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workbook 2022 C) Mechanical Engineering Theory of Machines | MADE EASY Theory of Machines 1. Mechanism. 6 CONTENTS 2. Velocity & Acceleration Analysis .. 3. Gears and Gear Trails sssnnesmnnnnesnnneee 4, Dynamic Analysis of 2022 — mADE EASY 6. GOVEFMONS sesssssscssosssssesssnnsneresessnnaeescssnnneres SA WOPKDOOK sacs - 8. CAMS and Followers “ 9. Gyroscope nn MTR GNM i ivniov ENGINEERING Theory of Machines city Analysis (Instantaneous Centre Method Application) Instantaneous centre of rotation of Convrode > Body Centrode > Space envrode Numoer of instantaneous centres in a Mechanism. Base instantaneous cenires in a Mechanism > Turing pair S Roling pair > Siding pair Applicaton of instantanaous contios approachs in a mechanism > 6 Link Prooem Kennedyis. Theorem ‘Theorem of angular velocties and its applications. 7 to 8 abjective questions. Based on instanvaneous centres. approach. Relative Velocity Method Base “undamental of relaive velocity metho Application of th’s approach by same 6 link probier a covered by instantaneous centre approach (One more conventional problem of (IES-2006) to cover ane more port, 6-7 objective questions based on relative velocity Basic understanding of positive and negative dives. Gear drive as postive drive Ciassification of gear ctive (A) Based on the axis of shafts connected (i) Both axes are parallel > SPUR > Helical JGears > Double Helical (i, Both axes are interesting > St Bevel > Zerol Bevel |Gears > Heical Bevel (il) Both axos are nether Il nor intersecting > Spiral gears + Hybrid gears > Warm and worm whee! Based on the type of gearing 6) External gearing = SPUR > PINION (i) Internal Gearing Description Sheet > ANNULAR (Ring) 5 PINION Goar Termnology Law of gearing -» Concept of pressure angle and backlash, Involve profle and ks propery Actual postion of base evreie in an involute gears, Involute gear analysis Concept of p > Base circles > Line of action, prossure angle Motion of the point of contact in the involute oars. Path of contact (Dervation Requires) > Path of application + Path of Recess Are of contact (Derivation not required) > Ate of approach Are of Recess Contact ratio and ts significance Problem (numoral) based on path of contact ratio, are ol contact and velocity of siding Inorerence Ss Undereuting Methods to prevent interference > By making under cut gears > By changing pressure angie 3 By sudding > By changing number of teeth Minimum number of teeth reauirement on the gear / pinion in order to avoid interference. (Derivative required}, Mimmam number of teeth requirement en the pion in order to avoid interference in Rack and pinion arrangement (Derivative required) Etiecto! the adcendum of gear pine If both are having same addendum I both are having difference addendum Four conventional problems but very less time taking, in, 20 minutes all covered. Flfect of the variation of centre distance best of vibrations on the performance of inv. gears Cycioidal protie, Comparison of cyctoidal profie vs involute profile Basic dea of hella, spital and worm gears. mer‘eren MECHANISM + Kinemati ink or element + Types of inks. + Types of Relative mations. + Kinematic pars + Giasstfication of kinematic pairs. Diferent types of pars or joints Mechanical Engineering + Kinematic chain + Degree of reedom (Mobilty) (Kuzbach's equation) Gnubbers equation Diferent types of Mechanism Simple mechanism and its inversions Fout ba mechanism ‘Agpleation of four Bar mechanism, Grashor law Single slider-crank mechanisms Inversions of single sider crank mechanism Crank and slotted fever GRMM Whitworth GRMN Oscilating (y. engine mechanism) Hand pum Reciprocaing engine Reciprocating como! Double slider crank mechanism & its Elliptical tunnels Scoich joke mechanism Oidna's coupling Special Puroose Mechanism Intermittent Moton mechanism Genova mechanism Ratchet mecranism Steering gear mechanism Davis steering gear mecranism ‘Acoesmann steering gear mechanism Rapson's si Exact st line mation mechanism Approx. st line motion mechanism (Watts indieator Mecnanism) + Toggle Mechanism + mechanical aavantage + Toggle positions in 4Bar mechanism + Transmission angle in 4 Bar mechanism + Binary, Tertiary, Quarternary link VIBRATIONS Basic understanding ofthe moton weaker tis vibration ‘or nat 1Whhs.vbraton 's to be minimized ? Basic realty of vibration systom Natural vibration basic fundamental Natural vieation, efferent methods © Theory of Machines ORE ON WI8G MON WORE ASV TOV OL aileu1DeTaAS WB NAAOD @ in70 peanpandes 6a AeU HO08 # Publications (20 min. only) Forced Damped systems + Analysis of forced damped system + Amplitude of sheady state vibration + Magnification factor + Variation of MF with ava, and No.of problems fn that Force phasor diagram Vibration isolation concept Transmissibilty “Tansmissiblity calculations curve (3 4) 0b), problems on Transmissibilty Gne conventional numerical on Armpltude & Transmiss billy hiring of shat Machine vibration Data Acquistion Fault Detection Vioration Monitoring ‘CAMS & FOLLOWERS Detinivon of CAM Diflerence between (CAM & follower and crank & Piston mechanism) Ciassiication of CAMS Piato/Racial Disc CAM Gy. CAM Globoid cam Wedge CAM Ciassicaion of folowers Knife ecge ‘olower Poller follower Flat face follower Sp. face follower Bal thrust Woarn CAM Purpose of giving ofset to follower Radial lower Offset follower Different CAM Angles Outer Stoke Angle oturn Stroke Angle Angle of Dwell Angle of Action CAM Terminology Folowor Derivaives Force method a 1 derivative 2-8 probiems on fore method (00) 3 28 dervatve -[intertaces in CAMS (Under cuting of Energy metnod 5 CANS a problems on energy method (ot =|: erative 2-3 problems on Torque method (obj) Z| + Uniform vetosty motion Royeigh method (Method of static defection of mass) | ¢| + Unform Acceleration and retardation motion 8-7 problems on Reyieigh method zg) + sum Longtuainal ration of Beams | + Gyclidal motion “ransveise vation of Beams F| + Special Contour CAMS 23 problems (obj) Z| + Tangent Cam wih roller follower analysis. Damped systems + One numerical (conv) or Tengen CAM Over damped systeme 3] + Circular Are CAM wit faface ‘olower analysis Crtical damped systems %] + Gnenumercl cons) on eiaular Are CAM Under damped system 3 One cons rumercal involving al concepis of ertcal | | GYROSCOPE ‘sp 7 camping cootient Damping actor natura tequoncy, | | * Base Ides and convention of 8 space coordinate damped frequency) system ig system, may contain « no, of obj. problems. _Goncopts of angular velocity Greg system may * 98) prob + Graphical Representation of angular velocity MADE ERSY Publications © Copy MADE EASY Gear Trains Governors © Copyright Publications Concept of Angular Accoloraton Because o the change in magnitude of angular velocity Because of the change in cirection of angular velocity Gyroscopic Acceleration Gyroscopic Couple Active Gyroscopie couple Reactive Gyroscopic couple Gyroscopie action on Aircraft turning Left tun Right turn Gyroscopie action on Ships turning Lett turn Right turn Gyroscope action on Shige Pitching Bow moves up Bow moves down Gyroscopie effect (action) on ships roling Reactions on Bearing under Gyroscopic eect. Stablity of two wheels venice. Stablity of fouewheels vehicle. Basic Idea of gear trains Need of gear tains Speed ratio Tain value Simple gear train Compound gear train Reverted gear train 2 Conventional problems of reverted gear Epioycilc goar trains. (Basic Idea) 1 Conventional problem (15 Min) Planetary gear trains 1 Conventional problem (5 Min) Directon considerations in bevel Epicycic-gear trains Concept of ting torque. Calculation of fixing torque, ORE ON WI8G MON WORE ASV TOV OL aileu1DeTaAS WB NAAOD @ Instantaneous fluctuation of speed, Speed convo! devices Inter and lira cycle fluctuation Basic fundamental of centitugal governor Analysis of Wall governor Proell governor analysis Proell_ governor analysis Problem on Prole governarPorter governor (OR Harinell governor analysis / Problem on Hartnell governor. Basic ideal of Hartung and Wilson-Hartnell governor (ust .) (Analysis ang Pb is not required inthis zone) Efect of static Friction on the performance of centrtugal governor. Cootfciont of insensitviyness Physical properties af governors Sy Stabilty Sensitivity Hunting of governor. ih70 peanpands 6a Feu HO08 # 7m ou ROU wy AUR UB vajsaqured a ubllaations Workbook 5 + Isochronism (Isochronous governor) + Controling force. + Controling force diagram and prediction of properties of governor by controling force. + Effect of static fiction on controling force + Difference betweon ideal and real cantoling force “> Coefficient of insensitviyness shown in contoling ‘oreo Flywheel *+ Kinematic analysis of single slider-crank Mechanism, Ss Piston displacement Piston velocity Piston acceleration CR. angular displacement CR. anguiar velocity CIR. acceleration + Dynamic analysis of single sider-crank mechanism. + Turing moment ..... of single cy. Double acting steam engine and flywheel basic fundamental + Turing moment... of single cy, single acting 4 stroke IC engine, Fundamental equation of flywheel and its applications CCooticient of fluctuation of speed and Engine Fequirement of flywheel in single cy. engine Roduirement of fywheel in mult-cyinder engine. Requirement of fywheel in power press. Design of fywnee! FIM, + Limt of speed Vs, centifugal and hoop stess Balancing Basle Idea of vibration causing unbalance force. > Rotating unbalance. Reciprocating unbalance. + Rotational balancing + Siatio balancing =) Analytical and graphical apo. + (One numerical) (Conv) > Dynamic balancing > Graphical aop. + wo numeral) (conw) + Reciprocating. Dalancing + Partial banking of primary unbalance forces. Two cy, locomotives, Effect af partial balancing on two-cy lacematives. Variation in Tractive forces. Yanan in swaying couple Hammer biow: [Numerical on two-cy. locomotive to get balancing and fealewalon on hammer blew. (eon. numerical) Secondary balancing ole of crank postians (king order) in multieylinder Irvine engine in balancing + Direct and Reverse (rank method) (calculation of Magnitudeidiection of primary and secondary forces on radial engines) + Three cy. radial engine problem + 90° ¥ engine problem. + Field balancing of rotors. Multiple Cholce Questions Q.1 The Grubler’s criterion for determining the degrees of freeciom (n) of amechanism having plane motion is fa) n=(l-1)-j — (b) n= 2-1) () n=30-1)-2) (@) n= 40-1) where = Number of inks and j= Number of binary joints 2j Q.2. The mechanism forms a structure, when the number of degrees of freedom (n)is equal to (a) 0 fo) 1 to) 2 (a) Q.3. Which of the followingis a higher pair? (a) Beltand Pulley (b) Turning pair (c) Screwpair (d) Sliding pair Q.4 Consider the following statements: 1. Lower pairs are more resistant than the higher pairs ina plane mechanism. Ina4-barmechanism (with 4 turing pairs), when the link opposite to the shortest link is fixed, a double rocker mechanism results. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) tonly (c) Both 1 and 2 2, (b) 2only (d) Neither 1 nor 2 [ESE : 2009] Q.5 Match List-! with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: { worwmadeeasypublications org rag day NRO NON aia ae eH ie uponn pe a6 A. Higher kinematic pair B. Lower kinematic pair ©. Quick return mechanism D. Mobility of a linkage List-I 1. Grublers equation 2. Line contact 3, Euler's equation 4. Planer 5. Shaper 6. Surface contact Codes: A B D @2 6 3 6 2 1 (6 2 3 (2 6 1 [GATE : 2006] Match List-l with List-ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: MADE ERSY Hl Sliding pair Revolute pair Rolling pair . Spherical pair List-tI Aroad roller rolling over the ground Crank shattin a journal bearing in an engine Ball and socket joint Piston and cylinder Nutand screw c Noone ennad [ESE : 2002] © Copyright ) MADE EASY Publications Q.7 Which of the following are examples of forced closed kinematic pairs? 1. Cam and Roller mechanism 2. Door losing mechanism, 3, Slider crank mechanism, 4, Automotive clutch operating mechanism. (a) 1,2and4 ——(b) tand3 (©) 2.3and4 — (@) 1,2, 3and4 Q8 Which of the following are example of a kinematic chain? 3 4 soJ_,o (@1,3and4 > (o) 2and4 ()1.2and3 —(@) 1,2, anda [ESE : 1998] Q.9° Match List-! with Listll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 Quadrie cycle chain Single slider crank chain Double slider crank chain Crossed slider crank chain pOom> © Copyright raneva JoWW oven do. deur ye0a Fh Q.10 Publlaations Workbook 7 1. Rapson’s slide 2. Oscillating cylinder engine mechanism 3, Ackermann steering gear mechanism 4, Oldham’s coupling Codes: A BCD @1 2 438 4 3 1 2 (3 2 1 4 3 2 49 [ESE : 1997] Match List-! with Listll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists 1 ‘A. Compound train B. Quick returnmechanism C. Exact straight line motion D. Approximate straight line motion List-11 1. Hart's mechanisms 2. Coriolis force 3. Tiansmission of motion around bends & comers 4. Watt mechanism Codes: A BCD @1 2 3 4 ) 3 2 4 4 (3 4 4 2 1 4 3 2 [ESE : 2000] Match List-! with List-ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 4 Links 4 Turning pairs 3 Links 3 Turning pairs 5 Links § Turning pairs Foot step bearing ll Complete constraint Successful constraint Rigid frame Incomplete constraint Codes: A BOm> B (a) (o) (o) (9) ANNO naangd [ESE : 1999] _ vrwumadecasypublcationsor Mechanical Engineering 8 Q.12 Match List-I with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: Lista [™ [~ /™ [™~ B. c. D. 1 2. 3. 4. List-B Hand pump ‘Compressor Whitworth quick return motion mechanism Oscillator cylinder engine Codes: A fa) 1 (&) 2 (2 (4 seho@ ekoso noano [ESE : 2000] Q.13 The mechanism used ina shaping machine is {@)_ aclosed 4-bar chain having 4 revolute pairs (0) ablosedé-bar chain having 6revolute pairs (¢) aclosed 4-bar chain having 2 revolute and. 2 sliding pairs (@) aninversion ofthe single slider-crank chain IGATE : 2003] Q.14 The crank and slotted lever quiek-return motion mechanismis shown in igure. The length of inks 0, O,, 0, Cand O, A are 10cm, 20 cm and © Theory of Machines Publications c 4 o, if 6, The quick return ratio of the mechanism is fa) 3.0 {o) 2.75 (©) 25 (@) 20 (ESE: 2002] Q.1 The double slider-crank chainis shown below in the diagram in its three possible inversions. The link shown hatched is the fixed link: jaigu 1604 #1 JO ea ON TOG MEN HR 7 peanporde fe 0 pea Which one ofthe following statements is correct? {a) Inversion (1) is for elliptical trammel and inversion (2) for Oldham coupling (©) Inversion (1) is for elliptical trammel and inversion (3) is for Oldham coupling (©) Inversion (2) is for elliptical trammel and inversion (3) is for Oldham coupling (4) Inversion (3) is for elliptical trammel and inversion (2) is for Oldham coupling vajsanuTed a [ESE : 2009] 5 om respectively wow madeeasypublications org MADE ERSY ‘© Copyright| Publications MADE EASY Q.16 Mobility ofa statically indeterminate structure is (asa (©) 0 1 (22 [2010 : 1 Mark} Q.17 The lengths of the links of a 4-bar linkage with revolute pairs only are p, q, rand s units. Given that p + Fot Fa? Fed Fig (a) 2and4arewrong(b) 1 and 2are wrong (©) 1and3arewrong(d) 2and3 are wrong [ESE : 1995) Q.8- The circular dise shown in its plan view in the figure rotates in a plane Ito the horizontal plane about the point Ol a uniform angular velocity ‘©, Two other points A and Bare located on the line OZat distances rand r from Orespectively The velocity of point B w.rt. Ais a vector of magnitude. (a) 0 (0) (tg - 14) and direction opposite to the direction of motion of point ppp Publications Sa Mechanical Engineering 14 (©) @(r.—F,) and direction same tothe direction of motion of point B (0) {f,~14) and direction being from Oto Z. [GATE : 2003) ag For amechanism shown below the mechanical advantage for the given configuration is bP) Et (a) 0 (b) 0.5 (c) 10 (de [GATE : 2003) Q.10 Inthe figure shown, the relative velocity of nk 1 wrt link 2is 12misec. link 2rotates ata constant speed of 120 rpm. The Coriolis component of acceleration magnitude of ink 1 is (2 — (@) 302 mis (6) 906 mis? (0) 604 mis® (6) 1208 mis? [GATE : 2004] Q.11 The instantaneous centre Igy for a given configuration is located atta position © Theory of Machines Publications Q.12 The inputlink O,Pof.a four bar linkage is rotated at 2 radisec in counter clockwise direction as shown below. The angular velocity ofthe coupler PQinrad/sec, at aninstant when ZO,0,P= 180", is 5 a PQ=0,Q= \2a g O,P = 0,0,=4 & fa) 4 (o) 2N2 : 1 ? fo) 1 (8) Jp (GATE : 2007] 2 | @.48 In a rigid body in plane motion, the point Ris : accelerating with respect to point Pat 102180" 2 imisé. I the instantaneous acceleration of point 3 Qis zeFo, the acceleration (in m/s*) of point Ris : P = 20 z y 2 a a ¥ R (a) 82230" () 102205" (c) 102217" (d) 82217" 3 | Q.14 Consider the following statements regarding 3 motions in machines: 2 1. Tangential acceleration is a function of g angular velocity and the radial acceleration : is afunction of angular acceleration 3 2. The resultant acceleration of a point A with respect to a point B on a rotating link is perpendicular to AB. 3, The direction of the relative velocity of apoint with respect to a point Bon a rotating link @r © is perpendicular to AB. Nn @ . Which of these staternents is/ are correct? IGATE : 2004] fa) 1alone (b) 2and3 (@) 1and3 (d) Salone [ESE : 2001] ( mADE EASY © wa ) MADE EASY Publications Q.15 Which one of the following sets of acceleration 's involved in the motion of the piston inside the cylinder of a uniformly rotating cylinder mechanism? (@) Coriolis and radial acceleration () Radial and tangential acceleration (©) Coriolis and gyroscopic acceleration (6) Gyroscopic and tangential acceleration [ESE : 2000) Q.16 In the four bar mechanism, as shown in figure, t aforce F, is acting ata point Ain the direction fits velocity V, and a force Fyis transmitted to the joint 8 in the direction ofits velocity Vp, the ideal mechanical advantage is (a) FaVs (2) Fg Va Fi Om oF Q.17 A rigid rod of length 1 m is testing at an angle (0 = 45° as shown in the figure, The end Pis dragged with a velocity of U = 5 mjs to the right, At the instant shown) the magnitude of the velocity V (inim/s) of point Qas it moves along the wall without lasing contact is @s os ©) 6 (6) 10 [GATE : 2018] Q.18 Inthe figure shown, crank AB is 15 emlong and 's rotating at 10 radisec. Cis vertically above A © Copyright Workbook 15 and CA = 25 em. Cis a swivel trunnion through which BD slides. I ABCD becomes a vertical ine during its motion and BD = 40 cm, the velocity of the swivel trunnion at that instant will be 2 raneva JoWW oh ein fa) 0 (0) 6.67 radisec (0) 4rad/sec (d) 10rad/seo Q.19 Consider two links A and OB connected by a pinjoint at O, as shown in figure. If the diameter ofthe pin is d, what will be the rubbing velocity = of OAwith respect to OB? 5 om i i e 3 ° (w,-«,)xd (o,+0,)xd @ Sew ee (©) (@,-0)xd — @) (0, +0,)xd Q.20 For the audio Cassette mechanism shown in figure given below where is the instantaneous centre of rotation (P) of the two spools? 3 {@) Point lies to the left of both the spools but at infinity along the line joining A and H (&) Point P lies in between the two spools on the line joint A and H, such that PH = 2 AP eee Publications Sa Mechanical Engineering 16 (c} Point Plies to the right of both the spools on the line joining A and H, such that AH = HP (a) Point P lies at the intersection of the line joining B and C and the line joining GandF [GATE : 1999] Direction for Assertion & Reasoning Questions: The following items consists of two statements, one labelled as ‘Assertion A’ and the other labelled as Reason R’. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below: (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not correct explanation of A (6) Ais true but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true Q2t Assertion (A): Link A experiences Coriolis acceleration relative to the fixed link Reason (R): Slotted link A is rotating with angular velocity wand the Block B slides in the slot of A [ESE : 2006] Q.22 Assertion (A): The direction of Coriolis acceleration as shownin the given figures correct. 20 (Corals acceleration) Reason (R): The direction of Coriolis accoletation is such that itwill rotate ata velocity v about its origin in the direction opposite to a. “www:madeeasypublications org © Theory of Machines wang wBukaoD @ Fd ON IG MEN WORORRG ASV BOW 01 HE do. dehgu yea Fh MADE ERSY Numerical Data Type Questions Q.28 For the mechanism shown below, if link SH rolates al 60 radi/s, then angular velocity of lnk MO will be rad/s. g Q.24 Fig, shows a slider moving outwards on a rod with velocity of 6 m/s. When its distance trom point ‘OF is 2m at this instant the velocity of slider increases at a rate of 12 m/sec?. The rod hasan angular velocity of 8radisec (CCW) about 40’ and an angular acceleration of 24 radisec?® (CW), The absolute acceleration of slider is__. + ems? a ras Be o>} re] 24 rads’ 2m Q.25 A rigid link PQ of length 2m rotates about the pinned end Q with a constant angular acceleration of 12 rad/s®. When the angular velocity of the link is 4 rad/s, the magnitude of the resultant acceleration (in m/s?) of the ond P is [GATE : 2014] Q.26 For the crank-slotted lever mechanism as shown in the figure, the ratio of maximum velocity of cutting to the maximum velocity of return wil © consi MADE EASY Publications .27 For aninline slcer-crank mechanism, the length of the crank and connecting rod are 3m and 4m, respectively. At the instant when the connecting rod is perpendicular to the crank, i the velocity ofthe sider is 1 mis, the magnitude of angular velocity (upto 3 decimal points accuracy) of the crank is radian/s [GATE : 2017] Block 2 slides outward on link 1 at a uniform velocity of 6 mis as shown in the figure. Link 1 is rotating at a constant angular velocity of 20 radian/s counterclockwise. The magnitude of the total acceleration {in mis?) of point P of the block with respect to fixed point 0 is__. 28 [GATE : 2017] Q.29 The rod AB, of length 11m, shown in the figure 's connected to two siiders at each end through pins. The sliders can slide along QPand QR. If the velocity Vlof.the sliderat’A is 2 mis, the velocity of the midpdint of the rod at this instant is mis. ay? IGATE : 2016] © Copyright eraneva JoWw oben do. degu yea Fh Publlaations Workbook 17 Conventional Questions Q.30 A mechanism, as shown in figure below, has the following dimensions: OA = 200 mm; AB = 1.5m; BC = 600 mm; CD=500 mm and BE = 400 mm. Locate all the instantaneous centres, If crank OA rotates uniformly at 120 rpm clockwise, find 1. the velocity of B, Cand D, 2. the angular velocity ofthelinks AB, BCand CD. ce Q.81 The dimensions of cifferent links of the crank and siotted lever quick-return mechanism shown, in figure are given below. yo | Fam 9 200 mm 0,0, = 700 mm, 0,8 = 250mm 0,0 = 1250 mm, OR = 350 mm The crank O,B rotates at 40 p.m. in the counter clockwise direction and at the present instant of consideration makes an angle of 45° with the vertical Determine: 1. Velocity of the ram R which moves in a horizontal direction, 2. Angular velocity of link 0,0. [ESE : 2006) EE vrwumadecasypublcationsor Gears and Gear Trains Multiple Cholce Questions Q.1. Which one of the following is true for involute gears? (@) Interference is inherently absent (0) Variation in centre distance of shaft increases radial force (©) A convex flank is always in contact with concave flank. (6) Pressure angle is constant through the teeth ‘engagement. [ESE : 1995) Q.2_ In the epicyclic gear train shown in the given figure, ‘A’ is fixed, A has 100 teeth and B has 20 teeth. Ifthe arm Cmakes three revolutions, the number of revolutions made by B will be (2s mma (©) 15 (6) 24 @) cs) [ESE : 1997] wowwsmadeeasypublications org 8 rag day NRO NON a ae im uponn peo MADE ERSY Q.3. Consider the following characteristics: 1. Smallinterference. 2, Strong tooth 3. Low production cost. 4, Gearwith small qumbér of teeth These charactatistics which are applicable to stub 20° involute system would include (a), 1 only (b) 2,30nly4 () 1,2and3 (0) 1,2,.3and4 [ESE : 1998] Match List-! with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 ‘Addendum Instantaneous center of vel . Section modulus . Prime circle ist-Il aa ity gom>r ANOND aan wo wasso [GATE : 2006] The tooth profile most commonly used in gear drives for power transmission is (a) acycloid (b) aninvolute (¢) anellipse (@) aparabola © Copyright MADE EASY Publications Q.6 The curve thread by the end of a thread as it unwound from a stationary eylinder is known as (@) Circle (©) Cycloid (©) Epioycioid ——(d)_Involute (AS : 1988) Q.7- Consider the following statements regarding the choice of conjugate teeth for the profiles of mating gears 1. They will transmit the desired motion, 2, They are difficult to manufacture. 3, Standardization is not possible. 4, The cost of production is low. Which of these statements are correct? (@) 1,2and3 (b) 1, 2and4 () 2,3 .and4 — (d) 1, 3and4 [ESE : 1999] Q.8 Match List- with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List ‘A. Undercutting B. Addendum C. Lewis equation D. Worm and wheel List-t1 1. Beam strength 2. Interference 3. Large speed reduction 4. Intersecting axes 5. Module Codes: A BCD @1 2 4.8 ) 2051 3 (1 3 4% 5 @e 3 175 [ESE : 2001] Q.9. Consider the following statements: A 20° stub tooth systems generally preferred in spur gears as it results in 1. stronger teeth 2, lesser number of teeth on the pinion 8, tis restrained to expand or contract freely 4, reduction of interference © Copyright Workbook 19 Which of the above statements are correct? (a) 1.2and4 —(o) Sanaa () tand3 (9) 1,2,3and4 [ESE : 2002] Q.10 Consider the following modifications regarding avoiding the interference between gears: 1, The centre distance between meshing gears be increased. 3 2. Addendum of the gear be modified. = 3. Teeth should beundercut slightly at the root, 3 4, Pressure angle should be increased. z 5. Circular piteh be increased. 2 Which of theselare effective in avoiding & interference? i (a) 1,2and3 (©) 2,3, 4ands é (©) 1,4and5 (9) 3,4and5 z [ESE : 2003] 3 | Q.11 Ahigh pressure angle for spur gears leads to, z {@) Minimum axial thrust z (b) Greater backlash {€), More interference (d) Wide base and stronger tooth, g [ESE : 2011] 2 | Q.12 Match List-l (Type of Gear/Gear Train) with = -ll (Different Usage and drive) and select 2 the correct answer using the code given below 2 the list List A. Epicyclic gear train B. Bevel Gear 3 ©. Worm and worm gear 3 D. Herringbone Gear 3 ll S| 4. Reduces end trust : 2. Low gearratio 2 3. Drives nonparallel non intersecting shatts 4, Drives nonparallel intersecting shatts 5. High gear ratio Codes: 3 A BC OD 3 @5 4 3 1 fo) 2 3 4 5 m5 3 4 4 2 4 3 5 [ESE : 2005] pepe Publications Sa Mechanical Engineering 20 2.18 Consider the following statements: Helical gears may be designed in applications where gears are to be mounted on 1. Non-parallel shafts 2. Parallel shafts. 3. Intersecting shafts. 4, Non-parallel and non-intersecting shafts. Which of these statements is/are correct? (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1,2,3and4 (6) tony () 2and4 [ESE : 2010) Q.14 Which one of the following is correct? When two teeth profiles of gears are conjugate, the sliding velocity between them (@) is always zero, all through the path of contact is zero, at certain points along the path of contact is never zero anywhere on the path of contact canbe made by proper selection of profiles [ESE : 2008) (0) (o) (9) Q.18 Two parallel shafts whose axes are separated by a distance of 75 mm are to be connected a spur gear set so that the output shaftrotates at ‘50% of the speed of the input shaft which of the following could be the possible pitch circle diameters of the gears, (@) 25mm and 50 mm (©) 30mm and 60 mm () 50mm and 100 mm (¢) 60mm and 120 mm [DRDO : 2008) Q.16 A 19+t00th pinion paired with a 33-tooth gear has a 2-mm module and 20 degree pressure Angle. Tooth forms are standard AGMA fu depth involutes. If the centre distance, during assembly, Is Increased by 3 percent, then the new pressure angle (in degrees) will be (@) 24.17 (b) 2221 (©) 17.49 (d) 1456 IGATE : 2008] Q.17 Interference between the teeth of two meshing involule gears can be reduced or eliminated by —EE | wonmadeeasypublcations org © Theory of Machines MADE ERSY Publications 1. Increasing the addendum of the gear teeth and corresponding reducing the addendum of the pinion 2, Reducing the pressure angle ofthe teeth of the meshing gears 2, Increasing the centre distance Which of these statements is/are correct? (a) 1and2 (o) 2and3 (c) 1 only (@ 3ony (ESE : 2007] Q.18 It is desired to avoid interference in a pair of spur gears having a.20° pressure angle. With increase in pinion to gear speed ratio, the mmininitim number of teeth on the pinion (@) increases (0) decreases (¢) firstinereases and then decreases (a) remains unchanged (GATE : 2014] Q.19 Assertion (A): All motor vehicles have differsitial gear mechanism at the back axle. Reson (R): This mechanismis fitted to enable the vehicles to run on bumpy roads. (a) both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (@) Ais false but R is true raneva JoW Oven do. Sega ye04 Fh [ESE : 2004) Q.20 Assertion (A): Helical gears are used for transmitting motion and power between intersecting shafts, where as straight bevel ‘gears are used for transmitting motion and power between two shafts intersecting each other al 90° Reason (R): In helical gears teeth are inclined to the axis of the shaft and are in the form of a helix, whereas in bevel gears, teeth are tapered both in thickness and height from one end to the other (@) both A and Rare true and R is the correct explanation of A, (b) both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A, © Copyright ) Publications pyran) MADE EASY (©) Ais true but Ris false (d) Aisfalse but Ris true [ESE : 2000] Q.21 Assertion (A): A pair of gears forms a roling pairs. Reason (R): The gear drive is a positive drive (a) both A and R are true and R is the correct ‘explanation of A (©) both A and R are true but R is not a correct, explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (0) Ais false but Ris true [IAS : 1996] Q.22 The gears in mesh transmits 120 kW of power. The pinion has a pitch diameter of 180mm and rotates at 600 rpm. The normal force applied due to power transmitted is [Pressure angle is 2} (a) 21.22kN (o) 7.723 KN (c) 22.582kN (a) none of these Q.23 Maximum efficiency of worm and worm wheel is given by t-sing t+sing ®@ trsing =sing 1-cose t-sing () te sing T+ cose Q.24 Maximum efficiency of spiral gears is given by cos(0-@)+1 cos(0+@)-1 (@) Gos(Oxo)+1 cos(0—o)+1 > cos(0+0)+1 cos(a+o)-1 (©) Gos(@-o)+1 ©) cos(o—@)+4 Q.25 For maximum value of efficiency of spiral gears (a) a=0-6 () an 8o8 a8 gy a=, © copyright raneva JoWW ov ein do. deur ye0a Fh Workbook 21 Common Data for Q.26 and Q.27 Atwo-start worm rotating at 800 rpm drives a 26 tooth ‘worm gear. The worm has a pitch diameter of 54 mm and pitch of 20 mm. if coefficient of friction is 0.08. Q.26 The helix angle of worm is (a) 13.26" (o) 76.78 (c) 103.26" (6) 166.74 Q.27 The maximum efficiency yorm drive is (a) 0.8522 {b) 0.8499 (o) 0.8631 (9) 0.8322 Common Data Questions Q.28 and Q.29 ‘A.compacting machine shown in the figure below is used to create a desired thrust force by using a rack and pinion arrangement. The input gear in mounted ‘on the motor shaft. The gears have involute teeth of 2 mm module. Q.28 I the drive efficiency is 80%, the torque required onthe input shaft to create 1000 N output thrust is (@) 20Nm (©) 25Nm (©) 32Nm (@) 50Nm IGATE : 2004] Q.29 Ifthe pressure angle of the rackis 20°, the force acting along the line of action between the rack and the gear teeth is (a) 250N (b) 342N (c) 832N (d) 600N [GATE : 2004] EE wor Mechanical Engineering 22 Q.30 Which one of the following dives is used for a constant velocity ratio, positive drive with large centre distance between the driver and driven shafts? (a) Gear drive (©) Chain drive (b) Flat belt drive (0) Vebelt drive [ESE : 2004] Q.31 Inasimple gear train, ifthe number of idler gears 's odd, then the direction of motion of driven gearwil (a) be same as that of the driving gear (b) be opposite to the driving gear (©) depend upon the number of teeth on the driving gear depend upon the total number of teeth on all gears of the train (9) [ESE : 2001] Q.32 An epieyciic gear rain has 3 shatts A, Band C. Ais an input shaft running at 100 1pm clockwise. B is an output shaft running at 250 rpm clockwise. Torque on Ais 50 kNm (clockwise). Cis a fixed shatt. The torque to fix @ (@) is 20kNm anticlockwise (b) is 30 kNm anticlockwise (@) is 30 kNm clockwise (@) cannot be determined as the data is insufficient [ESE : 2002] Q.33 Ina reverted geartrain, two gears Pand Qare meshing, @-Ris a compound gear, and Rand S are meshing, The modules of P and R are 4mm and 5 mm respectively. The numbers of teeth in), Q and R are 20, 40 and 25 respectively. The number of teeth in Sis @ 23 (b) 35 (©) 50 (6) 83 [ESE : 2003] Q.34 In the figure shown below, if the speed of the input shaft of the spur gear train is 2400 rom and the speed of the output shaft is 100 rpm, what is the module of the gear 4? a { worwmadeeasypublications org © Theory of Machines Pansy JoWW oan MADE ERSY js Output shaft Input shat () 14 (¢) 25 (@) 12 (2 [ESE : 2005] Common Data for Questions Q.35 and Q.36 A planetary gear train has four gears and one carrier. Angular velocities of the gears are «,, @,, ws, and ay respectively. The carrer rotates with angular velocity 0, Gear] 4s Gears 2oT i Gear 1 sor Carer 5 Garé aor Q.35 What is the relation between the angular velocities of Gear 1 and Gear 4? @— Os _ M4 Os fa) oo, 7° ©) o.-05 om (2) @-os 8 © aca Glo oto, 3 [GATE : 2006] Q.36 For w, = 60 rpm clockwise (cw) when looked from the left, what is the angular velocity of the carrier and its direction so that Gear 4 rotates, in counterclockwise (cew) direction at twice the angular velocity of Gear 1 when looked from the left? (@) 130rpm, ew (6) 256rpm, cw (©) 223 1pm, cow (6) 156 rpm, cow IGATE : 2006] © consi MADE EASY Publications .37 A compound gear train with gears P, Q, Rand Shas number of teeth 20, 40, 15 and 20 respectively. Gears Q and R are mounted on the same shaft as shown in the figure below, The diameter of the gear Qis twice that of the gear R. IF the module of the gear Ris 2mm, the centre distance in mm between gears P and Sis ~(e) 80 (6) 160 [GATE : 2013] Q.38 Gear2 rotates at 1200 rpmis counter clockwise direction and engages with Gear 3 and Gear 4 mounted on the same shaft. Gear 5 engages with Gear 4, The numbers of teeth on Gears 2, 3, 4 and 5 are 20, 40, 15 and 30, respectively. The angular speed of Gear 5is (a) 40 (@) 120 207, aor for (a) 300 1pm counter clockwise {b) 300 rpm clockwise (6))4800 rpm counter clockwise (4), 4800rpm clockwise [GATE : 2014) Q.89 Consider the folowing statements in connection wilh involute profile characteristics 4, Tangent to base circle is also tangent to profile 2, Common tangent two base circles passes through pitch point © Copyright aang wBukdeD @ 2 do. deur ye0a Fh Publlaations Workbook 23 3. Pressure angle for involute profile is constant 4, Involute teeth gear correctly even when, centre distance is varied slightly Which of these statements are correct? (@) 1,2and3 only (©) 1,3.and 4 only (©) 2,3.and4 only (d) 1,.2,8and4 [ESE : 2012] Q.40 Consider the following statements: Inthe case of involute gears in contact 1. the motion is one of pure tolling 2. pressure angle does not change during contact 3. velocity ratioxioes not change 4. output torque of the driven gear changes Which of the above statements are correct? fa) 1and2 (&) 2and4 (e) 2and3 (@ 3ana4 (ESE: 2014) Q.41 A gear train is made up of five spur gears as shown in the figure. Gear 2 is driver and gear 6 is driven member. Ny, Ny. New Nz and Ny represent number of teeth on gears 2, 3, 5 and Grespectively. The gear(s) which act(s) as idler(s) islare (@) only 3 (c) only 5 (b) only 4 (d) Both 3 and 6 IGATE : 2015] Q.42 A bevel epicyolic gear train used in a lathe headstock is shown in figure. The number of teeth on wheels B, C, D, Eand Fare 19,57,20,40 and 76 respectively, The input shaft, on which gear B is mounted, rotates at 300 rom, What will be the speed of the output shaft when gear F rotates at 500 rpm opposite to the input shaft? EE vrwumadecasypublcationsor Mechanical Engineering 24 output Input Sha (@) 447 pm (©) 670rpm (b) 557 rpm (d) 358 rpm Q.43 An involute pinion and gear are in mesh. If both have the same size of addendum, then there willbe an interference between the (@) tip of the gear tooth and flank of pinion (©) tip of the pinion and flank of gear (6) flanks of both gear and pinion (d) tips of both gear and opinion (ESE; 1996) Q.44 For the epicyctic gear arrangement shown in he figure, @, = 100 rad/s clockwise (cw)/and jn, = 80 rad/s counter clockwise (cow), The angular velocity a, (in rad/s) is Number otee ‘orgeari 0 0, 2 0 N N, N N N am Seale @)o (b) 70 ew (©) 140. cow (d) 140 ew [GATE : 2010) Q.45 An epicyclic gear train is shown in the figure below. The number of teeth on the gears A, 8 and Dare 20, 30 and 20 respectively. Gear Chas 20teethon the inner surface and 100 teeth on the outer surface. Ifthe cartier arm ABis fixed and “www:madeeasypublications org © Theory of Machines raneva dow oven dos deguye0a Fh MADE ERSY the sun gear A rotates at 300 rpm in the clockwise direction, then the rpm of D in the clockwise direction is @® ( ( Ha \en \ZIR {a) 240 (b) -240 (c) 375 (@) 375 [GATE : 2018] Numerical Data Type Questions Q.46 Following data relate to a gear in mesh: Module = 4mm, Number of Teeth = 75 Base circle radius = 141 mm The pressure angle ‘6’ will be in degrees) {in nearest integer). ( Q.47 In an epicyclic gear train, shown in the figure, the outer ring gear is fixed, while the sun gear rotates counterclockwise at 100 rpm. Let the number of teeth on the sun planet and outer ‘gears to be 50, 25 and 100, respectively. The ratio of magnitude of angular velocity of the planet gear to the angular velocity of the carrier arm is uterring gear sungow Fp x, £) Cartier arm © consi MADE EASY Publications gy Convantional Question: Q.48 Two spur gears 24 teeth and 36 teeth of 8mm module and 20° pressure angle are in mesh, ‘Addendum of each gear is 7.5 mm. The teeth are of involute form, Determine: () the angle through which the pinion turns while any pair of teeth are in contact, (il) the velocity of sliding b/w the teeth when the contact on the pinion is at a radius of 402 mm, Tne speed of the pinion is 450 rpm, Q.49 Two gears mesh externally to provide velocity ratio 8 : 1. both the gears have standard addendum and pressure angle is equal to 20°, Determine minimum number of teeth on the pinion to avoid interference. Instead of using a pinion of these number of teeth another pinion having three teeth less than the above number is to be used, Determine the minimum amount of stubbing of gear teeth in term of modulewhich is to be done now for this pinion The velocity ratio is to be maintained same. Q.50 Two 20° pressure angle involute gears in mesh have a module of 10 mm theladdendum is one module. The largerhas 50 teethiand the pinion 1S eeth (). Does interference occur? (i) If it o¢curs, to what value should the pressure angle be changed to eliminate interference. (il), Represent schematically the meshing of two gears showing the base, pitch and addendum circles and the path of contact Q.51 A reverted gear trainis designed to rotate hour hand of clock with the help of minute hand. Considering the modules of allthe gears same, determine the appropriate number of teeth on allthe gears. Any gear should nothave 11 teeth or less. [© Copyright aang BAe @ Fd ON §IOG MEN NORORRG ASV BOWW OH do. dehguy004 Fh Publlaations Workbook 25 Q.52 An intermediate parallel shaft Z is used for gearing together two shafts Xand Ywhich are coaxial to each other. The gear whee! connecting X and Zhave a module of 2 and those connecting Zand Ya module of 3. The speed of Yis to be about, but less than 1/12 that of X. Ifthe two pinions have 24 teeth each, find suitable number of teeth for the ‘gears and pinions, the aétual velocity ratio and the corresponding distance of shaft Z from shatt X, Q.53 In the gives an epicyclic gear of the sun and planet type as shown in figure the P.C.D. of the internally toothed ring is 252 mm and the module is 8.5 mm. Thering Dis stationary. The spider Awiich carries three planet wheel P of equal size, is tomake one revolution in the same sense as the sun wheel for every five revolution on the driving spindle carrying the sun wheel S. Determine appropriate number of teeth for al wheels. Try Yourself T1. A pinion having 36 teeth drives a gear having 96 teeth. The profiles of the gears are involute with 20° pressure angle, 10 mm module and 410 mm addendum. Find the length of path of contact, arc of contact and contact ratio. [ESE : 2013) [Ans. 52.256 mm, 55.6 mm, 1.77] EE vrwumadecasypublcationsor Dynamic Analysis of Single Slider-Crank Mechanism Multiple Cholce Questions Q.1_ Asingle-cylinder vertical engine shown in figure has a bore of 30.5 om and a 80 cm long connecting rod with a stroke of 40 cm, The mass of the reciprocating parts is 135 kg. When the piston is at quarter stroke and is moving downwards, the net pressure on itis 650 kNim® Ifthe speed of the engine is 250 1pm, the turning moment on the crankshaft at the instant corresponding to the position shownin figure, will be (@) 8965 N-m (6) 5232N-m (b) 7372N-m (d) 6725N-m { worwmadeeasypublications org 8 rag day BONN ia ae im uponn peo MADE ERSY Q.2_ Inavertical double-acting steam engine running at360rpm, the eylinder diameter is 0.3m, piston rod diameter is 40 mm and length, of connecting, rod is 0.7 m, When the crank has moved 120° fromtop dead centre, the pressure of steam at the cover endhis 0.35 Nimm? and that at the crank end is 0.03 Nimm?. If the weight of reciprocating parts is S00 N and length of stroke is 300 mm, the piston effort will be {@) 41.34KN (b) 23.85kN (c) 29.69kN (@) 31.8KN Common Data for Q.3 and Q.4 In a slider crank mechanism, the crank radius is 90 mm and the length of connecting rod is 405 mm, The crank is rotating with the uniform angular velocity, When crank is perpendicular to the line of stroke, the volocity decreases at the rate of 900 mm sec*, Q.3° Whatwill be the angular velocity of the crank? (a) 10.06rad/sec — (b) 5.37 rad/sec (6) G7itad/sec — (d) 8.39rad/sec Q.4 What will be the piston acceleration when the crank turns through next 45°? (a) 2.86 m/sec? (b) 2.14 m/sec? (c) 429m/sec? —(d) 3.7 m/sec? Common Data for Q.5 and 0.6 Aborizontal gas engine running at 210 rpm has a bore of 220 mm and a stroke of 440 mm. The connecting rod is 924 mm long and the reciprocating parts weight 20 kg, When the crank has turned through an angle of 30° from the inner dead cor the gas pressures on the cover and the crank sides are 600 kN/m? and 60 kNim? respectively. Diameter of the piston rod is 40 mm tre, © Copyright ) MADE EASY Publications Q.5 What will be the tuning moment on the crank shaft? (a) 1953N-m (b) 1465N-m () 3121Nm (d) 2539N-m Q.6 What will be the thrust on the bearings? (@) 17.78kN (b) 11.85kN (©) 23.7KN (6) 83KN Q7_ Ifacrank to connecting tod ratio is 1 : 5 for a crank speed of 3000 rpm, the maximum angular velocity of the connecting rod, is around (@) 300radisec —(o) 68radisec (©) B0radisee ——(d)_-3000radisec Q.8 Maximum angular velocity of the connecting rod with a crank to connecting rod ratio 1:5 for a crank speed of 3000 rpm is around (@) 300 rads (b) 60radis (©) 30radis (A) 3000 rad/s [ESE : 2008) Q.9 The figure below shows the schematic diagram of aC engine producing a torque T= 40N-m at the given instant. The Columb friction ¢oetficient between the cylinder and the piston is 0.08, If the mass of the piston is 0.5 kg and the crank radius is 0.1 m, the Columb friction force ‘occurring at the piston cylinder interface is (a) co) 16N 4N (b) O4N () 164N [ESE : 2003] Q.10 For a slider-crank mechanism with radius of crank r, length of connecting rod I, obliquity ratio, crank © Copyright raneva dow Oven Publlaations Workbook | 37 rotating at an angular velocity @; for any angle 0 of the crank, match List (Kinematic Variable) with Listll (Equation) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 A. Velocity of piston B. Acceleration of piston C. Angular velocity of connecting rod D. Angular acceleration ofteonnecting rod List-tI 1. °.coso a a. tenn 222) n 2 3. -“ sine 7 sin20 in + ee) Codes: A BoC OD @ 4 2 3 1 o) 2 4 3 4 @ 4 2 1 3 @ 2 4 4 8 [ESE : 2003] Q.11 In a slider-crank mechanism, the velocity of piston becomes maximum when (@) Crank and connection rod are in line with eachother (©) Crank is perpendicular to the line of stroke of the piston (c) Crank and connecting rod are mutually perpendicular (d) Cranks 120° with the line of stroke [ESE : 2003] Q.12 The crankshaft of a reciprocating engine having 20 cm crank and 100 cm connecting rod rotates at 210 p.m. When the crank angle is 45°, the velocity of piston in nearly (@) 18.m/s (b) 35 m/s (c) 18ms (6) 19m/s [ESE : 2015) EE vrwumadecasypublcationsor 28 | Mechanical Engineering © Theory of Machines MADE EASY Numerical Data Type Questions Publications Convantional Question: Q.16 The crank and the connecting rod of vertical single cylinder gas engine running at 1800 rpm are 60 mm and 240 mm respectively. The iameter of the piston is 80 mm and the mass of the reciprocating parts is 1:2 kg. At a point during the power stroke when the piston has moved 20 mm from the top dead centre positon, the pressure on the/piston is 800 kN/m? Determine the (). Netforce on the piston (i). Force along connecting rod (ii) Normalthrust on 6ylinder walls (iv) Crankeftort (W) Radial thrust to crank shatt bearings. (04) Turning momenton crank shat (ut) Engine speed at which gudgeon pin load is reversed Q.13 A slider-crank mechanism with crank radius 60 mm and connecting rod length 240 mm is shown in figure. The crank is rotating with a uniform angular speed of 10 rad/s, counter clockwise. For the given configuration, the speed (in mis) of the slider is aang WBukdoD @ 7 60" 69) [GATE : 2014) Q.14 Ina certain slder-crank mechanism, lengths of crank and connecting rod are equal. the crank rotates with a uniform angular speed of 14 rad ‘sand the crank length is 300mm, the maximum acceleration of the slider {in mvs*) is [GATE : 2015 Fd ON MIG MEN ORORAG ASV BOWW 01 HE Q.15 slider crank mechanism is shown inthe figure ‘At some instant, the crank angle is 45” and a force of 40 N is acting towards the left on the slider. The length of the crank is 30 mm and the connecting rod is 70 mm) Ignoring the effect of density of rim material Q.9 If the rotating mass of a rim type fly wheel is distributed on another rim type fly wheel whose mean radius haif the mean radius of the former, then energy stored in the latter at the same speed will be {@) four times the first one (b) same as the first one (6) one-fourth of the first one (d) two times the first one [ESE : 2002] Q.10 What is the value of the radius of gyration of disc type flywheel as compared to rim type flywheel for the same diameter? (a) J2times (o) 1/,2times (©) 2times (d) 1/2 times [ESE : 2004] Q.11 The given figure shows the output torque plotted against crank positions fora single cylinder four- slroke-cycle engine. The areas lying above the zero-torque ling tepresent positive work and the areas below represent negative work. The engine drives amachine which offers a resisting toraue magnitudes of the hatched areas are given by number {in the areas) as shown ‘Average Torque | Ag cD © F o oboe aco stot dot ‘Crank position —e ae | wonmadeeasypublcations org © Theory of Machines Publications During the cycle, the minimum speed occurs in the engine at @) 6 () H () D () Q.12 Among the following four designs of a flywhee! with given mass M(kg) and external diameter D(m), which is the one with highest energy storage capacity? (@) Plain circular disc of uniform thickness (©) Double conical disc thicker atthe centre and thinner at the periphery (6) Double conical disc thinner at the centre and thicker at the Beriphery (2) Circular ing with spokes: F (ESE: 1995] Pansy JoWW Ohi [ESE : 2008] Q.13 The crank of a slider-crank punching press has ‘amass moment of inertia of 1 kam, The below figure shows the torque demand per revolution for'@ punching operation. If the speed of the ‘erank is found to drop from 30 rad/s to 20 rad/s during punching, what is the maximum torque ‘demand during the punching operation? do, dehguye04 Fh Toraue —>- wiz b Sn Oe (a) 94.4Nm (b) 104.7Nm (c) 477.2Nm (d) 523.8Nm [ESE : 2008] Q.14 For a certain engine having an average speed of 1200 rpm, a flywheel approximated as a solid disc, is required for keeping the fluctuation of speed within 2% about the average speed. The fluctuation of kinetic energy per cycle is found to be 2kJ, What is the least possible mass of the flywheel fits diameter is not to exceed 1m? (a) 40kg () S1kg (c) 62kg (6) 73kg [GATE : 2003] MADE ERSY © Copyright ) Publications pyran) MADE EASY Publications Q.15 Amachine punching 38mm holesin 32 mm thick plate requires 7 N-m of energy per of sheared area, and punches one hole in every 10 seconds. The mean speed of the flywheel is 25 mis. The punch has a stroke of 100 mm. power of the motor require willbe (@) 1.67 kW (o) 2.67 kW (o) 367kW (@) 667 KW Q.16 In the above question, mass of the flywheo! required if the total fluctuation of speed is not exceed 3% of the mean speed, will be (a) 1000kg (b) 1100kg (©) 1200kg (d) 1500 kg Q.17 A flywheel connected to a punching machine has to supply energy of 400 Nm while running al a mean angular speed of 20 rad/s. If the total fluctuation of speed is not to exceed +2% the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel in kg-m? is (a) 25 (b) 50 () 100 (q) 125 [GATE : 2013] Q.18 Consider a slider crankmechanism with nonzero masses and inertia. A constant torque t is applied on the crank as shown in the figure. Which of the following plots best resembles variation of crank angle, @ versus time tb) | fa) « LS [GATE : 2015] © Copyright Pansy JOWW Oven do. defgu yea Fh Publlaations Workbook 31 Q.19 Apunching machine's required to punch § holes per minute of 50 mm diameter in 40 mm thick plate. The ultimate shear strength of plate material is 225 MPa, The punch has a stroke of 100 mm. If coefficient of fluctuation of speed is 4% and mean speed of fywheel is 18 misec, what will be the mass of the fiywheel? (a) 1820kg (b) 1396 kg (©) 1690kg {dp 1745 kg, Q.20 A single cylinder double acting steam engine develops 150 kW at a mean speed of 80 rpm. The coefficient of fluctuation of energy is 0.1 and the fluctuation of speed is + 2% of mean speeds If ywheel has the mass of 3787 kg and the hub and'spokes provide 5% of the rotational inertia of the flywheel, the radius of gyration of the flywheel is fa)otm (0) 2m (o) 15m (9) 125m Q.21 The flywheel ofa steam engine has a radius of ‘gyration of 1 m and mass 2000 kg. The starting torque of the engine is 2000 N-m. The kinetic energy of the flywheel after 10 seconds from start is (@) 75kN-m (0) 100kN-m (6) 125kN-m (@) 150kN-m [ESE : 2016] Q.22 Which of the following statements is correct? {@) Flywheel reduces speed fluctuations during a cycle for a constant load, but flywheel does not control the mean speed of the engine ifthe load changes. Flywheel does not reduce speed fluctuations during a cycle for a constant load, but flywheel does control the mean speed of the engine ifthe load changes Govemor control speed fluctuations during a cycle for a constant load, but governor does not control the mean speed of the engine if the load changes. Governor controls speed fluctuations during a cycle for a constant load, and governor also controls the mean speed of the engine if the load changes. IGATE :2001] (0) to) (a) EE vrwumadecasypublcationsor Mechanical Engineering 32 Q.28 IF C;is the coefficient of speed fluctuation of a flywheel then the ratio of @,.., 4), will be 1-20, 2-G @ eet © Te | 1426, 240, ) 6, (2G, [GATE : 2006] Numerical Data Type Questions Q.24 Maximum flu engine has been caloulat Assuming that the engine runs at an average speed of 200 rpm, the polar mass moment of nertia (in kg.m®) of a flywheel to keep the speed fluctuation within +0.5% of the average speed is [ESE : 2014] Q.25 Torque and angular speed data overone cycle for a shaft carrying a flywheel are’ shown inthe figures. The moment of inertia (in kg.m®) of the flywheel is Torque 3000 Nr x ana ae % £1500 N-m| ‘Angular Speed 20 rads onl Ao [GATE : 2014] “www:madeeasypublications org © Theory of Machines maneva dow Oven dos degu yea Fh MADE ERSY Q.26 The torgue (in N-m) exerted on the crank shatt of a two stroke engine can be described as T= 10000 + 1000 sin 10 1200 cos 26, where @ is the crank angle as measured from inner dead center position. Assuming the resisting torque to be constant, the power (in kW) developed by the engine at 100 rpm is [GATE : 2015] Conventional Questions Q.27 The turning moment of an engine is given by T= 1000+ 2000 sin2e= 1800 cos20N-m where, @— crank angle from TDC, C, = + 0.25% N = 250 pm, / = 80 om, r= 20 cm and m= 120kg ‘Assuming load is constar () Power of the engine (i) Moment of inertia of the wheel (ii), Angular acceleration of the wheel at = 45° (iv) Maximum angular acceleration of flywheel [ESE : 2001] Q.28 A punching press is desired to punch 720 holes per hour. Each hole diameter is 2 mm and thickness of the sheet is 3 mm. It requires 20 Joules of energy per mm? of sheared area. Iteach punching operation takes 1/4 seconds and the speed of the flywheel is decreased from 100 rpm to 80 ram during punching, fing the mass of the flywheel required in order to have desired punching operation for the radius of gyration 30 om, ind Q.29 Apress has to punch 30 holes per min, and the motor deliver 1.5 KW to the press uniformly. If the actual punching of each hole is accomplished during 30° of crank rotation of punching machine and fluctuation of speed is not to exceed +10%. Determine minimum moment of inertia of flywheel which is directly mounted on the crank shaft. Neglect the inertia of other pars IAS : 2003] © consi MADE EASY Publications Try Yourself Ti. The turing moment diagram for a 4-stroke engine may be assumed for simplicity to be represented by 4 triangles, the area of which from the line of zero pressure are as suction stoke = 350mm, compression stoke = 140mm! exhaust stroke = 500 mm? and expansion stroke = 3550 mm?, Scale 1 mm? = 3 Nem. Assuming resisting torque to be uniform. Find the mass of the rim of flywheel required to keep the mean speed 200 rpm within «2%. The mean radius of rim may be taken as 0.75 m. ‘Ans. 982.5 kg] aang WBNS @ Fd ON IG MEN NORORRG ASV BOW O19 do. deur ye0a Fh © Copyright MADE EASY Publlaations Workbook 33 EE vrwumadecasypublcationsor Multiple Cholce Questions Q.1 Give that m= mass of the ball of the governor = angular velocity of the governor and 4g acceleration due to gravity the height of Wat's governors is given by @ oo © & © Lg (a °8 rs o [ESE : 1998) Q.2 Consider the following speed governors: 1. Porter governor 2. Hartnell governor 3. Watt governor 4, Proell governor The correct sequende of development of these governorsis (@) 1.2.3,4 (6) (0) 3.124 () [ESE : 1999) Q.3 Sensitiveness of a governor is defined as __. Range of speed (@) “Mean speed Mean speed (©) ange of speed (c) Mean speed x Range of speed __, Range of speed (0) “Tmean speed [ESE : 2000] { worwmadeeasypublications org rag day NRO NON ia ae im uponn pe a7 MADE ERSY Which one of the following governorsis used to drive a gramophone? (a) Watt governor (b) Porter governor (©) Pickering governor (a) Hartnell governor [ESE : 2005] The controlling force is provided in Watt governor by (a) Gravity (6) Either (a) or (b) (©) Spring (d) None of the above Which governor can not be isochronous (a) Hartnell {b) Wilson-Hartn () Pickening (a) Porte Match List-! with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 Isochronism . Stability . Effort List-t1 1, One radius rotation for each speed 2, Too sensitive 3, Mean force exerted at the sleeve during change of speed 4, Constant equilibrium speed for radii of rotation. Codes: A Bc OD f@2 4 1 3 (oe) 3 1 4 2 () 2 1 4 3 1 2 3 4 [ESE : 1996] © Copyright| MADE EASY Publications Q.8 When the sleeve of the porter governor moves upwards, the governor speed a) (0) © (9) increases decreases remains constant none of these above F @ given fractional change of speed, i displacement of the sleeve is high, then t governor is said to be (a) hunting (c) sensitive (b) isochronous (d) stable [ESE : 1998) Q.10 The controlling force curves for a spring controlled governor are shown in the below figure. Which curve represents a stable governor? 4 Radius of rotation fa) 1 {b) 2 () 3 4 [ESE : 2007] Q.11 The nature of the governors is shown by the graph between radius (r) 6f rotation and controling force (F). Which of the following is. anisochronous governor? F F (a) (b) F F ; / ) (a) [ESE : 2002] © Copyright Workbook 35 Q.12 The controlling force (F) diagram for unstable governor can be drawn as : 2 Fe F : @ - ©) - : F, Fr. —- © - 0 Q.13 When the relation between the controlling force (F,) and radius of rotation (1) for a spring contfolled governor is F. = ar + b, then the governor willbe {@) stable (c), isochronous (0) unstable {d)_none of the above Q.14 Consider the following statements concerning centrftigal governors: A. The slope of the controlling force curve should be less than that of the straight line Ted ON quleG MON HoRDIaRG ASV AOWW OF OE g representing the centripetal force at the z speed considered for the stability of a o centrifugal governor. 3 2. Isochronism for a centrifugal governor can 5 bbe achieved only at the expense of stability : 3. When sleeve of a centrifugal governor reaches its topmost position, the engine should develop maximum power. : Which of the statements given above is/are : correct? 2 (a) tand2 () 2and3 2 (6) 2ony (a) Sonly 2 [ESE : 2005) Q.15 Consider the following statements: 1. The condition of stability of a governor requires that the slope of the controlling force curve should be less than that of the line representing the centripetal force at the equilibrium speed under consideration 2. For a centrilugal governor when the load on the prime mover drops suddenly, the _spopopeepepeemenn Publications Sa 36 | Mechanical Engineering sleeve should at once reach the lowermost position Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (@) tony (©) 2only (6) Both tand2 — (d) Nelther tnor2 [ESE : 2006] . 0.16 The senstity 2 of poner gover & proportional to (h = heightof the governor) f@ Ne (o) Ne 1 © a @ as Q.17 Which one of the following equation is valid with reference tothe given figure © Theory of Machines Publications Maximum and minimum radi of rotation are 20 cm and 14 em respectively. The length of horizontal and vertical arms of ball crank levers are 10 cm and 20 om respectively. Neglecting obliquity and gravitational effects, the lit of the sloove is (@) 15cm (6) 60cm () 30cm (@) 120em [ESE : 2002] Q.19 A governor willbe stable ifthe radius of rotation of the balls (a) increases as theequilibrium speed decreases (0) decreases as the equilibrium speed increases (©) increases asthe equilibrium speed increases (a) remains unaltered with the change in equilibrium speed raneva JoWW oh ein [ESE ; 2004) Q.20 The power of a porter governor is equal to 2 (320 2c? 1420 3c* 1426 4c? 1420 where C-> % increase in speed (m+m)hg m+ M)hg () (0) m+ Myhg do. deur ye0a Fh (a) (m+m)hg f@ 3 | @.21 The governor becomes isochronous, when : (@) Feartb () F=ar-b : 2 (e) Featsb (@) Fear (0) © 3 3 Where Fis controling force, ris radius of rotation . 5 for governing balls and a, b are constants © i [ESE : 2014] | ae Q.22 Ina governor ifthe equilibrium speed is constant (9) @ for all radii of rotation of balls, the governor is [ESE : 1996) |? said to be Q.18 In aHartnell governor, the mass of each ball is, (6) stable ©) unstable 2.5 kg. Maximum and minimum speeds of (6) inertial {(@) isocnronous rolalion are 10 radis and 8 radis respectively (ESE : 2014] ———e [womimadecasypubliationsorg MADE EASY © copyight MADE EASY Publications Q.23 For minimizing speed fluctuations of an engine as a prime mover, it must have (a) Only a flywheel fitted to the crankshaft (©) A governor provided in the system (©) Botha flywheel and a governor provided in the system Neither a flywheel nor a governor [ESE : 2003] Q.24 For a governor running at constant speed, what is the value of the force acting on the sleeve? (a) Zero (©) Variable depending upon the load (©) Maximum (¢) Minimum (9) [ESE : 2007] Q.25 Consider the following statement A.governor is said to be 1. sensitive when it readily responds to smal change in speed 2. isochronous if it has no sensitivity 3. hunting if itis too sensitive Which of these statements is/are true? (a) tonly (o) tand2 () tand3 (d) 2and3 [ESE : 2009] Q.26 The function ofthe governor is (2) Tolimitthe fluctuations of speed during each eyele ‘To maintain the supply of fuel to the engine cycle constant when the load on the engine varies ‘To maintain constant speed of rotation of the tank shatt when the load on the engine varies To maintain constant speed of rotation of the (e) @ (9) crank shaft when the load on the engine is | 3 constant [ESE : 2012] © Copyright Workbook 37 Q.27 Ina centiitugal governor, the contraling force is observed to he 141N, when the radius of rotation is and 38 N, When the radius of rotation is 6 cm, the governor: (@) isa stable governor () isan unstable governor (6) is anisochronous governor (@) cannot be said of what type with the given data aang WBUNaeD @ [ESE : 2013) Q.28 Ina Hartnell governor, themass of each ball is 4 kg. The maximum/and minimum centrifugal forces on the balls are 1800 Nand 100 N at radi 25 cm and 20 cm, respectively. The lengths of vertical andl horizontal arms of the bell-crank lovers are the same, Whatis the spring sifiness? (a), 780 Niem (b) 740 N/em (6) 720Niem {d) 680 N/om Fd ON IG WEN WORORAG ASV BOWW 01 HR [ESE : 2017] Q.29 Which one of the following governors is having a larger displacement of sieeve for a given tractional change of speed? {@) Stable governor (b) Sensitive governor (¢) Isochronous governor {d) Hunting governor do. deur ye0a Fh [ESE : 2018) Direction for Assertion & Reasoning Questions: The following items consists of two statements, one labelled as ‘Assertion A’ and the other labelled as “Reason R’’ You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below: (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is 3 correct explanation of A (0) Both A and R are individually true but R is not correct explanation of A (c) Ais true but Ris false (6) Ais false but Ris true peppery Publications Sa Mechanical Engineering 38 a.30 Assertion (A): In order to have the same equilibrium speed for the given values of «, W/ and fh, the masses of balls used in the Proe governor are less than those of ball used in the Porter governor. Reason (R): The ball is fixed to an extension ink Proell governor. [ESE : 1999] Assettion (A): The degree of hunting with an unstable governor will be less than that with an isochronous governor. Reason (R): With an unstable governor, once the sleeve has moved from one extreme position tothe other, a finite change of speed is required to cause it lo move back again ast [ESE : 1997] gy Conventional Questions Q.32 The arms ofa porter governor are 17.8 emlong and are hinged at a distance of 3.8 om from the axis of rotation. The mass of each ballis 1.15kg and mass of sleeve is 20kg, The governor sleeve begins to rise at 280 rpm, when the links are at 80° to the vertical. Estimate lower and higher speeds when the links are at 45° with vertical Also find coetticient of insensitiveness at 45°. —EE | wonmadeeasypublcations org © Theory of Machines aang WBNS @ Fd ON MIG WEN NORORRG ASV BWW OOH do. deur ye0a Fh MADE ERSY Publications Publications Q.33 The total sleeve movement in a Hartnell governor Sem. The mass of rotating balls is 1.5kg each. ‘At the mid-position of the sleeve arm, which is 6.5 cm long is horizontal. The ball arm has a length of 7.5 cm. At the mid-position of the sleeve, the balls rotate at a radius of 10.5 cm, Due to the mal adjustment of spring, the equilibrium speed of governor at top-position is 415 rpm and in lower-position it's 430 rpm. Determine: () Stiffness andinttial compression of spring. (i) Required intial compression in spring which gives equilibrium speed at the top most position whichis 10pm more than the lower position, neglect obliquity? [ESE : 2002] Try Yourself T1. In a'spring loaded Hartnell type governor the ‘extreme radii of rotation of the balls are 80 mm and 120 mm. The ball arm and the sleeve arm of the bell crank lever are equal in length. The mass of each ball is 2 kg, Ifthe speeds at the ‘two extreme position are 400 and 420 rpm, find: (i) the intial compression of the central spring, and (i) the spring constant [Ans. 61.189 mm, 9.176 Nimm] =. © Copyright | Multiple Cholce Questions Q.1_ A rotor supported at A and 8, carries two masses as shown in the given figure. The rotor is . Je fe (a) dynamically balanced (b) statically balanced (c) statically and dynamically balanced {d) not balanced [ESE : 1995) Q.2 A siatically-balanced system is shawn in the given figure. Two equal weights W, each with an eccentricity @, are placed on opposite sides of the:axis in the same axial plane. The total dynamig reactions at the supports will be L a [ESE : 1997] Ww © 250%, Love rag day NRO NON Balancing When the primary, direct crank of a reciprocating engine positioned at 30° clockwise, the secondary reverse crank for balancing will be at {@) 30° anticlockwise (b)_60° anticlockwise (©) 30° clockwise (d) 60° clockwise [ESE : 1997] Masses B,, 8, and 9 kg are attached to a shat in parallel planes as shown in the below figure. Ifthe shatt is rotating at 100 rpm, the mass 8, is oK9 §| §| 8 3| 5, 8, fa) 3kg (0) 6 kg (©) 9kg (0) 27 kg [ESE : 2000] Consider the following statements for completely balancing a single rotating mass 1, Another rotating mass placed diametrically opposite in the same plane balances unbalanced mass 2. Another rotaling mass placed diametrically opposite in a parallel plane balances the unbalanced mass. 3, Twomasses placed in two different parallel planes ‘balance the unbalanced mass Which of the above statements is/are correct (@) 1 only (b) tand2 (©) 2and3 (9) tand3 [ESE : 2002] Mechanical Engineering 40 Q.6 Arotating disc of 1 m diameterhas two eccentric, masses of 0.5 kg each al radii of 50 mm and 60mm at angular positions of O° and 150°, respectively. A balancing mass of 0.1 kg is to bbe used to balance the rotor. Whatis the radial position of the balancing mass? (@) 50mm (0) 120mm (©) 150mm () 280mm IGATE : 2005] Q.7 The balancing of rotating and reciprocating parts of an engine is necessary when it runs at (a) slowspeed ——_(b) medium speed (c) high speed {d) very slow speed Q.8 The primary unbalanced force is maximum when the angle of inclination of the crank with the line of stroke is (a) & (c) 180" (b) 90° {d)_both (a) and (c) Q.9 The tractive force is maximum or minimumwhen the angle of incination ofthe crank to the line of stroke (8) is equal to (a) 90° and 225° (c) 135° and 315° (b) 135° and 180° (d) none of the above Q.10 In order to faciitate the starting of locomotive in any positon, the cranks of a locomotive, with two cylinders are placed with respect to each other, at (@ 4s (yo (©) 120 (@) 180° Q.11 The swaying couple is maximum or minimum when the angle of inclination of the crank to the line Of stroke (6) is equal to (a))45° and225° (bo) 45° and 135° (©) 90%and 135" (d) none of the above Q.12 The swaying couple is due to (@) Primary unbalanced force (b) Secondary unbalanced force (6) Two cylinder of locomotion (d) Partial balancing —EE © Theory of Machines 2 do. deur ye0a Fh MADE ERSY Publications Publications Q.13 The effect of hammer blow in a locomotive can bereduced by (a) Decreasing the speed (©) Using two or three pair of wheels coupled together (c) Balancing whole of the reciprocating parts (8) Both (@) and (b) Q.14 The secondary unbalanced force is maximum when @ equal to (a) 0° and 90° (o) O° and 45° (b) 180° and 360° {d), Both (a) and (b) Q.18 The permissible value of angular speed is given by B @ on fF Pi fc) o= fe where, Pw. tb) {d) None of these P— Pressure on the radius (static whee! load) B— Balance mass Q.16 Which one of the following statements in the context of balancing in engines is correct? (a). Magnitude of the primary unbalancing force is less than the secondary unbalancing force (0) the primaty unbalancing force attains its maximum value twice in one revolution of the crank (¢) The hammer blow in the locomotive engines occurs due to unbalanced force along the line of stroke of the piston (d) the unbalanced force due to reciprocating masses vaties in magnitude and direction [ESE : 2004] Q.17 A four-cylinder in-line reciprocating engine is ‘shown in the diagram given below. The cylinders are numbered 1 to 4 and the firing order is © Copyright) MADE EASY Publications 2] Primary cranks Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Both primary and secondary forces are balanced Only primary force is balanced Only secondary force is balanced Both primary and secondary forces are unbalanced (0) (o) (9) [ESE : 2004] 2.18 Asingle cylinder, four-stroke |.C. engine rotating at 900 rpm has crank length of 50 mm and a connecting rod length of 200 mm. Ifthe effective reciprocating mass of the engines 1.2kg, what 's the approximate magnitude of the maximum ‘shaking force’ created by the engine (@) 533N (©) 666N (©) 133N (@) None ofthe above [ESE : 2005] Q.19 Which one of the following can completely balance several masses revolving in different planes on a shaft ? (a) Asingle mass in any one plane (©) Two mass@s in any two planes (©) Two masses in two perpendicular planes (d) Twoequal masses in any lanes [ESE : 2005) Q.20 In case of partial balancing of single cylinder reciprocating engine, what is the primary disturbing force along the line of stroke ? (@) mre? cos@ (©) (1=02)mra® cose (©) (1-e)mra® cos 0 (9) (1-e)ma?rcos*e where, ¢ = Fraction of reciprocating mass to bebalanced, = Angular velocity of erankshatt @= Crank angle [ESE : 2006) [© Copyright Workbook 41 Q.21 Fora three-cylinder radial engine, the primary and direct reverse oranks are as shown in the below figures, (W= Weight of reciprocating parts per cylinder) Which one of the following pairsis not correctly matched in the regard? aang WB UNOS @ 7 2 Primary Primary direct cranks reverse cranks 3w (a) Primary direetforce ~~ w?.r (0) Primary reverse force ~ Zero (0) Primary direct crank speed (2) Primary reverse crank speed - 20 [ESE : 2007] Q.22 Static balancing is satisfactory for low speed rotor butincreasing speeds, dynamic balancing becomes, necessary, this is because the {a) Unbalanced couples are caused only at higher speeds. Unbalanced forces are not dangerous at higher speeds. Effect of unbalances are proportional to the square of the speed, Effect of unbalances are directly proportional to the speed. 7rd ON IGG MEN NORORAG MGV BOWW O19 do. deur yea Fh (o) (©) (a) [IAS : 1994] Q.28 For a twin cylinder Vengine, the crank position for primary reverse cranks and secondary direct crank are given in the following diagram. Primary averse Secondary direct cranks cranks ppp Publications Sa Mechanical Engineering 42 The engineis a (a) 60° V-engine (e) 30° V-engine (b) 120°V-engine (d) 150°Vengine Q.24 In a locomotive, the ratio of the connecting rod length to the crank radius is kept very large in order to (a) minimize the effect of primary forces (©) minimize the effect of secondary forces (0) have perfect balancing (0) start the locomotive conveniently [ESE : 2014) Q.25 In balancing of single-cylinder engine, the rotating unbalance is ‘completely made zero and so also the reciprocating unbalance ‘completely made zero and the reciprocating unbalance is partially reduced partially reduced and the reciprocating unbalanceis completely made zero (6) partially reduced and so also. the reciprocating unbalance [ESE:2014] Q.26A single-cylinder reciprocating engine works with a stroke of 320 mm, mass of ree: erorsing parts as 45 kg and mass of revolving parts as 35 kg at crankradius. if 60% of the reviprocating) parts and all the revelving parts ai to be balanced, then the balanting mass ronuired at a. 300 mm radius is nearly (@) 33.1 kg (©) 36.2k¢9 (©) 39.5 kg 242.7 kg [ESE : 2018] Directions for (Q. 27 to 29): Each of the next items. consists of two statements, one labelled as the ‘Statement (I)’ and the others as ‘Statement (Il). You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below: (@) Both Statement (|) and Statement (I) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (). Both Statement (I) and Statement (ll) are individually true but Statement (II) isnot the cotrect explanation of Statement (I. (b) “www:madeeasypublications org © Theory of Machines raneva JoWW Ovi do. degu yea Fh MADE ERSY {c) Statement (|) is true but Statement (Il) is false. (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true. Q.27 Statement (I) : in locomotive engines, the reciprocating masses are only partialy balanced Statement (II) : Full balancing might lead to lifting the locomotive engine off the rails, [ESE : 1999] Q.28 Statement (I): A dyremicaly balanciid system cof multiple rotors on a shatt can rotate smoothly at the critical speeds" ihe system. Statement (I) : Dynamic bal=rcing eliminates all the uhalanced forces aja couples from the syster [ESE : 2018) Q.29 Statement (I) : The distribution of mass along the axis of rotation of a shaft depends on the configuration of the part. Statement (Il) : All mass centres must fall on straight line parallel to the axis of the shaft for dynamic balancing [ESE : 2016) Numerical Data Type Questions Q.30 Three masses are connected to a rotating shaft supported on bearing A and Bas shown in the figure. The system is in a space where the gravitational effect is absent, Neglect the mass of shaft and rods connecting the masses. For m, = 10 kg, m, = § kg and m, = 2.5 kg and for a shaft angular speed of 1000 radianis, the magnitude of the bearing reaction (in N) at location B is IGATE : 2017] © consi MADE EASY Conventional Questions. Q.31 Three masses are rotating in a same plane my = 2 kgm mafp = 3 kgm mary = 4 kgm Find the orientations of masses 2 and 3 w.rt mass 1 in order to have complete balancing. Q.32 Four masses are rotating in different planes, their radius of rotations and plane gaps are shown in the figure below. 5kg ms 3k oy A 8 co im tim [osm loom Front View fe tm eS meebo (39) Side View joo" Aisa) Find the masses in the planes 6 and D along with their orientations in order to have complete. dynamic balancing. Q.33 A shaft carried fourmasses in parallel plans A, B, Cand Dinotder. Themasses at Band Care 18 kg and 12.5 kg respectively and each has eccentricity of 6 cm, The mass of Aand Dhave eccentricity of8 em, The angle between Band Cis 100° and between B and Ais 190° (both angles measured in the same sense). The axial distance between the planes of A and B 10cm between 6 and C 20 om. If the shaft is in ‘complete dynamic balance. Determine: (i) masses at A and D (i) the distance between Cand D (ii) the angular position of D [IAS : 2004) [© Copyright aang WBNS @ 7rd ON IG MEN NORWAY ASV BOWW O19 do dew yea Fh 3 Workbook 43 Q.34 A two-cylinder uncoupled locomotive has inside cylinders 70 cm apart, the cranks are at right angles and are each 0.3 m long. The mass of the revolving parts per cylinder is 160 kg and the mass of the reciprocating parts per cylinder is 180 kg. Whole of revolving and 2/3" of the reciprocating mass are to be balanced and the balance masses are to be placedin the planes of rotation of the drivifig wheels at a radius of 80 cm, The driving wheels are 2m diameter and 1.5 m apart, Find the magnitude and position of the balance masses. The driving crank speed is 300 r:p.m. ‘Also find variation in troactive forces, swaying couple andihammer blow, [ESE : 2011] Try Yourself m1 Four weight A, B, C, D revolve at equal radi and are equally spaced along a shaft. The weight of Bis 7 kg and radi of Cand Dmakes angle 90° and 240° respectively with the radius of B. Find magnitude of A, Cand Dand angular position of A so that the system may be completely balanced [Ans m, = 5.087 kg, m, = 6.0667 kg, Mp = 4.687 kg, @, = 203.456") The bearing of a shaft A and B are 5 m apart The shatt carries three eccentric masses C, D and E, Which are 160 kg, 170 kg and 85 kg respectively. The respective eccentricity of each masses measured from the axis of rotation is 0.5 em, 0.3 cm, 0.6 om and distance from Ais 1.3 m, 8m and 4m respectively. Determine angular position of each mass wart. C so that no dynamic force is exerted at B, also find ‘dynamic force at A for this arrangement when shaft runs at 100 rpm, [ESE : 2002] 76 6°, 63.88 N and 8, = 226.85°, 192.3" rom C] [Ans. 0, _ wor aa az as aa as ae { worwmadeeasypublications org CAMS and Followers Multiple Cholce Questions The size of cam depends upon (a) Base circle (b) Pitch circle (©) Primecircle — (d) Pitch curve For high speed engines cam-follower should move with (a) Uniform velocity (0) Simple harmonic motion (c) Uniform acceleration and retardation {¢) Cycloidal motion Spherical faced follower is used instead of lat faced folower because of {@) tominimize the impact (b) to minimize the surface stresses, (6) to reduce pressure angle (4) none of these The circular flat faced follower isalso known as (a) Tangent follower (0) Roller follower (c) Spherical follower (d) Mushroom follower Radial cams are also known as (@) Disceam (b) Cylindrical cam (©) Tangentcam —(d) None of these Match List-l with List-ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List- Cam and follower Sorew pair 4-barmechanism Degree of freedom of planar mechanism pomPr day NBO NON a ae eo Ha im uponn peo a7 as MADE ERSY List-tl 1, Grublersrulle 2. Grashof's linkage 3. Pressure angle 4. Single degree of freedom Codes: A @) 3 ot (c) 1 @) 3 na wag [ESE : 2001] Ina cam drive, itis essential to offset the axis of a follower to (a) decrease the side thrust between the follower and guide (0) decrease the wear between follower and cam surface (c) take care of space limitation (a) reduce the cost [ESE : 1998) Consider the following follower motions in respect of a given lift, speed of rotation and angle of stroke of a cam: 1. Cycloidal motion 2. Simple harmonic motion 3, Uniform velocity motion Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the above in the descending order of maximum velocity? (@) 3-2-1 () 1-2-3 () 2-3-1 (@) 2-1-2 [ESE : 2007] © Copyright MADE EASY Publications Q.9 Inacam-olowermechanism, the follower needs, torise through 20 mm during 60° of eam rotation, the first 30° with a constant acceleration and then with a deceleration of the same magnitude. The initial and final speeds of the follower are zero, The cam rotates at uniform speed of 300 rpm. The maximum speed of the follower is (@) 0.60 mis (b) 1.20m/s (©) 1.68 mis (9) 240 mis IGATE : 2005) Q.10 The acceleration diagram for the follower moving simple harmonically is (a) os (e) — © oS (d) None of these Q.11 The maximum velocity of thé follower during return stroke in uniform accelerating and retardation motion is os @ oy 2 () 20p where, 0, Retuin stroke angle S> Stroke © Angular velocity of cam © Copyright Workbook 45 Q.12 The function of offset in cam-follower mechanism is (a) Easy movement (&) Maximum itt (c) Reduces side thrust, (d) Reduces pressure angle Q.13 The velocity diagram in cycloidal motion of the follower is given by (a) raneva JoWw ohh do. deur ye0a Fh (d) None of these Q.14 Consider a rotating disk cam and a transiating roller follower with zero offset. Which one of the following pitch curves, parameterized by t, lying in the interval 0 to 2m, is associated with the maximum translation of the follower during one {full rotation of the cam rotating about the center at (x,y) = (0,0)? (@) x(9 = cost, xd) = sint {b) x(t) = cost, At) = 2 sint (9) x)= Z+cost yt)=2sint (a) x0= Freese y(t) =sint [GATE : 2014] peppery Publications Sa Mechanical Engineering 46 Q.18 Consider the following statements regarding radial cam nomenclature: 1. Motion of the trace point describes movement of the follower 2. The curve generated by the locus of trace point is called cam profile 3. Actual working curve of cams called pitch curve 4, Smallest circle that can be drawn tangential to cam profile is called base circle Which of those statements are correct? (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1, 3.and4 (c) 1 and 4 only (d) Sand 4 only [ESE : 2013] Q.16 In circular arc cam witha fal faced reciprocating follower, the contact between the follower and the nose of cam is only maintained if (a) External spring force is less than the inertia. force of the follower (b) External spring force is greater than the inertia force of the follower (©) External spring force is zero (d) The inettia force is more:than the spring force [ESE : 2013) —EE | wonmadeeasypublcations org © Theory of Machines aang WBnkdo @ 7rd ON] IOG MEN NORORAG EVA BOWW OOH ro. dguye0a Fh MADE ERSY Publications Publications Conventional Question: Q.17 For a symmetrical tangent cam with a roller follower, the least radius of the cam is 25 mm and the roller radius is 18 mm, The angle for outward movernent is 80° and total lt is 20 mm, The cam shaft runs at 900 rpm. Determin () Principle dimensions of cam (i) The acceleration of the follower at the beginning of the lft; where the straight flank merge into the circular nose, (il). Aggeleration of the follower at the apex of the circularnose. ‘Assume there is no dwell biw the outward and inward travel of the follower. Q.18 Acam operating a knife edge follower having a Tift of 30mm. The cam raises the follower with S-H.M. for 150° of ts rotation followed by a period ‘of dwell of 60°, The follower decends for the next 100” rotation of a cam with uniform velocity again followed by a dwell period. The cam rotates at uniform speed of 120m. Find the maximum velocity and acceleration of the follower during rise and return. [ESE : 2000] =. ogni) [Vf Muttipte cholce Questions Q.1_ Gyroscopic acceleration is due to change in (@) magnitude of linear velocity (©) direction of linear velocity (c) magnitude of angular velocity (d) direction of angular velocity Combined Data for 0.2 & 2.3 Ata given instant, a disc is spinning with angular velocity w in a plane at right angles to the paper (see the figure) & after a short interval of time t, it is spinning with angular velocity » + 8 & the axis of spin has changed direction by the amount 39. F Q2_ In this situation what is the component of acceleration parallel to OA? w of) do tay 2 a @) < at do 0 Oz © [ESE 2008) What is the component of acceleration perpendicular to OA? as © Copyright pane Te wea MoH FI g as Gyroscope @ ® © (2 2 w (8) ) a ce (c) dt (@) do ‘A tlywineel is caftied on a shaft mounted in two beatings A&B as shown in figure viewed from bearing A, flywheel is revolving in a clockwise direction about its own axis. The two bearings are in same horizontal plane & are supported by thin flexible cords. If the cord supporting A is cut, immediately after cutting the cord, shatt will precess in (@) Horizontal Plane inward to the paper (0) Horizontal Plane outward to the paper (6) Vertical Plane downward (@) Vertical Plane upward The ship is viewed from the stern and engine rotates clockwise. The ship is taking right turn, the effect of Gyroscopic Action is {@) Bow will move down & stern will move up. {o) Bow will move up & stern will move down, {c) Bow will move right & stern will move left. (a) Bow will move left & stern will move right Mechanical Engineering 48 Q.6 An Aircraft is viewed from the Nose and the engine rotates anticlockwise. An Aircraft is taking left turn. The effect of Gyroscopic Action S (a) Nose will move up & Tail will move down. (©) Nose will move down & Tail will move up. (€) Nose will move right & Tail wil move left. (4) Nose will move left & Tail will move tight Q.7_ The ship is viewed from the Bow and engine rotates clockwise. The ship pitches, the Bow moves down, the effect of Gyrascopic Action is @) (b) ship wil ty to turn towards left side (port side) ship wil ry to turn towards right side (Star Board side) Bow moves up & stern moves down. Bow moves down & stern moves up. © (9) The four wheeler is taking the right turn. The force on the each inner wheel is C- Total Gyroscopic couple) (I distance b/w Inner & outer wheels) as to Sapwarse 6) Sewage (o) © downwards c (©) 5 upwards a Q.9 Auniform disc of 100 mm diameter and 5 kg mass is mounted midway between bearings 4100 mm apart, which keeps it in a horizontal plane. The diserotates aboutits axis with 1200 p.min clockwise direction, when viewed from righthand side bearing, The'shatt precesses at 50 rp.min clockwise direction when viewed from the top. The left hand side bearing reaction is (2) 65.645 N downwards (6))16.515N upwards (©) 65.645 Nupwards (@) 16.515 N downwards Q.10 Each wheel of a racing car has an effective diameter of 60 cm & moment of Inertia 0.70 kg-m®. If the car is rounding a curve of 4100 m radius at 100 kmihr, the gyroscopic couple applied to the caris (@) 72.02Nm (0) 15.26Nm (©) 36.03Nm (@) 24.03Nm —EEE © Theory of Machines raneva JoWw oan do Seu yea Fh MADE ERSY Publications Publications Q.11 Ifthe angle of the cyclist with normal increases, the cyclist should have {@) higher speed. (0) same speed as betore. (c) lower speed. (d) None of the above. Q.12 The planes of spin, precession and applied gyroscopic couple are {@) inthe same one planes (0) intwo planes perpendicular to one another. (0) inthree planes perpendicular to one another. (a) None of the above. Q.13 The direction of spin, precession and applied ‘gyroscopic couple aro {@) inthe same one plane. (0) intwo planes petpendicularto one another. (c) inthree planes perpendicular to one another, (d) None of the above. Q.14 The turbine rotor of a ship has amass of 200 kg and radius of gyration 600 mm. Itrotates at 1800, pam clockwise when looking from the stern. The gyroscopic couple, when the ship is pitching and bow is descending with maximum velocity. The pitching is simple harmonic, the periodic time being 30 seconds and the total angular moment between the extreme positions is 12°, is (a) 2675.04N-m —(b) 668.76N-m (0) 1339.47N-m — (d) §350.08N-m Q.15 The gyroscopic effects due tothe rotating parts of a turbojet engine of an aircraft on a curved course (during turning) depends upon {a) flight velocity. (0) flight altitude (0) radius of the curve. (a) flight velocity and radius of the curve. Q.16 An aitcratt cruising at 360 kmph takes a right turn on an arc of 100 m radius. The turbines and propellers have a total mass of 500 kg with, radius of gyration of 25 cm. The engine rotates ‘at 2000 r-p.m. The magnitude of the gyroscopic couple generated is (a) 6-55 kNm (b) 7-65kNm (c) 9-81 kNm (a) 131 kNm [ESE : 2017] © Copyright) MADE EASY Q.17 Consider the following statements: 1. Gyroscopic effects generate forces and ‘couples which acton the vehicles, and these effects must be taken into account while designing their bearings. 2. Rolling motion of a ship usually occurs because of the difference in buoyancy on the two sides of the ship due to a wave. Which of the above statements is/are correct? (@) t only (©) 2only (6) Both tand 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 [ESE : 2018] Numerical Data Type Questions Q.18 A caris moving on a curved horizontal road of radius 100 m with a speed of 20 mis, The rotaling masses of the engine have an angular speed of 100 rad/s in clockwise direction when viewed from the front of the car. The combined moment of inertia of the rotating masses is 10 kg-m®. The magnitude of the gyroscopic moment in (Nem) is___. [GATE :2016] xy Conventional Questions Q.19 A disc of mass 100 kg with radius of gyration 40 cm is supported between 2 bearings on a shatt of negligible weight the centreline of the shatt, disc and beating le in the horizontal plane. The distance of the dise ffom the bearing are 40 om and 60 cm as shown in the figure. The bearing aré supported by vertical thin chords when the diselis rotating at 98.1 rad/s in the Clockwise direction looking from right hand side bearing, the chord supporting RHS bearing gates broken. Determine the motion of the disc at the instant the chord is cut and determine the magnitude of motion of precession. Consider only gyroscopic effects, [© Copyright lang WB uke @ Fd ON IG WEN NORORRG ASV BOWW 01 OH do. de guIea Fh Workbook 49 Q.20 Auniform disc of 200 mm diameter has amass of 10kg. tis mounted centrally on the horizontal shaftwhich runs in bearings which are 150 mm apart as shown in figure. The dise spins with a uniform speed of 2000 rpm in vertical plane in counter clockwise direction looking from right hand side bearing. The shaft precesses with a uniform velocity of 50 rpmin the horizontal plane in anticlockwise directionwwhen looking from top. Determine the bearing reactions. Fiore Ts Q.21 An aeroplane tlying at 300 kmh turns towards the left and completes a quarter circle of 80m radius. The mass of the rotary engine and the propeller of the plane is 500 kg with a radius of gyration of 300 mm. The engine speed is, 2000 rp.m. clockwise when viewed from the nose end (front end). Determine the gyroscopic couple on the aircraft and state its effect whether the nose end is raised or depressed. Q.22 The mass of turbine rotor of a ship is 3500 kg. It has a radius of gyration of 45 cm & a speed of 3000 rpm clockwise, when looking from the stern. Estimate the gyroscopic couple & its effects upon the ship under the following two conditions: {@) When the ship is steering to the left in a curve of 100 m radius at a speed of 36 kmihr. (0) When the ship is pitching in a simple harmonie motion, the bow falling with its maximum velocity. The period of pitching is 40 seconds & total angular displacement between the two extreme positions of pitching is 12 degrees. EE wor

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