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Task 1:

An anticoagulated blood sample is supplied.

Please prepare an unstained peripheral blood film.

Task 2:
An unstained blood film is supplied.

Please stain the blood film with Leishman's stain (First two steps). Write down
name of two other stains that may be used for the preparation of the slide.

Task 3:
A vial containing blood mixed with proper anticoagulant has been provided. Do
the procedure for determination of ESR by Westergren method.
What is the normal value of ESR in an adult male estimated by this method?

Task 4:
Carefully read the clinical scenario and answer the following questions:

A 35-years old female gives history of menorrhagia, weakness and easy

fatigability. Her laboratory investigations showed: Hb 8 gm/dl, TLC 5000/cmm,
Platelets count-180000/cmm, MCV 60 fl, MCH 20 pg/dl and MCHC 28 L/L.

a. Give your Diagnosis. 2.0

b. Describe red cell morphology. 1.0
c. Write differential diagnosis. 2.0

Task 5:
Carefully read the given clinical scenario and answer the following questions:

A 7 years boy presents with puffiness of the face, hypertension and mild renal
failure. He also had a history of skin infection 3 weeks back.

a. What is the most possible diagnosis? 2.0

b. Give the most likely urinary findings of this case. 3.0
Task 6:
Carefully read the clinical scenario and answer thefollowing questions:

A boy of 7 years presented with recurrent history of swelling of right knee joint
and gum bleeding. His laboratory investigations showed:
Platelet count:170000/cmm; BT: Normal; CT: Prolonged;
APTT: Prolonged; PT: Normal.

a. Give the most likely clinical diagnosis. 1.0

b. What tests will confirm the diagnosis? 2.0
c. Write two other causes of gum bleeding. 2.0

Task 7:
(A) Identify the glass slide.
(B) Name the stain used during preparation of the slide.
(C) Name three other stains that can be used for the same purpose. 1+1+3

Task 8:
(A) Identify the glass slide.
(B) Name the fixative & stain used during preparation of the slide. 1+4

Task 9:
An 18 years male (Md. Azad) admitted in Surgery unit-1 Bed no-12,
of BMCH with the history of fever for 3 days, periumbilical pain and tenderness in
right iliac fossa. His CBC showing leukocytosis. Appendicectomy was done.
Please write a requisition for such patient. 5

Task 10:
(A) Identify the instrument and give identifying points.
(B) Mention the uses of it. 2+3

Task 11:
Carefully examine the PBF slide at the focused area (at 40 HPF) under microscope
and answer the following questions:
(A) Mention the total number of leucocytes. 02
(B) Identify different leukocytes with their number. 03
Task 12:
(A) Identify the focused cell.
(B) Write down the identifying points.
(C) Give its normal absolute & differential count. 1+2+2

Task 13:
Carefully examine the given specimen and answer the following questions:

a. Identify the specimen. 1.0

b. Give your diagnosis. 2.0
c. Give the clinical presentation. 2.0

Task 14:
Carefully examine the focused microscopic slide of a biopsy form a swelling in
front of neck in a 30 years old female and answer the following questions:

a. Give your diagnosis.

b. Give the features of identification.
c. Give the clinical presentation of such a case. 1+2+2

Task 15:
Carefully' examine the focused histopathological slide under microscope. Answer
the following questions:

a. Identify the structure focused under microscope. 1.0

b. Name two structures within it which will help you to identify it. 2.0
c. Give two examples of this type of lesion. 1.0

Task 16:
Carefully examine the focused slide and answer the following questions:

a. Give your diagnosis. 1.0

b. Give the features of identification. 2.0
c. Give the clinical presentation of such patient. 2.0

Task 17:
A sample of urine is supplied.
Do heat coagulation test and give your findings.

Task 18:
A sample of urine is supplied.
Do the Benedict's test and give your findings.

Task 19:
A sample of urine is supplied which has been centrifuged properly. Please prepare
a slide from the supplied sample.
Place it under microscope.
Mention two renal causes of hematuria.

Task 20:
Jar containing museum specimen with reagent:
a. Identify the reagent kept in the jar.
b. What is its action on the specimen supplied?
c. Name two other reagents used for the same purpose. 1+2+2

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