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Divine Word College of Bangued

Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education

REED 3 MODULE 1 Lesson 4 – The Church: Plan, Origin, and Foundation

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this self-learning lesson, you should be able to:
1. Determine God’s plan for the Church.
2. Understand the origin, foundation, and mission of the Church
3. Resolve to be an active missionary member of the Church


In this lesson, you shall understand the plan, origin, foundation, and mission of the Church. 


Matthew 16:13–17: Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Whom do people say
that the Son of Man is?” [14] And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the
prophets.” [15] He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” [16] Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the
living God.” [17] And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar Jona because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but
My Father who is in heaven.”

Who did Jesus refer to when he said “rock”? Was it Peter or himself?

Peter’s nickname might have been Rocky, but Peter himself understood that the Rock was Jesus Christ. The Rock on which Peter’s
life was built was none other than the Rock of Salvation; the Rock of Deliverance; the Chief Cornerstone; and the Rock of Ages.
Peter bore witness to that truth in Matthew 16:16. The rest of the Apostles bore witness to that throughout their ministries. And it
was the truth of that apostolic witness to Jesus Christ that formed the foundation of the church.


God's Plan for the Church

The Church - Names and Images 
"Church" designates assemblies of people (usually for religious purposes). Ecclesia means the Chosen People (above all, the
assembly on Mount Sinai where God established his holy people). When the Christian believers called themselves "Church," they
saw themselves as the heirs to Israel. The English word "church" means "what belongs to the Lord."

Three Meanings 
In Christian usage, "church" has three inseparable meanings:
1. The liturgical assembly
2. The local community
3. The universal community
God gathers his people from all over the world into local communities, especially made real in the liturgical Eucharistic assembly.

The Symbols of Church 

Scripture provides a host of images. Many Old Testament images come from the common theme of the People of God. The New
Testament images center upon Christ, the head of the people, his Body. Other images (grouped around Christ) are based upon
shepherding, farming, building, or family life and marriage.
1. The Church is the "sheepfold." Christ is the sole gate and the main shepherd.
2. The Church is the cultivated field or the olive tree in which Jew and Gentile are reconciled. Christ is the true vine without
whom we can do nothing.
REED 03: Church: Community of God’s People
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Divine Word College of Bangued
Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education
3. The Church is God's building, founded on Christ as the cornerstone, built upon the apostles as the foundation, and made
up of believers (the living stones).
4. The Church is the heavenly Jerusalem, "our mother," the spotless spouse for whom Christ "delivered himself up so that he
might sanctify her" (Eph 5:25-26).

The Church’s Origin, Foundation, and Mission

The Trinity's Plan for the Church 

We study here Trinity's plan for the Church and her progressive realization in history.

The Father's Family

The eternal Father chose to create the whole universe and to create men to share his own life. He determined to call into his holy
Church those who believed in Christ. This "family of God" took shape in history according to the Father's plan. Present in the figure
from the beginning, the Church was prepared for by Israel and was established by the Spirit in this last age. She will be gloriously
completed at the end of time.

The Goal of Creation 

"The world was created for the sake of the Church" (Shepherd of Hermas). God created man to have communion with him. This is
the Church (God's convocation). God permitted the angels' fall and man's sin to show his love. "God's will is the creation and is
called ‘the world and God's intention to save us is called ‘the Church'" (St. Clement of Alexandria).

Preparing for the Church 

As soon as man sinned, God began gathering mankind into communion. This reunification takes place in the hearts of anyone "who
fears him and does what is right" (Acts 10:35).
The Church's remote preparation began with the call of Abraham to be the "father of many nations" (Gen 12:2, 15:5-6). The
immediate preparation for the Church was God's election of Israel. However, the prophets accused Israel of breaking the Covenant
and prophesied the new and eternal Covenant (Jn 31:31-34) instituted by Christ.

Jesus Ushers in the Kingdom 

By his preaching of the Reign of God, Jesus inaugurated the Church and ushered in the kingdom of heaven on earth. The Church is
"the reign of Christ already present in mystery" (Second Vatican Council).
This kingdom shines out in Jesus' Word. To welcome his Word is to welcome the kingdom. The beginning of the kingdom is the little
flock, whom Jesus gathered as their shepherd. They formed the "true family" of Jesus who taught them a new "way of acting" and
their prayer (the Our Father).

Gives the Church a Structure 

By choosing the twelve apostles, Jesus gave this community a structure that will last until the end of time. These twelve represent
the twelve tribes of Israel and are the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:12-14). The apostles and disciples share in
Jesus' power, mission, and suffering.
The Church is born from Christ's total self-giving. The blood and water flowing from Christ's side symbolize the origin and the growth
of the Church. Just as Eve came from the side of Adam, so the Church came from the side of Christ.

The Spirit Displays the Church 

After completing his work, Jesus sent the Spirit on Pentecost to sanctify the Church. The Church was openly displayed to the
crowds and spread to the nations by preaching.
The Spirit gives the Church hierarchical and charismatic gifts. Endowed with these powers, the Church receives the mission to
proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God among all peoples.

The final instructions of Jesus to the apostles before returning to His Father were: “Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19). Thus, using the Sacrament of

REED 03: Church: Community of God’s People

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Divine Word College of Bangued
Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education
Baptism, all people are invited and called to enter into the mystery of the divine life of the Holy Trinity through the Church of the
apostles and their successors.
The Church teaches that Jesus endowed his community with a structure that will remain until the Kingdom is fully achieved. Before
all else, there is the choice of the 12 apostles with Peter as their head. Representing the 12 tribes of Israel, they are the foundation
stones of the new Jerusalem.
The twelve and the other disciples share in Christ’s mission and his power, but also his lot. By all his actions, Christ prepares and
builds his Church, the Catechism states.
The Church, according to the Catechism, “is born primarily of Christ’s total self-giving for our salvation, anticipated in the institution
of the Eucharist and fulfilled on the cross”.


Write your answer on a separate sheet of bond paper or intermediate paper.

Identify two ways in which you are already participating in the Church's mission as a young person and a student.
Explain each one. Consider two ways you can contribute to the work of the Church if you feel like you aren't already, especially as a
student at a Catholic School where it is your duty to uphold the Christian faith.

Matthew 16:13-17

REED 03: Church: Community of God’s People

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