B1. November 19 Transmittal

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To: Tracy Hawkins, Faculty Senate Chair

From: Zach Oster, UCC Chair

RE: Transmittal of UCC actions on November 19, 2021

Meeting number (access code): 1773 14 0960 Meeting password: JtgHs5PMF93

UCC Members
Jim Kates, Marshall Anderson, Christopher Ramaekers, Oscar Arias, Andy Ciganek for Ruth Hansen, Jeff
Heinrich, Scott Peters, Andrea Ednie, Ted Gimbel, David Havas, Zach Oster, Jeff Suarez, Dan Zamzow, Kyle
Fingerson, Kristin Plessel, Carol Elsen, Heather Chermak, Tamela Rocke, Michael Friedson for Ana
Caballero Mengibar, Becky Pfeifer, Tanya Kam, Bob Schramm, and Angela Harlan.

I. Approval of Minutes from November 5 meeting. Jeff Suarez and Marshall Anderson moved
approval of area I: motion passed unanimously.

II. Informational Only Item (To be Received and Recorded)

A. Special Course approved since the most recent UCC meeting: Scott Peters and Marshall
Anderson moved approval of II. A. and B.: motion passed unanimously.

Course No. Title Term Approved

SOCWORK 491B Health and Aging in Costa Rica Fall 2022 11/10/2021

B. Miscellaneous Request
1. Reassignment of Developmental Education

III. Action Items

A. Curricular Action from the College of Integrated Studies

1. Actions from the Department of Integrated Studies

Jeff Suarez and Dan Zamzow moved approval of IV. A. 1. 1.1 – 1.7.: motion passed

1.1. New Course – UWX BL286: Anatomy and Physiology II

1.2. New Course – UWX CM114: Interpersonal Communication

1.3. New Course – UWX GE100: Physical Geography and The Environment
1.4. New Course – UWX GS231: Sex, Power, and Public Policy

1.5. New Course – UWX HE106: Lifetime Wellness and Self Growth

1.6. New Course – UWX SP236: Cultures and Civilization of the Spanish Speaking

1.7. New Course – UWX SW150: Social Advocacy and the Social Work Experience

Jeff Suarez and David Havas moved approval of IV. A. 1. 1.8.: motion passed unanimously.

1.8. Program Change – Collaborative Online Associate of Arts and Sciences

Jeff Suarez and Dan Zamzow moved approval of IV. A. 1. 1.9.: motion passed unanimously.

1.9. Course Change – Add Rock Designation – SOC 355: Sociology of the Environment

1.10. Course Revision – Course Number, Add Rock Gen Ed Designation and Course
Component and Hours – MUS 385: World Music

B. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences

1. Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences

Ted Gimbel and David Havas moved approval of IV. B. 1. 1.1.: motion passed unanimously.

1.1. Program Change – Public Health Minor

2. Actions from the Department of Languages and Literatures

David Havas and Kyle Fingerson moved approval of IV. B. 2. 2.1.-2.4: motion passed

2.1. Course Change – Subject Code, Prerequisite, Gen Ed Designation, Course

Component & Hours, Times Taken, and Course Catalog Description Changes – PWP
230: Foundations of Professional Writing and Editing

2.2. Course Change – Subject Code and Grade Basis Changes – PWP 272: Critical
Writing in Multimedia Contexts

2.3. Course Change – Subject Code Change and Course Component & Hours – PWP 371:
Writing in the Sciences

2.4. Course Change – Subject Code Change – PWP 372: Technical and Professional

3. Action from the Department of Political Science

Ted Gimbel and Marshall Anderson moved approval of IV. B. 3. 3.1.: motion passed

3.1. New Course – POLISCI 481: Comparative Law and Development

C. Curricular Actions from the College of Arts and Communication

1. Action from the Department of Communication

Jim Kates and Marshall Anderson moved approval of IV. C. 1. 1.1.: motion passed

1.1. New Certificate – Creative Communication Certificate

2. Actions from the Department of Art and Design

Marshall Anderson and David Havas moved approval of IV. C. 2. 2.1.-2.3.: motion passed
unanimously. A friendly amendment was agreed to ENGLISH 372 to PWP 372.

2.1. Program Change – Art Graphic Design Emphasis (BA)

2.2. Program Change – Art (BA)

2.3. Program Change – Art – Fine Arts Emphasis (BFA)

3. Actions from the Department of Music

Chris Ramaekers and Marshall Anderson moved approval of IV. C. 3. 3.1.: motion passed

3.1. New Course – MUSC 466: Music and Politics

Chris Ramaekers and Marshall Anderson moved approval of IV. C. 3. 3.2.: motion passed
unanimously. A friendly amendment was agreed regarding the removal of HISTRY 323. This
will be added back in the future and will update the certificate range of credits within the
catalog description of the program to reflect this change.

3.2. New Certificate – Conducting Certificate

IV. Scott Peters and Jeff Suarez motion to adjourn at 2:58 p.m.

V. New CourseLeaf Form Review – Kristin Plessel did a brief review of the course form.


Becky Pfeifer
University Curriculum Committee Secretary

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