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The wolf

and the seven

little goats

A fun story
for kids!
Once upon a time, in a little cottage
in the wood, lived a mother goat and her
seven little goats leading a happy life.
The little goats were very cute and they
all were like toys. Mother goat, like all
mothers, loved her little goat very much
and she protected her little goats from
all the wild animals in the forest.
One day, before she left to
find food in the forest, she
called her seven little goats
next to her and she said,”
My dear children, I am
going to the forest to bring
some food, and do not open the door for
the wolf because if the wolf comes into
the house, he will eat all of you! He is
very shifty and he disguises himself into
different shapes and tries to fool you.”
After that, one of the little goats said,
“Mom, so how will we
recognize him?” After that,
their mom said,” The wolf
has a rough voice, but I have
a soft, sweet voice. So you can recognize
him with his rough voice.” Right before
the mother goat leaves, she
remembered her little goats something
else, she turned to her children and said,
“One more thing, the wolf’s feet are
black, but mine are white, so don’t get
fooled by him.” The eldest
goat said, “Don’t worry mom, we will
take good care of ourselves. Then the
mother goat kissed them one by one and
headed in to the forest. Little they
know, the wolf was watching them from
afar when he saw mother goat leaving.
After a while, he came in front of the
little cottage and started knocking.
Then the little goats said, “Who is it?”
The wolf then answered, “Little goats
open the door, your mother is here!”
But the little goats remembered that the
wolf has rough voice. Without opening
the door they yelled out, “You’re not our
mother; her voice is sweet and more
beautiful than yours”
Right after what the little goats said, he
got a genius idea. He went to the
farmer’s market stall and bought a jar of
honey and ate the whole jar so as to get
a soft voice like mother goat. As a result,
the wolf’s voice became soft and he
went back to the cottage where the little
goats lived and knocked again.
Again the little goats answered the
door, “Who is it?” The wolf answered,
“Dear children, it’s me your mother!”
The little goats wanted to open the door
until the eldest remembered them what
their mother said. He said, “ Dear sisters
and brothers do not get fooled by his
voice remember what mom told us
about their feet?” they peeked under
the door and saw that it wasn’t their
mom as it was black instead of white. So
they cried out to the wolf, “You are not
our mom, our mom has white feet but
you don’t!”
The wolf became furious after failing
his plan, but he didn’t give up and went
to the bakery. The baker was shocked to
see the wolf at his bakery shop. The wolf
then said, “I am a vegeterian now so I
will eat pastry from now on, could you
give me some flour?” And the baker did
as the wolf asked. Now the wolf came
out with a sack of flour and when he was
near the cottage, he poured it all over
his feet.
Again, the wolf knocked on the door
with his white feet.
Moreover, the seven little goats
cried out, “who is it?” And the wolf said,
“It’s me your mother, open the door.”
The little goats then said, “At first show
us your feet to make sure you are our
mom.” They peeked under the door and
saw a white feet so they opened the
After they opened the door, they saw
that this was not their mom, it was the
wolf. They were so scared that they
didn’t know what to do, so they run
around like crazy. The wolf then said,
“Don’t run because I will catch you all
and eat you!” Then, he caught all of the
little goats except one who was hiding in
a box.
After some minute later, the mother
goat came home and saw that the house
was a disaster and saw no goats until the
little goat that was hiding in the chest.
They hugged each other and the little
goat started crying and explained to her
mom what had happened.
The mother goat got very angry and
searched for the wolf everywhere. After
searching for a while, she saw that the
wolf was sleeping under the shade of a
tree. The stomach of the wolf was
moving so the mother goat knew that
her children were still alive.
she bought a pair of scissor and cut the
wolf’s stomach and freed her children
and went home. Her children were very
happy that they were now free from the
wolf . At the end, they lived a very happy
life with there mother goat.
A Brief description of the story

This story is written for children by

Pavyar hoshear. This story is about a
hungry wolf and seven little goat. There
is a hungry wolf that just wants to eat
something until he saw that little goats
so he decided to eat the little goats. He
was a shifty wolf and he changed into
many shapes

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