursuit of state status to the quest for universal standards:
South Korea’s evolution as a host country for refugees.” (With Jennifer McCann)

2012 International Studies Association, “Toward a model of Korean cosmopolitanism:

Characteristics of global citizenship discourse in the Republic of Korea.”

2011 International Studies Association-West, “Provincial cosmopolitanism: How and why regions in
South Korea are turning to the idea of global citizenship.”

2011 European Union Studies Association, “Deploying the idea of solidarity in the formation of an East
Asian community.” (With Sunhyuk Kim)

2010 International Studies Association, “Human rights, transparency and transborder collaboration in
Korea: The case for a deliberative forum at the Kaesong Industrial Complex.”

2009 World Congress of Political Science (Seoul), “Little global citizens: Civic education and the case
of the Samsung Children’s Museum.”

2009 European Union Studies Association, “Beyond interdependence: The European Union, the
United States, and the idea of an external constituent.”

2009 American Association of Colleges and Universities, “Global citizenship in theory and practice.”

2008 International Studies Association, “Between idealism and pragmatism: Korean discourses of
global citizenship.”

2007 American Political Science Association, “Global citizenship and the civic republican tradition.”

2006 International Studies Association, “Corporate global citizenship: Shaping agendas in the
international marketplace.”

2005 American Political Science Association, “Global education and global citizenship: Widening the
scope of civic education.”

2005 International Studies Association, “The emerging European battleground in the expansion of
American corporate power.”

2004 American Political Science Association, “Human rights and global citizenship: Separate ways or a
match in the making?”
Hans Schattle 6

2002 Northeastern Political Science Association, “Cosmopolitanism from the bottom up: Concepts of
‘global citizenship’ from beyond the academy.”

2002 American Political Science Association, “Bringing perceptions from the ‘global village’ to
American political science: integrating international news coverage into undergraduate survey

2001 American Political Science Association, “Citizenship as a journey: Pathways of ‘global citizens.’ ”

2000 American Political Science Association, “Crossing the channel: The emerging European identity
in Great Britain.”

1999 University Association of Contemporary European Studies, Special Conference on European

Integration Theory, “European integration and intersecting models of citizenship.”

1997 Northeastern Political Science Association, “No sweat, no deadlock: Bridging justice and
solidarity in hope of converting sweatshops.”


2019 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (South Korea).
“Critical issues on global citizenship.”

2019 Korea National Defense University. “The Trump presidency: Bringing disruption and
opportunity to the Korean peninsula.”

2018 Royal Society for the Arts (United Kingdom). “Social democracy today.”

2018 Kingston University London, Department of History, Modern British Identity Speaker Series.
“Social democracy in crisis? Britain and beyond.”

2018 Providence College, Center for Teaching Excellence. “A conversation on global citizenship and
institutional identity.”

2017 Seoul National University (South Korea), Department of Political Science. “Globalization, the
breaking and re-making of social democratic citizenship.”

2017 Catholic University of Daegu (South Korea), Center for Multicultural Studies. “The idea of global
citizenship and the opportunity for a new civic education in the Republic of Korea.”

2016 Association of World Election Bodies (Seoul). “Strategies for good governance of elections and
EMB sustainability.”

2016 East-West Center (Honolulu). “From state-driven competitiveness to society-driven character

building: the progression of ‘global citizenship’ discourse in the Republic of Korea”

2015 Boston College, International Education Week. “Global citizenship as a national project: the
evolution of ‘segye shimin’ in South Korean public discourse.”
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2015 University of California, Santa Barbara, Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies,
Colloquium: Global Rights, Democracy, and Governance. “Toward a balance of responsibility in
global politics: ideas, individuals and institutions.”

2015 National Election Commission of the Republic of Korea: Seoul International Forum on Elections.
“Promoting the political rights of minorities.”

2014 Societas Koreana, Academy of Korean Studies (Seoul), “The idea of global citizenship in South
Korea: ‘segye shimin’ and its evolution in contemporary public discourse.” Accessible online at

2014 Korea International Migration Studies Association and the Woodang Memorial Foundation,
Conference on Resistance Beyond Borders. “National exile, global resistance: Navigating the
spaces between aspiration, symbolism and governance.”

2013 DMZ World Peace Park Strategy Forum (Paju, South Korea), “The DMZ Peace Park and the
challenges of community building on the Korean peninsula.”

2011 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Global Cities Research Institute, “Citizenship,
community and the global city.”

2010 University of Nottingham, Centre for Study of Social and Global Justice, Conference on Martha
Nussbaum, Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice, “Framing the ‘world citizen’ in Korean public
discourse: An East Asian perspective on the debates between Martha Nussbaum and her critics
on cosmopolitanism and patriotism.”

2010 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul), Institute for European Union Studies, “Exploring
the notion of solidarity in Europe and Asia.” (With Sunhyuk Kim)

2010 Yonsei University, Hills Governance Center (Seoul), “Global citizenship and international
organization governance.”

2009 Fairfield University, Center for Academic Excellence and Center for Faith and Public Life, “The
changing cosmopolitan tradition and conceptions of global citizenship.”

2009 NAFSA: Association of International Educators, “University as Global Citizen.” Pre-conference

workshop co-sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).
(With Rebecca Hovey, Ross Lewin, Caryn McTighe Musil and Kevin Hovland)

2009 Seoul National University, Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Conference on
Contested Citizenship in East Asia, “Between idealism and pragmatism: Approaches to global
citizenship in Northeast Asia.”

2007 Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, International Development

Conference: The New Face of Development, “Global education and global citizenship.”
Hans Schattle 8

2004 University of Washington, Department of Communication, Voice and Citizenship Conference,

“Communicating global citizenship: Multiple discourses beyond the academy.”


2019 Half-year sabbatical leave, Yonsei University.

2018 Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University.
2015 Full-year sabbatical leave, Yonsei University.
2009-2012 (Korea) National Research Foundation Grant (competitive), “Conceptualizing the idea of
‘segye shimin’ in Korean public discourse.” (Approximately $ 65,000).
2008 New Faculty Grant, Yonsei University.
2007, 2008 Faculty Merit Award (competitive), Roger Williams University
2007 Faculty Research Grant, Roger Williams University Center for Global and International
Programs (competitive)
2004 Board of Research Summer Stipend, Babson College
2001 Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship, University of Oxford
1996-1998 Graduate Scholarship, Boston College
1994 Sevellon Brown Award for Public Service Journalism, Associated Press,
1994 Publick Occurrences Award, New England Newspaper Association
1994 Enterprise Reporting Award, New England Press Association
1990 Dennis Kauff Memorial Fellowship, Boston University
1987-1991 Scripps-Howard Foundation Journalism Scholarship
1987 U.S. Senate Youth Program, William Randolph Hearst Foundation
1987 U.S. Century III Leader, National Association of Secondary School Principals


2016 East-West Center, POSCO Visiting Fellowship (January - February)

2015 Boston College, Department of Political Science (September - December)
2015 University of California, Santa Barbara, Orfalea Center for Global and International
Studies (October)
2015 University of Bath, Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies (June)
2015 Korea University, Asiatic Research Institute (March - May)


Yonsei University

2016-present Founding faculty advisor for the international students association in political science,
Department of Political Science.

2013-2015 Program chair for the undergraduate, English-language major in political science and
international relations, Department of Political Science and Underwood International
College. (Appointed to second term beginning in March 2018.)

2013-2014 Member of strategic task force teams on research, external funding, and curriculum
development, Department of Political Science.
Hans Schattle 9

2013-2017 English advisor and copy editor for The Yonsei Annals, a monthly student-run magazine.

2011-present Undergraduate honors thesis supervisor (4 students), Department of Political Science

and Underwood International College.

2010-present MA thesis committees (22) and PhD thesis committees (2), Department of Political
Science and Graduate School of International Studies.

2009-2012 Graduate research supervisor (8 students), BK-21 research program, Department of

Political Science and International Studies.

2009-present Search committees (8) for faculty positions in the Department of Political Science and
International Studies.

2009-present Undergraduate admissions committee, Underwood International College.

Roger Williams University

2007 Global and international programs committee, RWU 2020 Task Force.

2007 Advisor to the political science department’s Model United Nations delegation at the
annual Princeton International Crisis Simulation.

2007 Search committees (2) for faculty positions in the politics of the Middle East and the
history of Latin America.

2007 Selection committee for the university’s annual presidential author lecture.

2006-2007 Founding committee of the university chapter of Phi Beta Delta, the international
education honor society.

2006-2008 Launched and organized an ongoing public lecture series, “The Dialogues on Politics,”
that brought to campus several distinguished scholars in political science and
international relations.

2006-2007 Moderated several public events, including a local election debate and a forum with U.S.
Senator Jack Reed.

2005-2006 Served on the committee that developed and launched an interdisciplinary international
relations major.

2005-2008 Advised several undergraduate independent study projects on topics such as European
Union enlargement, human rights in Thailand, and the political transformation of
Hans Schattle 10

University of Oxford

2000-2001 Co-founded and convened a weekly graduate research workshop for doctoral students
in politics and international relations, University of Oxford.

2000 Convened a weekly seminar on research design and professional development for
entering doctoral students in politics, University of Oxford.

1999-2001 Represented graduate students on the politics and international relations department’s
Joint Consultative Committee.


International Studies Association

Treasurer of the Ethnicity, Nationalism and Migration Studies (ENMISA) Section, 2015-2017
Chair, ENMISA Martin O. Heisler Award Selection Committee, 2015
Member, ENMISA Distinguished Scholar Selection Committee, 2014, 2018
Member, ENMISA Outstanding Paper Award Selection Committee, 2016
Co-organizer, Working Group on Cities and the Contentious Politics of Migration, 2018
Member of the ISA-West Governing Council, 2012-2013
Chair, ISA-West Awards Committee, 2013
Korea International Migration Studies Association
Secretary of International Affairs, 2013-2014

Korea International Studies Association

Co-chair of the 9th Annual KISA Conference, 2017

Book manuscript reviewer for Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, and Rowman & Littlefield.

Article manuscript reviewer for Asia Pacific Education Review; Asian Ethnicity; Asian International
Studies Review; Asian Journal of Law and Society; Asian Studies Review; British Journal of Educational
Studies; Citizenship Studies; Critical Inquiry in Language Studies; Global Society; Globalisation, Societies
and Education; Human Rights Review; Journal of Contemporary Asia; Journal of Immigrant & Refugee
Studies, Journal of Studies in International Education; North Korean Review; Pacific Review; Review of
International Studies; and The Social Science Journal.


Professional journalism experience

2010-2011 Program host, This Morning, TBS-eFM 101.3, Seoul

1996-1998 News writer and associate producer, WCVB-TV, Boston
1991-1996 Political and investigative reporter, The Standard-Times, New Bedford, MA
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Selected op-ed commentaries

2019 “Trump-Kim mini-summit: 'Reality show' or a new reality in diplomacy?” The Hill, 30 June.
2018 “The view from Seoul: why the Trump-Kim ‘deal’ worries South Koreans,” The Guardian, 12 June.
2015 “A tale of two borders: why North Koreans risk walking the DMZ,”, 17
June. (With David Galbreath)
2013 “Asia is a terrible model for elderly care, Jeremy Hunt,” The Guardian, 19 October.
2013 “American public opinion says bomb North Korea,” Chosun Ilbo, 24 April. (Published in Korean)
2012 “South Korea’s generation gap,” International Herald Tribune/The New York Times, 20
2009 “Getting in sync on the North,” Korea JoongAng Daily, 27 February.
2007 “Don’t unite the two Koreas on the backs of cheap labor,” The Christian Science Monitor, 12

Frequently I provide interviews and analysis to news outlets in South Korea and beyond.


Working knowledge of Spanish and French, elementary Korean

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