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HANOI, 2022





Field : English Language

Name : Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen

Student’s code: 18105742

Course : 23
Class : TA 23.16

Supervisor : Pham Thi Thu Ha, MA

HANOI, 2022

I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report

entitled “Learning English through English songs” submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor in English linguistic. I
declare that this graduation paper is the result of my own research and has not
been submitted in any form for another degree or diploma at any university.
Information derived from the work of others has been acknowledged in the text
and a list of references is given.

Hanoi, 2022

Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen

Approved by

Pham Thi Thu Ha, MA

PART A: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................4
1. Rationale........................................................................................................4

2. Aims and objects of the study........................................................................4

3. Research questions.........................................................................................5

4. Scope of the study..........................................................................................5

5. Design of the study.........................................................................................5

PART B: DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................7
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE PREVIEW.........................................................7

1.1. Review of previous studies......................................................................7

1.2. Review of theoretical background...........................................................8

CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY...................................................................14

2.1. Methods..................................................................................................14

2.2. Research setting.....................................................................................14

2.4. Date collection instruments....................................................................14

2.5. Data analysis..........................................................................................15

CHAPTER 3: FINDING AND DISCUSSION................................................23

3.1. Finding and Discussion..........................................................................23

3.1. Summary of the chapter.........................................................................27

CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION.........................................................................28

1. Recapitulation...........................................................................................28

2. Limitation of the study..............................................................................28

3. Suggestion for further study......................................................................28



First, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents who have

supported me in my life and my study, and my supervisor for the enthusiastic
guidance, very helpful ideas and instructions for the preparation and the
correction during the completion of this graduation paper. Without this help, I
would not be able to revise this paper effectively and finish it with proper
academic words.
I also would like to thank my all participants who generously shared their
valuable time and opinions to this study.
Last but not least, I would be grateful to my beloved teachers who have
taught me at Hanoi University of Business and Technology. They have given me
the foundation of the research paper.


1. Rationale

English is the most popular international language. It is used in research,

business and social interaction of people from many countries with different
languages. Therefore, learning English is a concern of most students in Vietnam.
Today, along with the development of science and technology and the explosion
of media, English learners have opportunities to access new ways of
learning.  Among them, the method of learning English through music has been
encouraged by many language specialists, teachers and learners of English for
many years.

Music is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular

entertainment and a powerful method for educating citizens. In Vietnam, the
benefits of learning English through songs have been mentioned in many media
such as books, newspapers. If you’re tired of going to class or reading a book,
there’s nothing better than learning English through music and songs. Listening
to music is one way to improve students’ listening skill.
So how can they learn while having so much fun with songs? And more
importantly, why should we practice English listening with songs instead of
textbooks and radio? At present, there is not much research on the effect of
English songs on learning English in Vietnam. This leads to confusion among
students in applying this method to learning English effectively. That is the
reason why I have chosen “Learning English through English songs” as the
theme of my graduation paper.

2. Aims and objects of the study

This study aims to find out the positive influence of English songs on
English listening. The paper is also devoted to finding out whether songs related
to vocabulary preview given by teachers help learners feel more comfortable

with the approach of learning a language through songs and thus facilitate

In particular, the thesis focuses on:

- The connection between listening to English songs and learners’
improvement in listening skill.
- At the same time, the difficulties they encountered in doing this activity
and the reasons for these difficulties are also mentioned.

3. Research questions

- How did listening to English songs help English learners improve their
listening skills?

- What are the cause the of these difficulties English learners encountered
in learning English through music?

- what are the solution to our cenze the difficulties English learners
encountered in learning English through music?

4. Scope of the study

The research was conducted with 37 students of Hanoi University of

Business and Technology. The research mainly focuses on the connection
between listening to English songs and learners’ improvement in listening skill
and the difficulties they encountered in doing this activity.

5. Design of the study

The study is composed of three main parts: the introduction, the

development and the conclusion.


This part presents the rationale, aims and objectives of the study, scope of
the study, research questions, and design of the study.


This part is divided into three minor parts:

 Chapter 1: Literature Review provides definitions.

 Chapter 2: Methodology deals with the procedures and methods of the


 Chapter 3: Findings and Discussion includes subjects, descriptions and

data analysis.


This part presents an overview of the study which is discussed in the

graduation paper.



1.1. Review of previous studies

There is not much academic research on learning English through songs
in Vietnam. However, there are many interesting studies on this subject online.

“The Effect of Using Songs On Young Learners and Their Motivation for
Learning English” by Nihada Delibegovic Dzanic and Alisa Pejic aims to verify
these claims and confirm the effectiveness of using songs as a means to improve
young learners' English language vocabulary and to determine whether songs
influence young learners' motivation to learn English. The paper deals with
theoretical explanations of young learners, listening skills, and different aspects
of using and teaching songs. It also discusses how songs influence motivation
and the connection of songs with some language learning theories.

“Using English Songs: An Enjoyable and Effective Approach to English

Language Teaching” by Chunxuan Shen shows a new way to teach English .
How can English Language Teaching be made enjoyable and effective? One
feasible pedagogical application is to integrate English songs into English
Language Teaching. Song, a combination of music and lyrics, possesses many
intrinsic merits, such as a kaleidoscope of culture, expressiveness, reciting
ability and therapeutic functions, which render it an invaluable source for
language teaching. This paper provides theoretical arguments and practical
support for using English songs in English Language Teaching.

“Teaching and Learning English through Songs: A Literature Review” by

Paola X. Romero presents a report on research studies exploring the benefits of
music at the cognitive, linguistic, and pedagogical levels. Ten studies that deal
with the effects of music for young learners carried out in various contexts and
countries were included in this account. Increasing motivation, gaining

vocabulary and grammar understanding, and recalling information are the main
recurrent themes mentioned as a result of implementing pedagogical
interventions using songs, and, in some cases stories.

1.2. The effective of listening to music towards the learners’

improvement in listening ability

What is it about English songs that make them such effective language
learning tools? “Music is the universal language of mankind,” said Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow. This quotation from Longfellow shows how connected
language is to music. Through melodies and lyrics people everywhere in the
world share a mutual way of communication.. There is considerable scientific
evidence that demonstrates how music can help second language learners
acquire grammar and vocabulary and improve spelling. Then there is the so-
called “Mozart Effect,” the concept that listening to classical musical boosts the
performance of mental tasks like learning.

Learners can hear and learn everyday language and colloquial speech
through English songs. English songs almost always contain a lot of useful
vocabulary, phrases and expressions. And since the intended audience is native
speakers, songs and music include up-to-date language and colloquialisms. The
language used in songs is casual and actually usable, if learners pick the right

Listening to English songs is a natural way to get familiar with the sound
of English. Listening to songs will also allow learners to focus on their
pronunciation and understanding of the English language’s rhythm, tone and

Scientists have pointed out the information of one song will be kept
longer in mind because of its rhyme. Many of the words and sound patterns
within a song are repetitive and this makes it easier for them to stick in students’
mind. Tunes and lyrics will often infiltrate our thoughts and play over and over
in students’ minds. All of which will help students to learn English with songs
as they easily memorize vocabulary and phrases. In fact, after a short period of
time they will find it almost impossible to forget them.

Songs are emotional. Our relationship with music is deep, powerful and
hugely rewarding. It is a key that unlocks our emotions, influences our moods
and enhances our mental and physical well-being. When something is
emotional, then of course it is also easier to remember.

Listening to music is an easy habit. One reason students find language

learning difficult is they do not have time to devote to their studies outside of
their classroom. But when learning English through songs, they do not need to
set aside too much time because they can take the music with them wherever
they go.

They can have English songs playing in the car, the kitchen and the
shower. And by picking the favourite music, they can listen to the same material
over and over again, without becoming bored.

According to Chunxuan Shen (2009), language and music are interwoven

in songs to communicate cultural reality in a very unique way. Thus, English
songs also teach students English culture. When they learn English with songs,
they do not just improve their language skills. Music gives students insight into
English-speaking cultures and how English-speaking people think and feel.
Familiarity with popular songs and artists gives them intersting information to
talk about in practicing communicative English.

1.3. The difficulties in learning English through songs and solutions

Before getting started, students should be cautious in choosing English
songs they will learn from. This is important because there are a lot of potential
pitfalls. The difficulties in learning English through songs may come from:

- Songs have difficult language that is not commonly used.

- Songs are not popular. When a person has a good language background,
he or she should look for unique ideas. However, the goal for students is to

connect with English speakers. It is probably more efficient to learn from top
English songs that would give them a common language.

- Songs are too fast, which makes them hard to learn from.

- Songs do not have lyrics readily available.

The process for a beginner to practice learning English through songs may
be proposed as follows:

Step 1: Find music sources

Students should search online for video sharing sites. YouTube is a place
with lots of music videos, some of which are equipped with English subtitles
which is very handy. For music videos without subtitles, they should look for
standard lyrics through English websites like or

Some suggestions:

- : This is a good site for listening to English

music. Songs with bilingual subtitles are designed very well.

- : A collection of
English songs with attached lyrics .

- A collection of songs

to learn English better with movie soundtracks.

When the level is better, students may try with harder categories such as
Rap and Hiphop. The active change in music sources not only makes learning
more efficient but also provides a useful means of entertainment.

Step 2: Choose songs

Students should start with songs with slow and light melodies such as
Ballad, Pop or Country music. Because these genres fit the beginner level, they
can easily keep up with the pace of the song as well as feel easier to sing. They
should choose videos with English subtitles, preferably bilingual, and if it is
audio (just listen), there should be lyrics.

To learn English effectively is to enjoy music first. If they choose a
boring song, they will quickly give it up. An ideal song to learn English is not
just a favorite song. It requires a common language, not too easy or too difficult,
but the pronunciation must be standard and clear.

If students are beginners, it's a good idea to choose songs that tell a story
like Disney cartoon songs to make it easier to visualize. They can also choose a
pop song with soft, romantic lyrics about love. They can gradually raise their
level up with other genres.

Step 3: Use subtitles

It will be more difficult if students only learn English by listening to

music without being sure what the singer is singing about, or what the
pronunciation is. Instead of trying to infer lyrics, they can use or to find lyrics of the choice. This will help them capture the
content of the song by increasing the interest in listening to music. Listen and
recite the lyrics. This is an important step to increase vocabulary. However, this
step only applies to beginners.

Step 4: Study vocabulary and grammar

To understand the content, students should review the new words on a

regular basic. Try to learn words and grammatical structures in the song, making
sense and turning it into their own vocabulary. They can do this via Anki or
Mental Case.These programs make remembering things easy and are more
efficient than traditional study methods.

They can record new words which they do not know, or they feel strange.
That may be a common expression or structure that they probably have not been
taught. They may listen to the song as many times as they want but they should,
try not to look at the lyrics s from the third listening. From this time on, they
need to listen as well as guess the words to hear the song.

Step 5. Sing along

To sing along is a way of practicing to improve and connect listening and
speaking skills. Students do not have to worry about singing corectly. Singing
along the melody of the song makes them train their mouth and move on to the
rhythm of the song.

They need to recite the lyrics. This is relatively easy, just listen and recite
a few times in order that they can recite each sentence a time. It is much easier
to memorize lyrics than to learn how to memorize words in a traditional way.
Because the lyrics accompany the music with the rhythm, the melody is filled
with emotions that make students feel passionate or delighted, and they want to
express it themselves. Thus, they want to learn more.

Step 6. Try to remember

After a while, students will see that they begin to sing, and they can sing
without looking at the words. This will assist them in cultivating vocabulary and
practicing speaking and presenting skills.

At this point, students can apply another method called “Listen – Copy”.
They just listen and copy the lyrics. They can listen from three to five times to
copy the lyrics. Then, they need tocompare to the lyrics on the site to see if they
hear correctly as well as where they have not heard yet.

They may sing the song whenever possible: at home, on the road, on the
bus, in the gym, etc. If students cannot sing loudly, they can sing in the head

This is a way to learn to memorize vocabulary, structures and content

deeply and long lasting, just rhyming reminiscent of the great melody of the
song, they can remember the lyrics. Even though many years pass, they could
remember and sing it again.

 Especially students can sing and listen to the song many times without
being bored. Repeating it several times is the key element of learning a foreign
language. Singing brings them more inspiration in comparing to revising the

tedious vocabulary list to make them bored. If possible, they can sing the songs
they have learned to their teachers or friends on certain occasion. Learning will
be more efficient and exciting in a group.

Step 7. Check periodic results

After feeling comfortable with a song, students can move on to the next
track and then back to the original song. This is called repetition, and it will be
more effective than trying to learn a song at the same time.

Step 8. Use learned vocabulary and grammar

This is an advanced step to separate the vocabulary and grammar from the
song and make them part of English skills. Students can discuss the song content
with their friends or write a review. They may try to find some cultural
information related to the song and artist to create a better discussion or review.

Step 9. Start a new challenge

After the success of the first track, student should find a harder song, and
try it at a faster pace. The upgrading in the level of the song will give them
momentum and speed up their learning progress as much as possible. Moreover,
they can have fun and enjoy the relaxing moment. When listening to music
every day they will be surprised why the English language is so diverse.
Learning English through music is a great way to integrate learning into
entertaining activities such as listening to music and songs. Students will not
even notice that they are choosing to study the second language.


2.1. Methods

2.1.1. Research design

About design of research, this study is implemented with descriptive
quantitative research method. This design was used in order to gather
information from 37 students of Hanoi University of Business and Technology.

2.1.2. Participants
The participants of this study will be 37 students of Hanoi University of
Business and Technology. All of them were volunteers as they were asked to do
all parts including questionnaire, test, and interview.

2.1.3. Instruments

Questionnaires and paper-based interviews are the two main tools of the
research. Questionnaires are used to collect basic information of students of the
English department through their study of English. Furthermore, the paper
interview is also designed to get detailed information about the students'
problems clearly and then to confirm the hypothesis truthfully. Questionnaire

The questionnaire has two parts. The first part includes questions related
to students’ background information such as where students live, how long
students have been learning English, students’ listening ability, and students’
attitude toward listening, etc. Next, in the second part, fourteen statements are
listed in a table. Statement one and two show the importance of listening, and
from the third statement to the fourteenth statement are the ones describing
students' difficulties in the listening process. Paper interview

Paper interview includes five questions which consist of the role of

listening in real life, students' thoughts of studying listening, how students spend
time in self-study at home, which problems students face in listening and how

students overcome those problems. Students are free to share their ideas and
write them down on paper, which helps the research become more and more
specific and faithful.

2.1.4. Research methods Data collection instruments

This study employed mainly the quantitative method questionnaires to find

out listening problems experienced by students at HUBT and factors causing
their listening problems. Data analysis methods

Data gathered from responses of students in the questionnaires were sorted

and analyzed statistically to get the answers for the research questions.


3.1. Findings and Discussion

Through data analysis, I found a good relationship between learning
English through songs and improving English listening skills of students. Most
students are more interested in English classes when teachers use songs as a
teaching tool. However, choosing a favorite English song for everyone in the
class is not easy.

Students learn best when studying is fun. That’s why it makes sense to
include a variety of methods in the study routine – for instance, learning with
English songs. Studying lyrics is a great way to learn a language because music
will help students maintain their motivation, and catchy melodies make
memorizing words easier.

Students should spend more time on practicing. They should listen to a

variety of music in order to get familiar with them. Hence, the background
knowledge will be enriched as well as the skill. In the process of listening to
English songs or communicating, they will definitely learn new words or use
them in daily conversation, which are not completely in the books. They can
listen to a song on You Tube every morning or use a smartphone to listen to
songs for 10 minutes everyday. The more work they do, the faster they will

At first, students should just listen and enjoy. They will have plenty of
time to learn the lyrics later. Once you have familiarized yourself with the piece
and feel ready to start learning the lyrics, find them online. YouTube has lots of
videos with lyrics, so you’ll be able to follow the text in real time. You can also
find lots of original music videos with their lyrics on web site LyricsTraining, a
site that lets you fill in the gaps to the lyrics as you listen and sing karaoke to
your favorites.

Learning the lyrics might feel a bit difficult at first – especially if the song
contains lots of words that are new to you – but it feels easier when you divide
the song into smaller parts and learn one part at a time. The chorus is the best
part to start with: it repeats often and usually has the catchiest melody, so it’s the
easiest part to memorize.

When learning a foreign language with songs, the most important thing is
repetition. Together with a catchy melody, it’s a very powerful method for
learning a new language. The melody makes learning new words easy – even
those that might otherwise feel really difficult to memorize.

The best way to learn new songs is by singing along. Let your inner
karaoke star shine and delight your roommates, neighbors and family members
with your sweet singing voice. Or if you prefer to keep your gig private, singing
in the shower is always a good idea!

However, the skill of learner will not be improved the best without
teachers. Teachers play such a significant in building up their skill. By each
lesson, the teachers show his students the ways in each stage of listening
comprehension. Furthermore, he will advise their students with the syllabus they
can self-study at home. Teachers need to constantly innovate teaching methods
of listening comprehension skills, which are considered to be the most difficult.

So, teachers need to collaborate and share experiences with their

colleagues to find the optimal teaching method applied to lecture listening. In
addition to the variety of methods, teachers need to use a variety of data sources,
with varying degrees of difficulty not to make learners feel bored and
abandoned. Teachers need to step by step guide, train learners to the ability to
speculate, inference based on the original suggestion image, or signaling
elements such as conjunctions, sentence ... to guess the next information.
Learner pronunciation skills should also be strengthened in the design of
listening comprehension activities in the classroom.

There are a few different must-dos for learning English through songs -
from picking challenging songs to thinking of them as exercises. Either way,
students can always achieve more than just singing along.

1. Choose songs wisely

This might seem simple but many students fail at this very first step. The
reason is that they are not really serious in choosing songs. They either listen to
random songs on the radio or pick whatever hot songs are currently trending on
Spotify or YouTube.

As simple as this sounds, to effectively learn English through songs,

students must choose songs wisely. Students should like the songs first- the
songs that they will live with and listen to a hundred times! That way, they will
want to listen to them and want to learn the words in the target language. And
the songs should have some deep meaning in them. An easy song will provide
easy vocabulary and grammar.

2. Try an effective genre

It is proven that genres like hip-hop have a much higher impact on

language learning than pop, for example, as hip-hop songs generally have a rich
vocabulary, complex rhyming schemes, and often use slang that is good for
everyday communication.

3. Look up lyrics

If students come across words that are unfamiliar to them or they cannot
guess the meaning of certain phrases from context, they should simply look up
the song's lyrics. Sites like Genius do an awesome job at providing correct lyrics
to most songs out there, which include annotations and explanations written by
the artists themselves.

4. Make vocabulary searches a habit

While students are in the process of looking up lyrics, they should make it
a habit. If finding the correct lyrics is not enough for them to understand a song,
they can always use a dictionary and learn a new word or two. It never hurts to
build a habit that not only helps them learn songs that they like but to improve
their English fluency as well.

5. Find the right music resources

Apart from the obvious choices in YouTube, Pandora, and Spotify, there
are plenty of online resources that help students listen to music while learning
English. They can have fun while improving their reading, listening, and
pronunciation skills all at the same time. Some resources worth checking out are
Language Zen, LyricsGaps, and LyricsTraining.

6. Karaoke

Essentially, karaoke combines all of the previous five tips into one.
Students can both study English and have fun together. This is a highly amusing
and effective language learning method. And after a karaoke session, it would be
convenient to hold a discussion about the meaning of the songs, about the most
liked songs or artists ... These discussions are a very good basis for the full
development of the English skill.

7. Music exchange

The advancement in technology has provided some very convenient ways to

communicate online. It would be good if the students try to make friends an
English speaking country. Share the music from their area with these new
friends, and vice versa. Students can exchange opinions about the songs hence
participate in conversations, learn new words and meanings, and so much more.

8. Talk about music

Talking about music with friends and family is a cool method of

improving both students’ conversation skills and vocabulary. When talking
about songs, in general, they will inevitably use some musical slang that is
uncommon in everyday speech. Theywill have to learn English words and

phrases like: tune (song), catchy (easy to remember), one-hit wonder (an artist
with only one successful song), and more.

9. Listen and learn on the go

The most effective thing students can do is to always remember and be aware
that while they are enjoying their favorite music, they are also in the middle of a
language exercise. Theyare learning. This awareness will help them go a long
way. In other words, if they are not even focused on learning, how can they
expect learning to happen? They must raise their own awareness of today's tips
and tricks before they can expect real results and improvements in their English

3.1. Summary of the chapter

The research shows that listening to English songs help English learners
improve their listening skills. The significant findings of the study are presented
as follow.

1. Students feel more interested in English classes when teachers use

English songs as a teaching tool

2. Famous songs with good and strange sentences attract students and make
them learn from them faster and remember longer

Based on the findings, I have pointed out some solutions to help the
students learn English through songs more effectively.


4.1. Recapitulation
This study has shown the positive influence of English songs on English
listening. The data was collected from 37 students.

During the digital age, an extraordinary collection of music can be

downloaded at little or no cost and numerous websites from around the world
are available for educators and students. Using songs in the classroom has both
linguistic and cognitive value for strengthening English language acquisition. It
helps to develop cross-cultural and interactive communication skills. Song lyrics
will stimulate phonetics, vocabulary and improve grammar. Creativity and
imagination are stimulated in a positive class atmosphere where music is
incorporated to enable optimum learning. Students can be motivated through
song-based activities combining with humorous lyrics. As a result, listening
skills become more intense and focused.

4.2. Limitation of the study

The study would be more objective and more reliable if:

- The number of students participating in the study was larger.

- They may have a discussion to show their opinion.

4.3. Suggestion for further study

On the whole, all the issues relating to learning English through music
cannot be covered in this study. Due to aforementioned limitations, the paper
only sets the first step in the research on how to improve the result of the test
which has not been adequately investigated so for. Inevitably, further studies
with broad scope of the topic and population as well as thorough data analysis
are highly recommended.


1. Nihada Delibegovic Dzanic and Alisa Pejic, “The Effect of Using Songs
On Young Learners and Their Motivation for Learning English” , (2015)

2. Chunxuan Shen , “Using English Songs: an Enjoyable and Effective

Approach to English Language Teaching” , (2009)

3. Paola X. Romero, “Teaching and Learning English through Songs: A

Literature Review”, Michigan State University Paper (vol8, 2017)

4., “Why learn english through songs and music?”





Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is
important to me in my graduation paper . This survey should only take about 5
minutes of your time. Your answers will be completely anonymous. Thank you
and have a good day.

Question 1: What kinds of English songs do you like? (You can choose more
than one)

 Country

 Pop

 R&B

 Rap

 Dance

 Rock

Question 2: Do you think listening to English songs has a beneficial effect on

learning English?

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

Question 3: What kinds of English songs do you think are beneficial in learning
English? (You can choose more than one)

 Country

 Pop

 R&B

 Rap

 Dance

 Rock

Question 4. Do you think your song preferences will affect your learning?

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

Question5. Do you use readable lyrics when you listen to English songs at
 Yes

 No

 Sometimes

 No reply

Question 6. Do you think it is necessary to translate lyrics into Vietnamese?

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

Question 7. Do you think using readable lyrics are good in improving

listening skill?

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

Question 8. Do you feel more interested in learning English if the teacher

uses English songs as teaching materials?
 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

Question 9. Do you agree that to preview keywords before listening to a

song motivates you to learn English from this song?
 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

Question 10. Do you agree you have learned some English by listening to
English songs?
 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

Question 11. How many English sentences have you learned from a song

 1-3 sentences

 3-5 sentences

 5-7 sentences

 More than 10

 No reply

Question 12: Why do these sentences impress you so much?

 Been repeated many times

 Too funny

 Too strange

 Have learned

Question 13: How often do you listening to English songs?

 Once-twice times a week

 Three- Five times a week

 Everyday

 Less than once times a week


1/ More than 2 hours a week should be devoted to learning listening through

English songs

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

2/ Choosing songs preferred by students make the exercise of learning listening

through music more effective than listening to those selected by the teacher

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

3/ Teacher should give opportunities for students to stop and ask questions and
give guidance concerning study

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Moderately agree

 Moderately disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree


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