2011 Basic Computer

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LEADERS IN THE SERVICE OF CHRIST, COUNRTY, AND CREATION Professor : Roland Saldivar rgsaldivar@yahoo.com http://groups.yahoo.


Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Course Credit Course Description

: : : : : Basic Computer None 3 The course provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences required to utilize personal computers effectively. It enables end-users to use computer technology in solving problems and making decisions. It uses standard work software packages such as MS Word and PowerPoint. The course discusses topics related to the study of the personal computer. It provides students a solid understanding of basic computer concepts, such as how to use a personal computer; how to access information using the internet; how to send and receive email; how to manage computer files and how to utilize operating system tools. It also gives students hands-on experience with its main graphical user interface, word processing, and linear presentation software. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: y Develop search skills using search engines y Apply document formatting skills in WORD y Create simple graphs and formulas in EXCEL y Practice proper presentation skills in PowerPoint y Develop basic image formatting and formatting for documents      Intro to modern computers Formatting in Word Excel layout Presenting with PowerPoint Other computer skills

Course Competencies

Topic Outline

Course Requirement and Grading System A 1000 pts A900 pts B+ 800 pts B 700 pts B600 pts C+ 500 pts C 400 pts C300 pts D+ 200 pts D 100 pts 1|P ag e

Attendance Studio work Projects Presentation Creative Exhibit

10pts 10pts 50pts 75pts 200pts

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Always bring your storage device for projects and other digital assets. Failure to bring the requirements for the day means a zero grade for that requirement. An absence means zero points and tardiness is five points instead of ten points.

0 pts

Activities for the day cannot be made-up. All portfolio submissions will be graded with a rubric, if applicable. Make sure you are registered in the following sites for submissions and file transfers: dropbox.com; rcampus.com; deviantart.com; the class e-groups. :


Burke, M. (Writer) (1999). Pirates of Silicon Valley. Hart-Davis, G., & Grover, C. (2006). Word 2007: The Missing Manual: O'Reilly. Koers, D. (2011). Picture yourself Learning Microsoft Excel 2010: Course Technology - Cengage Learning. Koers, D. (2011). PIcture Yourself Learning Microsoft Office 2010: Course Technology - Cengage Learning. Koers, D. (2011). Picture yourself Learning Microsoft Word 2010: Course Technology - Cengage Learning. MacDonald, M. (2007). Excel 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual: O'Reilly. Moore, E. A. (2006). PowerPoint 2007: The Missing Manual: O'Reilly. Veer, E. A. V. (2007). PowerPoint 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual: O'Reilly.


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