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Any person can become a Member of Navodaya Gold Deposit / Investment Scheme by paying Rs6900/= to the company,in companys name, by cash/dd/cheque in the prescribed applicaton form to the companys office only. 2.The company will invest the money collected in this scheme for retail jewellery business. 3.A receipt for the cash paid will be issued and Companys Deposit / Investment Bond will be issued to the Member within 30 days of payment receipt. 4.In this scheme,a person can buy as many membership as wanted in the same name 5.This is a life time scheme 6. The company will pay benefits as follows. The highest amount of either Net Profit or Interest will be given.That is: 50% of the Companys Net Profit will be divided equally among all members and taken.12% per annum Interest on the deposits will be calculated. The highest amount of either these will be given. 7. Annual benefits will be issued to the member like annual income 8.Members can transfer their membership to another person 9.After 5 years the membership can be withdrawn 10.At the time of withdrawal,the company will pay the value of the assets,max upto 50%, which ever is more when compared to the time of entry or purchase of membership. That is: the present asset value of the company will be calculated and 50% of the value will be divided equally among all members. When entering,the value will be given according to the future year.At the time of withdrawal the previous years asset value will be taken. 11.For withdrawal of membership,after 5 years completion,the member should submit the prescribed application form with in 30 days of the expiry of the membership time. The bond value will be returned within 90 days or earlier. If not withdrawn within 30 days,it will be considered as Auto renewal. 12.By becoming a member of this scheme ,no one can claim employer-employee relationship or like owner-worker,partnership,agent,agency or founder relationships. 13.Members cannot use the companys name, product, business wantedly or unwantedly for any purpose or use any of the companys assets,properties,copyrights, or cause any destruction or defamation or misuse of the company. If found,the membership will be cancelled and the all the benefits accrued will be forfeited. 14.In case of all litigations ,the companys decision will be final and binding in all matters and on all members. 15. The company reserves the right to modify and amend its rules and regulations without prior notice for whatsover reason. 16.The company reserves the right to reject any application for membership without assigning any reason forsoever 17.All litigation are subject to Bangalore jurisdiction only

18.If you lose the original Company issued bond,you can get a duplicate bond in the same name by paying the company fees.

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