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San Jose Occidental Mindoro

Tour Guiding NC II
Quarter 3 – Module 1 - 4: Week 1 - 8

Our School Hymn

Over pearl of the Orient Seas Central Isles
Quarter 1 - Week 5 - 8
Arose a beacon of light of learning
A glow that gives hope and good tidings
That illuminates the way of our new beginning

Shine Philippine Central Islands College
Vision burning, Mission sustaining
Shine, March towards the zenith of success
Shine, rejoice and to Thee for we are blest.

Since fruits of wisdom are now ripe and good,
We’re able to face the plights of the world
We will always be loyal and fruitful
Let those who come behind us find us faithful

Repeat Chorus 2x
Shine rejoice and to Thee for we are blest.

Directions: List down 10 places in the world that you want to visit and give a brief reason why.


Traveling is an activity done for varied purposes which means people travel for different reasons. Some
of these reasons are to enjoy new places or some might travel because of work. Some may travel to establish
a home different from where they were born in. The services of a tour guide contribute to the experiences of
these people during their travel.
Everyone travels for various reasons: to learn about other cultures, witness breathtaking sights, or
experience an adventure of a lifetime. Traveling has always something in store for us. It does not only expose
us to the reality of life, but also helps us gain fuller understanding of the world we live in. When we tour to a
particular place, we appreciate its beauty and learn through interactions with other people and things that we
The word “tour” is coined from the Latin word tornare and Greek word tornos, meaning to circle
around, the word “tour” means to come back to the point of origin after going to a destination elsewhere
(Theobald 1998). In tourism, the word “tour” refers to the activities of people when they go through a place in
order to see and learn about it in person (Merriam-Webster Dictionary n.d.). A tour guide is a person who
guides people as they go through a foreign place to help the gain better appreciation of the place and the
interesting place to see there. The tour guide likewise helps these people make efficient use of their time
during their tour. The Philippine Department of Tourism (1995) defines a tour guide as “an individual who
guides tourists, both foreign and domestic, for a fee, commission, or any other form of lawful remuneration”.
The Philippine Department of Tourism recognizes tour guides who undergo proper training.

Tourism refers to a composite of activities of persons, services and industries that deliver a travel
experience. It includes all businesses that cater to the needs of the traveling public – transportation and
destination marketing firms (e.g., tourism bureaus, tourism offices, convention bureaus and chamber of

Tour guiding therefore refers to the provision of professional service to interpret the cultural and
natural heritage of an area (World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations n.d.).

In this sense, interpretation does not only refer to translation of information from one language to
another, but also the description of cultural and natural attractions that help people gain better
understanding and appreciation of such.
Roles of a Tour Guide
A tour guide plays important roles in tourism but what exactly are the tasks of a tour guide? Surely
knowing the basics are not enough. According to Australian Government’s Job Guide, these roles include:

 Meeting and greeting the tour participants upon arrival and facilitating introductions;
 Coordinating pre-arrange accommodation and transport and making sure that tour participants are
Coordinating pre-arranged tours including visits to local attractions, shops, restaurants, etc.;
leading tour groups and pointing out places of interest;
 Preparing and presenting tour guides piles called tour commentaries;
 Researching and sharing general information about the city and/or country;
 Attending to operational problems, such as booking errors and changes, lost bags, or
sickness and providing first aid if needed;
 Preparing and submitting written reports of how the day’s tour turned out, including financial
report and other administrative work.
Qualities and Characteristics of an Ideal Tour Guide

Tour guides that standout in the field are remembered by their clients long after the tour is
over. These are the guides who helped their guests create the memories of a lifetime. The following
are the qualities and characteristics that an ideal tour guide possesses:
 Tour guides must be genuinely interested in the destination where they practice.
 They must be mature, responsible, patient, tactful, and sensitive to different cultures.
 They must have good communication skills, and be articulate, quick-witted, organized, and
healthy to cope with the physical demands of the job.
 A person who has an outgoing and approachable nature, enthusiastic, proactive, and
 He/she must have a pleasant professional appearance, is knowledgeable and one who has
good management and organizational skills.
 Tour guides must be authentic, have sense of humor and a charming charisma, flexibility,
and integrity in work.

You have to understand what it really means to be a tour guide and what the job entails.
There are a lot of things to learn both in theory and in practice.

Keep in mind
task begins in identifying your competencies and objectives. What kind of guide should you become and where do you want his job to take

A. Infographic. Create a digital infographic showing the qualities and characteristics of a tour
guide. Digital Infographic must be colorful and must reflect an ideal tour guide.
Rubric for Digital Infographic

The topic and
messages of Topic is Topic and/or
the Topic and given but main ideas
Content infographic main ideas are main ideas are absent
are clear and clear. are unclear or very
Easily or lacking. unclear.
The graphics All graphics
Most graphics
used relate to the Graphics do
represent the
Relevance represent topic but do not relate to
Information not represent the topic.
appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.

Color, shape, Color, shape,
Color, shape,
size, and size, and Color,
size, and
arrangement arrangement shape, size,
Visual of graphics are eye and
are present
contribute catching and arrangement
but do not add
meaning to contribute are
to the
the overall Some distracting or
message meaning. information.
The Is attractive in Is acceptably distractingly
Design / design/layout terms of attractive messy,
Layout is neat, clear, design, layout though it unattractive,
and visually and neatness. maybe a bit or very
appealing. messy. Poorly
There are
There are no There is There are
Grammar more than 2
grammatical 1grammatic 2grammatic
mistakes. almistake. almistakes. mistakes.

To summarize your learning for today’s lesson, complete these sentences, write your answers on the spaces

Today I have learned that tour guiding is

1.Are there any areas that you want to specialize on as a tour guide? What are they and how would you
acquire or develop the skills needed for them?

2.Among the tour guide traits mentioned in this lesson, what are the traits that you already possess?
What traits do you still need to work on?

Directions: Unscramble the following words and write your answers in the space provided.


Comprised both by the
government and private sector
1.SMIOURT that includes all businesses
that cater to the needs of the
The provision of professional
2.OUTRGNIUIGID service to interpret the cultural and
natural heritage of an area

3.STIOTUR Tour guide’s client

Activities of people when they
go through a place

5.OURTIUDGE A person who guides tourists as

they go through an attraction


Forms of Tourism
Directions: Read and answer each question. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. How did you travel to school today?

2. If you take the jeep/tricycle to get to school daily, would you consider coming to school every day as a
form of tourism? Yes or No? Why?

3. If you walk to get to school daily, would you consider that as a form of tourism? Yes or No? Why?


In the previous lesson you learned about the elements of tour guiding and the roles of a tour guide. Read
each question and choose the best answer. Write the letter that corresponds to the best answer on your
1. What do you call a person who guides people as they go through a place?
a. Tour
b. Tour Guide
c. Tourism
d. Tour Guiding
2. Refers to the activity of persons when they go through a place?
a. Tour
b. Tour Guide
c. Tourism
d. Tour Guiding
3. It refers to the provision of professional service to interpret the culture and natural heritage of an area?
a. Tour
b. Tour Guide
c. Tourism
d. Tour Guiding
4. The element of tour guiding which refers to the process of describing the meanings & significance of
cultural and natural attractions is called ____________.
a. Service
b. Professionalism
c. Interpretation
d. Physical Elements
5. The element of tour guiding which states that before becoming a tour guide, a person must first
undergo a training program is called_ .
a. Service
b. Professionalism
c. Interpretation
d. Physical Elements

Tour guides work in an industry called “tourism”. Tour guides must therefore understand how the
industry works and learn about its basic concepts. They should be able to define tourism and identify how
tourism differs from other forms of travel.
What is tourism?
People travel to do something which they cannot if they stayed at home. The purpose may include
work, play, school, religion, relationships, and others that may satisfy the traveler’s need. For example, you
come to school to study. Your parents go out for work. Your relatives abroad visit your family during holidays.
Sometimes, families go out of town to go shopping and do all sorts of fun things.
However, not all forms of travel are considered as tourism. As discussed in Module1, tour refers to the
activities of people when they go through a place in order to see and learn about it in person.
According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) tourism is: “the activities of persons
traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for
leisure, business and other purposes, except activities remunerated from within the place visited.”

We can dissect the UNWTO definition through the use of the 5-WH questions (who, what, when, where
and why).
5WH- Questions

The activities that the travelers do when they go to a place, such as

sightseeing, swimming, shopping etc.

WHO Persons who travel to and stay in another place.

WHERE The place that the traveler goes to or the destination.

WHEN The length of stay, from a few minutes to one whole year.

WHY The purpose of travel, which excludes paid work and residence.

Note that there is a time limit to tourism activities. If a visitor stays in a particular destination for more
than a year, he/she will no longer be a visitor. If this happens, the tourist should get a resident visa, or he/she
will be considered as an illegal alien. Also, note that zero minute or no time at all is not considered as tourism.
The travelers must “stay” and do something in the destination; transit or pass-through is not considered as a
tourism activity. Based on this definition, tourism excludes the travel of people to earn money at the
destination, and travel to familiar environments, such as commuting to work or school.

Generally, tourists tend to stay longer in a place when the distance from the origin to the destination is
longer. Tourists can be classified based on their length of stay in the destination:
1. Same day visitors (excursionists)
2. Stay for at least one night (tourists)
Excursionists and tourists can be further classified into the following:
1. Day trippers or excursionists
2. Overnight trippers or tourists
a. Weekenders
b. Long haul vacationers
Types of tourists (based on their point of origin)
We can classify tourists according to their point of origin: domestic, outbound, or inbound.
a. Domestic tourists-refer to residents of a country who travel within their own country.

Ex. Resident of Manila going to Boracay

b. Outbound Tourists–residents travelling to another country.
ex. Filipinos going to Singapore
c. Inbound Tourists– refer to non-residents visiting a country other than their own .
ex. Nigerians visiting the Philippines

Type of Tourists Country A (Point of View) Country B

The destination and origin are within the

Domestic same country

Outbound Origin Destination

Inbound Destination Origin

Forms of tourism (based on tourist’s purpose of travel)

The tourists’ needs are shaped by their purpose of travel and the activities that they want to do in the
destination. These may be one or a combination of the following:

1. Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR)– travel whose main purpose is the strengthening of
relationships with friends and relatives. VFR tourists tend to rely on their friends and family for
their travel itinerary.
2. Ecotourism–responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment and improve the
well-being of local people.
3. Cultural Tourism–form of tourism that focuses on the culture of a destination-lifestyle, heritage,
arts, industries, and leisure pursuits of the local population.
4. Sports Tourism – form of tourism that focuses on sports activities as the main purpose or
travel motivator; extreme or adventure tourism can be considered as a subset of sports
5. Medical Tourism–traveling to avail of medical treatment, usually for wellness and/or aesthetic
6. Philanthropic Tourism– travel undertaken to improve human welfare by donating goods,
money or volunteer hours. Philanthropy pertains to the altruistic concern for human welfare
and advancement usually manifested by donations of money, goods or time.
7. Space Tourism– travel outside Earth for leisure purposes.
8. MICE (Meetings, incentives, convention & exhibition)– main purpose is to attend a special
event in a particular destination.
There are many other subsets of tourism. The important thing is for tourism workers to understand their
guests’ needs in order to serve them well.

Keep in mind
Tourism workers must also know where tourists come from and to be culturally sensitive.


A. Which is which? The following are examples of travel activities. Identify if these activities are
considered as forms of tourism. Write which of the 5-WH questions made you decide that the letter you
are holding represents a tourism activity. Write your answers on the space provided.

Form of Which 5-WH question?
Activity tourism? Who, What, When,
YES or NO Where, Why
1.You traveled outside your home
today to come to school and
2.Your parents go out to work.
3.Your relatives abroad visit your
Family during holidays
4.Families go out of town to go
shopping and do all sorts of fun

B. Let’s Dissect! Look at the photo with people riding an elephant. This photo was taken at Angkor Wat
Complex, Cambodia, a site that is frequently visited by many tourists. Let us determine who among the
people in the photo are tourists, and who are not. Write your answers on the space provided.

Guide questions:
a. There are 2 seats on the elephant: front and back. Which is for the tourist? Explain your

1. Aside from those in the elephant, who else among the people in the photo is not a tourist?
Explain your answer.

2. Using the 5-WH questions and the definition of tourism, write why the photo taken in Angkor
Wat, Cambodia fits the profile or qualification of a tourism activity.







Level 1(2pts) Level Level3(4pts) Level 4(5pts) SCOR

2(3pts) E
Student was Student was
Student was Student was
able to able to
Knowledge and able to able to convey
convey convey
understanding convey several ideas
several several
limited ideas and examples
ideas and ideas and
and on the topic
examples on examples on
examples on with a good
the topic the topic
the topic degree of
with some with a good
with little knowledge
degree of degree of
knowledge knowledge
Writing Writing Writing supports
Writing does Supports its supports its Its explanation
Not support its explanation explanation With clear,
explanation With weak or with clear, persuasive,
Focus and and not unclear ideas persuasive, and
and original or
development sufficiently And is reasonable Ideas and is
focused on somewhat ideas and is Consistently
the focused on and
essential Focused on the essential Strongly focused
question The On the essential
essential question.
question question.


To summarize your learning for today’s lesson, complete these sentences, write your answers on the spaces
Today I have learned that __________________________________________________


1.Among the given types of tourism, what do you think is the most popular in the country? Why?

2. What tourist attractions have you already seen? How do they inspire you in
becoming a tour guide?

Directions: Write T if the activity refers to a tourism activity and N if it does not.
1.A resident of Manila goes to Boracay for summer vacation.

2.A resident of Bulacan goes to Baguio to shop.

3.A resident of India comes to Manila to attend a convention.

4.A resident of Manila goes to Boracay for a summer job.

5.A resident of India comes to Manila to study for two years


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