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Parties are usually held to congratulations and celebrate special events.

When I decide to have a party to celebrate my mother’s wedding anniversary,
I must realize that the people I invite are there to have a good time. If I make
a mistake, it will be disaster for the party. Therefore, planning is an important
key to a smooth party.
There are many important details that need attention: setting, theme,
menu, guest list and entertainment plan. First of all, you must select a date,
place and time of the party. This is the first step but the foundation for the
next steps. Setting a date can take hours or even months to complete. You
never know when it's right for everyone so most parties take place on
weekends for the convenience of the majority. Make sure the party avoids
being held during the months of holidays or months with a major event
coming up. After you've confirmed that date and time, it's time to choose a
venue where the party will be held. Please select a venue based on the
number of attendees. A suitable space will bring comfort and allow guests to
enjoy their time in the party.
The second step is to plan your guest list. The guest list is  a crucial
decision. It's important to figure out who you want to invite to your party.
You should invite like-minded or similar people. Refrain from inviting
people who have animosity towards each other. While finalizing the guest
list, you should decide how to send invitations. You can buy pre-made cards
and have them mailed. If your guests are active on social media, try creating
an event and sending out personalized invitations. Make sure the guests
receive the invitation and know about the party.
The last and most expensive step is to prepare food, drinks and
entertainment activities. The type of food needed in the party depends on the
casual party, formal party or light party. The most important thing is to have
enough food and drink for all guests. A hungry guest will not be satisfied
with the party. Besides, be aware of the safety of processed foods to avoid
unwanted and unpleasant incidents. Entertainment is what keeps the guests at
the party. Therefore, it must be really exciting, fun and increase the exchange
of guests. This will help guests relax and enjoy the party.
Parties bring joy to everyone. However, organizing a party is extremely
difficult. Therefore planning and following each step is the key to a
successful party.
With the advancements in the new era, having perfect photos no longer
depends entirely on cameras and professional photographers. A smartphone
that will fulfill all your needs. You can record every memorable moment
anywhere, any time. Therefore, you should learn how the camera on your
phone works so that you are ready when you want to take a photo.

There are some important things to know before you get started taking
photos with a cell phone. First of all, everything is controlled through the
touchscreen, so it’s best to familiarize yourself with the interface of your
particular camera first. Most of the time, the camera app icon can be found on
the home screen.

Second, photos are all about the use of light. You'll rarely find a good
photo without light. Take advantage of the natural light sources you can find
day or night. This gives you the opportunity to play with shadows or create
silhouettes with other ambient light sources, like billboards, traffic lights, and
surrounding buildings. Lighting shows a lot of information for the photo.
Occasionally you could turn on the flash if you are photographing a person in
a dark place.

Third, cell phones are also able to focus surprisingly close to subjects.
This can make them great for photographing flowers and other small objects
with a lot of detail.

And then, take the picture. Make sure to be motionless because moving
may create blurs on your image. You should view the image you just took to
make sure it's a good one.
The last, another thing that’s unique to cell phone photography is the
use of apps. There are some great photo editing apps available for both
Andoird cell phones and iPhones. With these apps you can quickly apply a
filter to your photos giving them a specific look before you send them to your

If you’ve been ignoring the camera feature on your cell phone because
you think it’s not capable of producing good results, you should definitely
give it another try. Most modern cell phones have great cameras that can
produce surprising results. Of course, you have to realize that it does have
limitations and not expect it to perform miracles. With a little practice,
though, you might just start leaving your “real” camera at home once in a
The Cause And Effect Of About Online Learning
In the last decade, due to the development of education and high
technology, online learning is becoming more popular in the world.
Basically, this is a way of learning by which learning is done through the
internet. There’s tones of online learning student around the world, but did
they ever think about what are the benefits they actually enjoyed on online
learning? In the following paragraphs, I will tell you about the cause and
effect of about online learning.
There are various reasons why online education has taken the center
stage and gained so much popularity nowadays. Firstly, online learning saves
up a lot of time for both lecturers and students. It provides a flexible timing.
There is no need for students to go to school or university in order to learn
something new. They can do this at home or any other place they want.
Students don't need make any special appointment with tutors and meet
themphysically for revision as they prefer reread lessons several times by
using technology equipment or use social media to ask teachers for
Secondly, students Can Easily Connect To Their Groups Through
Online Education. With the help of group chats, live sessions, and emails
connecting with peers and study groups, students can now easily work on
team projects through online forums to get to results faster. Moreover, Online
education is less intimidating for students who are introverts because they are
not facing their professors or peers directly.
Thirdly, lectures can save and divide information into various
categories then upload it on social media or study apps, which means that
they do not need to rewrite the information again and students can review it
anytime or anywhere.
Beside, the cost factor is one area that cannot be ignored when we talk
about online education. Online education has ensured that the quality of
education imparted to students is not compromised based on cost. As a result
majority of students can afford online education irrespective of their
economical differences.
In some special situations such as the COVID-19 epidemic, which has
distanced the world society for several months. Through the use of online
learning, students can distance themselves from each other without being
exposed to coronavirus and online learning has many health benefits for
students and their families.
On the other hand, online learning has negative impacts on learners in
the teacher-learning interaction aspect. Students can not develope the
necessary communicative skills. In addition, students must have high-speed
internet access at home, which can lead to complications if it is not available.
In conclusion, nothing is perfect. Online learning is beneficial to the
students but it sure has its own disadvantages. Nevertheless, it can prove
really advantageous in certain critical situations. Especially, since the world
got affected by the pandemic COVID-19, online education has taken the
center stage ever .This mode of education could be a step towards
revolutionizing the education system in a never seen before form.

Today, many students feel that they are no longer interested in going to
school, often due to many reasons. In particular, there is a situation that
causes pain to society and is easily seen in the educational environment,
which is the problem of school violence. This topic has attracted a lot of
attention, perhaps because of the results it has brought to both insiders and
School violence is violence that occurs in a school environment. School
violence can happen in and out of the classroom, around school, or on the
way to school. School violence can be perpetrated by students, teachers, or
other members of the school staff. However, violence by fellow students is
the most common.
Many methods of bullying are becoming increasingly complex as
technology evolves and networking platforms become more widely used.
They use insulting, disparaging, or even threatening words toward their
classmates. In addition, a part when exposed to movies and games with
scenes of fighting, swearing, and shooting each other makes students think
that it is normal, maybe cool. That is the cause of the increase in school
Furthermore, school violence can arise from the psychological
impairments created by dysfunctional homes. Anxiety, hatred, low self-
esteem, anger, and other negative emotions that promote violent behavior can
develop in people when they are exposed to poor parenting or discord among
family members. family. In addition, in families where parents and adults are
violent, children often use violence as a way to assert authority.
School violence has serious physical and emotional consequences for
both the perpetrator and the person being bullied. School violence has serious
physical and emotional consequences for both the perpetrator and the person
being bullied.
Violent perpetrators may feel euphoric when exercising power and
authority over others. The more adults try to stop them, the more their
children want to prove themselves when they bully others. Furthermore, it
will affect their studies as the school may be subject to measures such as
suspension or even expulsion. For victims of violence, it can range from
trauma such as bruises and fractures to emotional trauma such as depression,
excessive anxiety, and gradual social isolation. Education is no longer
important to them because all they think about is how to avoid school
In short, school violence is not only a problem in schools, but has
become a sore point for the whole society. No one can guarantee an end to
school violence. So prevention is the key to solving this problem.

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