Skeletal System Group 2

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CRANIUM- Bones that form the head. Made up of cranial bone and facial bones.

An opening at the base of the

cranium where the spinal cords connect to the brain. The cranial bones are Sphenoid, Frontal, Pariental, Occipital
and Temporal.

FACIAL BONE-Serve to protect the brain, protect the sense of organs od smell, sight and taste. Soft tissues of the
face can act facilitate eating, facial expression, breating and speech. The primary bone of the face are ; Nasal bone,
Lacrimal bone, Zygomatic bone, Inferior Nasal Conchae, Vomer, Maxilla and Mandible.

CLAVICLE- Bone that connect the breast plate(sternum) to tge shoulder. It is a very solid bone has a slight S-shape
and easily seen in many people.

SCAPULA-Also called Shoulder Blade. Two large bone of the shoulder girdle. They are Triangular shape, lie on the
upper back between the level of second and eight ribs.

STURNUM- Partially T-shape vertical bone. Sternum is divided into (3)three segmet; Manubrium, Body and
Xiphoid. Sternum connect to the ribs.

HUMERUS-Long bone of the upper limb or forelimb of land vertebrates that forms the shoulder joint above, where
it articulates with a lateral depression of the shoulder blade (glenoid cavity of scapula), and the elbow joint below,
where it articulates with.

RIB CAGE - The rib cage, as an enclosure that comprises the ribs, vertebral column and sternum in the thorax of
most vertebrates, protects vital organs such as the heart, lungs and great vessels.

VERTEBRAL COLUMN - Also called spinal column, spine, or backbone, in vertebrate animals, the flexible column
extending from neck to tail, made of a series of bones, the vertebrae. The major function of the vertebral column is
protection of the spinal cord; it also provides stiffening for the body and attachment for the pectoral and pelvic
girdles and many muscles. In humans an additional function is to transmit body weight in walking and standing.
RADIUS- The radius or radial bone is one of the two large bones of the forearm, the other being the ulna. It extends
from the lateral side of the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist and runs parallel to the ulna. The ulna is usually
slightly longer than the radius, but the radius is thicker. Therefore the radius is considered to be the larger of the
two. It is a long bone, prism-shaped and slightly curved longitudinally.

ULNA—The ulna is one of two bones that make up the forearm, the other being the radius. It forms the elbow joint
with the humerus and also articulates with the radius both proximally and distally. It is located in the medial
forearm when the arm is in the anatomical position. It is the larger of the two forearm bones.

CARPALS-The carpal bones are the eight small bones that make up the wrist (or carpus) and connect the hand to
the forearm.

METACARPALS-The metacarpus is a group of five bones of the hand between the phalanges and the carpus.

PHALANGES-The phalanges are the bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot.

TARSALS-The tarsal bones of the foot are organised into three rows: proximal, intermediate, and distal.

METATARSALS-The metatarsals are located in the forefoot, between the tarsals and phalanges. They are numbered
I-V (medial to lateral).Each metatarsal has a similar structure. They are convex dorsally and consist of a head, neck,
shaft, and base (distal to proximal).

PHALANGES-The phalanges are the bones of the toes. The second to fifth toes all have proximal, middle, and distal
phalanges. The great toe has only proximal and distal phalanges.They are similar in structure to the metatarsals,
each phalanx consists of a base, shaft, and head.

PELVIC-pelvic, also called bony pelvis or pelvic girdle, in human anatomy, basin-shaped complex of bones that
connects the trunk and the legs, supports and balances the trunk, and contains and supports the intestines, the
urinary bladder, and the internal sex organs. The pelvic consists of paired hipbones, connected in front at the pubic
symphysis and behind by the sacrum; each is made up of three bones—the blade-shaped ilium, above and to
either side, which accounts for the width of the hips; the ischium, behind and below, on which the weight falls in
sitting; and the pubis, in front.

FEMUR -the femur is the only bone located within the human thigh is both the longest and the strongest bone in
the human body extending from the hip to the knee

PATELLA la-the patella or knee cap is the bone between the fibula and femur its leg has a patella to
protect its knee joint the patella servers to functions to protect the knee from physical trauma

TIBIA -the tibia is a large Bone located in the lower front postion of the leg the tibia is also known as the
shinbone and Is the second largest bone in the body

FIBULA a-the fibula is the long thin and lateral bone of the lower leg it runs parallel to the tibia or chin
bone and plays a significant the muscles of the lower leg compared to the tibia is about the same length.

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