The Yahushaic Covenant - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Our responsibilities within The Yahushaic Covenant

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Throughout The Original
Revelation Series which contains 8 books:

Creation Cries Out!
Mystery Babylon – The religion of
the beast
Christianity and the Great
The Antichrist Revealed!
The Kingdom of Yahuah
The Yahushaic Covenant Vol. 1 –
The Mediator
The Yahushaic Covenant Vol. 2 –
The Pauline Doctrine
The Yahushaic Covenant Vol. 3 - Melchizedek
and The Passover Lamb
The Yahushaic Covenant Vol. 4 - The
Narrow Gate of Salvation

My goal has been to educate

the reader so that we may overcome the Great Deception and immerse ourselves in
the Truth. We are to enter into a marriage covenant with Yahusha and Yahuah

Revelation 19
9 And the angel
said to me,
“Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper
of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of Yahuah.”

marriage is a physical to spiritual parallel of The Yahushaic Covenant
where through covenant we become “one” with Yahuah.

Revelation 19:9

9 And the angel said to me, “Write

this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
And he said to me, “These are the true words of Yahuah.”

Jeremiah 31:32
It will not be like
the covenant
I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of
Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,"

John 10
answered them, “I
told you (I am the Messiah), and you do
not believe. The works (in fulfilling the Law)
that I do in My Father’s name, they bear witness of Me. 26 But you do

of My sheep, as I said to you. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow
my example. 28 And
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone

My Father, who has given them to Me (in covenant), is greater than all; and no one is
able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. 30 I and My Father are one (in mind, will, purpose, and Sp

John 17
20 “I
do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one (in marriage covenant), as You, Father, are
in (covenant with) M

that they also may be one in

(covenant with)  Us, that the world may
believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them,
that they may be one (in covenant) j
through marriage): 23 I in (covenant
with) them, and You in (covenant with)
Me; that they may be made perfect in one (covenant
through marriage), and that the world may know that Yo
predestined plan to send a human Messiah), and have loved them as
You have loved Me.

24 “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may

be with Me (in the
Kingdom of Yahuah ) where I am, that they may behold My glory
which You have given Me (as you have sea
through inheritance you have given me authority over Your
Kingdom); for You loved Me (and have
given me preeminence among your creation) before the foundation of
the world (in The
things were created). 25 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I
have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. 26 And I have declared to them Your name Yahu
love with which You loved Me may be in
them, and I in them.”

That is the proper

understanding of these scriptures in context of the Word of Yahuah.
Christianity has the spirit of the false messiah Jesus Christ in that they
believe in the Incarnation and have
Yahuah. They
pray to the false messiah, they sing to and direct their divine worship to the
false messiah; they have graven images such as crosses and images of Mary/Jesus
and so forth which is
“truth” that the Law has
been abolished (unrighteousness). Yahuah as promised has turned them over to a
depraved mind. They approach scripture with the spirit of error and cannot
Romans 1:18-29
18 For the wrath of Yahuah is
revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who
suppress the truth (of the Law Psalm 119:142)

Psalm 119:142

Your righteousness
is everlasting and your law is true.

in unrighteousness (abolishing
the Law 1 John 5:17 and 1 John 3:4),

1 John 5:17
All unrighteousness
is sin

1 John 3:4
Everyone who sins
breaks the Law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.
19 because that which is known about Yahuah is evident
within them (because Yahuah has written the Law in
our hearts Jeremiah 31:31);

Jeremiah 31:33
33 “But this is the
new covenant which I
will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares Yahuah, “I will
put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; an
shall be My people

for Yahuah made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the
world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been
clearly seen (in creation), being
made (the Plan of
Salvation is written in the stars Psalm 19),

Psalm 19

2 The
heavens are telling of the glory of YAHUAH; And their expanse is declaring
the work of His hands. 2 Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night
reveals knowledge. 3
words; Their voice is
not heard. 4 Their line (Zodiac means line or path of the sun) has gone out
through (and seen through)all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the
He has placed a tent for the sun
(the Zodiac), 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; It rejoices
as a strong man to run his course. 6 Its rising is from one end of
the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its

Continuing with
Romans 1…

so that they are without excuse. 21 For even

though they knew Yahuah, they did not honor Yahuah as God or give thanks, but
they became futile in their speculations (that
Jesus was Yahua
heart was darkened (to the Torah which is a lamp unto our feet Psalm 119:105).

Psalm 119:105

Your word (Torah/Prophets)

is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Continuing with
Romans 1…

 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools (in spiritual understanding, given over to The Spirit of
Error 1 John 4:6 and 2 John 7),
1 John 2:3
We know that we
have come to know Yahuah if we keep his commands.

1 John 4:6
We are from Yahuah;
he who knows Yahuah (to know Yahuah is to keep His commandments 1 John
listens to us; he who is not from Yahuah does not listen to us. By this we
is the Torah) and the spirit of error (abolishing the

2 John 7 – The Spirit of Error and Spirit of the false messiah, Beware of
Antichrist Deceivers 7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world who
do not confess Yahusha the
(a mere man, but
rather confess Jesus is the incarnation of God in the flesh). This is a
deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we do not lose
those things (the T
but that we may receive a
full reward (eternal life is the promise for obedience to the Torah). 9 Whoever
transgresses (the Law of Yahuah) and does not abide in the
doctrine of
come to abolish the Law) does
not have (the Spirit of) Yahuah. He who abides in the doctrine of the Messiah
(that not one Jot or Tittle of the Law has been abolished) has both th

Continuing with
Romans 1…

23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God

for an image in the form of corruptible man (ask
Hesus Horus Krishna aka Jesus H. Christ into your heart and elevated the false image o
hearts as God)… 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge Yahuah
any longer (as the only TRUE GOD John
17:3 and Isaiah 45:5),

John 17:3
3 This is eternal life, that they may know
You (Yahuah), the only true God

Isaiah 45
5 I am YHWH, and there
is no other; apart from me there is no God.

Mark 12:28-34

28 One of the teachers

of the Law (Torah) came and heard them debating. Noticing that Yahusha had
given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandment
29 "The most important one," answered Yahusha
(then he quoted Deuteronomy 6), "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, Yahuah our
God, Yahuah is the one and only true God. 30 Love
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'

Continuing with
Romans 1…

Yahuah gave them over to a depraved (of the Torah) mind (not
sealed with the protective shield over their frontal lobe),

Deuteronomy 6
4 “Hear (Shema),
O Israel! YHVH is our
God, Yahuah is one (God)! 5 You shall love Yahuah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your might.
6 These words,

today, shall be
(written) on your heart (in The Yahushaic Covenant see Jeremiah 31:33).
7 You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall
talk of them when you sit in your h
way and when
you lie down and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind
them as a sign on your hand (the works of your hand) and they (His Law) shall
be as frontals (or spiritual seal)

Continuing with
Romans 1…

to do those things which are not proper (by violating the Law), 29 being filled
with all unrighteousness (disobedience to the Law
of Yahuah)

We see above that those who

elevated an image of a man as God in their hearts are given over to a “depraved
mind”. Elevating an image of a man as God is called the doctrine of Incarnation
and is
the false messiah:

1 John 4:1-3
1 Beloved, do not believe
every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from Yahuah, because
many false prophets have gone out into the world (claiming
they are the incarnati
the Spirit of Yahuah: every spirit that confesses that Yahusha the Messiah
has come in the flesh (i.e. born according to
the flesh or HUMAN) is from Yahuah; 3 and every spirit that does not
human in every way Hebrews 2:17)
is not from Yahuah; this (the belief in the
Incarnation) is the spirit of the antichrist (Jesus Christ), of which you have heard that it is
coming, and now it
this we know the spirit of truth (those who worship Yahuah and know that Yahusha is our brother
not our God) and the spirit of error (those who abolish the Law of Yahuah).

Those who have their minds

sealed with the sign of the cross in the belief in The Trinity do not have the
protective shield of Yahuah over their frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is that
part of the brai
deception; so they are given
over to believe a lie!
This brings me to our FIRST
responsibility in The Yahushaic Covenant; we must be sealed with
His Shema to protect our minds from deception.

must have our minds sealed from deception

The seal of Yahuah is very

well defined as His Name written on our foreheads and those who
know His Name understand that He alone is God and there is no
other. He is not a trinity nor is He
is a total denial of the foremost command in the Bible. To fully understand The
Seal of Yahuah we must understand and employ the intended physical to Spiritual
parallels given to us
over time through progressive
revelation and then transposed into His Kingdom, I will explain these in

The Seal of the Kingdom

of Yahuah is clearly defined both in the Torah and The Yahushaic
Covenant. Let us first define exactly what that seal is. The Seal of Yahuah
is quite literally His Name a
is God and it is “written” on the foreheads (a metaphor for knowledge)
as a SEAL over the minds of those who will inhabit His Kingdom:

Revelation 3

12 Him who overcomes (the spirit of the false  messiah and spirit of error)
I will make a pillar in the temple of my God (those sealed with The Spirit of Truth will become The Temple
leave it (that Spiritual Temple). I will
write on him (who overcomes) the
name of my God (Yahuah, the Mark of God)

Revelation 7:3

land or
the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the
servants of our God (Yahuah)."
3 "Do not harm the

Revelation 9

not to harm the
grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have
the seal of God (Yahuah) on
their foreheads.
4 They were told

Revelation 22
4 They will see
his face, and his
name (Yahuah) will be
(written/sealed) on their
foreheads (minds).

Yahusha’s example… The Seal of Yahuah or Mark on our forehead
Mark on your forehead is a physical to spiritual parallel for knowledge. The
Seal of Yahuah is the knowledge that the name of The Creator is Yahuah and He
is one God and there is no other God. T
and we are to declare The Shema as it is THE greatest commandment in the entire

Mark 12:28-39

28 One of the teachers of the Law

came and heard them debating. Noticing that Yahusha had given them a good
answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most
important one,"
answered Yahusha (then he quoted Deuteronomy 6),
"is this: 'Hear, O Israel, YAHUAH our God, Yahuah
is one. 30 Love Yahuah your God with all your heart and with all yo
and with all your strength.'

Yahusha was demonstrating

that his frontal lobe had the protective seal of Yahuah over it as he quoted
word for word that seal or mark of Yahuah:

Deuteronomy 6
4 “Hear (Shema),
O Israel! Yahuah is our God, Yahuah is
one (God)! 5 You shall love Yahuah
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
6 These words, wh
today, shall be (written) on your heart
(in The Yahushaic Covenant see Jeremiah
31:33). 7 You shall teach
them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house
and when you lie down and when you rise up.
8 You shall bind them as a sign on your
hand and they (His Law) shall be as
frontals (or spiritual seal) on your

As I explained in detail in
my book the Kingdom of Yahuah the Shema is a frontal bone
(physical to spiritual parallel) providing protection over the frontal lobe of
your brain.

“they (His Law)
be as frontals (or spiritual seal)
on your forehead (Mind).

The Frontal Bone is literally

the protective shield in the cranium (physical metaphor) that protects the
Frontal Lobe of the brain:
This physical to spiritual
parallel employed by Yahuah in Deuteronomy can only now be understood in the
context it was meant. Science has defined the “purpose” of the Frontal Lobe of
the hum
that lobe MUST be sealed by Yahuah.

The Frontal Lobe has been

identified and described as follows, according to Dr. Donald Stuss of The
Rotman Research Institute:

The frontal lobe is a critical center and it controls the

"essence" of our humanity. The frontal lobes, which are also called the cerebral
cortex, are the seat of emotions and judgments re
ability to feel sorrow for someone else's suffering, and empathy,
which is the ability to understand another's feelings and problems. They are
also the seat of understanding humor, including
plays. The frontal lobes also recognize sarcasm and irony. And they are
where recognition of deception occurs guiding our judgment between right and
wrong. The cerebral cortex, o
of our
essence and nature.

We need to always keep in the

foremost of our mind that Yahuah’s purpose is to govern the Universe with His
sons. The Frontal Lobe is critical in all aspects of judgment, empathy, and
knowing r
literally provides a “protective shield”
called The Seal of Yahuah which protects that very part of our mind that
enables us to have empathy toward others, recognize deceptive philosophies, and
determines our essence and nature.

In effect, those who have

this seal have in the foremost of their mind, the truth that Yahuah is ONE God
and that His Law defines what is right and wrong, and that it is love (empathy)
for others th

This seal or mark on our

forehead is represented by the Tetragrammaton or the “name of God”:

Revelation 22
4 They will see
his face, and his
name (Yahuah) will be
(written/sealed) on their

That mark of Yahuah has never

been, is not now, and will never be in the future the “mark of the cross”. That
is the opposing mark of the beast (for more information read my book The
sealed with The Shema
between his eyes and that is our example we are to follow. By being obedient to
the first 3 of the Ten Commandments we will establish the seal over our minds.

We are to have no other gods in Yahuah’s
face. Not Jesus, not The Trinity, not Buddha, not Krishna, not Ba’al, not
Allah, no other god. There is no other God, those are all false gods.

2.   We are not to use titles such as

The LORD, Elohim, Adonai, ha Shem or anything else in place of His Name Yahuah.
These titles remove His Name from our sight, and bring His name to no
means in Hebrew). Yahuah is His everlasting memorial
by which He is to be known, called upon, prayed to, and worshipped.

3.   We are to have no graven images

(that includes a cross). Yahuah is Spirit, invisible, and no man has ever seen
Him. The only “image” of Yahuah is Yahusha who was the perfect human ima
to worship Yahuah in Spirit and in Truth not by
bowing down to an inanimate object.


must obey the Law of Yahuah
Revelation 22:14 - King James Bible

Blessed are they that keep

His commandments (the Law), that they
may have the right to the tree of (eternal)
life (the promise of obedience to the Torah Deuteronomy 6:1-2),

Deuteronomy 6:2

2 so that you and your son and your

grandson might fear Yahuah your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments
which I command you, all the days of your life, and that
(eternal life)

may enter in through the gates (of the Kingdom
of Yahuah and) into the city (of
Yahuah Shammah).

We must not partake in “The

Transgression of Desolation” which is the cause of The Great

Isaiah 24
See, Yahuah
is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and
scatter its inhabitants… 3 The earth will be completely laid waste and totally
plundered. Yahuah has sp
dries up and withers, the world languishes
and withers, the heavens languish with the earth. (because)
5 The earth is defiled by its
people; they have disobeyed the Laws of Yahuah, viola
broken the everlasting covenant of The Sabbath. 6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth;
its people must bear their guilt. Therefore earth’s inhabitants are burned up,
and very few are le

We must have a loving heart

for His Law and be given The Spirit of Truth which teaches us to keep His Law:
Ezekiel 36: 26, 27
I will give you a new heart (for my Law and write my Law on it Romans 2:15 and Hebrews

Romans 2:15

the requirements of the Law are written on their hearts,
their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing
them and at other times
They show

Hebrews 10:16

is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says Yahuah. I will
put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds."

put a new spirit (of loving obedience
1 John 5:3) in you;

1 John 5:3
fact, this
love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome

will remove from you your heart of stone (legalistic
observance of the Law without a loving heart for His Law) and give
you a heart of flesh (soft heart of love for His
Law). And I will pu
you to follow
my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

And have His Law written on

our hearts:

Jeremiah 31:31-34

are coming,” declares Yahuah, “when I will make a new covenant with The
House of Israel and with The House of Judah, 32 not like the
covenant which I made with the
by the hand to
bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke,
although I was a husband to them,” declares Yahuah. 33 “But this is the covenant which I will make
days,” declares Yahuah, “I will put My
law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be
their God, and they shall be My people. 34
They will not teach again, each man his
brother, saying, ‘Know Yahuah,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of
them to the greatest of them,” declares Yahuah, “for I will forgive their
iniquity, and their sin I will remember n

We are to live by the example

Yahusha set as a Torah obedient son of Yahuah. Keeping Yahuah’s Law is how we
express our love for Yahuah and is the demonstration that we know Yahuah:

1 John 2
3 By this we know that we have
come to know Yahuah, if we keep His Law. 4 The one who says, “I have come to
know God,” and does not keep His Law, is a liar, and the truth is not in him
Law, in him
the love of Yahuah has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are
in covenant with Yahusha: 6 the one
who says he is in covenant with Yahusha ought himself to walk
walked (in obedience to the Law).

Psalm 40:6-8
6 Sacrifice and
meal offering
You have not desired; My ears You have opened; Burnt offering and sin offering
You have not required. 7 Then I said, “Behold, I come; in the scroll of
the bo

heart for the

Law of Yahuah is a witness of us in The Book of Life). 8 I delight to do Your
will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart (the
foundation of The New Covenant Jeremiah 31).”

The Ark of the Covent that is

the literal throne that Yahusha sits upon is “The Ark of the Covenant of the
Law” and the foundation of Yahusha’s government. the Law is within the Ark as a
witness a

Deuteronomy 31:26
"Take this Book of the
and place it beside the ark of the covenant of Yahuah your God. There it will remain
as a witness against you (who break it).

Revelation 11:19

in heaven
was opened, and within Yahuah’s temple was seen the ark of Yahuah’s covenant (Law, the marriage vows).
Then Yahuah’s temple

I cover the Law in some

detail in Chapter 11 of my book the Kingdom of Yahuah from the
standpoint of establishing the Law as the foundation of The Yahushaic
Covenant and the Kingdom of
detail as it applies to us in Chapter 5 of this book.

must walk in the example set by Yahusha
We can only say we are in
covenant with Yahuah through Yahusha if we keep the commandments of Yahuah and
walk in the example set by Yahusha:

1 John 2
3 By this we know that we
have come to know Yahuah, if we keep His Law. 4 The one who
says, “I have come to know God,” and does not keep His Law, is a liar, and the
truth is not in him
Law, in him the love of Yahuah has truly been perfected. By this
we know that we are in covenant with Yahusha: 6
the one who says he is in covenant with Yahusha ought himself to walk

walked (in
obedience to the Law).

Yahusha told us his example

was the true way to eternal life. Yahusha was filled with The Spirit of
Holiness and demonstrated loving obedience to the commandments of Yahuah. Yahusha
was in
whoever believes in Yahusha will “do the works
I have been doing” as he kept the Law of Yahuah faithfully.

John 14
5 Thomas said to him, “King, we
don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6 Yahusha
answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life (another
way of saying “my
leads to eternal life”).
No one comes into covenant with the Father except through me.7 If you really
know me, you will know my Father as well (Yahusha
was one with Yahuah in mind, w
on, you (who keep His commandments) do
know him and have seen him (in the example Yahusha
set. Yahusha was the perfect human image of the invisible God).”

Philip said, “King, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” 9 Yahusha
answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a
long time? Anyone who
Father (through my example). How can you say, ‘Show us
the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in (covenant
with) the Father, and that the Father is in (covenant with) me? The words
my own authority. Rather, it is the (spirit
of the) Father, living in me (The Spirit
of Truth), who is doing His work (through
me, I am his proxy).

Believe me when I say that I am in (covenant with)
the Father and the Father is in (covenant with)
me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves (as I kept Your comm
name John 17:6).

John 17:6
"I have
manifested Your name (Yahuah) to the men whom You gave Me out of the world;
they were Yours and You gave them to Me (in covenant), and they have kept
Your word (the

 Continuing with John 14…

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in (covenant
with) me will do the works I have been doing (follow my example in keeping His commandments as my example
is the true way that

As we keep the commandments

of Yahuah we will, in the process, be sealed with His Shema and display the
Sign by keeping His Sabbath. I cover both the Seal and Sign in my book the

must display the Sign of the sons of Yahuah
Obeying the 4th
commandment is the Sign that sets us apart and makes us Holy to Yahuah. Obeying
all 10 is the love of Yahuah perfected as we learn to love Yahuah (the first 5
commandments) a

The Sabbath is Yahuah’s stamp

on creation and sets Him apart as The Creator. The Sabbath is the sign we
display back to Yahuah that we know He is the Creator and by displaying that
sign, we too
As we set apart the 7th
Day, that day, in turn, was made to set us apart from Creation. This is what Yahusha
was saying below:

Mark 2:27
27 Yahusha
said to them,
"The Sabbath was made for man (to set him
apart from creation), and not man for the Sabbath. 28"So (in the same way) the Son of Man is (set apart as) King eve

Exodus 31

12 Yahuah said to Moshe,

13 Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘You are to observe my Shabbats for this is
a sign between me and you through all your generations; so that you
will know th
apart for me. 17 It is a sign between me and the people of
Isra’el forever; for in six days Yahuah made heaven and earth,
but on the seventh day (not one day in 7 and
definitely no
stopped working and

the Everlasting Covenant of the Sabbath
The Sabbath is so important to Yahuah that humanity’s breaking The
Sabbath is the cause of The Great Tribulation where Yahuah destroys the face of
the Earth. The Earth is destroyed because hum

Isaiah 24
See, Yahuah
is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and
scatter its inhabitants… 3 The earth will be completely laid waste and totally
plundered. Yahuah has sp
dries up and withers, the world languishes
and withers, the heavens languish with the earth. (because)
5 The earth is defiled by
its people; they have disobeyed the Laws of Yahuah, viola
the everlasting covenant of The Sabbath. 6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth;
its people must bear their guilt. Therefore earth’s inhabitants are burned up,
and very few are le

Sabbath Keepers inherit Yahuah’s Creation
Yahuah then prophesied through Isaiah that he would set this same Sabbath
“sign” among the gentiles and call out His Chosen from among them and they
would keep His Sabbath among the genti
defined as The Sabbath…  He will send His Sabbath Keeping sons to display The
Sign to the nations.

Yahuah will gather His elect among all nations and bring them back to
Himself where they will keep The Sabbath for all eternity

Isaiah 66
19 “I will set a sign
(The Sabbath) among them, and I will
send some of those who survive to the nations—to Tarshish, to the Libyans and
Lydians, to Tubal and Greece, and to the distan
my fame or seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory (as Creator) among the nations (By displaying THE SIGN of The Sabbath to them).
20 And they will bring all your people, from al
mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to Yahuah.

In the next verse, Yahuah then declared that after he re-creates Heaven
and Earth after the Millennial Kingdom on The Last Great Day/Day of Yahuah (8th
prophetic day after the Sabbath Millenniu
of Yahuah will keep The Sabbath forevermore . We
know from Revelation that this current Heaven and Earth will be destroyed by
fire and Yahuah will create a “new Heaven and Earth” after the p
Millennium. This is the time frame Isaiah is speaking of and he
makes it crystal clear that throughout eternity… all mankind will be keeping The

Those who disobeyed Yahuah (violated His Sabbaths in context) are found
DEAD as those Sabbath Keepers literally step over their abominable disobedient
bodies to enter the Kingdom of Yahua

Isaiah 66:22-24
( previous
verses talked about a sign, The Sabbath, being set among the gentiles and those
who keep the sign are brought out of the nations) 22  “For just as
the new heavens and the new ea
continue in my presence,”
says Yahuah, “so will your descendants and your name continue. 23  “Every month
on Rosh-Hodesh and every week on Shabbat, everyone
living will come
won’t be worshipping on Sunday),” says Yahuah.
24 “As they (who bear His Sabbath Sign)
leave (from worshipping Yahuah on The Sabbath),
they will look on the corpses of the people
context rebelled against His Sabbath)
for their worm will never die, and their fire will never be quenched; but they will
be abhorrent to all humanity.”

All those who have abolished His Law are gathered up (and destroyed) out
of His Kingdom:

Matthew 13:41

The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will
gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers

are to obey Yahusha’s example – He was a Sabbath Keeper
Now, we are “told” by the false religion of Christianity that a new
day of rest came with the New Covenant. There is zero proof of that in
scripture and for 500 years the early church kept The Sab
worshipping Emperor Constantine changed The Sabbath
to his god’s day… Sunday. Then he imposed Sunday worship by the threat of death
in the inquisition!

We see in 1 John that we are to “walk as Yahusha walked” and live by the
example the Messiah set on Earth…

1 John 2

3 We know that we have come to know Yahuah if we

keep his commands. 4 Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he
commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person.
commandments, love for Yahuah is truly made complete in them.
This is how we know we are in (covenant with)
Yahuah (through Yahusha): 6 Whoever
claims to live in (covenant with)

The example Yahusha set (that we are to follow) is that of an obedient

son of Yahuah to His Commandments. Yahusha kept The Sabbath; he kept Passover
and every other commandment. This is
our example nor is The Pope not even your Christian Church. For all the
double talk Christian’s do in claiming to walk in the footsteps of “Jesus” they
don’t even come close to walking as Yahusha
obedience to
the Law of Yahuah by keeping The Sabbath (4th Commandment)!

In fact, they don’t even try as they abolished everything Yahusha stood
for and everything he did on Earth. It is well documented that Yahusha kept The

Mark 6:2
And when
the Sabbath had
come, He began to teach in the synagogue.

Luke 4:16
So he came
to Nazareth, where he
had been brought up. And as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the
Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

Luke 6:6

Now it happened on another Sabbath,

also, that he entered the synagogue and taught.

Luke 13:10
Now he was
teaching in one of the
synagogues on the Sabbath.

Luke 4:31

down to Capernaum, a
city of Galilee, and was teaching them on the Sabbaths.
Then he went

In fact, Yahusha understood The

Sabbath Covenant and that he would return to rule as King to fulfill
The Sabbath Covenant in the 7th prophetic day or 7th
Millennium known as the Millennial R

Mark 2:27-28

And he said to them, "The

Sabbath was made for man (it is the coming of Yahuah’s
rest from the curse of Adam), and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore
the Son of Man is also King of the

Sabbath Keepers enter Yahuah’s Kingdom of Rest
The Apostle Sha’ul cleared it up word for word:  “If you don’t keep the 7th
Day Sabbath EXACTLTY like Yahuah did, you will not enter His Rest/Eternal life”.

Sha’ul clearly teaches the Sabbath below and that you cannot be saved if
you violate The Sabbath. Remember, all the men of Yahuah in the
Bible and the true assembly of believers kept The Sabb
Messiah’s death until Constantine changed it by threat of
death in the inquisition and eventually had most of them killed for not keeping
Dias Solis “the Venerable day of the Sungod”. We see in H
Covenant The Sabbath is key to salvation as
it is the SIGN that we are the “sanctified” or “set apart” or HOLY ONES: 

Hebrews 4 - A
Sabbath-Rest for the People of God
1 Therefore, since the
promise of entering his (The
Sabbath) rest still stands,
let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it (by failing to Keep the Sabbath). 2 For w
preached to us, just as they did; but the message they
heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with
faith (Keep
the Sabbath in light of the Messiah). 3 N
are in covenant with Yahusha) enter that rest
(Keep the Sabbath in light of faith in the Passover
Lamb of Yahuah, whose name is Yahusha), just as Yahuah has said,

"So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They (who break my Sabbath) shall never enter my (Sabbath) rest.' "And yet his work has
been finished since the creation of the world (Yahuah
Genesis 1 and
commanded we do to, the 4th Commandment). 4 For somewhere he has
spoken about the seventh day (Saturday,
not Sunday) in these words: "And on the seventh day
And again in the passage above he
says, "They shall never enter my rest." (Referring
to those disobedient to His Sabbath command)

6 It still remains that some (the remnant sons of Yahuah) will enter that
(Sabbath) rest,
and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, because
of their disob
Therefore Yahuah, again (Sha’ul repeats for
emphasis), set a certain day, calling it Today (start keeping The Sabbath today!), when a long
time later he spoke through David, as was said be
voice, do not harden your hearts. (against His Sabbath)" 8 For if Joshua (son of Nun) had given them (the Israelites coming out of Egypt) rest (from the curse of Adam when they entered
Yahuah would not have spoken later about another day (to come.. the true
Sabbath Rest is yet to come in the 7th Millennium).
9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the
people of Yahuah; 10 for anyone who enters Yahuah’s rest also rests from
his own work, just as Yahuah did from His (You mus
did on the 7th
Day). 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest (by being obedient to The Sabbath), so that no
one will fall (short of salvation and not enter Yahuah’s
Rest) by
disobedience (to The Sabbath).

It is totally laughable the way the Christian Church tries to twist the scripture
above into saying something else in actual support of Sunday worship. The
Sabbath is defined as the 7th Day; The Si
It is the 4th Commandment. The “sign” of the Christian Church
between Satan and his chosen is and has always been Sunday dating back to

So the reality is, from cover to cover, The Sabbath is the

only Holy Day kept by Yahuah, it was set apart from every other day and made
Holy along with anyone who keeps it! Those who keep Hi
Yahuah stated… it is one of the Ten Commandments, Yahusha kept it, all
the disciples kept it, the church for 500 years after the death of Yahusha kept
it, it is written in both Testaments that it is c

have the same testimony that Yahuah gave Yahusha
Those in covenant with Yahusha
are true sons of Yahuah. Yahuah gives the witnesses of water, blood, and spirit
to testify that we are truly His sons. That is called “the testimony of Yahusha”
and w

Revelation 12:17

17 And the dragon was wroth with the

woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the
commandments of Yahuah, and have the (same) testimony of Yahusha t

I explained these 3 witnesses

in detail in the last chapter of this book. They are:

Water – born human through the womb of our mother and put
through training on Earth.

Blood – we are of the bloodline of Abraham/Isaac/Jacob

Spirit – we follow the Law of the Spirit that leads to Life,
in other words we are filled with The Spirit of Holiness which guides us in
keeping His Commandments in loving obedience. T
earnest guarantee that we will be begotten as gods into the family of Yahuah
in His literal image.

What these witnesses say of us is that we are

born into the bloodline and begotten
into the Kingdom of Yahuah …. Born,
Blood, Begotten = water, blood, spirit!

Romans 11

Sha’ul, a
bondservant of Yahusha the Messiah,
called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of Yahuah (to proclaim the Kingdom of Yahuah in covenant with Yahusha
the Messiah) 2 which Yahuah promised before through His proph
the New Covenant is with
The House of Israel and The House of Judah exclusively Jeremiah 31 and
that the Messiah would come from The House of Judah), 3 concerning His Son Messiah Ya
of the bloodline
of David and born according to the flesh (water), 4 and begotten (declared) to be the Son of God with
power according to the Spirit of holiness (spirit),
by the resurrec
The Yahushaic Covenant we have
received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith (as His chosen bloodline taken from) among all
nations for Yahuah’s name, 6 among whom you
(who are set apart by keeping The Sabbath)
to be in (marriage) covenant (The Yahushaic Covenant) through (the blood of the Passover Lamb)Yahusha the

Those who display faith in Yahusha

by keeping Passover, have a heart for the Law of Yahuah, and keep His Sabbath
identify themselves among the Gentile nations where Yahuah had scattered His
of the House of Israel that had
been scattered among the nations. We have no idea we are of that bloodline as we
have lost our lineage and our identity because Yahuah made the knowledge of ou
remembrance of man”:

Deuteronomy 32:26

into (all) corners (of Earth), I would make the remembrance of them
to cease from among men (no one would know they are
truly Israelites):
 26 I said, I would scatter

Yahuah will move on us and

once again cause us to know His Holy Name and it is by that key
SEAL over our minds that we know we are truly of The House of Israel:

Jeremiah 16:21

them know; this time I will cause them to know My hand
and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yahuah.
And, behold, I will

Yahusha came only for “the

Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”. No one outside of the bloodline of Israel
will be chosen. See Chapter 10 of my book the Kingdom of Yahuah:

Matthew 10

5 These twelve Yahusha sent

out after instructing them: “Do not go in the way of the (pagan) Gentiles, and do not enter any city
of the Samaritans; 6 but rather go to the lost sheep of the
saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’

The New Covenant is with The

Lost Sheep of the House of Israel and the House of Judah exclusively. Again no
one outside of that bloodline:

Hosea 1
10 Yet the number of the sons of
Israel Will be like the sand of the sea, Which cannot be measured or numbered;
And in the place (pagan Gentile lands)
Where it is said to them (not that i

“You are not My people,” It will be said

to them (after I reclaim them to their rightful
inheritance), “You are (in
fact) the sons of the living God.” 11 And the sons of Judah (House of Juda
(House of Israel) will be gathered together,

Jeremiah 31:33

"But this is the covenant

which I will make with the house of Israel after those
days," declares Yahuah, "I will put My law within them and on
their heart I will write it; and I will b
My people.

It is only Abraham’s
descendants, no one else, not even angels, that Yahusha intercedes for as High

Hebrews 2
14 Since the
children have flesh
and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might
destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— 15 and free thos
slavery by their fear of death. 16 For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s
descendants. 17 For this reason he had to be made like his
brothers (in the bloodline promised t
order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest
(of Israel) in service to Yahuah, and
that he might make atonement for the sins of the people (that descend from the bloodlin

We see Yahusha outright

reject a pagan woman not of the proper bloodline to Abraham through Isaac, and
Jacob as Yahusha declared outright he only came (the first time) for the lost
sheep of the

Matthew 15

that place,Yahusha withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A
Canaanite woman (pagan gentile not from
either The House of Judah or The House of Israel) from that vicin
“Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is
demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

23 Yahusha did not answer a word. So his disciples came to

him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was sent
only to the lost sheep o

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!”
she said. 26 He replied, “It
is not right to take the children (of Abraham)’s
bread and toss it to the dogs (those not chosen or

I cover this topic in great

detail in my book the Kingdom of Yahuah.

be Nazarenes
As I explained in the
previous chapter of this book, true followers of Yahusha are followers of the Branch
or Notsris in Hebrew and called Nazarenes. Nazarenes were spoken of in
the Dead Sea Sc
Prophets, and Messiah.
It is a mistranslation in our Bibles where it says “Jesus of Nazareth” it
should read “Yahusha the Nazarene”. Not only is his name not Jesus, not only
was Yahusha not from
the Nazarenes"
and "Yahusha of Nazareth" are the same. They both employ the
adjective nasraya (‫ ܝܪܨܢܕ‬ ‫ )ܐ‬or notsri meaning branch, which is referring
to the prophecy in Isaiah Chapter 11 conce
Zachariah Chapter 3 concerning The Branch.

The English word “Nazarene”

(Greek “Nazaraios,” Aramaic “Natsraya,” or Hebrew “Notsri”) comes from the
Hebrew word netser (branch), which itself is derived from the verb natsar
which mean
preserve.” in context speaking of the

NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - Strong's Number:   5341

Word - Natsar

Definition: to guard,
watch, watch over, keep (Qal) to watch, guard, keep, to preserve, guard from
dangers, to keep, observe, guard with fidelity, to guard, keep secret, to be
kept clo

So in context of the Torah

and Prophets, Yahusha the Nazarene and all his followers even today keep and
observe the Torah to guard, watch over, and protect it from the Lawless
one Jesus Christ (
a false image designed to
destroy the Torah and Prophets. I, Rav Sha’ul, am a Notsri if you haven’t
noticed by now. All true followers of Yahusha are Nazarenes. I defend the Torah,
Prophets, and tr

must boldly declare our birthright
Yahusha made some very bold
declarations. He said he was the son of God, that he and his Father were one,
and that he embodied the fullness of deity! If you take these statements he
made, out o
string them together you; can come up
with a false doctrine. That false doctrine is the doctrine of Incarnation
which is the Spirit of the false messiah.  Taken out of context, these
declarations ar
“implying” he was Yahuah in the
flesh. Implying that he was “God” who came down to Earth in the form of a man,
even the son of man. A god-man just like every other pagan “Christ” dating back

information, please read my book Christianity:

The Great Deception.

As with all “sound bite

doctrines” they are implied doctrines that contradict explicit
commands found in scripture. Yahuah declared He is not a man, nor is He the son
of man and that He promi

Numbers 23:19
"Yahuah is not a man,
that He should lie, Nor a son of man (Yahusha
is called the son of man 87 times), that He should repent; Has He
said (that He would not take the form of a man),
promise NOT to
come to Earth as a man)? Or has He spoken (this promise not to take the form of a man),
and will He not make good on this promise?

1 Samuel 15:29
29 Also the Glory
of Israel will not lie
or change His mind; for He (Yahuah) is not a man that He
should change His mind.”

Job 9
“For He
(Yahuah) is not a man
as I am that I may answer Him, That we may go to court together.

The doctrine of incarnation

makes Yahuah out to be a liar. Yahusha was a man and called himself the son of
man 87 times! The doctrine of incarnation also makes Yahusha out to be a
liar. Yahush
according to the flesh” all phrases
to simply say HE WAS A MAN! Yahusha outright denied incarnation and said
he could not even conceive of such a concept and that the doctrine of incarnation
the one true God:

Philippians 2:6
Yahusha who, being in the form of God (the
human proxy), thought it not robbing Yahuah of His Glory to be
equal with God:

New Living Translation

Though he was (the human image of)

God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.

New American Standard Bible

who, although He existed in the (human)
form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,

King James Bible

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Bible in Plain English

of God, did not esteem this as a prize, that
he was the equal of God,
He who, while he was in the form

King James 2000 Bible

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not a thing to be grasped to be equal
with God:

Darby Bible Translation

who, subsisting in the form of God, did not esteem it an object of rapine to be
on an equality with God;

World English Bible

who, existing in the form of God, didn't consider equality with God a thing to
be grasped,

You cannot take the

declarations Yahusha made as a son of Yahuah out of context. As I fully
explained in Chapter 2 of this book, the Chosen are all gods, sons of Yahuah,
one with our Father, and w
deity. We, as Yahusha
did by example, should cry out…

"I am the son of

Yahuah and my Father and I are one. I am god and the fullness of deity dwells
in me!"

That declaration is our

birthright. I and my father are one family… through covenant. 

John 17: 21
they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in (covenant
with) me, and I in (covenant with)
thee, that they also may be one in (covenant with)
us: that the world may believe that thou ha

I am a god… through resurrection.

Psalm 82:6

“You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you”
I (Yahuah)

Within me dwells the fullness

of deity.

Ephesians 3:19
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled (in bodily form) to the measure of all the
fullness of deity (which is the Spirit of Holiness).

I am the son of God.

2 Corinthians 6:18
“and I will be a father
to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says Yahuah Almighty.”

When Yahusha made these bold

declarations of his birthright and lineage, he was accused of blasphemy by the
Jews and made out to be God in the flesh by pagans. Both accusations are
totally ba
was simply declaring his birthright
as a son of Yahuah and each of us have the same authority to make the same
exact claim. We, like the example Yahusha set, should be so bold as to declare

must learn to be Righteous Judges
One of the main lessons that
we are intended to learn during this life training is the concept of Righteousness.
Righteousness is defined in the Law of Yahuah so we are to study that Law in
of Yahuah. We are to train ourselves in
the Law of Yahuah so that we can become Righteous Judges. We are being trained
as Kings and Priests of Yahuah and the foundation of both is righteous

Of course, the false religion

of Christianity is designed to hide this most highest of callings. We are taught
“thou shalt not judge” as though it were one of the Ten Commandments! It
is actually ref
commandment. There is no 11th
Commandment. If there were, it would most probably be “thou shall not take My
Word out of context”. Not only is “thou shalt not judge”
not one of the Ten Com
of the 613 Laws. The Law
of Yahuah actually contains instructions for how to be a judge.  The
word “Torah” means “instructions in Righteousness”.

Like all sound bite implied

doctrines, “Thou shall not judge” is a direct contradiction of explicit
scripture that we are in fact called to be judges. Sha’ul, writing to the
assembly in Corinth, was frus
exercised their authority
to judge:

 1 Corinthians 6

Dare any
of you, having a matter against another, go to (a
court of) law before the unrighteous (those
who do not keep the Law of Yahuah), and not before the saints? 2 Do yo
will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you,
are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we
shall judge angels? How much mo
life? 4 If then you have judgments
concerning things pertaining to this life, do you appoint those who are least
esteemed by the church to judge? 5 I say this (that you fail
so, that there is not a wise man
among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren? 6 But brother goes to (a court of) law against brother, and that (

delegated the authority to judge to the rest of the sons of Yahuah:

John 20
Yahusha said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send
you.” 22 And when He had said this,
He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spiri
they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are

Yahusha gave
instruction on how judgment should be handled:

Matthew 18:15-18
“Moreover if
brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.
If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you

mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be

established.’ 17 And
if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the assembly of believers. But if
he refuses even to hear the assembly, let him
tax collector. 18 “Assuredly, I say to you (you
are judges), whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

The Apostle Sha’ul readily

accepted his role as a judge:

1Corinthians 5:3

"For I verily, as absent in

body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present,
concerning him that hath so done this deed"

Obviously the 11th

commandment is a commandment of men not of Yahuah. The false doctrine of
“thou shalt not judge” is based on the following scripture taken out
of context:

Matthew 7

“Judge not, that

you be not judged.”

Let’s put this sound bite

back into context and establish sound doctrine that does not contradict
explicit scripture that we are called to be Righteous Judges. What Yahusha is
teaching above is tha
judges setting our own standards
based on our own personal moral code of behavior. We see this all the time in
Christianity. For instance those who don’t drink alcohol at all judge those who
that drink only on occasion judge those who
drink more often. Those who drink more often judge those who are alcoholics. We
set our own personal standards and then judge everyone around u
standards. In every case we end up judging others for the “hidden sins in our
own life” and we become hypocrites.

We are to judge by the Torah

alone in righteousness so that our judgment will stand.

Matthew 7
1 “Judge not
(self-righteously), that you be not judged (by others self-righteousness). 2 For with what judgment you judge (it doesn’t say not to judge), you will be judged;
and with the meas

back to you (this is saying to judge fairly and just by the Law of Yahuah
alone). 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s
eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye (fi
Law)? 4 Or how can you say to your brother,
‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your
own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from
your own eye, and t
remove the speck from your
brother’s eye.

Now Yahusha
restates what he just said in verses 1 and 2 below in a parable (physical to
spiritual parallel)

6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your
pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and
again and render you.

What Yahusha is saying (using

metaphors to veil the Kingdom as always) is this:

“Judge not self-righteously, that you not be unrighteously judged

in return. Evaluate your own life in context of the Law before you are
qualified to judge your brother. Properly judge betwee
“pearls” and “swine” defined in the Law of Yahuah… if you
don’t judge properly by His Law, your poor self-righteous judgment will not
stand (be trampled under their feet) and self-righteous
you and Yahuah will heap your righteousness back onto your head.”

The Apostle Sha’ul taught the

exact same message:

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

Yahuah has revealed the mysteries of His Kingdom to us through His
Spirit of Truth. For the Spirit of Truth searches all things, yes, the deep
things of Yahuah. 11 For what man know
spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of Yahuah
except the Spirit of Yahuah. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the error (which is abolishing the Law
from Yahuah (which teaches
us to keep His Law), that we might know the things (in the Law) that have been freely given to us by Yahuah.

The Spirit Sha’ul is referring to

is the Spirit of Truth that Ezekiel prophesied would come over those in The New

Ezekiel 36: 26, 27

heart and put a new spirit (of loving obedience) in you; I will remove
from you your heart of stone (legalistic observance of the Law without love)
and give you
I will give you
a new
my Spirit in you and move
you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

Continuing with 1 Corinthians 2…

13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s

wisdom teaches but which the Spirit of Holiness teaches (The Spiritual Law which is
written on our hearts Jeremiah 31), compa

spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the
Spirit of Yahuah, for (he is filled with the Spirit
of Error abolishing the Law) they (the commandments)
are foolishness t
because they are
spiritually discerned (Spiritual intent behind the
Law). 15 But he who is spiritual judges all things (properly according to intent of the Law
of Yahuah), yet he himse
16 For “who has known the mind of Yahuah
that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of the Messiah (who judges by the Law of Yahuah as it flows forth from Zion
as the standard
of Yahuah).

Isaiah 2:3-4

3 Yahusha will teach us the ways of Yahuah, And we shall walk

in Yahusha’s example.” For out of Zion shall go forth the Law, And the
word of Yahuah from Jerusalem. 4 Yahusha sha
rebuke many people;

We are called by Yahuah to

have the Spirit of Holiness which teaches us the spiritual intent of His Law
and by that Law we are to judge with equity. We are being trained for the day
we are resurre
are being trained to govern:

Psalm 58:1

righteousness, O gods? Do you judge uprightly, O sons of men?
Do you indeed
In the Law of Yahuah the
concept of judgment and instructions in righteous judgment are defined clearly.
I’ll cover this in detail in the next chapter:

Leviticus 19
15' You shall
do no injustice in
judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you
are to judge your neighbor fairly.

Judging another by your own self-righteous

moral code is injustice. You are not the standard of righteousness,
Yahuah is. If you don’t know the Law of Yahuah then you are simply not
to judge at a
judgmental outside of knowing His Law,
then Yahuah will judge you by His Law and by the same standard you used to
judge those around you.

I am now going to firmly

establish what it means to be a Righteous Judge in the Kingdom of Yahuah.
Righteous judgment is the character that is the underlying foundation
of every King, every Pr

to be a Righteous Judge
To be qualified as a
Righteous Judge, we must meet the following Biblical standards:

Properly judge our own lives first
in accordance with the Law of Yahuah.
Understand that every judgment is
subject to the Highest Court… Yahusha the Messiah. So your judgment must be in
line with his which is in line with Torah standards.
Exercise the proper “purpose” in
judgment which is to lovingly deliver Yahuah’s people from their sin against Yahuah
(sin is breaking the Law of Yahuah). You must know the Spiritual i
order to deliver others from their sin.

Judges must have the heart of a
servant, and judge in humility and love
Righteous judgment brings people
to Yahuah; selfish judgment drives them away.
You must act at all times within
The Will of Yahuah.
Your judgment must justify the
righteous (those who keep His Law) and condemn the wicked (lawless ones or law
breakers; those who commit “iniquity”)
At all costs you must avoid the
tendency to exercise self-righteous judgment by imposing on others your own
personal standards.

Judge Our Own Lives
We are called as judges to
first judge our own lives. Then properly judge our loved ones, then the
nations, then the Earth, and ultimately the Universe.

We are to be set apart from

this world by His Law and sanctified through it:

Romans 6:19

simple terms because of the frailty of your human nature. Just
as you once offered the parts of your body as slaves to impurity and to greater
and greater disobedience (
I am speaking in
way, you must offer the parts of your body as slaves to
righteousness (which is keeping the Law)
that leads to sanctification.

Judging our own lives by His

Law is how we progress in the process of sanctification. That is the process of
being disciplined by Yahuah for disobedience as we bring our lives into harmony
will be set apart from this world and
not condemned with it.

1 Corinthians 11

if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under
such judgment. 32 Nevertheless, when we are judged in this way
by Yahuah, we are being discipline
with the world.

is a pre-requisite of righteous judgment. If we don’t first judge ourselves we
will inevitably be a hypocrite.

Matthew 7:5

first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou
see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye"

Every judgment is subject to the Highest

work we do on Earth will be judged by Yahuah.

Ecclesiastes 12:14

every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether
it be good (works of the Law), or
whether it be evil (breaking the Law)."
Yahuah shall bring

judgment will be executed by PROXY as Yahusha (the image of Yahuah) was given
the responsibility to judge and charge over the courts of Yahuah. We see below
that even Yahusha had to be
“keeping My commands
and walking in Yahuah’s way by keeping the Torah” BEFORE he was qualified as
judge and King:

Zachariah 3
6 Then the Angel of Yahuah admonished Yahusha, saying, 7 “Thus says Yahuah of hosts: ‘If
you will walk in My ways (the Torah),
And if you will keep My command (the
Law), Then you
My house, And likewise have charge of My

see that the only way Yahusha would be judge and take charge of Yahuah’s courts
is if he walked in the way of Yahuah and kept Yahuah’s commandments. Because it
is the Law that is the cons

our works will be categorized as gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or
stubble. Our works will be judged by The Word of Yahuah which is the “fire”
mentioned below:

1 Corinthians 3
12 If anyone builds
on the
foundation of Yahusha’s example using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or
straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring
fire, and the fire will test the quality
of each person’s work.

Note: Fire is a physical metaphor of the Law of Yahuah. The Word of

Yahuah is the all consuming fire…

Jeremiah 23:29
"Is not my
like fire," declares Yahuah”

Jeremiah 5:14
Therefore, thus
says Yahuah,
the God of hosts, "Because you have spoken this word, Behold, I am making My
words in your mouth fire And this people wood, and it will con

Hebrews 12:29
for our "God
is a
consuming fire."

Exodus 24:17
The sight of the
of Yahuah (giving His Law to Moses) was like a consuming
fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of

Continuing with 1 Corinthians…

If what has been built survives (the test of the
Law of Yahuah which is a consuming fire), the builder will receive a
reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will
one escaping through the flames.

Therefore we must look within

ourselves and test our motives (spiritual intent) to ensure our works and our
judgments are found to be gold, silver, and precious stones so that they
survive the f
2 John 1
8 Look (in) to yourselves (in
self judgment), that we do not lose those things we worked for (by self righteous judgment), but that we may
receive a full reward (for our righteous judgmen
Whoever transgresses the Law and does
not abide in The Yahushaic Covenant does not have the Spirit of Yahuah.

We are to be wise in the path

we take and ensure we always keep the Law of Yahuah as the light that directs
our paths. If we do that, all our judgments will be righteous and will be
upheld by the H
our reward.

This is because, as I will

show next, righteous judgment brings people to Yahuah and we bear fruit for His
Kingdom by exercising righteous judgment.

Ephesians 5
8 For you were once darkness (did not follow Yahuah’s Laws), but now you are
light in Yahuah (the Torah is a light unto our path
to Yahuah). Walk as children of light (in
obedience to the
the fruit of the Spirit of Holiness is all goodness,
righteousness, and truth in obedience to the Law), 10 finding out
what is acceptable to Yahuah (which is defined in the
Law). 11 And have n
works of
darkness (people who do not keep the Law),
but rather expose (judge) them. 12 For
it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
13 But all thin
manifest by the light (the Law exposes our sin)… 15 See then that you
walk circumspectly (walk very carefully according
to His Law), not as fools (who believe the
Law has been abolished
Law of Yahuah).

in Judgment is to deliver Yahuah’s People
As with all things, Yahuah
gave us a physical example in the era of Judges that are to serve as spiritual
examples (physical to spiritual parallel). This divine shadow picture of
righteous judges can
In true form, judges came
before kings as righteous judgment is the foundation of a righteous king. Each
judge is a divinely inspired leader whose direct knowledge of Yahuah
allows them to act a
The judge delivers Yahuah’s
people from oppression by foreign rulers...

They are models of the wise

and faithful behavior required of them by Yahuah.

Judges 2:18
“And when Yahuah raised them up
judges, then Yahuah was with the judge, and delivered His people out of the
hand of their enemies all the days of the judge”

We see the purpose of

righteous judgment with Abraham who was commended for practicing
"judgment" leading to the deliverance of his family and the blessings
of Yahuah:

Genesis 18:19
"For I know him, that he
will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the
way of Yahuah, to do justice and judgment; that Yahuah may bring
upon Abrah
of him"

have a Servant’s Heart
A Righteous Judge must have a
servant’s heart. King Solomon stands as one of Yahuah’s examples of a Righteous
Judge. King Solomon understood the awesome responsibility that came with
Solomon was humbled by the responsibility and
asked Yahuah for an understanding heart toward his people:

1Kings 3:9
"Give therefore thy servant
an understanding heart to judge Thy people, that I may discern between good and
bad: for who is able to judge this Thy so great a people?"

Solomon’s heart was not

self-seeking! Solomon sought the Will of Yahuah in the judgment of his, Yahuah’s,
people. Solomon was careful to seek Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding that
he c
and be a Righteous Judge. Yahuah gladly
granted that request in addition to every request Solomon didn’t make:

2 Chronicles 1:11-12
Yahuah said to
Solomon: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked
riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked for
long life — but ha

knowledge for yourself, that you may

judge My people over whom I have made you king— 12 wisdom and knowledge are
granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor
had who were before you, nor shall any after you have
the like.”

Judgment Brings People to Yahuah
A Righteous Judge is one of
the most powerful weapons in the hands of Yahuah. These men of God are able to
truly understand relative evil vs. absolute evil. Relative
evil is what is evil in the e
the person
experiencing it. Absolute evil is evil in the eyes of Yahuah as
defined by His Law. He has a close relationship with Yahuah
understanding the true spiritual definition of sin as it relates
bound by “religious” dos and don’ts. The Righteous Judge has
full use of the powers given to him personally by Yahuah (personal liberty) and
there is no limit to his resourcefulness in winning p

1Corinthians 9:22

I as
weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might
by all means save some"
"To the weak became

I’ll cover Grace, liberty,

and the Law in the next chapter. A Righteous Judge is truly a spiritual man who
is capable of effectively judging or discerning ALL THINGS. A Righteous Judge
has Godly W
Understanding and is judged by no man.

1 Corinthians 2:15

"But he that is Spiritual

judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man”

the Righteous and Condemn the Wicked
Our purpose in exercising
judgment will be to justify the righteous who keep the Law of Yahuah and
condemn the wicked who work iniquity (break the Law of Yahuah):

Deuteronomy 25:1

"If there be a controversy

between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then
they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked".

Unrighteous Judgment (selfish judgment)
Unrighteous judgment is
avoidable and forbidden to the righteous judge:

Leviticus 19:15

shall do no injustice in judgment. You shall not be partial to the poor, nor
honor the person of the mighty. In righteousness (the
Law) you shall judge your neighbor.

the World - Righteous judgment in the Millennial Kingdom and beyond
The Bible clearly teaches
that the sons of Yahuah will reign over and judge the nations during the time
of the Millennial Reign under the authority of King Yahusha the Messiah.

1 Corinthians 6:2
2 Do you not know
that the sons
of Yahuah will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you
unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we shal

Revelation 20:6
"Blessed and holy
is he that
hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power,
but they shall be priests of God and of the Messiah, and shall reign with Him a

The very purpose of our life

on Earth is to be trained for service in the Millennial Kingdom and into the
Eternal Kingdom. In Luke, Yahusha clearly illustrated this truth in the parable
of the Ten Po
were ordered to "Occupy till I
come". This parable teaches us that our faithfulness in this life will be
rewarded with MORE responsibility in the future Kingdom of Yahuah. More
authority as a JUD
the Messiah:

Luke 19:11
as they
heard these things, He spoke another parable, because He was near
Jerusalem and because they thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately.
He s
into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and
to return. 13 So
he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do
business till I come.’ 14 But his cit
after him, saying, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us.’

15 “And so it was that when he returned, having received

the kingdom, he then commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money,
to be called to him, that he might know how

Then came
the first, saying, ‘Master, your mina has earned ten minas.’ 17 And he said to him, ‘Well done,
good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authorit

Remember, we are being

trained as Righteous Judges. We are supposed to be “doing business”
or taking care of the business at hand which is applying our lives to training
for His coming Kingd
Law and applying it to our
lives and learning to exercise judgment. It is not at all something to abuse or
take lightly. To the Righteous Judge, it is joy to exercise justice in judgment:
Proverbs 21:15
"It is joy to the just to do
judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity
(breaking the Law of Yahuah)".

Meaning of “iniquity” is breaking the Law of Yahuah. The
word in that verse is the Greek word anomía:

Entry for Strong's #458 - ἀ νομία

Must Submit Our Lives to Yahuah
Yahuah loves everyone He
created. He gives everyone this life on Earth as a gift. Yahuah then makes His
sons a promise that requires an immense amount of faith. He offers eternal life
as a gift for
back to Him. We “give this life
up” by denying our own selfish will and seeking His Will by obeying His

must give this life up
We must serve His purposes
and not our own. We are to give up our own will for this life and do the Will
of our Father and submit our lives as living sacrifices to Him. Just like Yahusha
did. Tha
this life as a training ground for His

We must overcome the Great

Deception and persevere in The Truth unto death.

Luke 18
18 Now a
certain ruler asked Him,
saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 So Yahusha
said to him, “Why do you call me good (Yahusha was
again denying Incar
One (God),
that is, Yahuah (Yahusha is declaring The Shema
again). 20 You know (to keep)
the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’
‘Do not bear false
your mother.’ (the Ten Commandments)” 21 And he said, “All these
things I have kept from my youth.”

So when Yahusha heard these things, he said to the young ruler, “You still lack
one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have
treasure in heaven; and com
heard this, he
became very sorrowful, for he was very rich.

And when Yahusha saw that he became very sorrowful, he said, “How hard it is
for those who have riches (physical metaphor of
richness of lives) to enter the Kingdom of Yahuah ! 25
through the eye of a needle than for a rich
man (a man with a richness of life to give this
life up and) to enter the Kingdom of Yahuah.”

And those who heard it (realized he was not talking
about rich as in money but rich meaningful earthly lives and)
said, “Who then can be saved?” (Because giving up
this life in hope of
faith) 27 But Yahusha
said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with Yahuah.” (you have to be chosen by Yahuah to be able to truly
sacrifice this life in faith)

Next, Yahusha continues to

clearly say he was not talking about material wealth, but rather richness of
life in terms of family, friends, wives, and children

Then Peter said, “See, we have left all and followed You.” 29 So He said to
them, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents
or brothers or wife or children,
Yahuah ,
30 who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age
to come eternal life.”

As we give this life up and

surrender to our training, and study His Laws; we will apply ourselves in
walking the example set by Yahusha. Exercising our authority given us as judges,
declaring ou
setting ourselves apart from this
world with Yahuah by keeping His Sabbaths and Ordained Festivals, we will be
transformed into living Temples of Yahuah.

1 Corinthians 6
do you not
know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is
in you, whom you have from Yahuah, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a
price; therefore
in your spirit, which are Yahuah’s.

We will be transformed into

living stones uncut by human hands. Our hearts and minds are sanctified through
the study of His Word and become altars to Yahuah upon which our spiritual

I Peter 2:5
You also, as
living stones,
are being built up as a spiritual house…

I Thessalonians 5:23
Now may the God (Sha’ul declares the Shema, The Seal) of peace
Himself (Yahuah) sanctify you (His Temple) entirely; and may your spirit (Holy of Holies) and soul (Inner Court) and bo
complete (as living Temples), without blame at the coming of our King Yahusha
the Messiah.

NOTE: One evident physical to spiritual parallel

is that both the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon contained three
distinct and clearly defined sections. There was the Outer Cou
Holy Place (Hekal), and the Holy of Holies or Most Holy Place
(Beit HaMikdash).
These three sections find
perfect correspondence to man, as he is also a tri-part being consisting of
body, soul and spirit. The Apostle Sha’ul was speaking of our body temples and
the physical to
in the verse above.

Psalm 40:6-8
6 Sacrifice and
meal offering
You have not desired; My ears You have opened; Burnt offering and sin offering
You have not required. 7 Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the
do Your will (true
sacrifices), O my God; Your Law is within my heart.”

Inside each of us is the

spiritual equivalent of the physical portrait that was the Ark of the Covenant!
The tablets of the Law of Yahuah as given to Moses... Aaron's staff, and a
portion of Manna, br

Hebrews 9:4

4 which had the golden altar of

incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold
jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the

The Ark of the Covenant is within each of us in the Kingdom of Yahuah. The
blood of Yahusha, the Passover Lamb, is poured on top of the Ark spiritually
inside us to cover our sins as we keep

Inside the Ark (in our heart)


The Commands of Yahuah. They are “written on our hearts” or placed inside
The Ark of the Covenant. We keep them out of love.

The staff of Aaron. YAHUAH is our shepherd, YAHUAH ROHI. Yahuah
delegated that responsibility to Yahusha who is the good shepherd.
The Manna. We are fed spiritually “manna from heaven” as we are
filled with the Spirit of Yahuah and His Spirit of Holiness. Yahusha’s example
is that “manna from heaven” as Yahush
bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread (follows my
example) will live forever.” John 6:51.

Must Keep Passover
We must keep Passover to be
“Passed Over” the Second Death. As I have stressed throughout this book series,
faith without works is dead. Passover is the plan of Salvation through Yahusha.
It is
Covenant “in his blood”. In fact, it is
still in keeping and putting our faith in Passover that Yahusha as High Priest
faithfully makes the proper sacrifices before the throne of Yahuah.

Expressing our faith in

Passover, is the spiritual equivalent of “sacrificing a lamb” each year. As we
do, Yahusha’s “blood” is poured out on the altar of our hearts and minds
spiritually. The blood
death decrees in the Law
that held us captive to the fear of death.

We are to do this (keep

Passover) each year as we keep alive the memory of Yahusha’s sacrifice for us. Just
as Yahusha commanded us “keep Passover in remembrance of me”. We see below Yahu
keeping Passover and the significance of keeping
Passover going forward in “remembrance” or “faith” in him.

We see Yahusha clearly say

the Passover will find its fulfillment spiritually in the Kingdom of Yahuah
and only then will Yahusha eat Passover again with us.

Yahusha then “confers the

Kingdom of Yahuah” on those who keep Passover in this way.

Luke 22

7 Then came the day of Unleavened

Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. 8 Yahusha sent
Peter and John, saying, “Go and make preparations for us
to eat the Passover.”…
set and the next day began),
Yahusha and his apostles reclined at the table (to
keep Passover). 15 And
he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this
Passover with you before I suffer.
again until it (Passover) finds
fulfillment in the Kingdom of Yahuah.”

17 After taking the (Passover) cup, he gave thanks and

said, “Take this
and divide it among you. 18 For I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit
of the vine (on Passover)
until t

19 And he took the (Passover) bread, gave thanks and

broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This (Passover meal)
is my body given for you; do this (keep Passover)
in remembrance of me
Passover in The Yahushaic Covenant).”

20 In the same way, after the supper he took the (Passover)

saying, “This (Passover) cup is the new covenant in my blood,
which is poured out for you. 21 …

I confer on you a kingdom (we are co-heirs),
just as my Father conferred one on me (His Kingdom), 30 so that you may eat and
drink (Passover) at my table in my
kingdom (Passove
Yahuah) and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Israel (the only ones who enter the Kingdom of Yahuah).

The Apostle Sha’ul confirms

that Passover is kept as we put our faith in the sacrifice of Yahusha thereby
his blood is spread over the Altar of Yahuah (in our hearts and minds) covering
our sin. Sh
from Yahusha” and passed them on
to every assembly he started:

1 Corinthians 11

I received from the King what I also passed on to you: Yahusha the Messiah, on
the night he was betrayed (evening before Passover,
the 14th of Abib as Yahuah commanded in the To
had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This (Passover meal) is my
body, which is for you; do this (keep Passover)
in remembrance (faith) of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he too
“This (Passover) cup is the new covenant (the transposition of Passover literally inaugurated The
Yahushaic Covenant) in my blood; do this (keep Passover), whenever you drink it, in
whenever (once a year on Passover as commanded by Yahuah)
you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim (your faith spiritually in your heart and mind, the Alta
until he comes.

27 So then, whoever eats the (Passover)

or drinks the (Passover) cup of the King’s in an
unworthy manner (eating ham on Easter for example
violating Yahuah’s command and Yahu
will be guilty of sinning (you will not have the
proper sacrifice for sin offered by the eternal High Priest on Yahuah’s altar
which is your heart and mind) against the body and blo
28 Everyone
ought to examine themselves (purify the Altar of Yahuah)
before they eat of the (Passover)
bread and drink from the (Passover) cup. 29 For
those who eat and drink (Passove
of the Messiah (who is the Passover Lamb NOT the Easter Pig of Ishtar)
eat and drink judgment on themselves. (because the
blood of the Ishtar (Easter) Pig DOES NOT COVER SIN!)

Sha’ul teaches us to keep

Passover and in doing so we proclaim Yahusha’s death until he comes. Above Sha’ul
is talking about examining ourselves before we keep Passover. He is speaking of
the Law of ritual cleansing the Altar
which is our hearts and minds in The Yahushaic Covenant:

Holman Bible Dictionary

The altar for

sacrifice was purified so that it would be prepared for worship (Leviticus 8:15; Ezekiel
43:26). The objects of gold used in the tabernacle and Temple were also
pure in this sense
incense in Exodus 37:29. The Levites were to purify
themselves for service in the tabernacle (Numbers
8:21). When that which was unclean or impure came into contact with that
which was
even lead to death. This is probably
the background for the preparation made for the theophany, a manifestation of God's
presence, in Exodus 19:1 and for the
death of Uzzah when he was u
the ark of the
covenant, a most holy object ( 2 Samuel 6:1-11
). Malachi 1:11-12 contrasts the pure offerings
of Gentiles with blemished offerings given by God's people; such a state
Purity qualified one to participate in worship, an activity central to the life
of ancient Israel. Breaking that purity was a serious matter.

As we showed earlier, those

sacrifices are made on behalf of those who “do this” or keep
Passover in remembrance of his sacrifice:

Hebrews 5 - The Perfect High Priest

1 For every high priest taken from among men (Yahusha was a man when chosen by Yahuah as heir to High
Priest Yahusha III) is appointed on behalf of men in things
pertaining to Yahua
is not Yahuah but is a mediator), in order to offer both
gifts and sacrifices for sins (this is Yahusha’s
eternal role, these offerings/sacrifices are defined in the Law which
has been t
Kingdom of Yahuah );
2 he can deal gently with the ignorant and misguided, since he himself also is
beset with weakness; 3 and because of it he is obligated to offer sacrifices
for sins, a
himself. 4 And no one takes the
honor to himself, but receives it when he is called by Yahuah, even as Aaron
was. 5 So also (like every human High Priest)
Yahusha did not glorify himself
(he was chosen by blood in the Order of Zadok being the heir
to Yahusha III, he is the Ruling Zadok or Melchezidek. See my book Melchizedek
and The Passover Lamb), but He who said to

ARE MY SON, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN YOU"; 6 just as He says also in another

So now Yahusha is offering

the daily oblation (sacrifice) for sin on the Altar of Yahuah and offers his
slain body as the final Passover Sacrifice. This is performed for those who put
their faith in a
commanded. The “Altar” has not
disappeared as many assume and in error claim there are currently no daily
sacrifices being made. The Altar exists now in our hearts and the sacrifices
and very active. It has simply been
transposed to its final Spiritual state in the Kingdom of Yahuah along
with Passover. See my book the Kingdom of Yahuah for more on this

We see a “picture” of this

Spiritual Reality in Revelation as Yahusha is seen as The Passover Lamb
that had been slain on The Altar of Yahuah in Revelation 5.

Revelation 5
6 Then I saw a
Lamb, looking as
if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne… 12 “Worthy is the (spotless) Lamb, who was slain (on Passover), to receive power and wealth an
honor and glory and praise!”

So Yahusha, the final

Passover Lamb, is offering his Spiritual body as THE sacrifice for sin before
the throne of Yahuah continually (daily oblation) now in the
Kingdom of Yahuah. This sin offe
who obey Yahuah and Yahusha’s command to keep Passover in light of and
expressing faith in his sacrifice. This Altar is not the physical altar used by
the physical priesthood of Aaron and
of Yahuah
is intimately connected spiritually throughout The Temple of Yahuah
which again has been transposed and now is the sum total of the sons of Yahuah!

Hebrews 10:1-24
1 For the Law, since
it has only
a shadow of the good things to come and
not the very form of things
(the very form of things is in The Spirit not physical),
can never, by the same (physical)
continually year by year, make perfect those who
draw near. 2 Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be
offered, because the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer
3 But in
those (physical) sacrifices there
is a reminder of sins year by year. 4 For
it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. 5 Therefore, when He comes into the w

Psalm 40:6-8
offering You have not desired,
But a body You have prepared for Me; 6 In whole burnt offerings
and sacrifices for sin You have taken
no pleasure. 7 “Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come (In the scroll of t
do Your will, O God.’”

8 After saying above, “Sacrifices

and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin
You have not desired, nor have You taken pleasure in them” (which are offered
until Yahusha
came), 9 then He said, “Behold,
I have come
to do Your will.” He (Yahusha) takes away (the
responsibility to offer physical sacrifices from) the first in order
(of the Levitic
spiritual sacrifices in) the second
(order of the Priesthood of Melchizedek).
10 By this will we have been sanctified
through the (daily) offering of the body of the Messiah Yahusha (who wa
Passover Lamb).11 Every priest (of Levi)
stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same (physical) sacrifices, which can never take away
sins; 12
but He (Yahusha as Melc

Priest), having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right
hand of God, 13 waiting from that time onward until His enemies be
made a footstool for His feet
perfected for all
time those who are sanctified (because he lives
eternally offering his body as the daily sacrifice before Yahuah).
15 And the Spirit of Holiness also testifies
to us; for after s

16 “This is the covenant that I

will make with them
After those days,
says Yahuah:

I will put My laws upon their

And on their mind
I will write them,”

He then says,

17 “And their sins and their

lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

 18 Now where there is forgiveness of these things, there

is no longer any (physical)
offering for sin (because the sacrificed body of Yahusha
is ever before the Throne of Yahuah).

Revelation 5:6

Then I
saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the

19 Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter

the holy place by the blood of Yahusha (because we
keep Passover in light of Yahusha’s sacrifice each year), 20 by a new and

inaugurated for us (on

Passover) through the veil, that is, His flesh (gave his life as the Passover Lamb), 21 and since we have a great priest over
the house of Yahuah (offering the spiritual
on our behalf), 22 let us draw near with a sincere heart in full
assurance of faith (in The Passover),
having our hearts (The Altar of Yahuah)
sprinkled clean (by the blood of The
Passover L
by keeping Passover in remembrance of
him until he comes again) from an evil conscience and our bodies
washed with pure (living) water (Mikveh / baptism). 23 Let us hold fast the con
Passover in remembrance of Yahusha)
without wavering, for He who promised (that The
Passover Lamb covers the death decrees in the Law) is
faithful (to set us free from bondage to the
24 and let
us consider how to stimulate one another to love and (to do) good deeds (of
the Law, because now we have been set free from the Law of Sin and Death which
is the Law with ac
Law of the Spirit of Life
which is the Law with the decrees covered by the blood of the lamb)

to Spiritual Parallel of Passover
The true spiritual meaning of
Passover is understood in the physical shadow that Yahuah gave us. The physical
shadow cast by the Spiritual Truth was given to us when the Israelites were being

The last plague to hit the land of Egypt was

the “death of the firstborn”.  The Israelites were instructed to kill a lamb
and spread the blood of that lamb over their doorpost and the angel of death
the life of the firstborn would be saved.

That was a physical shadow

cast by the spiritual Truth of Passover. That truth is that by keeping Passover
the blood of the Passover Lamb is spread over the “doorposts of our heart” and
we are “
death and live… eternally.
We are to “understand with
our minds” the meaning of the Festivals of Yahuah and keep them now with both
the historical significance and the future truth in mind. Now as we celebrate
mighty Hand of Yahuah delivering His people
from bondage in Egypt through The Passover Lamb. We also celebrate the
spiritual truth that we too have been delivered from the bondage of sin an
Yahusha and will be passed over by the second death.

to Spiritual Parallels of the Festivals of Yahuah
A spiritual understanding is
required of The Sabbath and all the other Festivals of Yahuah. For instance, we
celebrate the Sabbath as it is a day (specifically the 7th Day) set
apart for us to rest from
By keeping the Sabbath,
we display back to Yahuah the sign that we are set apart from this world as He
is. We also look ahead in faith on The Sabbath as it is a weekly celebration of
the Plan of Ya
work is 6,000 years of laboring under
the curse of Adam. The 7th Millennium is the fulfillment of The
Sabbath Covenant when the curse of Adam is lifted and we enter into Yahuah’s
Rest.  Yahush

When you “understand” the

shadow pictures and the spiritual intent of Passover and The Sabbath (and all
of Yahuah’s Festivals) the question that comes to my mind is not “should we
keep them”
keep them!” They
are the very celebrations of the Plan of Yahuah and Yahusha…
the “salvation of Yahuah”.

Each festival is a
celebration of what Yahusha came to do and is coming back to do according to
The Plan of Salvation of Yahuah:

·    The Sabbath – a weekly celebration of the coming of The King of

the Sabbath Millennium to lift the curse of Adam and give us rest!

·    The Passover - an annual celebration of our salvation through the

blood of the Passover Lamb Yahusha. It is when we re-affirm our commitment to The
Yahushaic Covenant becoming the
cup and keeping
alive the memory of Yahusha’s sacrifice. It is when we, through our actions,
offer up the sacrifice of Passover to Yahuah and the blood of the lamb is poured
out over our
are forgiven. Passover is the
“preparation of the bride to meet her husband at the altar on Shav’uot” by
being Mikveh’d and bringing an offering of her life (living sacrifice) to her

·    The Feast of First Fruits – an annual celebration of Yahusha ascending to our

Father and offering up the first fruits from the grave. It is the celebration
of the resurrection, our being begot

·    The Feast of Shav’uot – an annual celebration of the giving of the Torah

and the pouring out of The Spirit of Holiness that writes it on our hearts and
teaches us to keep in it love. This is t
marriage vows
before Yahuah and as His bride meet our husband at the altar.

·    The Feast of the Blowing

of the Shofar – an annual
celebration of the second coming of the King. True sons would buy a Shofar and
go outside and blow it with all their might on this da
weapon that brought down the walls of Jericho. The Shofar blows a
whole in this present spiritual darkness and opens up a clear pathway to
the Heavens and is a powerful tool of prayer.
Blowing the Shofar Yahusha is actually going to return. On that special
day when we hear the archangel announce with a loud voice “arise”; my son and I
will arise and go forth and blow
rest of the
sons of Yahuah across the globe (as we have been rehearsing each year) to
announce to a dying world our King is coming… it will be so powerful it will
literally raise the dead

1 Thessalonians 4:16
For Yahusha himself will come
down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and
with the Shofar call of Yahuah, and the dead in covenant with Yahu

·    The Day of Atonement – an annual solemn day of retrospection and cleansing

of our body temples and purifying of His Altar (our hearts and minds). On this
day we look forward to Yahu
to afflict our souls.

·    The Feast of Booths – this is the annual celebration of the Marriage

Supper of the Lamb when we are gathered from the 4 corners of Earth to dine
with Yahusha on the Mount of Olives. Th
Kingdom of Yahuah on Earth.

How can we “say we know Yahuah”

and then not go out of our way to celebrate Him and His Messiah in keeping
these joyous festivals? How can we “say we are worshipping Yahuah”
and then do it
Christmas, Good-Friday, Easter,
Sunday and so forth…  You can’t! If you try and say such a thing (that you
worship Yahuah through pagan rituals) you are a liar and the truth is not in
you. You have

1 John 2:4
Whoever says, "I know
him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in
that person.

Yahuah told us we cannot

worship Him through pagan rituals:

Deuteronomy 12

Yahuah your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to
dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, 30 take heed to yourself that
you are not ensn
are destroyed from before you,
and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these
nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ 31 You shall not worship
for every abomination to Yahuah (is
committed in these pagan rituals of Christmas, Easter, Sunday worship etc.)

Yahuah literally hates the

pagan rituals of Babylon that Christian holidays are based on:

Amos 5
hate, I despise your feast days (pagan feasts such
as Christmas and Easter), And I do not savor your sacred assemblies
(on Sunday). 22 Though you offer Me burnt
offerings and your

rituals), I will not accept them, Nor will I regard

your fattened peace offerings. 23 Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will
not hear the melody of your stringed instru
worship Hesus Horus Krishna the Antichrist). 24 But let justice run down
like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream (as
Yahuah will cast out all those who break the Law of Yahuah

Matthew 13:41

send his
angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all
The Son of Man will

Only the festivals of Yahuah

are kept in the Kingdom of Yahuah forever; to keep alive the
mighty works of Yahuah through His Messiah. We will forever be celebrating The
Plan of Salvation throu
represent the finished work
of our King who purchased our eternal lives. Only those who keep Yahuah’s
Festivals enter the Kingdom of Yahuah, those who violate them and keep pagan
rituals wil
this Earth that His true sons step
over to enter the Kingdom of Yahuah:

Isaiah 66:22-24
22  “For just as the new heavens
and the new earth that I am making will continue in my presence,” says Yahuah,
“so will your descendants and your name continue. 23  “Every month on
and every week on Shabbat, everyone living will come to worship in my
presence (they won’t be worshipping on Sunday),”
says Yahuah. 24 “As they (who bear His Sabbath Sign
Yahuah on The Sabbath),
they will look on the corpses of the people who rebelled against me (in context rebelled against His Ordained Times and Festivals)
for their worm will never die,
quenched; but they
(and their pagan rituals) will be
abhorrent to all humanity.”

In this chapter I wanted to
show that there is much more to being in covenant with Yahuah through The
Yahushaic Covenant than simply “asking Jesus into your heart and proclaiming
Jesus’ nam
letting “Jesus do all the work”. We have
roles and responsibilities while on Earth as we prepare ourselves for service
in His Kingdom:

We must obey the Law of Yahuah
We must walk in the example set
by Yahusha
We must display the Sign of the
sons of Yahuah
We must keep Passover We must
have the same testimony that Yahuah gave Yahusha
We must be Nazarenes
We must boldly declare our
We must learn to be Righteous
We must submit our lives to Yahuah
We must give this life up
We must keep all the Festivals
of Yahuah

The Sabbatarian Network provides information on the following numbers, words, and combinations of the following numbers, and words, and many more: 1, 2, 7, 15, 24, 40, 616, 666, 144000, Abel, Abib, abominations, abortion, Abraham, Acts, Adam, aggelos,
Aish, Alexander Hislop, allegories, altar, analogies, ancient, angel, annual, anoint, anthr

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