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Strand 4
Strand Outlines

1. Production of Sound
2. Sound needs a medium to travel

Production of Sound
Sound is produced due to vibrating objects.

➢ In guitar, the vibrations caused in the string of the guitar

produces sound.
➢ In tabla ,dholak or drum the stretched membrane when hit
with anything causes the membrane to vibrate thus
producing sound.
➢ Sound produced by larynx(vocal cord) of the mouth. When
air from the lungs is pushed out, the vocal cords vibrate
thus producing sound.
Sound is a Mechanical wave
Sound is a longitudinal wave which travels in the form of compressions
and rarefactions. It requires a medium to travel.

Sound produced in a tuning fork

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Experimental proof that sound needs medium to
Take an electric bell and an airtight glass
bell jar. The electric bell is suspended inside
the airtight bell jar. The bell jar is connected
to a vacuum pump, as shown in Fig.If
you press the switch of the bell you will be able to
hear the sound. Now start the vacuum pump. When
the air in the jar is pumped out gradually,
the sound becomes fainter, although the
same current is passing through the bell.
After some time when less air is left inside
the bell jar you will hear a very feeble sound of the
bell ringing though you will see the hammer striking
the gong.
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Questions for Discussion
➢ If you are suddenly teleported on the surface of moon and a huge blasts
takes place, will you be able to hear it. Yes/No and why?
➢ Why is sound is called a mechanical wave?
➢ Suppose you are taken inside a dark room without any source of light.
Your three friends call out to you and you are supposed to identify them
by their voices only. Which characteristic of sound will help you in

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