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FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, ISLAMABAD RULES FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION (CSS) 2017 Islamabad, the 8° September, 2016 “In pursuance of Section 7-A read with section 10 of the FPSC Ordinance. 1977, Chairman FPSC with the approval of the Federal Government has made, in supersession of Competitive Examination Rules, 2016, the following rules for regulating the conduct of the Competitive Examination, 2017” No, F. 2/2017-CE. The Competitive Examination, 2017 ill ieheld py the Fedeal Fubhe Service Commission, ih effet {fom 166 February, 2077 Tor rcrstent to posi BS? fo ‘he Plowing GrouplServicts under the Foden! Goveramea () Commerce &Trade Group (2) Foreign Sersice of Past (6) Isfomason Group (@) land Revene Seviee (6) Miltary Lands & Cantonment Group (© Otice Management Group (Pakistan Admunistsve Service (8) Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service (0) Pakistan Custos Service (0) Potce Service oF Pakistan (01) Postal Group (12) Rstiways (Commercial Transportation) Group (The C88-Competisve Examination2017 shall comprise the flowing: @ ©) Medial Seana (1 PeyhologcalAsesernt and © Viva Voce acts of examination: The examination will be held Simultaneously at Abbotiabud, Babvalpur, Der. Ghazi Khan, .LKhan,Faslabad, Gilgit, Goranvala, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Karachi, Labore, Lark, Mulan, Muzaarabad, Peshawar, (Qua, Ravin, argh, & Suliur depending onthe umber of applicants fr eac cnt. x), Places of Interviemst The interviews wil be Belt at asiabod, Karat, Lahore, Malas, Peshawar & Que (0) The Commision eserves the ight ofall decide the place wet candass would be examined or inerviowe, (7), Change of centre: Examination conte ance selvted by the candidat shall ot be ings. The examination central once allotted to 4 candidate wil be final and hehe wil not be ity of the candidate in terms of age, qualifications, domicile, etc,s 31" December, 2016. intr 20, A candidate for sdmision to the examination must have tugcd te agof21 yous and so over 0 jeu on 3" December 2016 (cand born ono befoe SU" December 1986 at ot for afer January, 1996 wll nob eligible) excep te candidate falling in the etegris mentioned ia Rule-N) where any ‘aa bor ono before 3 December, 1984 andor aor it 2 Yanuary, 1996 wil ot be cig, AGE RELAXATION, (4, The upper ag lit wil be relaxed By two yer up to the age 1 32 yeas in respect of — (9) The candidntes belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Buddhist Community subject production of a ‘cetfente(Amex- A of Application Form) o be issued by Polleal AgensDCO! Distct Magiste in spr of thi line (©) Thecandiae belonging othe recognize Tribes who are permavest residents of the areas mesionedbeiow and ‘whose ames have Ben ving thee aes. Such candiales must atich a catiiate (Annex of Application Form) to ‘be issued by Polite Agen’ DCOWDistct Magis suppt ofthe li — 1. Baluchistan 2 Tribal Aree of D.Khan and Peshawar Divisions (including former Fonte Sales o Di, Swat (Chitral and An). 3. Former excluded (Baluc) area foring pat ofthe era Ghazi Khan and Rajanpr Discs, 4 Rormer ‘Tibal Areas of Mardan and Hazara Divisions, 5. Upper Tanawal Arca of Hazara Divison (6) the candidates who are pemanent residents of Arad ‘ash Tein, subject wo submision of crticate (@nes-C oF Application Form) tbe issued by Kashmir [Ass Division, Government of Pakistan, smsbad (@) The candidates who are permanent residents of Gilgit alison including Cg, Dam, Hast, Chiara ‘Gage, subject osubmision of cerifcate (Annex of Application Formtobe issued by the Political, AgemDCOMDistriet Mapisae, (6) The candidnes who ate diesbled namely, physically ‘pai, hewing speach impaed (dea! Sum) ad aullyimpalred blind), subject to submission of entfcate of dabilty sued by he competent authority ‘dsignted forte purpose bythe Fedral’ Provieil Government, © a Sarice Government Servants, Armed Fores Pessoal, Coutact Employees, including te Goverment servants of ALGK, who posses 3 minima two year coatiutus Goveromesl sevice at on 31 December, 2016 subject o submission of Depurtnental, Permission Cerca (Annex-E)ffom the competent suthors: Employees of Nationalised Banks, State Danie fof Pakist, WAPDA, Regulatory Autores, ‘Autonomous bodes and ter semi autonomous bodies reno ented age relaxation. (Gi) The reataon in upper limits preserbed in pasgrih 3 (i above sal be permite up tthe ‘maxim period ofan individual concession and not by the tata ptiod of the concessions taken ‘opstor, f mise many case (iv) Subject to the relations in ypper age init prescribed in paragraph 3(i) and 3) above, 90 further relaxation in age iat under any oe rule ‘or thecme being in fore, or on any ater ground shall be provided by any authority. DATE OF mIRTH 44(0. The date of bith cveped by the Commission is thst entered inthe following docamen' (2) Maviculation Ceteate; (@) Secondary or Higher Secondary Schoo! Leaving eset (6 Coriicte of bith hom the Prinipaltendnaster ofthe Sehoo! fom where a canidote hae pssoé hiner GEC, “O'lesel or equivalent examination, showing the date of bic tthe Schoo! Admission Regier, (@) ness of Christian candidates, Baptismal orbit rerirtion cece li The decision as 10 which serifeme may be accepted for ‘the porpose of dae of bith rests withthe Commission Gi), Once a date of ith has buen claimed by a candidate and cepted bythe Commision forth purpose of admission to an amination, no eaange will be allowed. ala subsequeat ‘nanan sels, EDUCATION S.0.A candidate must hold a lest Second Division oe Grate Bechelr’s dewoe in any faculty of one of the Pakistani Univeries or an equtslen degree or comparable editions ‘sualileaons of foreign University recognized hy Higher Edeation Commision, aaa, ‘Noe Ince the candidate dacs not old the required degree on or fine the cut of dt, Hele shall be rogue to progice cerifct rom the uly authorized officer of the concerned degree asardingsstitaton, thee! hat the candidat at filed al the reglemeats of the said depres and basa clearedpassed the ‘examination for the sid degree an or before theca off dat. The ‘ndidnte however woul be required to prodice the sid degree efi the ial et i eared bythe Corsten (i, A candidate ho has obvined a Thind Divsionfor ‘D" grade) thither Bachelor «Degree wil eligi forthe Examination i fea here elke has obtained a higher Dission tw Master Degree (Gi), The mater as to which foreign degre is comparable and ‘quivaent to comesponding Pakistan degree sal be decided by HEC. Thesefove, an equivalence certiieate issued by HEC may ‘be atached wih application ors [NATIONALITY ‘6, Candas forthe eraminaton must be a citizen of Pakistan or 2 potson deine ise naoealty om the Ste of Jem aad Kian, (Gi, A candidate who has maid a person who i not a zen of| Pakistan shall not be eile or appoinimest provided tat a person who matics a “foreign auona of any county reeogzed Ey Federal Government” withthe pie pectsson uf Gvernnent ‘ay bevegardd a cligsBle er aposnanent DOMICILE, (si) (0, Soa carmaker psenbel prvinilejonl quotas ‘hall be alpestd to candaos on the bane of the dome fenifct issued by the competent auhorymaecordance With he lawand thous. (b), A candidate who ss acquired the even of Pakistan. by reristation under the Pakistan Cnizenship Act and the Ret made thereunder shold ata othe apliaton.anatested copy tte certieate of ciuzewship. A candace who has pot Been egies eliza of Pakistan but clans tht hese sould be ‘ened o be clacn of Pakistan unde the Pakistan Ciienip Ack ‘Soul sabmat proto the eft tat ble fll the codons fn the bass of which hese sme tobe Sereda a ctizen of Pakatan A caniate who derives ber atonal from he Sse ‘fJammn aod Kast boul acho the sppliaion acercnte {sued by the Kasur Affe Divison ly sigued by the Deputy Secretary (Adana) in supper of iver clam. (Only those candidates shall be considerd for vacancies Tetevod for Azad Tem and Kase whose application forms fbr the Competive Exarinaton ae scompanied by domicile ‘ertficate alongwith Permanent Residence Caria esd by the Kasimie Allsiy Division duly signed by the’ Deputy Secretary (Adm of tht teiory No sochceiieates sal be cepted at any ler stage (@) Domicile once claimed by a candidate and accepted by the {Commision forte purpose of adsin oan exartson shal be ftal. No change will be allowed sta subsequent xanunation tr asetion (©. Domicile claimed by candidate and aocepod by the Goverment (Federal Provincia ReponaiLacal a te eae my bo at he sine of fist exty info Govemment service sll he tread a ol fr the parpete of candidature an allacatiog tad ro ubeeqent change im Pher dome wi be accepted ‘SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION AND, ‘ADMISSION TO THE EXAMINATION 10), Allapplications for CSS Competitive Examination mast be sited online through FPSC webaite ps 0 8) The closing dt or ubmisson of online Appieion Form 0 the Federal Public Service Commission, Islamabad is 3" Dctoer 2016, 1) Prin oot ofthe daly fled Online Form e, Hardeops) ay be obuined and) afer signing i copies of all ocumensceitcates as meconed in para 27 of the Fam, ongwith inl Treasury Receipt may be atached with {nd furnished to FPSC ao ato each te FPSC Headquarters) ‘win 10 days ofthe long dt ©) Candidates ae cautioned that if an online appiaion ss recive incomplete or wrongly filled ino is bardopy nat ‘ccompanied with any one othe documents mentioned it 27 of application form, wil be ejected. 4) Hardeopy ofthe onlin aplication if ached to FPSC afer the spud period of 10 days fom he closing date, shall bot be soopted and online frm aleady submited 9 FPSC ‘all sand jet 1) Any comeciom inthe print hart copy of online frm, may he made hy hand and inte, before ispatchiabmision PSC. Theater, bo request for change any cay of online plication ors har copy would be accepte. 1). No plea that hardcopy of online application form or any Acumen tasked wih thas been ot olay the ost willbe entertain, 1) The candidat shall bae to paylleposit Rs 20 in the FPSC ead of accout as fi fad copy of online aplinon is reesived wihou sige subject to no ober deiceey it plicsinlatached dvument i snvlved otherwise her ‘plication shall sand ected i), Candidate est pay R52200 as Application fee for ‘tamination, at per procedure prescribed in Append ‘eposted inthe nearest Governneat Treasury or in Stale ‘Bank National Bank of Pakistan, under the acount hed "CO2I01- ‘Organs of State Exam Fee(FPSC Receipt”, Cash, postal ones tank eae cheques will at be accepted bythe Pera Public Service Commission. Orginal sreasury secipt for ween ‘examination mast be atached with the applisaion form to be {epost to the Commision. Without providing orignal easy ecvpt a preseribed above, the aplication ofthe candidate shall berejtd (Gi). Subjeats for the competitive examination ill comprise ‘compulsory papers oF 600 mark and optional papes of 600 marks seven in Append (iv, Options Sajscts moet be slot caroily, Candidates ae ‘cided tat wrong selection of subjects will lend to rejection ‘under pra 71046) above and para Gx) of AppeadaL (©). Combination of optional subjects once chosen at he time of Salission of onlin application or crested in hard copy of nfne pplieation shall be reed Soa ai no request fr changeit Subjects) stl be allowed therater (i). For whatsoever reasons, a canidite who misses any ‘compulsory o optowl subject of writen examination fr medical ‘or my ter reasons shall ot be allowed appear in he remaining (iD. Wa candidate misses a pape for any reason, no separate ‘examination in hat paper shall be arranged for himvher. (sii Namber of Attempts: A candidate may aerial three ce ofthe examization witha presented age ints. Explanation — “A candidate shall be deemed to have alempted the tamination and hit cance shall stand eaosmed, she scually appeued ss anyone oF move pupes of the ‘tamination and cven if else tender blake Answer BookSheet an even ifreected sbeqienty (te). A candidate who conceal the numberof previous attempts, ‘will be prosecuted lending to hisher disqualifention in Accordance with cause 12() of CE-Rales (No candidate wil be admit tthe examination all wo does ot bold a catcste of admission fom the Commission and Original CMI, cat loaded from EPSC website shall be scceped, Iatination shout xara cee and Roll No, maybe dwn loaded fom FPSC weit, i not eceived hough pst (a0. A candidate who arvves at examination halleentre late, ‘an the time mentioned in Admission Certiseat & date shet, hte wil not be allomed tt inthe examina li, Candidates wil e adit tothe examination provisionally ‘thes own ak bec fo tei being fund eligible all reepect, (nm detaled seri of the applications ater the announcement of result of the writen part of the examination, i ny canine is found ineligible im any respect under ues forthe examinton, iso candidate wil becanelle ejected egress athe fet. wheter else Ins appeared in the examination or qalifed there, Note: Ta void “INCONVENIENCE, candidate ae aise in thse oa interest o make sue before apcaring at the examination that they ll all regiemets of the rls, relating to the QUALIFYING MARKS IN WRITTEN EXAMINATION 5 (0, Acandate who fist soca Is 40% mack in ay of the compuliory sabjecs, 358% marks i ay of the options subjects. mars in the Aggregate wil be considered 1o have fale in writen examination and will ot be eile fr media ‘examination, Psycholgial Assessment and Viva Voce 1H. Only the candidates declared. quaiied ix the writen xamiaution abd found eligible wil be elle fr next sage ie Mecial Examination, Poyhologcal Assessment and Fa Voce. MEDICAL EXAMINATION 9. (All eandiates mist ben ood mental sd boy health a fe from any pial defect ily to serfre withthe dickarge lini date. The candles who ale uch mal examination Shick Government or he appointing authoty may peerb) ae Turd nt to say these requerent, wil not be appomled ‘opt dssbled candies as metoned i sub rule (i blow (i, imbue teres of phy ipa ean ies maleat& sm) nly i (hind) ee allowed to compete for Cormpestive aman ‘eat our Oscapatonal Grape Serier i to) Commerce & ‘ade: Group (@) Pakien Audit Ascount Service (@) Information ‘Group (J) Poni Group, Disabled candidate: Searing a positon apunt rosrbed 7% merit quota. an all Paki bats may be considered for allocation to Forign Service ‘of Paisaa on he bio ist choice, (Gi) (Disabled candidates vie visaly inpird (Blind) and pysiclly impaired wil be provided beer (ste) they have been declared permanent incapacied wc. writing by the FederalProvinial Corel for Rehabilitation of Disabled Pesons, and acetate inthis regard as been atachod by them with ‘plication form sn also request fr provision of bps in hit pplication frm. FPSC: shal arange the heper rom within the valable staf o FPSC deputedarthe examination centre. The ale ofthe helper would merely be to reproduce ia weg the words 30 ‘iter bythe disable caida. No intellect contain By the hepe i permisible. The edocational level ofthe helper would be Graduatlnterodiate/erclae as por avalably a the ‘eam cee. No request fr choke helper or venue of he exam ‘hale enferained The disabled end long hlpe shall remain within the namin all cnclson ofthe paper (by Ext time vz 18 mines per hour wil only be allowed 0 sully smpuired (Blind) candidates. The oter categories of lzabled candidates would uot be allowed ext tne (iT dsaled candidate fered to above (vide Sub-Rule(a) ad (b) may attempt the question paper on computer for which iit all only be provided at FPSC IQs and FPSC"s Provincial ‘mee, however, ao TADA willbe admisble. Such Computer literate candidates shuld fl the tlevut tie ia the line Application Frm else tbey will bellowed to attemp te paper computer (a): No appiction or mtsalceficse regarding laim for ‘heaiity or sgvet fr provisina vf Bepelcopote on ree [roen orsuden sceident,sallbeaccoped ater the closing Se, tee! where the claim his heen made inthe appieson form iofore the slowing dle and cece of Seay asched a (i), Candidates whe gulf the writen examination wil be edialy examined by the Mica! Boards coi forthe purpose. fay candidate remans absent wie ip het Medial Fgmiaton, histor endhstre wil utomaialy sand reece ud appeal inthis regard wil be entered, However, hier ‘ance oil be considered as conauned (0) Tn order to prevent disappointment, canidates are advised 0 have themscives examined bya Goverment Medial Occ ote "ending of Chil Segeon before appving fr adision fo the una, Parcel oft rhe meee 0 wich ‘andardsrqued re toced hte Rae Amex "A PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 1 All ands ales for Vina Voce wil be ered so snderg0 chological Asestmen, comprising wien tess and group tasks Such toss are designed to assess bits, atitude and personality characteris of the cnt with special een to their apitide for the Civil Senices, Separate marks are not seared forthe Pyehologialascssment However, 300 marks fsigned to Viva Foce also role the perfomance ot Pryshoogicl Astessment, Candies mast bring their Natio Teeny Cards and two copies of recent photographs whan summoned fr Psychologies! Assessmoat. Ifa candidate temas absent inthe Psychologica Assessment, hele wil ot be alowed tw appear for Psa Yoe VIVA voce 11() ach candidate who is declared quali in writen par of {he examitation wl be itviewod by & Board who wil ave Sefoe them a socord of stir caer, balk scalemic and fxtarutal. Helse wil be asked qusstons op ater of gesera Interest. The abject ofthe itrview sto siess er say forthe series for ich lhe etre and amine the ‘sessment he Board wl tach paca importance tthe mova {nd chical quate of the captidas,bisher ineligene and loves of mind, hse vigour and szengh of chaacer and ‘ath pot qulites of eadnhip. The Board wil take int ‘ntieaion hishr entrar activis such ex ports, debates, Stbies ely end ereffec on afer pique ad characte, assessing hifber ment (i). Aleandidates ae expected io bae base nowedgosepuding Islnd Pakistan. Quntons may heated i he Ineview 08 these subject. Peron sscaring let han pate mak ithe subjects will pot be consiered for appoinmen fo, Goverment jobs, imepectine oftheir profiesney mother elds, However, he ‘Non:Mashm candidates wil nt be anked say question rezarding ‘an (i. Viva Voce wil be of 300 matks A candidate who al 10 sctre a lear 10 mks in von voce wil be considered fo have fled and wll nat esi fo appointment {iv The esl of Viva Voce shal etme ol andes in (GENERAL PROVISIONS REGARDING ‘COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 12). A candidate must satisfy the Federal Pubic Service Conuiscon tat else is ulabl nal espace fr espoyinent toner the Goverment (i). The candidates who pass the writen examination shall be inmate individ aswel as trough webs ul he andes ‘who fain wien examination shal ot be formed individually, they may doloed detail ask hoe fms webs. (Gi). Dession of the Commission atthe elit or otberwise oft catiat for tonto th exanation shall fil i). Maximam number of candies to be admited 1 this ‘tuition may atthe dgtetun of Geversmeat, be eed to {sch mumber a Government may decide it ie impoed ‘he numberof candidates exces tt i, the Commision bal Select toms amongst te aplicants those who shal beaded {0 the examination, ang, I Going so, shall have ropa 1. the ‘utah of te apples and w adequate representation of the FrovinctAreas Of Palisan os well as of Ue varius age (©), Caution:—A candidate who knowingly finishes particle Ivhih re ube, o suppresses mara infomation, or arp to Tniiene the Comatseon or olicers or member of the i of the Commission or tts ois support for hier candidature by improper means, or deliberately submis forged erates ot tapers With te caries in hster age, educational and ther ‘Suites, of misbehaves isthe cxamintion alo es ae ‘means inliding use oF attenpt we of mobile phone or other ‘ssuoulc devi for eopyine os found pully of misconduct horng examinations, Vea Voce Tests and uses ity and retical language ih the “Ansier Book) during writen ‘eamiation, may be digslifiee for this andlor sublesuent ‘xainations selections eld by the Commission andor criminally prosecuted ad delued fom ature andor removal trom ning employment under Goverment (6 If daring the conduct of Examination a a cntrefhall any rida found in possession of mobile phone or Tkewise deve, hese wll be proseeuted under the rule-12(), (0). The result of any candidate, whose canine erected on fy ground wl at be delted, inesposive wheter hese, ‘bled pasted he examination (vil), A candidate wh even afer hse appointneat ound 1 fave koowinly farished parca wich ace fle, o 10 be suppresed material infomation wil be lable to dismissal fom (Go, Ceriats of ge and edvstonl questions in which ay fnuy i overwten slur, ese ube o tampered ith ny way or he genuineness of which otherwise doubeed wil be Tbe o be impounded Ul such Umea tbe Comission considers (9) Allcommuticaton tothe Commission should be adresse 0 Sesreary FPSC by etch candidate epastly quoting hitter Rol Ne, and CNIC number, IPRoll No as at yet bees alloted Serial number ofthe application may be quoted Candidates must make thse own arangements for communications addressed to them at the addres tated in thor applications w be reiected 1 their now addeses, when necessary. However, ay change of adios ‘ould be communicated at ance othe Secstay, Federal Public Service Commision. Candies should not write thir posal ‘vets care of Pont Box Nuber lax potl authors do ot accept reise ets a such an ates. (a). Non Muslin (Minories): As provided inate 260()8) ofthe Constition of Pakistan 1973, non-Muslim means a person ‘whois ot Mastin and includes person belonging tthe Cristian, Hindu, Sikh, Budhit or Pari corti, «person of the Quan up oe the Labo goup bo cll eases Ahmad’ orby any ofthe scheduled cases). Only those cana hall be considered for vacancsa reerved for Minories (Non-Musims) whose plication forms for the Competitive Exansnation ate accompanied by ceifcate(AnneX-D) issued by the DCOWDIstret. MaritrtrPoitc! Agent No sich etc shal be aseped a il alo be povered bythe Goverment Servants (Application fr Series and Post) Rule, 1966 except that tre cits wil be allowed iespestive fof the provisions of the Goverment ServantstAppieaton fr Service and Posse, 1965. (ai). Government servants who fail ondtont Ind down in these rules ate eligle for admission to the examination if permited by the competent authority in their departments cr fice. However an advance copy of the Application may be ‘obit before the closing date to avoid ejection. Candidates ‘who join Government service afer submining thei apletons or ‘Meson ote examination shoul ls submit the Deparment permission immediately there (ain), Armed Forces canidses should route their apphisaions Through proper channal ef thei Services, Applictions oo outed ‘hvough proper chanel wil be rejected Sisal leased reed petsonselsbould produce a clearance ceifete fom Miltary Secreary Branch for employment sp hil service of Pakistan However, an advance copy ofthe Application maybe submited before the losing date to aid rejection. (ow). A candidate who afer sabmiting sack Deparment permission. joing Civil Serve Academy or is transfered 10 other Deparment, shold also obtain the permission of that Department and bmi it the Conisson at son a possible, (6, A canidate who as Kl! Goserment sevice should submit With hier application an atesed copy of hisher dischageserviceceriicat. A candidate who hasbeen dismissed ‘fom Goverment o semi Goverment Service wl not be lige fer adevssion othe exeistion, vi, IF marks of a candidate are less than 40% in ay ofthe Compulsory sobjet, ese than 35% mks in ay ofthe options sbjects and lest than 100 mars ot of 300 sn Viva Woe, these ‘wll no be countered inthe ol aks, (ov), The mag of ewer wil bein order of comseciive answers and over aempted quason shall aot be raised (Gin). Writing on Question paper shall Be consdered as ‘heating and delinquent candidate shall be prosecuted under Rate 120). (0), any candidate writes hier Roll No. except in the space provided for this pape on the cover ofthe anawer book) ot ‘wites hither name oF makes ary distinguishing mark at any place in hisher answer book andor atonal Answer Rooke ele sal be aad Zero mack hat pper, besides any oer punishment which the Comission may decide to award (5) A candidate who rps the pages or doesnot eros out empty ewer booksiaddtionsl answer Book to the supervisory staff, hese tall be proceeded agaist for scp acon under Rule 1219) a may deem appropeas by the Commission. ‘ai. candidate who has eouved and ead the Question Paper wil no be allowed to leave histor ssat or exam all witout rmrkinghivheratendance and us half the te is over Hosever the candidate will not he allowed to tke question paper wih ‘inter until contusion of the examination a that pap. (oa). Use of ealeulators wil only be allowed In Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Accountancy, Statist, ass), COS spied on OMR Sheet ovided. separately for the purpose. Both (MCQs paper + ‘OME Sheet shall be collected back tier the alloted ime. The umber of MICOS in each paper may be atempred in the same Sequence atthe space reserved on OME Sheet Amy answer sven beyond the reserved space or aot correspondiag with ‘Question number of MCQ pape, shall uot be marked/aken Iie accoun (xxv). The Question Papers in Urdu or other Pakistan reglonal languages (Punjab, inhi, Pashto and Balochi) languages. However, question relating with tansation trom ‘anomered as directed inthe question paper. ‘xs. The Question paper in Baie States or Comparative Seady ‘Star Redon ict anomertin Eng or Uta oly (eas). The Now Masi anda ave the pn ert tae ‘Mamie Sts or Comparntve Study of Major Rego. (oxi). Candidater mast nce Blue oF lack ink nbs i ther Answer Books othervse Zoro marks may be avarded. RECOUNTING OF MARKS (xs), Answer Books in all subjects of examination are ‘conden documents and eanpot, haere, be pemited to Be Sean by candies or tue representatives oe eoceaminaton of Srswer bookssrpts te allowed under any. creumatances A ‘Stediate‘deswous of geting ser marks, award by the ‘tami, cour may submit hier react forthe pupae, ‘thin one mont fom he de of re of rou ordimnissest ‘Songeth«Treaury Callan of Re 800 per paper a fee fr r- counting of mks ony. Thee, mo sich request wil be ‘uterine, (ocx) Recvaluaion of mas awarded bythe Viva Vose Board is otalowed uncer any creunstances (ex), Grace mats are ot allowed, (xxi), Answer books of Canis wil be tained in the office ‘ofthe Fern] Publi Service Commission for ove year only and thereat these will be destoyed. Candidates are, therefore, ‘motioned that any query relating thir Answer books should be made within the sperfied period teeter, oo request inthis gard wil be exerained (cx) Refund of Fe: No claim for ein of ay fe wil be teained nor can the fees paid be eld in reseeve foe another ‘amination selon, (xiv). Reappearance in examination candidate wh tok the Compestive Examination 2016 wishes to apply forest to CE 2017, hlse must submit av aplication by the prescribed fe without waiting for heres of CE-2016 1 sbeegoenty i is not necessary for binvher 19 tke the CE-2017 writen ‘xaination, hse examination fe wll ao beret (xxv) The Commision eserves the right change he schedule ‘fhe examination a well at lo canal any peperpapes or the tstse Competitive Examination witout egg ay Feat, REPRESENTATION AND REVIEW PETITION: 130), A candidate aggrieved by any dessin ofthe Federal Public Sensce Commission mn, in hy days of comimnseaton of {sswon, make a ropretemtion "0 te Commision and te ‘Commision tall dete the rerecntaionnhin Bcon ay ‘her ving te candidal rescue cpporuny ef hearing (@), Acamdiat aggrievody te deision ofthe Commission ade “amir parsesph (alma, Seen day of commnistion of {ssisan, submit review pettion to the Common and te ‘Commision tall deci the review potion within thirty ys ‘unler intima othe ptioner The dcsison othe Commision ‘vovew plo sal be fo (6), Save as provide in “FPSC ORDINANCE, 1977", no order Innde or procecdig taken wader “FPSC ORDINANCE, 1977, ot ules made hecande, by the Commission shall be cae’ {Question t any cout and'no injunction wal be granted by any {oun n expel of any desvon mate or ken ip purance of 59) power cofered by, or under, “FPSC ORDINANCE 1977" (@), Any candidate aggrieved by a decision ofthe Commission ‘under porseraph (Sey, thin ty days of he Sesion, peer appeal te High Court ()- Each rpeesouation and seview petition duly signed will be ‘utenained oly scompanid with Ongial Tearuy Receipt of Resi at each ne. DETERMINATION OF FINAL MERIT & ‘ASSOUNCEMENT OF RESULT {A@,The candies who qualify in writen examination and Viva ‘Voce, tei fin mer al be Sctnmined by adding aia sed in he writen examination ad wen voce, (G.When ttl mks (wen exanation + viva vost) of are tha one candidate ae equal Ie ne wo es ore ae av ‘ove i rele at hier pent. maths sia sce ae als ut the one who ges ore marks in compulsery subjects treated a: higher in ment fare eompaleny sje re so gual the one who ole ia age sete s higher aoa (si) Only FRSC i authorized to announce the result. VACANCIES 15, Actsl number of vacances in BS-I7 tbe filled oo the rest ‘of tis examination il be sboounved with the approval of the Government. The Goverument, however reserves height oI a Smalero larger numberof vacances ha hl announced, APPOINTMENTS 16), Subject othe Reem poi explained in Append LIL ofthese Rules, candies secung the highest paces on the ombined rests of he writen Examination, Peycologel Assssrct and Viva Voce and lle for appoint will be ‘commended hy th: Cocwslsson in ender of eer up fo the ‘munber of vectotiotavalablein cach gust: However, respective Sppointnete sal be mada hy the Goverment No cari wl, however, be considered for appomtnent 19 any of the ‘Group Service for which he's has Been declared "ot wtble™ bythe Commision tthe me of Fina Pace, (i), Succes in the examination confers no right t appoinimen. ‘Appoupests wil be made only afer the Govertmeat fs asied, fir such enquiry as may be necessary, thatthe caeidate is Suable i allvespects for apoiximen othe Pubic Service and ‘her wothe avail ofacanete, (Gi, Candidates will be considered. for tote groupe services ‘only whieh hey indeate inthe aplication form. No candidate will ‘beconsidered forthe groups ervios which else wl not mention ‘in the form. Candidates wll hosever, be given chines to reve their hoe of occupational groups athe tine of the via vce Preferences vised athe tie of wieoce shall be eed at final and no subsequen: change will be allowed under any ireumstances, Cartes may op fara grouplservice iespctive ofthe fct whether hte is a vacancy thesia ort. i). The Goveroment rosrves the right to aloate a candidate gains any GroupiServie especie of hiss prefernces, in ‘he public inter Nov apps! agains the desson of the Government wil be enetined UNFILLED VACANCIES AND WAITING MERIT LIST 1). Once the process of allocation has ben aesomplised: the ‘acaiesreminod unfilled de 1 non avail of quid ‘anddstey under any iota all be carmed over 10 next ‘tamination fo fling om among the sane quota (09, The Commision shal ssitan the waiting merit Ht il commencement of Connon Training Programme (CTP), ‘Terefor,iFany nominee ofthe Commision doesnot join ané fvimation in this regard reaches to the Commision through aublshment Division prior to commencement of CTP, the ‘Commission shall ornate the nox cant on mit agit & GrouiService according to hisher ment postion in repectve quota and proired choice, (i. The vaeamees ofan joie, reported to the Comission afer ‘ommencerent of CTP atl be cared overt ext examination, (in. Once the proces of locationtellcsion acending tne lines given above is over the wating meri ist shall no longer be ‘valid andthe proses of CSS 2017 wil stand completed an oes. 18-The Government reserves he ight o make any cages tothe shove rules tere finalizing appointment on the basis of this Note:—Thisssues with be pproal of ihe Government Secretary, APPENDIX: SUBJECTS FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATION (20 MARKS) (©) The examination wince the ollowing subjects and each subject wil cary the mark shown aginst 1) hex wil be wo papers of 100 marks each af the subjects which ery 200 ms, In ther sabes there wil be ane pape. Esch paper willbe of 3 hours draton (ii) The candidates shold expect some abjestive type questions “(MC's in eampalsryand option papers except in te papers of Esa, Applied Mathematics and Pare Maher, (iv) The Question Papers is Ud or ote Pakistani regional languages (Pui, Sindhi, Pashto and Balochi, Pesan and Arabic shouldbe answered in te respective languages. However, qietionrelasing with anlaton fom respective lanevae into Engi lorvice versa may be answered as dicted nthe question pape. The questo pape: i Islamic Stasis or Comparntive Study of Major Religions isto be abewered in English or Undu only. All ober papecr mist be anewered in English unlestoberwie iretd in the Question Paper. Convention of thse ssutons wil eu i he eancliadon of he papers abd award of ‘ZERO mash in he papers) concerned, (8) AGuideline ofthe silbus ofthe subjects in alphabetical order is ven in Annex *B™ o the Rules. (01) The Non-Mlutim candidates hve he opin ether to ke Islam Sades or Comparative Sty of Major Religions. (i) Acanddae who does notapper in any compuloroptonal subject wil tbe allowed to appears the emaiing papers ofthe Esamiaton in aceordance wal le Tv) of CE Ral 2017 (i) The thee papers of Gara Knows (GKCf, GK-Il& GK.) re tobe paste collectively by scoring 120 mark oof 30, x(a) COMPULSORY SUBJECTS (600 MARKS) xb) OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (600 MARKS) OE we The si dad of op he a of 2) ght Peis nd Compontn)) 00 = opal cts Be a (el Seen Er = 8s, ne mc cee ee sin bic ne S) ami Stair Cangartive Sty of Mor 100 ‘Mos rt be stomped ea computerized OM Anrseel wees cond Tae Saar aa ‘reap Te GT aE RO REENO TT TS ae | HT | RR Ag 3 ened) 2 | Bement 20 onibascaray ommechGomens(sareansecned) | 19 | Chemany ir Seep ~ ° 3 [tic adnate Tir be opted) 27 | Islami History & Culire To ee Tar 36 | Hagia Uteaie Tar ‘Geap- VE (OE WERT ng TT aa Ta ole Tae | — 3 Tha Tir ‘sap VT (Gis wa cng Ts Fa ASST an | 45] Inn Ne Co Ta seep | Peto Tar so | Panis i [ss | antic cr COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION (CSS), 2017 RATE OF (A) To the Feral Public Service Coniston 6) 42200for writen CSS examination (Application fer) (6) R800). for each represenioweviw petion ‘which a candidate wane to submit agai ay

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