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Development :

Dear students,

The idea of development or progress has always been there.

Everyone has wants or desires about what we would like to do and
how we would like to live. Similarly we have ideas about what a
country should be like? What are the essential things that we
require? Can life be better for all? How should people live together?
Can there be more equality?

Development involves thinking about these questions and about
ways in which we can work towards achieving these goals..

So dear students, we start with the notes. Kindly make a notebook

and copy these questions and answers

Q1. What is development ?

Development is a process that involves forward or onward

movement towards a destination which in turn presents better social
and economic conditions.
Q2 What is economic development? Mention its indicators.
It is a long term process in which there is an increase in the
per capita income and the economic welfare of the people.
It leads to an increase in the availability of goods and services
to the people by ensuring that the rate of increase in production
of goods and services is greater than the rate of increase in

Two indicators of measuring economic development are :

a. Per capita income
b. National income
Q3. What are some of the common developmental goals ?
Development involves certain goals or aspirations and the way in
which we achieve these goals .
Some of these goals are:
a. Access to essential things in life.
b. Making life better for all.
c. Bringing about more equality.
d. Helping people to live peacefully.
Q4. Do the following two statements mean the same ?
a. People have different developmental goals.
b. People have conflicting developmental goals.
Both statements are true, but both mean different things.
a. Different persons are placed in different life situations. Hence
their notions of development are different. For eg. a person who
is poor looks for basic means of subsistence whereas
developmental goal of farmers who depend only on rains for
growing crops is better irrigation facilities.
b. At times, 2 persons or group of persons may seek things, which
are conflicting, ie development for one may even be destruction
for another.
A girl expects as much freedom and opportunity as her brother
and that he also shares in the household work. Her brother may
not like this.
Similarly to get more electricity, industrialists may want more
and more dams to be built but this may submerge the land and
disrupt the lives of people who are displaced such as tribals.
They might resent this and may prefer small check dams or
tanks to irrigate their land. Thus development goals of different
people may be different as well as conflicting.

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