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• Which kind of designer are you? An illustrator, an application designer…?

Ans: You can see in my portfolio I am done many types of the design
aspects like illustration design, social media graphics, Ui design, Ux
design, Logo design, and many more.

• How many applications have you designed so far

(mobile/web/desktop/tablet) ?
Ans: I designed 6 mobile applications, 6 Web apps ( Including Saas, B2B,
E-commerce, etc.), and 9 websites.

• What are your top 3 web applications? What are your top 3 mobile
Ans: Web applications: Gaana admin module(Concept design), Rukkor
organization module, Picloq admin module.
Mobile applications: Snikpic app, Healcard app, Purelait (Milk
Providing app)

• Are you skilled in UX design?

Ans: Yes

• Which tools or software do you use?

Ans: Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch, invision studio app, zaplin, Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Balsamiq,
Marvel App

• Are you familiar with design systems?

Ans: Yes

• Are you used to work with developers?

Ans: Yes

• Are you familiar with Agile methodology?

Ans: Yes

• How do you collaborate with a team of developers or product owners and

how do you share with them your work and progress status? Do you use
any tool for that?
Ans: All this stuff I’ve been talking about – estimating the value and size of
stories, prioritizing, splitting – all that is usually called
“backlog grooming”.
Help the Team See the Bigger Picture. Involve the Team in Product
Mostly I share developer Link including the prototype. Which is help
every team member and product owner to understand the whole
design aspects. And these links include all the assets of design.
To create all those links I mostly use Adobe XD.

• Have you ever performed design sprints with your clients in order to kick-
off a project?
Ans: Yes

• What are the different steps in a design project from the very outset until
the delivery?
Ans: Initiation Phase: project manager to move onto the detailed
planning phase.

Planning Phase: where the project solution is further developed in as

much detail as possible and the steps necessary to
meet the project’s objective are planned

Execution Phase: the project plan is put into motion and the work of
the project is performed.
And then delivery.

• What are the deliverables that you provide the developers with in order for
them to implement your design?
Ans: Wireframes(If required), style guides, Showcasing with prototypes,
Visualization (Mockups), Icon Slicing

• Do you have some specialty areas on which you have built a renowned
expertise and strong skills?
Ans: You can see my work, I have a specialty in UI Design, Social media
and banner design, illustration design, etc.
I believe, I always learn new things from every project.

• Have you already worked for clients in the ECommerce industry? If yes,
could you tell us the way you contributed on those projects?
Ans: As described further,
Initiation Phase: Details about the Business type, Which type of
business model they have followed, How many types of products
they have to sell etc.
Planning Phase: As per details we have to plan how we organized all
the things and functionality. and collect the
assets( Like Product details, Photographs of
products, etc.)
Execution Phase: As per planning I provide a design and design
system. It shows how it can be possible in a
visual way.
As per my working pattern, all kind of projects have the same

• Could you explain us how is your ideation process in order to extract from
the business needs of your clients the relevant design to be applied?
Ans: I can tell you my all process in simple steps.
1.Product Definition
2. Research
3. Analysis
4.Sketching Ideas/Wireframing
5.Mood boarding (Design patterns, Color styles, UI components)
6. Start creating Mock-ups (Design)
7. Validation or Testing (Refining the Final Version)
8. Don’t stop until it’s done

• Are you familiar with best practices (do’s and dont’s) in design of
ecommerce applications?
Ans: Yes, Definitely

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