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Name: Justin Anonuevo Date: 06 – 11 – 22

“Idea Builder – Build a New Lifestyle”

Aspect of My Life that

What I Won’t Do
I Want to Change
What I Will Do
I will not throw garbage
I want to change how I
For me to help sustaining anywhere I want. I will
shallowly look at the
the beauty and protect not waste water as I am
environment or Mother
the environment. I should using it always in my daily
Nature. I want to be
start changes to myself routine. I will not use
more sensitive and
like using reusable bags, plastic bags anymore; I
more careful in every
recycling, saving will use paper bags
action I will do about
electricity, save water, instead. I won’t waste
the environment.
and just simply throw electricity; I’ll be more
garbage at right places. By mindful of how much I
simply doing this, I could Its Effect on the consume it in my daily
be a right model for other Environment basis.
people to be more By doing so, the risks of lessening
responsible about the the life span of Earth will
actions we’re doing for decrease. Make people live
the environment. happier and livelier than ever

What I understand about this lifestyle

When it comes to the lifestyle, I
understand that there are lot of things I
really need to change to myself as I
clearly seeing how we, gradually What I don’t understand about this lifestyle is
destroying our own home. It is hard for why it is so hard to do knowing that it will for
it to apply but surely not impossible. the benefit of our own home. Why people
like us ignoring the bad consequences of our
actions to our environment.

What I don’t understand about this lifestyle

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