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Theories of the Origin of the Universe

Have you ever wondered how the world began? It seems to be a simple question, but in reality,
no one has ever found the truth about it. The religious ones would say God created the universe, while
scientists would much prefer the theories they have studied. Until this very day, people haven’t found
the answers as to where our universe originated. Some scientists tried to seek the answers to this
mystery, they come up with some reasonable theories supported by facts and evidence, and among
these theories are: Big Bang Theory, Steady State Theory, and Pulsating Theory.

First is Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory is the widely accepted explanation for the origin of
the universe. It was proposed by George Lemaitre in 1931. The theory states that the universe started in
an infinitely hot and dense single point and then expanded and continues to expand up until now. The
expansion is said to have cooled the temperature, and that was when matter, energy, space, and time
started to form. The first elements, Hydrogen and Helium, were also born during this cool down. The
main reason why it is the most accepted theory is that it’s supported by the discovery of cosmic
microwave background radiation (CMBR) or the leftover radiation from the Big Bang.

The second is Steady State Theory. Steady State Theory is the opposing theory of the Big Bang.
This theory states that the universe is always expanding but maintaining a constant average density,
thus continuously creating matter. The theory was proposed by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, and Hermann
Bondi in 1948. But the theory was later disproved because of the discovery of CMBR.

The third and last one is Pulsating Theory. According to this theory, the universe is supposed to
be expanding and contracting alternately; at the present time, the universe is expanding. The theory
also states that the expansion of the universe may stop at a certain time and it may start contracting

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