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Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 1 - The Alphabet
- Let's learn the alphabet.
1 - What is the video about? - A is for apple.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - B is for ball.
[    ] 1) letters - C is for cat.
[    ] 2) numbers - D is for dog.
[    ] 3) food - E is for elephant.
[    ] 4) animals - F is for sh.
- G is for goat.
- H is for house.
✏ Complete
- I is for ice cream.
1 - S is for _______, X is for ______ and P is for ______. - J is for juice.
[    ] 1) Snake, Xbox, Power - K is for kangaroo.
[    ] 2) Snake, Xhow, Phorce - L is for lion.
[    ] 3) Siper, Xbox,Phoenix - M is for money.
- N is for newspaper.
- O is for owl.
✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo - P is for pencil.
ROSE ______________________________ - Q is for queen.
- R is for rose.
ICE CREAM ______________________________ - S is for socks.
ELEPHANT ______________________________ - T is for tomato.
- U is for umbrella.
NEWSPAPER ______________________________ - V is for violin.
APPLE ______________________________ - W is for water.
- X is for X-ray.
- Y is for yellow.
- Z is for zipper.



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 1 - Numbers
- Let's learn to count.
1 - How many babies are there? - There is one baby.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - There are two dogs.
[    ] 1) ve - There are three men.
[    ] 2) seven - There are four women.
[    ] 3) three - There are ve ngers.
[    ] 4) one - There are six friends.
- There are seven kittens.
2 - How many friends are there?
- This is the eight ball.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - There are nine men.
[    ] 1) six - There are ten pins.
[    ] 2) seven - One, two, three, four, ve, six, seven,
[    ] 3) three eight, nine, ten.
[    ] 4) four
3 - What comes after seven?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) nine
[    ] 2) eight
[    ] 3) six
[    ] 4) ten

✏ Complete

1 - 2(____), 3(three),4(_____),5(_____),6(six),7(______),9(_____).
[    ] 1) Ten/For/Five/Seven/Nine
[    ] 2) Two/Five/Seven/Eight
[    ] 3) Two/Four/Five/Seven/Nine

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

NINE ______________________________
SEVEN ______________________________
TEN ______________________________
THREE ______________________________
SIX ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 1 - How Do You Spell That?
- How do you spell your name?
1 - What letter is in both "Barack" and "Oprah"? - It's Julia.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - J - U - L - I - A.
[    ] 1) B - It's Barack.
[    ] 2) C - B - A - R - A - C - K.
[    ] 3) R - Bill.
[    ] 4) H - B - I - L - L.
- My name is Oprah.
2 - Which one is a last name?
- O - P - R - A - H.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - How do you spell your last name?
[    ] 1) Lionel - Clinton.
[    ] 2) Bill - C - L - I - N - T - O - N.
[    ] 3) Julia - Pacino.
[    ] 4) Pacino - P - A - C - I - N - O.
3- - It's Messi.
- M - E - S - S - I.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.

✏ Complete

1 - How _____you ____ your name?

[    ] 1) do/say
[    ] 2) do/spell
[    ] 3) Does/say

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LAST NAME ______________________________

SPELL ______________________________
NAME ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 2 - Olá & Tchau
- Let's learn about saying hello and
1 - What is another word for hi? goodbye.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Hi.
[    ] 1) goodbye - My name is Kitty.
[    ] 2) hello - Hello.
[    ] 3) there - How are you?
[    ] 4) okay - Nice to meet you, Superman.
- Nice to meet you too.
2 - What do you say after you meet someone?
- Hi there.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - How are things?
[    ] 1) Nice to meet you. - Hey there.
[    ] 2) Let is learn. - What's up?
[    ] 3) Hey there. - Good morning.
[    ] 4) Have a nice day. - Did you sleep well?
- Okay.
✏ Complete - Talk to you later.
- See you later.
1 - ______to meet you. -Nice to meet you ____. - Have a nice day.
[    ] 1) Nyce/To - Bye bye.
[    ] 2) Nice/Too - See you.
[    ] 3) Nice/To - Good night.
- See you tomorrow.

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

GOOD MORNING ______________________________

GOODBYE ______________________________
SEE YOU ______________________________
NICE TO MEET YOU ______________________________
HOW ARE YOU ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 2 - How Old Are You?
- How old are you?
1 - What is the video about? - He is ten years old.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Justin Bieber is twenty.
[    ] 1) numbers - She is thirty years old.
[    ] 2) why Brad Pitt looks young - Brad Pitt is forty.
[    ] 3) famous people - The President is fty-three years old.
[    ] 4) why people grow old - Bill Gates is sixty.
- They are seventy years old.
2 - How old is Bill Gates?
- He is eighty years old.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are ninety.
[    ] 1) old enough - They are one hundred years old.
[    ] 2) seventy - How old are you?
[    ] 3) sixty
[    ] 4) six years old

✏ Complete

1 - Hello. my _____ is George, i am 25 ____ old.

[    ] 1) friend/age
[    ] 2) name/age
[    ] 3) name/years

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

EIGHTY ______________________________
TWENTY ______________________________
FORTY ______________________________
FIFTY-THREE ______________________________
THIRTY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 2 - Let Me Introduce Myself
- Hi.
1 - Who is Zack's mother? - My name is Steve.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - This is my wife Susan.
[    ] 1) Steve - We have 2 kids.
[    ] 2) Mary - This is Mary.
[    ] 3) Chico - She is 7.
[    ] 4) Susan - This is our boy Zack.
- He is 9.
2 - What is Chico?
- We live in Chicago, USA.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - We have a dog.
[    ] 1) their father - Its name is Chico.
[    ] 2) their son - We live at 38 King Street.
[    ] 3) their city - Apartment number 12.
[    ] 4) their dog - On weekends, I make breakfast for
the family.
✏ Complete - After breakfast, we take a drive.
- We usually stop and buy ice cream.
1 - On _____ I make _______ for my family, my _____ loves it. - We have a good life.
[    ] 1) weekends/food/woman
[    ] 2) weekends/breakfest/wife
[    ] 3) weekends/breakfast/wife

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

DOG ______________________________
APARTMENT ______________________________
STREET ______________________________
KIDS ______________________________
FAMILY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 3 - The Family
- Meet the Simpson Family.
1 - Who is the male child of Marge? - Homer is the father.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Marge and Homer are husband and
[    ] 1) Maggie wife.
[    ] 2) Bart - They have three children.
[    ] 3) Lisa - Bart is their son.
[    ] 4) Homer - Lisa is their daughter.
- Maggie is their baby.
2 - Who is Bart's father?
- Lisa hates her brother.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Lisa's brother makes her angry.
[    ] 1) Homer - Bart's grandfather comes and leaves.
[    ] 2) Simpson - The family is having fun.
[    ] 3) Lisa
[    ] 4) Marge

✏ Complete

1 - Here is my family, Sarah my ____, and my two ____, Ned and my _____
[    ] 1) daughter/kids/daughter
[    ] 2) wife/kids/daughter
[    ] 3) wife/kids/son

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

FATHER ______________________________
BROTHER ______________________________
WIFE ______________________________
DAUGHTER ______________________________
SON ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 3 - Getting to Know Each Other
- Nice to meet you.
1 - What is the answer to "Where do you live"? - What is your name?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Where do you live?
[    ] 1) something free - How big is your family?
[    ] 2) a place - Where have you traveled?
[    ] 3) a name - Do you have a favorite place in the
[    ] 4) a movie world?
- What do you like to do for exercise?
2 - What does "favorite place" mean?
- Can you play a musical instrument?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Do you have any pets?
[    ] 1) a place you like very much - What do you like to eat?
[    ] 2) a place with a name - What's your favorite movie?
[    ] 3) a place you like a little - What do you like to do in your free
[    ] 4) a place you do not like time?

✏ Complete

1 - What you _____ to eat?____ do you live?

[    ] 1) like/where
[    ] 2) Want/were
[    ] 3) like/when

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

FAVORITE ______________________________
LIVE ______________________________
NAME ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 3 - People
- Let's learn about people.
1 - What word can be used for a child? - The baby likes the cat.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - There are four boys.
[    ] 1) men - There are four girls.
[    ] 2) woman - There are three children.
[    ] 3) old - There are three teenagers.
[    ] 4) boy - There is one man.
- There is one woman.
2 - What is a "girl"?
- There are ve men.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - There are ve women.
[    ] 1) a young man - One person is eating.
[    ] 2) a young woman - Two people are having a drink.
[    ] 3) an old man
[    ] 4) an old woman

✏ Complete

1 - I live with my _____ sisters, and an ____ person, my grandpa.

[    ] 1) teen/normal
[    ] 2) teenagers/old
[    ] 3) adult/female

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

CHILDREN ______________________________
PERSON ______________________________
WOMAN ______________________________
GIRLS ______________________________
TEENAGERS ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 4 - How Do You Feel?
- Let's learn about feelings.
1 - How does Mario feel? - He is very happy.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He is very sad.
[    ] 1) sad - Mario is angry.
[    ] 2) hungry - The boy is bored.
[    ] 3) bored - She feels tired.
[    ] 4) angry - The cat is sleepy.
- He is surprised.
2 - Who is bored?
- He feels disappointed.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - She is nervous.
[    ] 1) the man - She is shy.
[    ] 2) the cat
[    ] 3) the boy
[    ] 4) Mario
3 - What does the cat feel?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) disappointed
[    ] 2) surprised
[    ] 3) tired
[    ] 4) sleepy

✏ Complete

1 - They are really ____ together. Before her he was really _____.
[    ] 1) Happy/Happy
[    ] 2) Happy/Fast
[    ] 3) Happy/shy

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SURPRISED ______________________________
SAD ______________________________
TIRED ______________________________
ANGRY ______________________________
HAPPY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 4 - Whose Is It?
- Whose is it?
1 - What is the goal of the video? - He is walking his dog.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The doll is his.
[    ] 1) to teach you how to eat slowly - The car is Adam's.
[    ] 2) to teach you how to use pronouns - She is coloring her hair.
[    ] 3) to teach you how to use adverbs - The wine is hers.
[    ] 4) to teach you how to eat healthy - It's mine!
- It's my ice cream.
2 - Who owns the car?
- It's mine, mine, mine!
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He is not yours but mine.
[    ] 1) Anna - The world is yours.
[    ] 2) the man - He is our president.
[    ] 3) the dog - She is taking their picture.
[    ] 4) Adam - The horse is theirs.
3 - What is the woman at the end of the video doing?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) taking a call
[    ] 2) taking videos
[    ] 3) taking a nap
[    ] 4) taking photos

✏ Complete

1 - Did you see ___ keys? -Last time i saw it, was in ____ purse.
[    ] 1) my/her
[    ] 2) mine/her
[    ] 3) my/hers

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

MINE ______________________________
THEIRS ______________________________
HIS ______________________________
YOURS ______________________________
HERS ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 4 - What Are They Like?
- Let's learn how to describe people.
1 - Who is not friendly? - She's friendly. She's got long red hair
Escolha a opção correta e anote. and a nice smile.
[    ] 1) the girl who has black hair - She's unfriendly. She's young and has
[    ] 2) the man who has a nice smile straight black hair.
[    ] 3) the woman who has gray hair - She's got short gray hair and is
[    ] 4) the girl who has red hair talkative.
- He's funny. He's got nice hair and
2 - What does "sharp dresser" mean?
dresses well.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He's smart. He's got glasses and
[    ] 1) dresses in a bad way short brown hair.
[    ] 2) expensive clothes - He's tall and athletic.
[    ] 3) dresses well - He's got a nice smile and is friendly.
[    ] 4) quiet and unfriendly - He's quiet. He's got wavy hair and
nice eyes.
✏ Complete - He's got short hair and a mustache.
He's a sharp dresser.
1 - He uses ______ and is very _____ .
[    ] 1) use/quiet
[    ] 2) use/tall
[    ] 3) Uses/Smart

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

GLASSES ______________________________
ATHLETIC ______________________________
YOUNG ______________________________
FRIENDLY ______________________________
QUIET ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 5 - Telling the Time
- What time is it?
1 - What time is noon? - It's one o'clock.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It's quarter past twelve.
[    ] 1) twelve pm - It's quarter to one.
[    ] 2) one o'clock - It's 12:30.
[    ] 3) 12 am - It's two forty-six in the afternoon.
[    ] 4) midnight - It's ten past seven in the morning.
- It's ten to ve.
2 - What is another way of saying "ten to ve"?
- It's 12 PM.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It's noon.
[    ] 1) ten o'clock - It's 12 AM.
[    ] 2) ve ten - It's midnight.
[    ] 3) four forty- ve - It's 11:40.
[    ] 4) four fty - Time's up!
3 - What is another way of saying "two forty- ve"?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) quarter to two
[    ] 2) ten past two
[    ] 3) half past three
[    ] 4) quarter to three

✏ Complete

1 - The reunion is in the ______, at 14 _____.

[    ] 1) afternoon/o'clock
[    ] 2) morning/o'clock
[    ] 3) noon/o'clock

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

AFTERNOON ______________________________
QUARTER ______________________________
NOON ______________________________
MIDNIGHT ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 5 - Days of the Week
- Let's learn the days of the week.
1 - When does the woman's work end? - Monday to Friday, I work.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - On Monday after work, I play soccer.
[    ] 1) Friday - Tuesday, I meet friends for lunch.
[    ] 2) Monday - Wednesday, I have my yoga class.
[    ] 3) Thursday - Thursday night, I stay home and
[    ] 4) Sunday watch TV.
- Friday, I go out to dinner.
2 - What day comes after Sunday?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Thank God it's Friday!
[    ] 1) Tuesday - On the weekend, I like to go to cafes.
[    ] 2) Wednesday - Saturday, I go for a run.
[    ] 3) Monday - Sunday, I visit my family.
[    ] 4) Saturday - This is my week.

✏ Complete

1 - After Sunday, comes ______ and after wednesday comes ____.

[    ] 1) Monday/Tuesday
[    ] 2) Monday/Friday
[    ] 3) Monday/Thursday

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

FRIDAY ______________________________
THURSDAY ______________________________
WEDNESDAY ______________________________
MONDAY ______________________________
TUESDAY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 5 - The Weather
- Let's talk about the weather.
1 - What's the weather in Paris? - It's sunny outside.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It's rainy this evening.
[    ] 1) very cloudy - It's cloudy.
[    ] 2) a little cloudy - It's partly cloudy in Paris.
[    ] 3) snowy - It's clear and calm.
[    ] 4) rainy - It's a stormy night.
- It's snowy out there.
2 - What is the opposite of "cold"?
- It's very, very windy.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It's hot in the of ce.
[    ] 1) hot - It's cold outside.
[    ] 2) calm - It's freezing cold.
[    ] 3) of ce
[    ] 4) windy

✏ Complete

1 - I hope it doesn't rain today, the day is really ______.

[    ] 1) sunny
[    ] 2) windly
[    ] 3) cloudy

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

WINDY ______________________________
SNOWY ______________________________
SUNNY ______________________________
RAINY ______________________________
CLOUDY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 6 - Countries & Languages
- Let's learn about countries.
1 - What language do the people of the United States speak? - In China, they speak Chinese.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are Chinese.
[    ] 1) French - In the United States, they speak
[    ] 2) American English.
[    ] 3) English - They are American.
[    ] 4) Spanish - In Brazil, they speak Portuguese.
- They are Brazilian.
2 - Who speaks Portuguese?
- In Japan, they speak Japanese.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are Japanese.
[    ] 1) the Brazilians - In France, they speak French.
[    ] 2) the Argentinians - They are French.
[    ] 3) the Polish - In Spain, they speak Spanish.
[    ] 4) the Spanish - They are Spanish.
- In Turkey, they speak Turkish.
✏ Complete - They are Turkish.
- In Russia, they speak Russian.
1 - People born in _________, are Turkish. - They are Russian.
[    ] 1) Turquei - In Germany, they speak German.
[    ] 2) Turkey - They are German.
[    ] 3) Turkei - In South Korea, they speak Korean.
- They are Korean.
2 - People born in _______ are german and speak _______.
[    ] 1) German/Germany
[    ] 2) German/German
[    ] 3) Germany/German

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ENGLISH ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 6 - What Color Is It?
- Let's learn colors.
1 - What color is the bear? - Her lips are red.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The man is orange.
[    ] 1) gray - The snake is yellow.
[    ] 2) brown - Her shoes are pink.
[    ] 3) red - The frog is green.
[    ] 4) orange - The cabbage is purple.
- The bear is brown.
2 - What are the colors of the movie?
- His hair is gray.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - This movie is black and white.
[    ] 1) white and black
[    ] 2) red and blue
[    ] 3) brown and white
[    ] 4) black and blue
3 - What are red, yellow and green?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) shoes
[    ] 2) colors
[    ] 3) frogs
[    ] 4) lips

✏ Complete

1 - When you mix blue and yellow you get___________.

[    ] 1) Red
[    ] 2) Green
[    ] 3) Purple

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

YELLOW ______________________________
BLACK ______________________________
BROWN ______________________________
RED ______________________________
GREEN ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 6 - Prepositions of Place
- Where is the cat?
1 - Where is the rabbit? - The cat is in the box.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The cat is in front of the mouse.
[    ] 1) to the left of the cat - The cat is on the table.
[    ] 2) in front of the cat - The cat is behind the rabbit.
[    ] 3) behind the cat - The cats are beside the dog.
[    ] 4) above the cat - The cat is next to the tablet.
- The cat is on the left.
2 - Where is the bed?
- The cat is on the right.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The cat is under the bed.
[    ] 1) between the cats - The cat is above the dog.
[    ] 2) on the right - The game is between the cats.
[    ] 3) under the cat
[    ] 4) above the cat

✏ Complete

1 - Did you see ______ my purse is?I left it ____ the table.
[    ] 1) where/on
[    ] 2) were/in
[    ] 3) where/in

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

RIGHT ______________________________
UNDER ______________________________
ON ______________________________
BEHIND ______________________________
IN ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 7 - Our Day 1
- Let's learn about what people do
1 - When do they do the dishes? every day.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are brushing their teeth.
[    ] 1) after eating - He is taking a shower.
[    ] 2) before taking a bath - He is taking a bath.
[    ] 3) after relaxing - She is getting dressed for work.
[    ] 4) before breakfast - It's good to wash your hands often.
- It's time to have breakfast!
2 - What do they do at the end of the day?
- After breakfast, we do the dishes.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - She is cleaning the house.
[    ] 1) They have a drink. - It's time to relax and take a break!
[    ] 2) They get dressed. - After a long day, we have a drink.
[    ] 3) They brush their teeth.
[    ] 4) They take a shower.

✏ Complete

1 - Everyday in the morning after ________, i take a ______ and brushing my

[    ] 1) Waking up/water
[    ] 2) Waking up/Bath
[    ] 3) sleeping/wake up

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

WASH ______________________________
BRUSHING ______________________________
GETTING ______________________________
HAVE ______________________________
BATH ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 7 - Can & Cant
- Let's learn about what people can
1 - What is the video about? and can't do.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They can dance!
[    ] 1) what people are able to do - They can't dance.
[    ] 2) where people do things - He can jump.
[    ] 3) the things people drink - She can't jump.
[    ] 4) who likes animals - The baby can swim.
- He can't swim.
2 - Who can move himself through water?
- The man can cook.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - This guy can't cook.
[    ] 1) the man - He can drive well.
[    ] 2) the sh - They can't drive well.
[    ] 3) the baby - He can play golf.
[    ] 4) the swimmer - He can't play golf.

✏ Complete

1 - Since he was 12 he is fast and _____ swin very well.

[    ] 1) Can't
[    ] 2) not
[    ] 3) Can

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

CAN ______________________________
PLAY ______________________________
COOK ______________________________
JUMP ______________________________
WELL ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 7 - The Sports We Play
- Let's learn sports.
1 - What sports have no balls? - They are playing baseball.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are playing basketball.
[    ] 1) soccer and hockey - The men are boxing.
[    ] 2) golf and cricket - The women are playing cricket.
[    ] 3) boxing and cycling - They are cycling.
[    ] 4) tennis and rugby - He is playing golf.
- They are playing American football.
2 - Who is famous in soccer?
- They are playing hockey.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The men are playing rugby.
[    ] 1) Federer - Ronaldo is a famous soccer player.
[    ] 2) Bryant - Roger Federer plays tennis.
[    ] 3) Jeter
[    ] 4) Ronaldo
3 - What sport does Federer play?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) basketball
[    ] 2) baseball
[    ] 3) football
[    ] 4) tennis

✏ Complete

1 - We use balls to play ______,_______ and ________.

[    ] 1) Baseball, football and cycling.
[    ] 2) Baseball, running and Golf.
[    ] 3) Baseball, football and Soccer.

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

BOXING ______________________________
BASEBALL ______________________________
GOLF ______________________________
SOCCER ______________________________
CYCLING ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 8 - Our Day 2
- Let's learn about what people do
1 - What does the woman do on her break? every day.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He is ironing.
[    ] 1) She listens to music. - The boy is going to school.
[    ] 2) She drinks something. - The women are working in a factory.
[    ] 3) She does some shopping. - The boy is doing the shopping.
[    ] 4) She takes a nap. - She is taking a break and having a
2 - What do people do to be healthy?
- Lisa is listening to music.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The women are exercising at the
[    ] 1) They work in a factory. gym.
[    ] 2) They surf the Internet. - The cat is sur ng the Internet.
[    ] 3) They exercise at the gym. - He is taking a nap.
[    ] 4) They iron their clothes. - He is sleeping.
- Good night!
✏ Complete

1 - She is too tired she needs to _____ a break. She has been _____ for 10
hours straight.
[    ] 1) Take/Waking
[    ] 2) Take/Working
[    ] 3) Take/Job

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LISTENING ______________________________
TAKING ______________________________
GOING ______________________________
SLEEPING ______________________________
WORKING ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 8 - Our Day 3
- Let's learn about what people are
1 - What is Bill doing? doing.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are dancing.
[    ] 1) waiting for the boy - He is exercising.
[    ] 2) watching TV - He is laughing.
[    ] 3) singing - He is falling.
[    ] 4) sleeping - Bill is watching TV.
- They are walking.
2 - Who is singing?
- Justin Bieber is singing.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The man is reading.
[    ] 1) Bill - The boy is waiting.
[    ] 2) a girl - They are sleeping.
[    ] 3) John
[    ] 4) Justin

3 - Who is reading and who is waiting?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) the boy and Bieber
[    ] 2) the man and the boy
[    ] 3) two boys
[    ] 4) a boy and a woman

✏ Complete

1 - They were dancing when they ______. Everyone was ______.

[    ] 1) Laughing/Feelling.
[    ] 2) Fell/Laughing
[    ] 3) Dance/Laughing

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SLEEPING ______________________________
WAITING ______________________________
READING ______________________________
WALKING ______________________________
DANCING ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 8 - Our Day 4
- Let's learn about what people do.
1 - What is the video about? - She is driving the car.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He is riding his bike.
[    ] 1) things people do - He is taking a picture.
[    ] 2) things one can eat - He is opening and closing the door.
[    ] 3) places one can go - The boy kicked the chair.
[    ] 4) things that move - The man is looking at the woman's
2 - What is she doing?
- He is writing.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He is making a decision.
[    ] 1) doing her makeup - He is doing her makeup.
[    ] 2) driving the car - They are clapping.
[    ] 3) riding the bike - One man is not.
[    ] 4) looking at her face

✏ Complete

1 - She knows how to _____ very well, she is even ______ a book.
[    ] 1) Writing/making
[    ] 2) write/make
[    ] 3) write/making

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

WRITING ______________________________
OPENING ______________________________
MAKING ______________________________
LOOKING ______________________________
KICKED ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 9 - Likes and Dislikes 1
- Likes and dislikes.
1 - What animal does the man like? - I like pizza.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I don't like pasta.
[    ] 1) dogs - I like cats.
[    ] 2) cats - I don't like dogs.
[    ] 3) pizza - I love the color green.
[    ] 4) green - I don't like pink.
- I'm a big hockey fan.
2 - What do you call a person who likes someone or something?
- I don't like basketball much.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a color
[    ] 2) a basketball
[    ] 3) a hockey
[    ] 4) a fan

✏ Complete

1 - I ____ like this show, i _____ watching the other channel.

[    ] 1) not/prefer
[    ] 2) do/prefer
[    ] 3) don't/prefer

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LOVE ______________________________
MUCH ______________________________
FAN ______________________________
LIKE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 9 - Likes and Dislikes 2
- Likes and dislikes.
1 - What does the father like? - My sister likes coffee.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - She doesn't like tea.
[    ] 1) coffee - My father loves Coca-Cola.
[    ] 2) tea - He doesn't like Pepsi.
[    ] 3) Pepsi - I like happy people.
[    ] 4) Coca-Cola - I don't like angry people at all.
- I like taking hot showers.
2 - Who likes tea?
- I don't like taking baths.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) the British
[    ] 2) the sister
[    ] 3) the man
[    ] 4) no one

✏ Complete

1 - He ______ puppies and i ___ baths.

[    ] 1) love/love
[    ] 2) Loves/love
[    ] 3) loves/loves

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LOVES ______________________________
LIKES ______________________________
AT ALL ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 9 - Opposites 1
- Let's learn about opposites.
1 - What did you learn from this video? - This bear is big.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - This bear is small.
[    ] 1) how to describe your daily routine - She is very tall.
[    ] 2) how to introduce yourself to others - The penguins are short.
[    ] 3) how to describe people and things - This young boy can dance.
[    ] 4) how to talk about your interests - This old man can dance too!
- They are rich.
2 - Which of the following best describes the rst bear in the video?
- She is poor.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He is happy.
[    ] 1) angry - She is very sad.
[    ] 2) small
[    ] 3) happy
[    ] 4) large

3 - What is the old man in the video doing?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) singing
[    ] 2) dancing
[    ] 3) sleeping
[    ] 4) reading

✏ Complete

1 - He is a very _____ and ____, you will see him since he is very ______.
[    ] 1) young/rich/tall
[    ] 2) youging/rich/tall
[    ] 3) young/rich/talling

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

YOUNG ______________________________
BIG ______________________________
RICH ______________________________
SMALL ______________________________
TALL ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 10 - Opposites 2
- Let's learn about opposites.
1 - What is the opposite of "fast"? - The cheetah is fast.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The turtle is slow.
[    ] 1) dirty - It's so quiet.
[    ] 2) slow - The city is noisy!
[    ] 3) tall - She is good.
[    ] 4) quiet - He is very bad.
- He is right-handed.
2 - What do you call someone who helps people?
- Larry Bird is left-handed.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The dog is clean.
[    ] 1) good - This dog is very dirty.
[    ] 2) noisy
[    ] 3) bad
[    ] 4) clean

✏ Complete

1 - I don't like cities, they are very ______ and the traf c is _____.
[    ] 1) noisy/slow
[    ] 2) noisy/fast
[    ] 3) noyse/slow

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

QUIET ______________________________
DIRTY ______________________________
FAST ______________________________
BAD ______________________________
SLOW ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 10 - Opposites 3
- Let's learn about opposites.
1 - What do you call a place with no people? - The dog is fat.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The women are thin.
[    ] 1) thin - The restaurant is empty.
[    ] 2) full - This restaurant is full.
[    ] 3) noisy - The man is sitting near the woman.
[    ] 4) empty - The band is far away.
- The car is expensive.
2 - Which words are opposites?
- This car is cheap.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Her hair is long.
[    ] 1) fat, small - Her hair is short.
[    ] 2) man, car
[    ] 3) near, far
[    ] 4) this, the

✏ Complete

1 - She is really pretty, she has a ______ blonde hair, and she is really _____.
She is always using _____ clothes.
[    ] 1) longer/short/expensive
[    ] 2) long/short/expensive
[    ] 3) long/shorter/expensive

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

CHEAP ______________________________
FAT ______________________________
LONG ______________________________
SHORT ______________________________
FAR ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 10 - Opposites 4
- Let's learn about opposites.
1 - What is not dry? - The butter is soft.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - This butter is hard.
[    ] 1) the man - The man on the left wins the race.
[    ] 2) the clothes - The man on the left loses.
[    ] 3) the dog - He is very strong.
[    ] 4) the boy - The boy is weak.
- The clothes are dry.
2 - Which words are opposites?
- The dog is wet.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) strong, loses
[    ] 2) weak, strong
[    ] 3) dry, wins
[    ] 4) soft, wet

✏ Complete

1 - The ____ car doesn't win every race, sometimes like when the track is
_____ the _____ cars also have a chance.
[    ] 1) strong/wetting/fast
[    ] 2) slow/dry/fast
[    ] 3) Fastest/wet/slow

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

WINS ______________________________
WEAK ______________________________
DRY ______________________________
STRONG ______________________________
WET ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 11 - Things in the Classroom
- Let's learn about objects in the
1 - Where can you write your notes? classroom.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Something is written on the desk.
[    ] 1) on your hand - The boy has a pencil.
[    ] 2) in your notebook - He is writing with a pen.
[    ] 3) in your bag - There is something in his notebook.
[    ] 4) on the desk - She is reading a textbook.
- These are my scissors.
2 - What can scissors do?
- There is a cat in his bag.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) send e-mail
[    ] 2) carry things
[    ] 3) kill people
[    ] 4) cut things

✏ Complete

1 - The students stay in the __________, and they use a ______ to write in the
[    ] 1) classroom/pen/notebook
[    ] 2) classroom/pen/wall
[    ] 3) classroom/pencil/wall

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

NOTEBOOK ______________________________
PEN ______________________________
PENCIL ______________________________
BAG ______________________________
CLASSROOM ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 11 - School Subjects
- Let's learn about school subjects.
1 - In what class do you learn to act? - They are learning math.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are studying science.
[    ] 1) math - He is reading for English class.
[    ] 2) art - She teaches social studies.
[    ] 3) drama - They are in music class.
[    ] 4) social studies - They are in drama class.
- He is taking art.
2 - What can you learn in gym class?
- They are in gym class.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are doing computer science
[    ] 1) cooking homework.
[    ] 2) driving
[    ] 3) swimming
[    ] 4) writing

✏ Complete

1 - The ______ I enjoy more are ______________.

[    ] 1) subjects/math and science
[    ] 2) subject/math,drama,science and geography
[    ] 3) subect/math

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SUBJECTS ______________________________
MATH ______________________________
COMPUTER SCIENCE ______________________________
SCIENCE ______________________________
DRAMA ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 11 - School Things
- Let's learn about words in school.
1 - Where do you do your homework? - He is late for class.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He hates homework.
[    ] 1) in class - They study together.
[    ] 2) in my house - She is a teacher.
[    ] 3) in school - The student is raising her hand.
[    ] 4) at night - The girls are in the hall.
- Mary and Linda are in the cafeteria.
2 - Who are in the cafeteria?
- He is in his of ce.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The principal is angry.
[    ] 1) the boys - The janitor is cleaning the oor.
[    ] 2) the girls
[    ] 3) the janitors
[    ] 4) the teachers

✏ Complete

1 - The ______ were _____ for the class today. The _____ was waiting them.
[    ] 1) students/late/wanting
[    ] 2) student/late/teacher
[    ] 3) students/late/teacher

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TEACHER ______________________________
CLASS ______________________________
OFFICE ______________________________
HALL ______________________________
STUDENT ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 12 - Internet for All of Us
- This is about us.
1 - What is being described in the video? - All of us.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Right now, a couple billion of us have
[    ] 1) a different type of planet access to the Internet...
[    ] 2) a means of communication - ...and amazing things have come
[    ] 3) a new method of traveling from it.
[    ] 4) a modern way of working - So what happens when the rest of us
get access?
2 - According to the speaker, what will access to the Internet do?
- It doesn't get twice as good.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It gets like a bazillion times as good.
[    ] 1) It will open other planets for people to live in. - Imagine it, for the rst time in
[    ] 2) It will bring people to outer space. history, humanity ring on all
[    ] 3) It will make people more intelligent. cylinders.
[    ] 4) It will allow more peoples ideas to be heard. - Everyone, everywhere.
3 - How will Internet become available for everyone? - New voices, new dreams, new
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- And here's the thing: we can do it.
[    ] 1) by beginning with a solar-powered aircraft
- It starts up here at 60,000 feet with
[    ] 2) by using a computer on a sunny day
planes powered by the sun,...
[    ] 3) by living in another planet
- ...opening up the Internet to people
[    ] 4) by riding an airplane
- So what happens now when we all
✏ Complete have the Internet?
- Who knows?
1 - Eveyone should __________ to the internet.
- That falls to us.
[    ] 1) be access - All of us.
[    ] 2) have access
[    ] 3) tale access

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ACCESS ______________________________
HUMANITY ______________________________
AMAZING ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 12 - Sel e Addict
- This is my sister.
1 - Why did the boy's sister keep taking photos of herself? - When she went to high school, she
Escolha a opção correta e anote. really wanted contacts.
[    ] 1) She wanted to become a supermodel. - Hi.
[    ] 2) She couldn't nd a good photo of herself. - And a boyfriend.
[    ] 3) She got a new pair of contact lenses. - Hi.
[    ] 4) She couldn't nd a perfect boyfriend. - That's when she started taking more
sel es.
2 - According to one of her younger brothers, why can't she take great
- Nonstop, all day, every day.
photos of herself? - She took lots of sel es.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Lots and lots of sel es.
[    ] 1) She's boring. - What are you looking at?
[    ] 2) She's pretty. - But she hated them all.
[    ] 3) She's too ugly. - She just couldn't nd the one she
[    ] 4) She's a nerd. liked.
3 - Why did she suddenly start loving her sel es? - You need to take better photos.
- Problem is you're too ugly.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - But lately, all that's changed.
[    ] 1) She got a new laptop. - Sweet!
[    ] 2) She had an operation. - She sends her sel es to everyone she
[    ] 3) She got a new phone. knows.
[    ] 4) She found new friends. - Especially her boyfriend.
- They're always talking, texting and
✏ Complete making plans.
- I guess it's true.
1 - I bought a great camera so i can ___________ photos. - Love is blind.
[    ] 1) take bester - Ready, set, cheese!
[    ] 2) taking best
[    ] 3) take better

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TEXTING ______________________________
HIGH SCHOOL ______________________________
UGLY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 12 - Oldies Talk About Sel es
- Sel e?
1 - What does the woman not know? - I don't know what she's saying.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Where you take a picture of yourself
[    ] 1) what a sel e is and you put it on Facebook...
[    ] 2) why people take pictures - ...and let everybody see it.
[    ] 3) where Facebook is - When do you take a picture of
[    ] 4) when sel es became popular yourself?
- Oh! They do it, they do it.
2 - What does she want to try?
- I don't.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Oh, no you don't and I don't, but they
[    ] 1) calling a mummy do.
[    ] 2) being on television - Who's they?
[    ] 3) going on Facebook - Other people.
[    ] 4) taking a sel e - I gotta try that sometime.
- I had enough pictures taken of me, I
✏ Complete don't have to take my own picture.

1 - This is my new camera, i am going to ______ many ______ with it.

[    ] 1) take/pictures
[    ] 2) taking/pictures
[    ] 3) takes/pictures

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TAKE ______________________________
PICTURE ______________________________
TRY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 13 - Reach Out with One Tap
- Now, I wanna add something to my
1 - What kind of product is being shown? space.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - So, I'm gonna pull up my holographic
[    ] 1) an electronic device Start menu,...
[    ] 2) children's toys - ...and I'm gonna open up Skype.
[    ] 3) a musical instrument - I'm the worst at keeping in touch.
[    ] 4) sports equipment - So, I'm gonna take the people that
matter most to me,...
2 - What was the speaker inspired to do?
- ...and I'm gonna pin them to this wall
Escolha a opção correta e anote. right here.
[    ] 1) connect with people - That way, every time I walk into this
[    ] 2) play video games room, I'll see their smiling faces...
[    ] 3) take photos - ...and be inspired to reach out to
[    ] 4) write a novel them.
3 - Which statement best describes the product? - Then if I look up here on the wall, to
my left, I've got a video player.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- I simply reach out, air tap, and I'm
[    ] 1) It promotes learning.
right in the action.
[    ] 2) It improves hearing.
[    ] 3) It simpli es tasks.
[    ] 4) It makes work enjoyable.

✏ Complete

1 - We are keepint in _______. I like to see her _____.

[    ] 1) tap/smile
[    ] 2) touch/smile
[    ] 3) touch/dances

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SMILING ______________________________
MENU ______________________________
TAP ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 13 - One Day is Today
- One day, machines will be sprayed to
1 - According to the video, how will machines be made in the future? be made,...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...and making something stronger
[    ] 1) by just thinking about it will mean making it lighter.
[    ] 2) by robots - One day, factories will work with the
[    ] 3) by people cloud.
[    ] 4) by spraying - One day is today.

2 - What does the video imply about the future?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Machines will do all the work.
[    ] 2) The world will be lled with big machines.
[    ] 3) Everything will be made possible.
[    ] 4) Factories will be in the sky.

✏ Complete

1 - In 2016 to make something ______ we still have to _______ it heavier.

[    ] 1) stronger/be
[    ] 2) stronger/take
[    ] 3) stronger/make

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

STRONGER ______________________________
FACTORIES ______________________________
MACHINES ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 13 - O Trabalho Incrível da Minha Mãe
- My mom?
1 - How would you describe the things that the girl's mother makes? - She makes underwater fans that are
Escolha a opção correta e anote. powered by the moon.
[    ] 1) They are made for children. - My mom makes airplane engines
[    ] 2) They are all large. that can talk.
[    ] 3) They can be found everywhere. - My mom makes hospitals you can
[    ] 4) They seem strange. hold in your hand.
- My mom can print amazing things
2 - What can we say about the girl?
right from her computer.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - My mom makes trains that are
[    ] 1) She never sees her mother at home. friends with trees.
[    ] 2) She wants to be just like her mom. - My mom works at GE.
[    ] 3) She thinks about what her mom does.
[    ] 4) She sees things that are not real.

3 - What can we say about the girl's mother?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) She is a bad mother.
[    ] 2) She lives in another world.
[    ] 3) Her job makes her travel.
[    ] 4) Her job is to make things.

✏ Complete

1 - While ______ y in the sky, submarines stay _______.

[    ] 1) Airplanes/water
[    ] 2) Airplanes/underwater
[    ] 3) Airplanes/watered

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

AIRPLANE ______________________________
UNDERWATER ______________________________
PRINT ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 14 - Under The Weather
- Under the Weather.
1 - Which of the following words means under the weather? - It means not feeling well.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He's feeling under the weather today
[    ] 1) afraid so he can't join soccer practice.
[    ] 2) sick - My boss is feeling under the weather
[    ] 3) rainy and couldn't join the meeting.
[    ] 4) brave - I'm feeling under the weather today
so I can't make it to school.
✏ Complete

1 - She was under the weather today, you could see in her face how _____
she was ______.
[    ] 1) bad/feeling
[    ] 2) bad/feel
[    ] 3) good/feeling

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

UNDER THE WEATHER ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 14 - Roll Up Your Sleeves
- Roll Up Your Sleeves.
1 - Which of the following best means "roll up your sleeves?" - It means to prepare to work hard.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - You'll nish the job on time if you roll
[    ] 1) to wash your shirt up your sleeves now.
[    ] 2) to do your best to nish something - You'll be successful one day if you
[    ] 3) to do well in school roll up your sleeves soon.
[    ] 4) to change clothes - It's time to roll up your sleeves and
get the job done.

✏ Complete

1 - Some people still have to _____________ and start working _______.

[    ] 1) Roll up ours sleeves/harder
[    ] 2) Roll up theirs sleeves/harder
[    ] 3) Roll up yours sleeves/Harder

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 14 - Quebre uma Perna
- Break a leg.
1 - Which of the following means break a leg? - It means to wish someone good luck.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The stage manager told his actors to
[    ] 1) to wish someone happiness in life do their best and break a leg.
[    ] 2) to wish for a leg replacement - It's the rst night of your stage play
[    ] 3) to wish someone the best of luck so go break a leg!
[    ] 4) to hope that someone loses a leg - Good luck on your performance.
Hope you break a leg!

✏ Complete

1 - I whised him to break a leg, he is very nervous but i know he is _______.

[    ] 1) Very good
[    ] 2) very bad
[    ] 3) Very

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

BREAK A LEG ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 15 - Once in a Blue Moon
- Once in a Blue Moon.
1 - How often do you meet a person when it's "once in a blue moon?" - It means very rarely.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I'm a busy person so I only take a
[    ] 1) rarely vacation once in a blue moon.
[    ] 2) once a day - The lazy man goes to the gym once in
[    ] 3) every day a blue moon.
[    ] 4) always - I only get to see my friends abroad
once in a blue moon.

✏ Complete

1 - This is so _____ we can say it happens only once in a blue moon.

[    ] 1) normal
[    ] 2) easy
[    ] 3) rare

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ONCE IN A BLUE MOON ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 15 - Cut to the Chase
- Cut to the Chase.
1 - Which of the following means "cut to the chase?" - It means to get to the important
Escolha a opção correta e anote. parts of a story.
[    ] 1) to run with scissors - Skip the details of your story and cut
[    ] 2) to use a knife instead of scissors to the chase.
[    ] 3) to start a conversation - I don't have time to explain things so
[    ] 4) to talk about the most important detail let me cut to the chase.
- Could you cut to the chase and just
tell me what you need?
✏ Complete

1 - I had to ask him to cut to the chase, he was _____ too _____to tell the
[    ] 1) taking/long
[    ] 2) taking/short
[    ] 3) taking/big

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

CUT TO THE CHASE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 15 - Pedaço de Bolo
- Piece of cake.
1 - Which of the following means piece of cake? - It means something that is easy to
Escolha a opção correta e anote. do.
[    ] 1) unclear - Aaron got a perfect score on his test.
[    ] 2) simple to do - It was a piece of cake for him.
[    ] 3) dif cult - Math is a dif cult subject but English
[    ] 4) funny is a piece of cake for me.
- I can nish the project in one hour.
- It will be a piece of cake.
✏ Complete

1 - The test was a piece of cake, all the questions were_____.

[    ] 1) hard
[    ] 2) easy
[    ] 3) harder

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

PIECE OF CAKE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 16 - Amor por Aprender
- They applauded us when we were
1 - What is this video about? right,...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...corrected us when we were
[    ] 1) giving thanks to doctors wrong,...
[    ] 2) giving thanks to engineers - ...and helped us when we didn't know
[    ] 3) giving thanks to teachers the difference.
[    ] 4) giving thanks to actors - They were tough when they had to
2 - What were some of the things that students learned from their
- when they wanted to be,...
teachers? - ...fair when they ought to be,...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...and compassionate when they
[    ] 1) singing and creativity needed to be.
[    ] 2) spelling and asking questions - Sure, they taught us I before E except
[    ] 3) addition and honesty after C,...
[    ] 4) drawing and respect - ...A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y,...
- ...and who, what, where, when, why,
3 - Why do we have good things in the world?
and how.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - But they also taught us that we could
[    ] 1) because of money do anything,...
[    ] 2) because of technology - ...and they believed it.
[    ] 3) because of the love of learning - Every good thing in the world,...
[    ] 4) because of nature - ...every song, every invention, every
accord, every cure, every word...
✏ Complete - ...exists because at some point,
someone wanted to teach...
1 - The road was so _____ we _______ to stop and go back then get there. - ...and someone else decided to learn.
[    ] 1) though/ough - Here's to the love of learning and all
[    ] 2) tough/ough those who choose to embrace it.
[    ] 3) toug/ough

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

OUGHT TO ______________________________
COMPASSIONATE ______________________________
CORRECTED ______________________________
APPLAUDED ______________________________
TOUGH ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 16 - If You Learn, You Grow
- If you are, you breathe.
1 - What is the purpose of this video? - If you breathe, you talk.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - If you talk, you ask.
[    ] 1) to encourage people to be more curious - If you ask, you think.
[    ] 2) to encourage people to nish college - If you think, you search.
[    ] 3) to encourage people to save the world - If you search, you experience.
[    ] 4) to encourage people to watch more TV - If you experience, you learn.
- If you learn, you grow.
2 - According to the video, how do people learn new things?
- If you grow, you wish.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - If you wish, you nd.
[    ] 1) through mass media - And if you nd, you doubt.
[    ] 2) through culture - If you doubt, you question.
[    ] 3) through criticism - If you question, you understand.
[    ] 4) through experience - And if you understand, you know.
3 - According to the video, how do people understand things? - If you know, you want to know more.
- And if you want to know more, you
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
are alive!
[    ] 1) by meeting new people
- National Geographic Channel. Live
[    ] 2) by talking to friends
[    ] 3) by asking questions
[    ] 4) by attending lectures

✏ Complete

1 - After asking all the ______ i got to _________ it.

[    ] 1) doubts/knowledge
[    ] 2) questions/understand
[    ] 3) questions/alive

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ALIVE ______________________________
DOUBT ______________________________
SEARCH ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 16 - It Starts With Great Teachers
- So, I was a C- student in school.
1 - What did the speaker remember about his teacher? - I went to one of the best schools in
Escolha a opção correta e anote. Washington, DC.
[    ] 1) The teacher made him feel special. - And I think that out of 100 students,
[    ] 2) The teacher passed him in all his tests. I was the 100th student.
[    ] 3) The teacher gave him gifts. - I was, at best, a C- student.
[    ] 4) The teacher made him feel scared. - But I had a couple of teachers.
- One I'll remember forever is, his
2 - According to the speaker, how will America get great education?
name is Harvey Lesure, my tenth
Escolha a opção correta e anote. grade American History teacher.
[    ] 1) by getting really smart scientists to teach - Even though I was the worst student
[    ] 2) by sending children to expensive schools in the class, Harvey Lesure saw
[    ] 3) by sending children to study abroad something.
[    ] 4) by getting great teachers - He made me feel, I don't know how
3 - In the video, which of the following was not suggested by the he did it, like some great magician...
- ...he made me feel like I had
something to say.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - So when I feel like the issue is too
[    ] 1) Give teachers a raise. complex,...
[    ] 2) Become great teachers. - ...too hard to grasp, impossible xing
[    ] 3) Help teachers. our schools,...
[    ] 4) Appreciate teachers. - ...I go to the place that I did when I
rst started making this movie:...
✏ Complete - ...that we're never gonna have great
schools without great teachers.
1 - Only with a great teacher you can ________ the importance of _________. - So if you're looking for a way to get
[    ] 1) aprecciete/education involved,...
[    ] 2) apreciete/education - ...if you're looking for a way to give
[    ] 3) appreciate/education every kid in America a great
- starts with great teachers.
✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo
- Become a teacher.
EDUCATION ______________________________ - Help a teacher.
- Be part of appreciating the role
APPRECIATING ______________________________
teachers have in our society.
COMPLEX ______________________________ - That is the answer.
- We're never going to have great
schools without great teachers.



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 17 - Why Do Cats Love Boxes?
- Cats love boxes because they're
1 - What is the video about? cryptic animals.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They like to hide, and a box gives
[    ] 1) cat behavior them a place of safety and security.
[    ] 2) cat treats - They can get into that box...
[    ] 3) cat videos - ...and they can't be approached from
[    ] 4) cat litter the side or the back where they're not
aware of it.
2 - According to the man in the video, why do cats love boxes?
- The other thing is they can sit in that
Escolha a opção correta e anote. box, feeling safe,...
[    ] 1) They love eating. - ...and they can watch the world go
[    ] 2) They love running. around in front of them.
[    ] 3) They love hiding. - And if something interesting comes
[    ] 4) They love sleeping. by, they can dash out.
3 - According to him, how do cats feel when they're inside boxes?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) safe and secure
[    ] 2) calm and bored
[    ] 3) sick and tired
[    ] 4) sad and scared

✏ Complete

1 - Cats_____ boxes, they _____ secure in them.

[    ] 1) enjoy/feel
[    ] 2) loves/is
[    ] 3) love/is

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

DASH ______________________________
APPROACHED ______________________________
SECURITY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 17 - Should You Walk or Run in the Rain?
- On those cold, rainy days when you
1 - What is the video trying to answer? forget your rain jacket or umbrella...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...and you want to stay as dry as
[    ] 1) if it's better to stay at home on a rainy day possible,...
[    ] 2) whether it's better to use raincoats or umbrellas - ...should you walk and spend more
[    ] 3) whether it's better to run or walk in the rain time in the rain?
[    ] 4) if it's better to commute to work on a rainy day - Or should you run, which means
you'll be hitting more raindrops from
2 - According to the speaker, why would running in the rain only make
the side?
you wetter? - Assuming you haven't been fully
Escolha a opção correta e anote. soaked yet...
[    ] 1) You will hit rains from all sides. - ...and you aren't jumping into
[    ] 2) You will slip down into a puddle of water. puddles, the answer is simple.
[    ] 3) You will just make it rain harder. - As you move out of the way of one
[    ] 4) You will enjoy running in the rain. falling raindrop, you move into the
3 - According to the speaker, whats the best way to stay dry in the rain? way of another.
- So the amount of rain hitting the top
Escolha a opção correta e anote. of you is constant,...
[    ] 1) by running fast - ...regardless of how fast you're going.
[    ] 2) by riding a car - If you're not moving, the rain from
[    ] 3) by calling friends the top is all you'll get.
[    ] 4) by standing still - But if you are moving, you'll also run
into raindrops from the side...
✏ Complete - ...and you'll get wetter.
- So in any given second, you stay
1 - I forgot my _______ and today is really ______, i wish i had a raincoat. driest by standing still,...
[    ] 1) umbrela/rainy - ...and the faster you move, the wetter
[    ] 2) umbrela/rain you become.
[    ] 3) umbrella/rainy

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

UMBRELLA ______________________________
CONSTANT ______________________________
SPEND ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 17 - The Smile Test
- Force your face into a smile.
1 - What is the man asking you to do? - Now hold that expression.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Everyone knows that when they feel
[    ] 1) to dance in front of a mirror happy they smile,...
[    ] 2) to stop crying - ...but research shows the opposite is
[    ] 3) to write your happy moments also true.
[    ] 4) to force your face into a smile - When you force your face into a
smile you start to feel happier.
2 - According to research, what happens when a person smiles?
- Keep smiling.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The same is true of how you talk and
[    ] 1) The person starts to be happy. even walk.
[    ] 2) The persons face muscles get cramps. - If you put energy into your voice and
[    ] 3) The face becomes more beautiful. a spring in your step...
[    ] 4) The person starts to behave differently. - Okay, you can stop smiling now.
3 - What should a person do when they want a quick dose of delight? - How do you feel?
- Did it work for you?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- I hope so.
[    ] 1) Watch children play.
- And next time you want a quick dose
[    ] 2) Spend money on shopping.
of delight,...
[    ] 3) Watch a movie or listen to music.
- ...just spend thirty seconds or so
[    ] 4) Spend thirty seconds behaving like a happy person.
behaving like a happy person.

✏ Complete

1 - Everyone _____that _____they feel happy they ____.

[    ] 1) Knows/when/smile
[    ] 2) Knows/when/smiles
[    ] 3) Know/when/smiles

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

RESEARCH ______________________________
EXPRESSION ______________________________
BEHAVING ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 18 - Flat Apple Trees
- This is Tony.
1 - What most likely is Tony's job? - He grows apples,...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...but he was having a little problem.
[    ] 1) a store owner - Apples are very small,...
[    ] 2) a farmer - ...but the trees are very big,...
[    ] 3) a tourist - they take up lots of land and it's
[    ] 4) a tree cutter getting quite costly to grow them in
2 - What is Tony's problem?
- Soon, we might have to y them all in
Escolha a opção correta e anote. from faraway places,...
[    ] 1) He doesn't have enough time to travel elsewhere. - ...and there wouldn't be as many jobs
[    ] 2) He doesn't have enough plants in his farm. for British farmers.
[    ] 3) He doesn't have enough buyers for his apples. - So Tony had to ask himself,...
[    ] 4) He doesn't have enough space to grow trees. - ..."How do you make lots of big things
3 - How does Tony solve his problem? t in one small space?"
- Well, in all my years, I've never seen
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
anything like it.
[    ] 1) by growing another type of tree
- One day, Tony remembered being on
[    ] 2) by moving to another country
holiday in France...
[    ] 3) by using a style of planting
- ...and seeing all the grapes growing in
[    ] 4) by ordering items from another supplier
- And also, apple trees stretched out
✏ Complete across the walls at Versailles.
- He thought, "How at they were!"
1 - A _____ idea to building cities was _______ them upwards.
- Then he had an amazing idea.
[    ] 1) clever/builded - What if he could make his trees grow
[    ] 2) clever/build in lines too?
[    ] 3) clever/stretching - Then he'd have room for plenty more
✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo - Tony called some of his friends at a
place called Sainsbury's,...
STRETCHED ______________________________ - ...and together, he spoke to some
FIT ______________________________ very clever people...
- ...who worked out that you can grow
CLEVER ______________________________ at apple trees.
- Then they realized, these trees don't
just save space,...
- ...they drink much, much less water
- And believe me, trees like to drink.
- Soon, Tony and other Sainsbury's
farmers had planted whole elds of
at trees,...
- ...which means at Sainsbury's,...
- can have a choice of 57
varieties of British apple for years to



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 18 - What Is Engineering?
- You've probably heard the word
1 - Why is engineering important? engineering before...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...and you've probably been told it's
[    ] 1) Engineers are very intelligent. pretty important.
[    ] 2) Engineers are very hardworking. - But what exactly is engineering?
[    ] 3) Engineers build things we use. - And who exactly is an engineer?
[    ] 4) Engineers build space stations. - Engineers are people who design and
build things that we use every day.
2 - How do engineers decide what they need to build?
- However, they don't just go building
Escolha a opção correta e anote. the rst thing that comes to mind.
[    ] 1) by asking their boss - They work hard to make something
[    ] 2) by thinking of a question we need and they want to do a good
[    ] 3) by doing some research job of it.
[    ] 4) by thinking of an answer - So how do engineers decide what
3 - How do they pick the best ideas? they need to build?
- Well, in most cases, they start with a
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) They decide which idea makes sense.
- Here's an example.
[    ] 2) They organize a contest for engineers.
- Say you live on a space station and
[    ] 3) They conduct a series of experiments.
something outside breaks.
[    ] 4) They ask people what they really need.
- Obviously, you need to go outside
and x it.
✏ Complete - But how exactly do you do that?
- That's a great question for
1 - Today was a busy day, i had to ______ which _____ would be used in the
new building, and thats what i like about being a ______. - Once they've got a good handle on
[    ] 1) decide/design/enginer things, they'll start imagining ways to
[    ] 2) decide/design/enginners solve the problem.
[    ] 3) decide/design/engineer - They'll come up with all kinds of
ideas and some that might even seem
a little crazy.
✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo
- That's important because sometimes
COMPLICATED ______________________________ the craziest idea is the one that works
IMAGINING ______________________________
- After coming up with these ideas,
DESIGN ______________________________ they'll pick a few that make the most
- Next, they'll start drawing a plan.
- Depending on the idea, the plan can
be very simple or very complicated.
- But the important part is the plan
- A good plan helps engineers focus on
what they're making and most
importantly, why.



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 18 - Germs Are Everywhere
- Hello guys.
1 - Why can't people see germs? - Glad to meet you.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Do you know who I am?
[    ] 1) because they are secretive - I'm part of an army that's
[    ] 2) because they are pretty everywhere.
[    ] 3) because they are very small - What?
[    ] 4) because they are always moving - You don't see us around you?
- We're very, very, very tiny.
2 - Why are germs called microbes?
- You can't see us with open eyes.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - You can only see us under a
[    ] 1) because they can be seen under a microscope microscope.
[    ] 2) because they look like very small robes - But we're everywhere.
[    ] 3) because scientists think it's a nice name - On the doorknob, on the table, on
[    ] 4) because the word "microbe" is easy to remember your skin, everywhere.
3 - Why are germs bad for the body? - We're also called microbes as we can
only be seen under a microscope.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- And some people call us germs, too.
[    ] 1) They can make us sick.
- Germs, yes, germs!
[    ] 2) They can make us pretty.
- We can cause many diseases.
[    ] 3) They can make us sad.
[    ] 4) They can make us angry.

✏ Complete

1 - The army of ______ is so big, we can _____ them ______ we go.

[    ] 1) germ/searchs/anywhere
[    ] 2) germs/ nd/anywhere
[    ] 3) germ/search/everywhere

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TINY ______________________________
DISEASES ______________________________
ARMY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 19 - SEM NOME
- For this little panda to be happy, the
1 - How can we make trees happy? tree has to be happy.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - And for the tree to be happy, the air
[    ] 1) by keeping the air clean it breathes has to be happy.
[    ] 2) by wasting paper - And if the air is happy, the climate is
[    ] 3) by making wooden funiture happy.
[    ] 4) by using fertizer - And if the climate is happy, nature is
2 - According to the video, how can people have a happy future?
- And if nature is happy, people and
Escolha a opção correta e anote. the way they live and work,...
[    ] 1) by taking care of the environment - ...and the panda are all happy.
[    ] 2) by starting their own business - A happy future is a serious business.
[    ] 3) by keeping a pet panda - We work in partnership with
[    ] 4) by working hard and saving money governments, corporations, and
3 - Why does WWF work with other governments and communities? communities to secure that future,...
- ...because we're all connected.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- And that's WWF's business.
[    ] 1) because WWF needs money
[    ] 2) because WWF is popular
[    ] 3) because WWF has enough funds
[    ] 4) because we are all connected

✏ Complete

1 - Without the ______ we wouldn't even _____.

[    ] 1) nature/breathes
[    ] 2) natural/breathe
[    ] 3) nature/breath

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

NATURE ______________________________
CLIMATE ______________________________
BREATHES ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 19 - JFK: We Are Stronger
- This is a very dangerous and
1 - How did the late President Kennedy describe the world? uncertain world.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - No one expects that our life will be
[    ] 1) full of people who don't care easy, but I am con dent as I look to
[    ] 2) full of danger and uncertainty the future...
[    ] 3) full of hate and discontent - ...that our chances for security, our
[    ] 4) full of happiness and joy chances for peace, are better than
they've been in the past.
2 - Why is he con dent about the future?
- And the reason is because we are
Escolha a opção correta e anote. stronger.
[    ] 1) because America has become richer - And with that strength comes a
[    ] 2) because America has great resources determination not only to maintain
[    ] 3) because America has great teachers the peace,...
[    ] 4) because America has become stronger - ...but also to the vital interests of the
3 - What are Americans determined to maintain? United States.
- Thank you very much.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) people's right to vote
[    ] 2) people's right to privacy
[    ] 3) the economy of their country
[    ] 4) the interests of their country

✏ Complete

1 - We can build our own ______, and we must _______ it, we can have what
we _____.
[    ] 1) future/maint/expects
[    ] 2) future/keep/expects
[    ] 3) future/maintain/expect

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

UNCERTAIN ______________________________
EXPECTS ______________________________
MAINTAIN ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 19 - What Are You For?
- "For."
1 - What is the video about? - "For" is an attitude.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Only three letters, but the start of
[    ] 1) the importance of being joining protests everything great.
[    ] 2) the importance of spending time with friends - "For" is a force that challenges the
[    ] 3) the importance of being against something status quo.
[    ] 4) the importance of standing up for something - "For" means, "We are going to the
moon" instead of "Let's stay at home."
2 - According to the video, why is the word "for" important?
- "For" is always optimistic.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - "For" is in all of us.
[    ] 1) It can bring peace. - Be for something.
[    ] 2) It can bring rain. - For in life with more wow and more
[    ] 3) It can bring chaos. now.
[    ] 4) It can bring change. - For more space and less waste.
3 - According to the video, why is supporting something better than - For loving your city even more.
- Being against something is the easy
opposing it?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...but being for something is an
[    ] 1) It is more realistic. attitude that can change the world.
[    ] 2) It is more antagonistic.
[    ] 3) It shows more optimism.
[    ] 4) It shows more pessimism.

✏ Complete

1 - People who have an ______ can face _______ more easily

[    ] 1) Optimistic atitude/challenges
[    ] 2) Optimistic attitude/challenges
[    ] 3) Pessimist attitude/challenges

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

CHALLENGES ______________________________
OPTIMISTIC ______________________________
ATTITUDE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 20 - A Chance to Fly
- Please know I'm quite aware of the
1 - What message does the video send out to viewers? hazards.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Women must try to do things as men
[    ] 1) Ski jumping is strictly for men only. have tried.
[    ] 2) Women can participate in things that men do. - When they fail, their failure must be
[    ] 3) There are only a limited number of sports for women. but a challenge to others.
[    ] 4) Few women make it to the Olympics. - This year, women's ski jumping is an
Olympic event.
2 - According to the female speaker, how should a person see failure?
- Now women get a chance to y.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I'm Sarah Hendrickson and this is my
[    ] 1) as a sign to stop everywhere.
[    ] 2) as a challenge - VISA.
[    ] 3) as a restriction - Everywhere you want to be.
[    ] 4) as a sign of danger

3 - Who is Sarah Hendrickson?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) an events organizer
[    ] 2) a ski jumper
[    ] 3) a credit card company employee
[    ] 4) an Olympic committee member

✏ Complete

1 - Many _____ in our life dont have real _____ but anyway we fear them.
[    ] 1) challenges/hazards
[    ] 2) challenge/hazard
[    ] 3) challenge/hazards

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

EVENT ______________________________
CHALLENGE ______________________________
HAZARDS ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 20 - Our Children Deserve Better
- Right now, one-third of our children
1 - According to Michelle Obama, what should Americans be worried are overweight or obese.
about? - That means it's time for us to act
Escolha a opção correta e anote. because this isn't who we are.
[    ] 1) their children's friends - Something better is possible for our
[    ] 2) their children's clothes children.
[    ] 3) their children's health - So today I have just one simple
[    ] 4) their children's grades request.
- Join us and give our kids everything
2 - Why are children in America becoming unhealthy? they need...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...for the bright, healthy futures they
[    ] 1) They're watching too much TV. all deserve.
[    ] 2) They're not eating enough food. - Hello, everyone.
[    ] 3) They're addicted to video games.
[    ] 4) They're gaining too much weight.
3 - What is Michelle Obama's goal?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) to give poor children better homes
[    ] 2) to give children the toys they want
[    ] 3) to improve the quality of education
[    ] 4) to give children a brighter future

✏ Complete

1 - We can have what we ______, and sometimes we dont have even to

_____ it.
[    ] 1) deserve/requests
[    ] 2) deserve/request
[    ] 3) deserves/request

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

OVERWEIGHT ______________________________
REQUEST ______________________________
DESERVE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 20 - Ele me Deu o Nome de Malala
- You named her after a girl who spoke
1 - According to Malala, what can change the world? out and was killed.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It's almost as if you said, "She'll be
[    ] 1) education different."
[    ] 2) technology - You're right.
[    ] 3) war - I am those 66 million girls who are
[    ] 4) entertainment deprived of education.
- I am not a lone voice.
2 - Who gave Malala her name?
- I am many.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - And our voices are our most
[    ] 1) her father powerful weapons.
[    ] 2) her teacher - One child, one teacher, one book,
[    ] 3) her mother and one pen.
[    ] 4) her sister - They can change the world.
3 - How does Malala feel about the life she chose? - My father only gave me the name
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- He didn't make me Malala.
[    ] 1) grateful
- I chose this life and now I must
[    ] 2) uncertain
continue it.
[    ] 3) determined
[    ] 4) intimidated

✏ Complete

1 - We need more _____ and not more _______.

[    ] 1) education/wepon
[    ] 2) education/weapons.
[    ] 3) educations/weapons

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

EDUCATION ______________________________
WEAPONS ______________________________
LONE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 21 - Who Are They?
- I am a high school student.
1 - What is the woman's job? - She is a teacher.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - They are in the library.
[    ] 1) a student - She is not sick.
[    ] 2) a nurse - How old are you?
[    ] 3) a doctor
[    ] 4) a teacher

2 - How is the woman feeling?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) She is busy.
[    ] 2) She is sleepy.
[    ] 3) She is well.
[    ] 4) She is sick.

✏ Complete

1 - They are _____, yesterday they ____ reading books together in the
[    ] 1) friends/were/library
[    ] 2) friends/were/librari
[    ] 3) friends/where/library

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SICK ______________________________
HIGH SCHOOL ______________________________
LIBRARY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 21 - All About People
- I like this dress.
1 - Who doesn't like swimming? - She teaches English.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He has a car.
[    ] 1) Yoochun - Yuji doesn't like swimming.
[    ] 2) Yunho - Does he live in Japan?
[    ] 3) Yuri
[    ] 4) Yuji

2 - What subject is the woman teaching?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) driving
[    ] 2) English
[    ] 3) fashion
[    ] 4) Japanese

3 - What does the man in the video have?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a car
[    ] 2) a swimming pool
[    ] 3) a big house
[    ] 4) a dress

✏ Complete

1 - She is ______ with her dress. While he _____ not get here with the
[    ] 1) swimmings/does
[    ] 2) swimming/does
[    ] 3) swimming/do

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TEACHES ______________________________
SWIMMING ______________________________
DRESS ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 21 - In the Past
- She was absent yesterday.
1 - According to the speaker, what happened last week? - We were in Japan last week.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It was a really nice trip.
[    ] 1) The speaker was absent. - He was not here when you called.
[    ] 2) The speaker was in Japan. - Was he sick yesterday?
[    ] 3) The speaker was on a call.
[    ] 4) The speaker was sick.

2 - What did the speaker think of the trip?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) The speaker was sad about it.
[    ] 2) The speaker hated it.
[    ] 3) The speaker liked it.
[    ] 4) The speaker was afraid of it.

✏ Complete

1 - We _____ talking yesterday, as we _____ in the cafeteria.

[    ] 1) Were/walked
[    ] 2) were/walking
[    ] 3) was/walk

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

YESTERDAY ______________________________
CALLED ______________________________
LAST ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 22 - Regular Activities
- She goes to work every day.
1 - How often does Ken drink a bottle of soda? - Ken orders a bottle of soda regularly.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Kasumi and Takashi go abroad every
[    ] 1) rarely summer vacation.
[    ] 2) never - Dan and Karla cannot perform with
[    ] 3) always the band every Saturday.
[    ] 4) sometimes - Does he have to study every day ?

2 - What do Kasumi and Takashi like to do every summer?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) They like to take pictures.
[    ] 2) They like to play with their friends.
[    ] 3) They like to stay home.
[    ] 4) They like to travel.

3 - What do Dan and Karla do?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) They're of ce workers.
[    ] 2) They're actors.
[    ] 3) They're students.
[    ] 4) They're performers.

✏ Complete

1 - Everyday ____ i ____ to work i like to read.

[    ] 1) where/goes
[    ] 2) when/goes
[    ] 3) when/go

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

PERFORM ______________________________
SODA ______________________________
GOES TO ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 22 - SEM NOME
- There is a bag on the table.
1 - What is the speaker talking about? - There are pens in my purse.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - There is a book on my desk.
[    ] 1) the number of her pens - There was no water in the
[    ] 2) the appearance of her face refrigerator.
[    ] 3) the location of different things - Was there a concert yesterday?
[    ] 4) the people in a concert

2 - What was the speaker looking for in the refrigerator?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a book
[    ] 2) water
[    ] 3) a bag
[    ] 4) pens

✏ Complete

1 - ____ were no pens in the _____ so i had to chek in the drawer of the
[    ] 1) There/desk/table
[    ] 2) Theres/desk/tables
[    ] 3) There/table/desk

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

PENS ______________________________
DESK ______________________________
TABLE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 22 - What Did You Do?
- I took the picture.
1 - What did she wear last night? - She wore a beautiful dress last night.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He said he is not feeling well.
[    ] 1) a beautiful dress - I didn't clean it well.
[    ] 2) a beautiful skirt - Did you see him at the concert?
[    ] 3) a pair of jeans
[    ] 4) a school uniform
2 - Which of the following statements is not a possible answer to the
question, "Did you see him at the concert?"
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Yes, but we were not together.
[    ] 2) No, I didn't.
[    ] 3) Yes, I did.
[    ] 4) No, who's he?

3 - How is the man's health?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) He is sad.
[    ] 2) He is sick.
[    ] 3) He is scared.
[    ] 4) He is ne.

✏ Complete

1 - Hey, did you see who ____ my dress _____ night?

[    ] 1) took/tomorow
[    ] 2) take/last
[    ] 3) took/last

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

FEELING ______________________________
SEE ______________________________
TOOK ______________________________
WORE ______________________________
CLEAN ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 23 - I Will Do Many Things
- ?I will join the meeting tomorrow.
1 - Who will buy an umbrella? - Yumi will buy this umbrella.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Toshi is going to y the kite.
[    ] 1) Emi - Emi will not bake the cake.
[    ] 2) Shin - Will you wear this dress on Tuesday?
[    ] 3) Toshi
[    ] 4) Yumi

2 - What will Toshi do?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) He will wear a dress.
[    ] 2) He will join a meeting.
[    ] 3) He will y a kite.
[    ] 4) He will bake a cake.

3 - What does Emi not want to do?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) buy an umbrella
[    ] 2) join a meeting
[    ] 3) bake a cake
[    ] 4) wear a dress

✏ Complete

1 - I am not good at ______ so i prefer ______ food.

[    ] 1) cooking/buying
[    ] 2) cooking/buy
[    ] 3) cook/buying

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

BAKE ______________________________
TOMORROW ______________________________
BUY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 23 - What Will You Do Today?
- ?I must do my homework.
1 - What task must Frank do? - Frank must do the dishes.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Jovie may leave earlier today.
[    ] 1) He must do the dishes. - Hide must not go outside.
[    ] 2) He must visit his friend. - Should I make the hotel reservation
[    ] 3) He must clean his room. now?
[    ] 4) He must buy some groceries.

2 - Who must not go outside?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Hiro
[    ] 2) Frank
[    ] 3) Hide
[    ] 4) Jovie
3 - Where should the reservation be made?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) at a holiday spa
[    ] 2) at a travel agency
[    ] 3) at a restaurant
[    ] 4) at a hotel

✏ Complete

1 - Today i forgot to _____ a time to do the homework, and after doing the
______ i just sleept.
[    ] 1) reserved/dishes
[    ] 2) reserve/dishes
[    ] 3) reserve/dishe

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

DISHES ______________________________
RESERVATION ______________________________
HOMEWORK ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 23 - Things I Can and Cannot Do
- ?I can swim.
1 - In the video, who can sing? - She can sing.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He can drive a car.
[    ] 1) the man - Can we go shopping today?
[    ] 2) the violin
[    ] 3) the woman
[    ] 4) the car

2 - Who can drive a car?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) the woman
[    ] 2) the man
[    ] 3) the shopper
[    ] 4) the musician

✏ Complete

1 - Since i can't ______ i prefer to _____ guitar, thats why i am in band.

[    ] 1) swin/play
[    ] 2) swim/play
[    ] 3) swim/have

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SHOPPING ______________________________
SING ______________________________
PLAY ______________________________
SWIM ______________________________
DRIVE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 24 - What Did They Do?
- John helped me.
1 - What has John done to the speaker? - John and Mary beat them.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Anthony drove us.
[    ] 1) He hit the man. - The president himself feels bad
[    ] 2) He helped him. about the news.
[    ] 3) He talked to him. - Did Mark introduce her?
[    ] 4) He approached him.

2 - How did the president feel about the news?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) He felt happy about it.
[    ] 2) He felt good about it.
[    ] 3) He felt bad about it.
[    ] 4) He felt sad about it.

3 - What is Mark supposed to do?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) submit a report
[    ] 2) answer the call
[    ] 3) introduce another person
[    ] 4) make a presentation

✏ Complete

1 - After ______ me, he _____ us to the nearest hospital.

[    ] 1) help/drove
[    ] 2) helping/drive
[    ] 3) helping/drove

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

HELPED ______________________________
DROVE ______________________________
INTRODUCE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 24 - Contrasting Ideas
- We always stay at the canteen
1 - Where do people always stay during break time? during break time,...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...but yesterday we stayed at the
[    ] 1) at the station library.
[    ] 2) at the canteen - I often see my sister on weekends,
[    ] 3) in the park but recently I couldn't.
[    ] 4) at the library - Soya commonly plays tennis every
afternoon, but he played soccer today.
2 - Who plays tennis every afternoon?
- Shuma regularly buys milk tea for
Escolha a opção correta e anote. lunch, but he tried orange juice for
[    ] 1) Goya today.
[    ] 2) Soya - The clinic hours usually starts at
[    ] 3) Shinya 10:00 but yesterday it opened an hour
[    ] 4) Shunya earlier.
3 - What did Shuma try drinking today?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) an orange juice
[    ] 2) a bottle of strawberry juice
[    ] 3) a glass of wine
[    ] 4) an apple juice

✏ Complete

1 - I _____ sleep after soccer, but today ______ i went to a party.

[    ] 1) often/insist
[    ] 2) often/instead
[    ] 3) ofter/instead

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SISTER ______________________________
SOCCER ______________________________
ALWAYS ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 24 - Using Adverbs
- Carol visits New York occasionally.
1 - What does Carol visit every now and then? - Kindly open your textbooks to page
Escolha a opção correta e anote. 16.
[    ] 1) a city - I can hardly hear her voice.
[    ] 2) a hospital - The doctor is not here today.
[    ] 3) a class - Will mom be home soon?
[    ] 4) a home

2 - Who will not be available today?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Carol
[    ] 2) the man
[    ] 3) the doctor
[    ] 4) mom

✏ Complete

1 - We _____ see each other during the week.

[    ] 1) harder
[    ] 2) hardly
[    ] 3) hard

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TODAY ______________________________
HARDLY ______________________________
OCCASIONALLY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 25 - Who Owns It?
- Their house is as nice as ours.
1 - How does the speaker describe the house? - Mine is the coat with the fur collar.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - This gift is hers.
[    ] 1) It is new. - This car is his.
[    ] 2) It is small. - Is this coat yours?
[    ] 3) It is nice.
[    ] 4) It is big.

2 - What kind of collar does the person's coat have?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) fur
[    ] 2) cotton
[    ] 3) paper
[    ] 4) lace

3 - What will the man give to the woman?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a car
[    ] 2) a gift
[    ] 3) a coat
[    ] 4) a house

✏ Complete

1 - I loved the ____ he got me, it is a _____ piece of jewerly.

[    ] 1) present/cold
[    ] 2) gift/nice
[    ] 3) gifts/nice

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

GIFT ______________________________
NICE ______________________________
FUR ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 25 - How Many Are There?
- There are ve mangoes in the basket.
1 - Where are the mangoes? - She has two brothers and one sister.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The boys went to the park.
[    ] 1) at the park - The girls did not go to school.
[    ] 2) in the basket - Will the kids go to school today?
[    ] 3) in the bowl
[    ] 4) at the school
2 - Where are the boys going?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) to the school
[    ] 2) to the park
[    ] 3) to the museum
[    ] 4) to the mall

✏ Complete

1 - We were ______ guys and we didn't know how _____ money we had yet.
[    ] 1) two/much
[    ] 2) two/many
[    ] 3) one/much

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

PARK ______________________________
BASKET ______________________________
SCHOOL ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 25 - Describe This and That
- Hachiko is a faithful dog.
1 - What is Hachiko? - Ayumi is a good friend.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Summer is my favorite season.
[    ] 1) a dog - The oor is not clean.
[    ] 2) a friend - Is the water bottle almost empty?
[    ] 3) a mouse
[    ] 4) a cat
2 - Who is Ayumi?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a mother
[    ] 2) a student
[    ] 3) a teacher
[    ] 4) a friend

✏ Complete

1 - We need this oor to be _____ and ____ by the end of day.

[    ] 1) empty/Klear
[    ] 2) empty/clean
[    ] 3) empty/clens

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

EMPTY ______________________________
FAITHFUL ______________________________
CLEAN ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 26 - How Are They Feeling?
- Tomoya is asleep.
1 - How is Tomoya doing? - They walk to the station.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - She smiled at me.
[    ] 1) He is asleep. - Jane's friends are not happy with the
[    ] 2) He is scared. result.
[    ] 3) He is happy. - Is Sherry a doctor?
[    ] 4) He is excited.

2 - How did Jane's friends feel about the result?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) They felt unhappy about it.
[    ] 2) They felt bored about it.
[    ] 3) They felt glad about it.
[    ] 4) They felt angry about it.

3 - What did the speaker ask about Sherry?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) if she liked traveling
[    ] 2) if she liked Mount Everest
[    ] 3) if she was a nurse
[    ] 4) if she was a doctor

✏ Complete

1 - He was so ______ he couldn't walk straight.

[    ] 1) sleep
[    ] 2) asleepted
[    ] 3) asleep

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ASLEEP ______________________________
WALK ______________________________
DOCTOR ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 26 - SEM NOME
- Michael is the oldest boy at the
1 - Who is the oldest boy at the party? party.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Katie wore the prettiest dress she
[    ] 1) Michael owned.
[    ] 2) David - February was the coldest month of
[    ] 3) John the year.
[    ] 4) Mark - John is the smartest boy in his class.
- Who is the richest man in Japan?
2 - What month was the coldest of the year?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) December
[    ] 2) November
[    ] 3) January
[    ] 4) February
3 - Who wore the prettiest dress?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) February
[    ] 2) Katie
[    ] 3) Jake
[    ] 4) John

✏ Complete

1 - Coincidentally the ______ between them is the _____.

[    ] 1) oldest/richer
[    ] 2) oldest/richest
[    ] 3) older/richest

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

PRETTIEST ______________________________
RICHEST ______________________________
OLDEST ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 26 - Which Is Better?
- English is easier than Mathematics.
1 - On the video, who is shorter? - Greg is taller than Martha.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The pink hat looks better than the
[    ] 1) Martha blue one.
[    ] 2) Beth - Freda's red hair is curlier than Beth's.
[    ] 3) Greg - Which is brighter, Venus or Pluto?
[    ] 4) Freda

2 - What is easier than Mathematics?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) English
[    ] 2) Physical Education
[    ] 3) History
[    ] 4) Science

✏ Complete

1 - Since he is ______ is _____ for him to see.

[    ] 1) tall/hards
[    ] 2) taller/hardly
[    ] 3) taller/easier

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

EASIER ______________________________
TALLER ______________________________
BRIGHTER ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 27 - What Can You Do?
- I play the piano.
1 - What did the woman nd? - Mr. White teaches us music.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - She found me a taxi.
[    ] 1) a music sheet - Elephants don't eat grass.
[    ] 2) a taxi - Can you cook lunch for me
[    ] 3) an elephant tomorrow?
[    ] 4) a document

2 - What don't elephants eat?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) grass
[    ] 2) chicken
[    ] 3) sh
[    ] 4) pork

✏ Complete

1 - Ever since he _____ music he has _____new musics everyday.

[    ] 1) learn/ nd
[    ] 2) teaches/ nd
[    ] 3) plays/found

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

FOUND ______________________________
TEACHES ______________________________
COOK ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 27 - What Did You Ask Me?
- What are you doing?
1 - What does the word "live" mean in the video? - Where do you live?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Who is playing in the Olympics?
[    ] 1) your favorite meal - Which song do you like the most?
[    ] 2) your age - What is the meaning of this?
[    ] 3) your lifestyle
[    ] 4) your address

2 - What is the Olympics?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a sports event
[    ] 2) a beauty contest
[    ] 3) a big parade
[    ] 4) a racing tournament

3 - Which of the following answers the question starting with "Who"?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a thing
[    ] 2) a name of a person
[    ] 3) a reason for something
[    ] 4) a place

✏ Complete

1 - _____ can you leave? -At 5 pm, ___ we can meet?

[    ] 1) Where/When
[    ] 2) When/where
[    ] 3) Where/where

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LIKE ______________________________
PLAYING ______________________________
LIVE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 27 - How Much?
- How are you doing?
1 - What does the phrase "how many" refer to? - How many sisters do you have?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - How much time do we have?
[    ] 1) a method - How many people do you live with?
[    ] 2) a condition - How far is Otaku from here?
[    ] 3) a feeling
[    ] 4) a number

2 - What does the phrase "how much" refer to?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) an amount
[    ] 2) height
[    ] 3) degree
[    ] 4) time

3 - What does the phrase "how far" refer to?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) weight
[    ] 2) age
[    ] 3) frequency
[    ] 4) distance

✏ Complete

1 - We need to know how ___ of us had money and how ____ money we
[    ] 1) many/much
[    ] 2) many/many
[    ] 3) much/much

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

HOW MUCH ______________________________

HOW ARE YOU DOING ______________________________
HOW FAR ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 28 - What Was Done By Who?
- The letter was mailed by Catherine.
1 - What did Catherine do to the letter? - The coffee was served by Anita.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The bag was stolen by the robber.
[    ] 1) She mailed it. - The book is not written by John.
[    ] 2) She set it on re. - Was this house built by him?
[    ] 3) She read the letter.
[    ] 4) She stole the letter.

2 - What did Anita serve?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) coffee
[    ] 2) tea
[    ] 3) donuts
[    ] 4) steak

3 - Who stole the bag?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Anita
[    ] 2) Catherine
[    ] 3) John
[    ] 4) the robber

✏ Complete

1 - This was ____ by John, he ____ here yesterday.

[    ] 1) made/were
[    ] 2) make/were
[    ] 3) made/was

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

STOLEN ______________________________
BUILT ______________________________
MAILED ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 28 - What Have You Done?
- Rieko has gone to her of ce.
1 - Where did Rieko go to? - I have nished doing the laundry.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I have bought a new computer.
[    ] 1) her dentist - Tom hasn't prepared the dinner.
[    ] 2) her of ce - Have you read the book yet?
[    ] 3) her house
[    ] 4) her church
2 - What did the speaker buy?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a new wallet
[    ] 2) a new computer
[    ] 3) a new smartphone
[    ] 4) a new pair of shoes

3 - Who did not prepare dinner?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Rieko
[    ] 2) Mark
[    ] 3) Melissa
[    ] 4) Tom

✏ Complete

1 - When i got home, she had already ______ a lot of them.

[    ] 1) bought
[    ] 2) buys
[    ] 3) buy

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LAUNDRY ______________________________
PREPARED ______________________________
BOUGHT ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 28 - What Did They Not Do?
- Fords were not made by Japanese.
1 - What does Edgar Allan Poe do? - "The Cat in the Hat" was not written
Escolha a opção correta e anote. by Edgar Allan Poe.
[    ] 1) He plays sports. - These grapes were not grown in
[    ] 2) He writes books. California.
[    ] 3) He invents things. - The book was not taken to the
[    ] 4) He makes pasta. classroom.
- Was the thief caught?
2 - What was not brought to the classroom?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) the book
[    ] 2) the bag
[    ] 3) the cup
[    ] 4) the phone

✏ Complete

1 - _____ have you not ____ it yet?

[    ] 1) Why/written
[    ] 2) When/made
[    ] 3) Where/written

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

GROWN ______________________________
WRITTEN ______________________________
MADE ______________________________
THIEF ______________________________
CLASSROOM ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 29 - Hobbies and Interests
- Chris likes watching movies and
1 - What can be described using the words "sweet" and "creamy"? reading books.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Milk chocolate is sweet and creamy.
[    ] 1) books - I must study hard, or I will fail my
[    ] 2) food exam.
[    ] 3) movies - Not only did my brother break his
[    ] 4) exams leg, but he also bruised his rib.
- Do you want to buy these books and
2 - What will happen if the speaker will not study hard?
those magazines?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Her parents will scold her.
[    ] 2) She will not pass the test.
[    ] 3) Her brother will break his leg.
[    ] 4) She will take another exam.

3 - What happened to the speaker's brother?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) He lost his job.
[    ] 2) He got hurt.
[    ] 3) He won a contest.
[    ] 4) He got lost.

✏ Complete

1 - She really ____ to run, and while she ____ it, she likes to listen to music.
[    ] 1) dislikes/do
[    ] 2) likes/do
[    ] 3) likes/does

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LIKES ______________________________
STUDY ______________________________
WANT ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 29 - Can You Help Me Shop?
- Pardon me. Could you help me?
1 - Where did the conversation likely take place? - I am looking for a sweater.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Medium size should be ne.
[    ] 1) at a museum - I think this shirt doesn't t me well.
[    ] 2) at a park - It's nice. Can I try it on?
[    ] 3) at a shopping mall
[    ] 4) at a police station

2 - How did one of the speakers feel about the shirt?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) It didn't t well.
[    ] 2) It was not a good color.
[    ] 3) Its design was not fashionable.
[    ] 4) It smelled funny.

3 - What items were being shopped for in the video?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) gadgets
[    ] 2) tools
[    ] 3) kitchenware
[    ] 4) clothes

✏ Complete

1 - ____ you help me _____ this homework?

[    ] 1) Will/ nished
[    ] 2) Can/ nished
[    ] 3) Can/ nish

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

FIT ______________________________
PARDON ME ______________________________
LOOKING FOR ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 29 - Have You Been There?
- I have been to Singapore.
1 - What job did the woman have? - She has worked as an of ce staff.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He has experienced studying there.
[    ] 1) a security guard - My friend has not come to Frankfurt.
[    ] 2) a lawyer - Have you been to Malibu?
[    ] 3) a ight attendant
[    ] 4) an of ce staff

2 - Where did the friend not go to?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Malibu
[    ] 2) Frankfurt
[    ] 3) Singapore
[    ] 4) Moscow

✏ Complete

1 - ____ you _____ to Tom's house recently? Because i don't know if his
parents have already ____ from the trip.
[    ] 1) Have/been/came
[    ] 2) Have/been/come
[    ] 3) Have/been/comed

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

EXPERIENCED ______________________________
WORKED ______________________________
COME ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 30 - Booking a Hotel Room
- Good morning. I want to stay in your
1 - Why did the speaker book in a hotel? hotel.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - What time is the check-out?
[    ] 1) to stay there for a short time - Hello, I would like a room for tonight.
[    ] 2) to attend a concert - I want to reserve one standard twin
[    ] 3) to have dinner bedroom for ve nights.
[    ] 4) to attend a meeting - Do you have any rooms with two
double beds?
2 - What details did some of the speakers ask for?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) bed type
[    ] 2) room size
[    ] 3) location of the gym
[    ] 4) oor level

✏ Complete

1 - It is required that you have a ______ in some hotels

[    ] 1) reserved
[    ] 2) reserves
[    ] 3) reservation

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

RESERVE ______________________________
CHECK-OUT ______________________________
DOUBLE BEDS ______________________________
ROOM ______________________________
HOTEL ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 30 - Have You Been Well?
- I have had a cold for two weeks.
1 - How is the rst speaker feeling? - She has been in England for six
Escolha a opção correta e anote. months.
[    ] 1) sick - Mary has loved chocolate since she
[    ] 2) tense was a little girl.
[    ] 3) confused - You have not been waiting here for
[    ] 4) sad two hours.
- What have you been doing for the
2 - What was said about Mary?
last 30 minutes?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) She was waiting for two hours.
[    ] 2) She enjoys chocolates.
[    ] 3) She was absent from school.
[    ] 4) She went to England.

✏ Complete

1 - You have to take care of your ______ ones, and even more when they
are ______.
[    ] 1) love/sick
[    ] 2) loved/sickness
[    ] 3) loved/sick

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LOVED ______________________________
WAITING ______________________________
COLD ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 30 - Have You Done It?
- I think I have met him once before.
1 - Which place in the video was visited by people? - Nobody has ever climbed that
Escolha a opção correta e anote. mountain.
[    ] 1) a library - People have traveled to the moon.
[    ] 2) the moon - People have not traveled to Mars.
[    ] 3) a mountain - Have you read the book yet?
[    ] 4) the planet Mars

2 - What was indicated about Mars?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) There are a lot of books about it.
[    ] 2) There are a lot of mountains there.
[    ] 3) A space station is being built there.
[    ] 4) No one has ever been there.

✏ Complete

1 - ____ you ever _______ to the moon?

[    ] 1) Have/travalers
[    ] 2) Have/travaled
[    ] 3) Have/travaler

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TRAVELED ______________________________
CLIMBED ______________________________
MET ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 31 - SEM NOME
- It's going to be sunny tomorrow.
1 - When will the events in the video happen? - The movies are going to be online
Escolha a opção correta e anote. soon.
[    ] 1) next year - The doctor is going to be there soon.
[    ] 2) in the near future - You are not going to meet Jane
[    ] 3) yesterday tonight.
[    ] 4) right now - Who is going to make John's
birthday cake?
2 - What did the speaker say about tomorrow's weather?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) It's going to rain.
[    ] 2) It's going to snow.
[    ] 3) It's going to be sunny.
[    ] 4) It's going to be windy.

3 - What does "soon" mean?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) in a long time
[    ] 2) in a few years time
[    ] 3) in a second
[    ] 4) in a short time

✏ Complete

1 - We will be there _____, and tomorow by night we ____ have a great

[    ] 1) soon/be
[    ] 2) soon/have
[    ] 3) soon/having

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SOON ______________________________
TOMORROW ______________________________
TONIGHT ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 31 - Were They Good at It?
- Cathy was good at cooking.
1 - Who cooks well in the video? - They were very interested in their
Escolha a opção correta e anote. work.
[    ] 1) Bob - Bob was good at skiing.
[    ] 2) Cathy - He was happy to meet you, wasn't
[    ] 3) Randy he?
[    ] 4) Keiko - Keiko was absent from school
yesterday, wasn't she?
2 - What did Bob like to do?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) cooking
[    ] 2) studying
[    ] 3) skiing
[    ] 4) working

3 - Who didn't go to school yesterday?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Bob
[    ] 2) Maiko
[    ] 3) Cathy
[    ] 4) Keiko

✏ Complete

1 - Usually when you are _____ in something you get ____ at it.
[    ] 1) interesed/good
[    ] 2) interested/good
[    ] 3) interested/bad

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

INTERESTED ______________________________
HAPPY ______________________________
GOOD AT ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 31 - What Are You Able to Do?
- Victoria is able to drive a car soon.
1 - What was the video about? - I am able to answer your question.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Karen may be able to come to the
[    ] 1) things that people can do meeting.
[    ] 2) things that are very unusual - Lisa still isn't able to make a living
[    ] 3) things that are not interesting from acting.
[    ] 4) things that can be eaten - Are you able to play the violin?

2 - What does "able" mean?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) having intelligence for a test
[    ] 2) having dreams for the future
[    ] 3) having skills to do something
[    ] 4) having trust in one's self

3 - What was Lisa not able to do from acting?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) be on stage
[    ] 2) impress her friends
[    ] 3) perform well
[    ] 4) earn enough money

✏ Complete

1 - He is capable of ______ guitar while he _____ my questions?

[    ] 1) play/aswers
[    ] 2) playing/aswers
[    ] 3) playing/aswering

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

PLAY ______________________________
ANSWER ______________________________
DRIVE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 32 - What Have They Done?
- Mandy is playing baseball outside.
1 - Who likes listening to jazz music? - Alex is listening to jazz music.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - The carpenter is making a wood
[    ] 1) Alex bench.
[    ] 2) Mandy - Ariel is not changing his clothes now.
[    ] 3) none of the above - What are you doing now?
[    ] 4) Ariel

2 - What is the carpenter making?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a wood bench
[    ] 2) a plastic chair
[    ] 3) a coffee table
[    ] 4) a couch

✏ Complete

1 - He is __ home _____ with his father.

[    ] 1) at/working
[    ] 2) in/working
[    ] 3) at/worked

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

CARPENTER ______________________________
JAZZ ______________________________
BASEBALL ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 32 - What Were They Doing?
- I was washing my car.
1 - What is a magazine? - They were reading some magazines.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - He was playing football.
[    ] 1) a thin book with pictures - He was not driving the car.
[    ] 2) a large bag with money - Were you paying the bill at that
[    ] 3) a small cup with owers shop?
[    ] 4) a big case with les

2 - What can you NOT do to a car?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) drink it
[    ] 2) drive it
[    ] 3) wash it
[    ] 4) x it

3 - Which sport is being played in the video?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) basketball
[    ] 2) volleyball
[    ] 3) baseball
[    ] 4) football

✏ Complete

1 - He was ____ soccer so now he is _____ a bath.

[    ] 1) play/taking
[    ] 2) playing/taking
[    ] 3) playing/take

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

WASHING ______________________________
PAYING ______________________________
PLAYING ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 32 - What Did They Do Instead?
- Mariko and Kathy always go to
1 - What did the people in the video do? Kyoto in summer,...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...but they went to Nagasaki last year.
[    ] 1) They remembered yesterday. - My best friend and I mostly eat in an
[    ] 2) They kept doing the same things. Italian restaurant,...
[    ] 3) They changed their usual activities. - ...but we tried the Chinese
[    ] 4) They planned for the future. restaurant today.
- Norah usually listens to classical
2 - Who usually listened to classical music?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - ...but she listened to rock music
[    ] 1) Mariko today.
[    ] 2) Kathy - My dog and I regularly take a walk in
[    ] 3) John the morning,...
[    ] 4) Norah - ...but we walked in the afternoon
3 - When did John not buy lunch? yesterday.
- John usually buys a hotdog for
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) yesterday
- ...but he didn't buy anything today.
[    ] 2) in the afternoon
[    ] 3) in the morning
[    ] 4) today

✏ Complete

1 - ______ of asking for a delivery, whe _____to the pizzaria yesterday.

[    ] 1) Instead/go
[    ] 2) Instead/was
[    ] 3) Instead/went

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LISTENS ______________________________
TRIED ______________________________
REGULARLY ______________________________
USUALLY ______________________________
WALKED ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 33 - Things You Must Do
- You must consider others more.
1 - What will the speaker do for a class? - I have to conduct research for my
Escolha a opção correta e anote. class.
[    ] 1) buy food - Ken has to see the doctor this week.
[    ] 2) consider others - You must not play with a knife, Jim!
[    ] 3) make homework - How long do we have to stay here?
[    ] 4) conduct research
2 - Who will meet the doctor this week?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) woman
[    ] 2) Ken
[    ] 3) man
[    ] 4) Jim

✏ Complete

1 - To ____ well in community we have to _____ what other think.

[    ] 1) Life/consider
[    ] 2) Live/considered
[    ] 3) Live/consider

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

RESEARCH ______________________________
MUST ______________________________
CONSIDER ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 33 - What Should They Do?
- Students should obey school rules.
1 - What does the video provide? - Mary had better stop speaking ill of
Escolha a opção correta e anote. others.
[    ] 1) a friendly advice - You should attend the meeting
[    ] 2) live sports today.
[    ] 3) the latest music - You shouldn't unlock the door before
[    ] 4) movie trailers you check who is there.
- How long should my son wait here?
2 - What should the students do with school rules?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) improve them
[    ] 2) test them
[    ] 3) follow them
[    ] 4) break them

✏ Complete

1 - We should not have tried to _______ it, because this is _____ the rules.
[    ] 1) lock/state
[    ] 2) unlock/against
[    ] 3) unlcoked/on

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

RULES ______________________________
UNLOCK ______________________________
ATTEND ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 33 - What About The Others?
- Some like coffee, others like tea.
1 - What did the speaker say about coffee and tea? - They talked with each other.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I have another sister.
[    ] 1) Not everyone likes to drink them. - The salesgirl did not show me
[    ] 2) They are better when homemade. another bag.
[    ] 3) They are healthy drinks. - Did either of you tell her the truth?
[    ] 4) Every country needs to grow them.

2 - What does "each other" refer to?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) unspeci ed number of people
[    ] 2) between two people
[    ] 3) every other person
[    ] 4) an additional thing

✏ Complete

1 - They are not talking with _____ so we have to ____ them that this can be
[    ] 1) each other/see
[    ] 2) each another/shown
[    ] 3) each other/show

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

EACH OTHER ______________________________

ANOTHER ______________________________
OTHERS ______________________________
EITHER ______________________________
SHOW ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 34 - Some, One and Any
- Some of the boys went to the gym.
1 - Why does the speaker need to buy a new watch? - I lost my watch,...
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I have to buy one.
[    ] 1) He broke it. - The jacket is a little big.
[    ] 2) His watch is old. - Please show me a smaller one.
[    ] 3) He doesn't like it anymore. - No one can go there, except you.
[    ] 4) He lost it. - Do you have any pets?

2 - Why did the speaker ask for another jacket?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) because the current jacket's color was too bright
[    ] 2) because the current jacket was a bit big
[    ] 3) because the current jacket was made of cotton
[    ] 4) because the current jacket was too small

✏ Complete

1 - I just bought this dress and i cant nd a shoe, i wan the ____ that
matches with the dress.
[    ] 1) any
[    ] 2) one
[    ] 3) some

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

WENT ______________________________
PETS ______________________________
SHOW ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 34 - Yours or Mine?
- Your pajamas are new, but mine are
1 - What is the video about? old.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - We helped her with her homework.
[    ] 1) people and their loved ones - The robot cleans the room by itself.
[    ] 2) people and their future - They cannot attend the party
[    ] 3) people and the things they own tonight.
[    ] 4) people and their opinions - Are these your shoes or theirs?

2 - What is homework?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) a task in the eld
[    ] 2) a task in the of ce
[    ] 3) a task during a party
[    ] 4) a task outside of school

✏ Complete

1 - This is ____, you can see my name on it, that ___ is yours.
[    ] 1) mine/some
[    ] 2) mine/one
[    ] 3) hers/some

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

MINE ______________________________
HELPED ______________________________
THEIRS ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 34 - Something and Someone
- She always tries something new.
1 - How does the speaker feel about new things? - It gets dark early in winter.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Someone is knocking at the door.
[    ] 1) The speaker ignores them. - I don't know anyone here.
[    ] 2) The speaker always tries them. - What time is it now?
[    ] 3) The speaker hates them.
[    ] 4) The speaker fears them.

2 - What happens during winter?

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) The temperature rises.
[    ] 2) People return to their hometown.
[    ] 3) Nighttime starts early.
[    ] 4) Trees get knocked over.

✏ Complete

1 - Can _____ help me with ____ here?

[    ] 1) anyone/somewhere
[    ] 2) anyone/someone
[    ] 3) anyone/anything

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ANYONE ______________________________
SOMETHING ______________________________
SOMEONE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 35 - Bigger and Better
- This house is much bigger than that
1 - What was the speaker doing? one.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - This ower is more beautiful than
[    ] 1) comparing that.
[    ] 2) criticizing - This boy is more intelligent than him.
[    ] 3) doubting - Kim is not as tall as Yuka.
[    ] 4) complaining - Is Chona smarter than Jacky?

2 - Which of the following does not make an adjective comparative in

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) using the word "more"
[    ] 2) adding "-er" at the end
[    ] 3) using the phrase "not as"
[    ] 4) using the word "many"

✏ Complete

1 - This robot is ____ more better than the last one, since it is ______.
[    ] 1) much/smart
[    ] 2) much/more smart
[    ] 3) much/smarter

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

MORE ______________________________
MUCH ______________________________
SMARTER ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 35 - Which Is the Biggest?
- Mary is the cutest in her class.
1 - Which of these animals is the biggest? - An elephant is the biggest animal on
Escolha a opção correta e anote. land.
[    ] 1) cow - Tokyo Skytree is the tallest tower in
[    ] 2) tiger the world.
[    ] 3) elephant - English is not the easiest subject in
[    ] 4) giraffe school.
- What is the fastest land animal in the
2 - How was Mary described in the video?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) smartest
[    ] 2) cutest
[    ] 3) tallest
[    ] 4) richest

✏ Complete

1 - This is the new generation it is _____, ______ and is the ______ among all
[    ] 1) bigger/worse/cheapest
[    ] 2) bigger/slower/cheapest
[    ] 3) bigger/faster/cheapest

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

FASTEST ______________________________
BIGGEST ______________________________
EASIEST ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 35 - More and More Beautiful
- Greenland is larger than any other
1 - Which of these islands is the biggest? island in the world.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Jump as high as possible!
[    ] 1) Greenland - She gets more and more beautiful
[    ] 2) Japan every time I see her.
[    ] 3) Philippines - No other country in the world is as
[    ] 4) Vatican City small as Vatican City.
- Is Philippines hotter than any other
2 - How does the speaker feel about the woman in the video?
country in Asia?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) irritated
[    ] 2) angry
[    ] 3) attracted
[    ] 4) sad

✏ Complete

1 - I need ___ as large as ______, because i need to t many thing in it.

[    ] 1) some/possible
[    ] 2) any/possible
[    ] 3) one/possible

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LARGER ______________________________
HIGH ______________________________
MORE AND MORE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 36 - Inviting a Friend
- I'd like to invite you to my birthday
1 - Shin, _ having a drink after work? party.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I want to invite you and your family
[    ] 1) why don't to a barbecue next Sunday.
[    ] 2) let us - Are you free this evening? Why don't
[    ] 3) invite you come to my house for dinner at
[    ] 4) how about six?
- Shin, how about having a drink after
2 - Hey, does anyone wanna come _ me to the folk fest?
work? Are you free?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - But I want to go skating at the park.
[    ] 1) may Do you wanna come?
[    ] 2) for - Hey, does anyone wanna come with
[    ] 3) with me to Folk Fest?
[    ] 4) back - Listen, sorry, my train's leaving. But
3 - I was _ if you'd like to join us this evening. do you wanna join us?
- I was wondering if you'd like to join
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
us this evening.
[    ] 1) refusing
- Do you wanna grab a bite?
[    ] 2) hoping
[    ] 3) agreeing
[    ] 4) wondering

✏ Complete

1 - ____ you like to go with us?

[    ] 1) Could
[    ] 2) Would
[    ] 3) Should

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

LIKE ______________________________
GO ______________________________
WORK ______________________________
BARBECUE ______________________________
FOLK ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 36 - Responding to an Invitation
- Sure. What kind of party is it?
1 - Sure! What kind of _ is it? - Sure, I guess I could do with a break.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. Where did you have in mind?
[    ] 1) party - De nitely, I'll go there with you.
[    ] 2) apple - Okay, I will go. I want to know if Andy
[    ] 3) morning and Sally will come.
[    ] 4) light - That sounds awesome, I'd love to
check it out.
2 - De nitely! I'll go there _ you.
- I'd love to! What time are you guys
Escolha a opção correta e anote. heading out?
[    ] 1) how - No, no thanks. You know I'm not
[    ] 2) with crazy about it.
[    ] 3) who - No thanks, Dad. We're going to take
[    ] 4) what the bus.
3 - Actually, I'm very _ that day. - Actually, I'm very busy that day. I
have a ton of biology homework.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) busy
[    ] 2) healthy
[    ] 3) shiny
[    ] 4) tricky

✏ Complete

1 - Totally! I am _______ to the party right now.

[    ] 1) Heding out
[    ] 2) Heading out
[    ] 3) Headyng out

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

HEADING OUT ______________________________

DEFINITELY ______________________________
CRAZY ABOUT ______________________________
PARTY ______________________________
AWESOME ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 36 - Expressing Disappointment
- It's just a shame the launch wasn't
1 - That's _. I'm glad I'm not in his class. very successful.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - It's such a shame that we don't have
[    ] 1) too bad a culture like yours.
[    ] 2) too much - Wow, that guy is very attractive. Oh,
[    ] 3) too little too bad. He's taken.
[    ] 4) badly - That's too bad. I'm glad I'm not in his
2 - Really, _? That's what you give me?
- I'm very disappointed. You're in the
Escolha a opção correta e anote. penalty box.
[    ] 1) if only - I was very disappointed. Landed at
[    ] 2) more than JFK and I was like, "This is like Seoul."
[    ] 3) that's it - Why didn't he ask for my number,
[    ] 4) by the way though?
3 - It's a _ that this beautiful garden has been deserted like this. - "Why didn't they invite me?", said
Zelda to herself.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- Really, that's it? That's what you give
[    ] 1) party
[    ] 2) happy
- "That's all? That's it? There's gotta be
[    ] 3) pity
more, right?"
[    ] 4) maybe
- It's a pity that this beautiful garden
has been deserted like this.
✏ Complete

1 - I was so _______ with my results, that i _____ again.

[    ] 1) disappointed/try
[    ] 2) happy/try
[    ] 3) disappointed/tried

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

DESERTED ______________________________
DISAPPOINTED ______________________________
WOW ______________________________
SHAME ______________________________
THOUGH ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 37 - Asking for an Opinion
- What do you think was the best
1 - Which is the _ solution? present you gave to them?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - What do you think of the food here
[    ] 1) your so far?
[    ] 2) feel - So, what do you think? Which is the
[    ] 3) idea best solution?
[    ] 4) best - What is the best thing for us to do?
- And what is the best reaction you've
2 - What's your _, Walter?
seen so far?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - What is the best advice that anyone
[    ] 1) song has ever given you?
[    ] 2) opinion - So how do you feel about going back
[    ] 3) class home?
[    ] 4) house - How do you feel about the situation?
3 - How do you _ about the situation? - Thank you, Tan. What's your opinion,
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) feel
[    ] 2) think
[    ] 3) best
[    ] 4) guess

✏ Complete

1 - So ______ about this situation? My ____ wasn't the ______, i know. But so
far i don't know what to do about it.
[    ] 1) what you know/think/best
[    ] 2) what you knew/reactioned/worst
[    ] 3) what you think/reaction/best

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

WHAT DO YOU THINK ______________________________

ADVICE ______________________________
SO FAR ______________________________
REACTION ______________________________
BEST ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 37 - Expressing Agreement
- Cool, me too.
1 - So I, yeah, I agree with you _. - You're right.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - So I, yeah, I agree with you
[    ] 1) sadly completely.
[    ] 2) slowly - Indeed, indeed.
[    ] 3) completely - Me neither.
[    ] 4) honestly - Yeah, I know what you mean.
- Tell me about it. It feels like you just
2 - Yeah, I know what you _.
got here!
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - That's true.
[    ] 1) give - Absolutely.
[    ] 2) help - That's exactly what I was thinking.
[    ] 3) can - That's exactly right.
[    ] 4) mean

3 - That's exactly _.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) down
[    ] 2) right
[    ] 3) up
[    ] 4) left

✏ Complete

1 - Yes we _____ with you, we know you are ____.

[    ] 1) disagree/right
[    ] 2) agree/right
[    ] 3) disagree/now

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

AGREE WITH ______________________________

COMPLETELY ______________________________
KNOW ______________________________
TELL ME ABOUT IT ______________________________
EXACTLY ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 37 - Expressing Disagreement
- I don't agree with you.
1 - Well, I _ think so. - Well, I don't think so.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - But I don't think it's scary.
[    ] 1) don't - I doubt it Sally.
[    ] 2) haven't - ...but I'm afraid I disagree with it.
[    ] 3) can't - I disagree with that statement.
[    ] 4) shouldn't - ...I just respectfully disagree with
2 - _ I disagree with it.
- ...but with all due respect, I humbly
Escolha a opção correta e anote. dissent.
[    ] 1) I'm glad - Not in my opinion.
[    ] 2) I'm asking - With all due respect, Oyon, I beg to
[    ] 3) I'm knowing differ.
[    ] 4) I'm afraid

3 - But _, I humbly dissent.

Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) with all best wishes
[    ] 2) with all my concern
[    ] 3) with all due respect
[    ] 4) with all my love

✏ Complete

1 - So after __________ arguing, we decided to _______ in _______.

[    ] 1) some time/agree/disagree
[    ] 2) sometime/agree/disagree
[    ] 3) some time/disagree/agree

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

AGREE WITH ______________________________

DOUBT ______________________________
SCARY ______________________________
STATEMENT ______________________________
DISAGREE WITH ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 38 - Apologizing
- I'm sorry, it's a little bit out of line,
1 - I'm sorry, it's a little bit out of _ isn't it? isn't it?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I'm so sorry for everything.
[    ] 1) wave - Oh, please forgive me for doubting
[    ] 2) line you, my prince.
[    ] 3) swim - I just hope you can nd it in your
[    ] 4) jump heart to forgive us.
- I apologize sir, ma'am. I'll have this
2 - Oh, please _ me for doubting you, my prince.
ready in a few.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - I apologize for the service outages
[    ] 1) trust this week. We've let many of you
[    ] 2) forgive down.
[    ] 3) follow - My apologies in advance, Rob. I'm
[    ] 4) remember just reading what's on the card.
3 - Are these your bananas? My _. - Yes, I am. My apologies for not
writing my age on the application
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) bad
- Are these your bananas? My bad! I
[    ] 2) now
thought they were mine.
[    ] 3) correct
[    ] 4) right

✏ Complete

1 - I know i had many ________, but i want to ______ to you.

[    ] 1) fails/apologized
[    ] 2) fail/apologized
[    ] 3) outages/apologize

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

MY APOLOGIES ______________________________
OUTAGES ______________________________
APOLOGIZE ______________________________
A LITTLE BIT ______________________________
DOUBTING ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 38 - Giving Compliments
- Hey, you look great.
1 - Wow, you look _ in that red shirt! - Wow, you look great in that red
Escolha a opção correta e anote. shirt!
[    ] 1) ugly - You're so smart, Dad.
[    ] 2) scary - He was named "Employee of the
[    ] 3) great Year." What a smart guy!
[    ] 4) fat - That's an impressive hairstyle.
- You have that kind of pull? That's
2 - She's one of the most _, talented artists here
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - She's one of the most amazing,
[    ] 1) horrible talented artists here.
[    ] 2) slowest - To the beautiful and talented and
[    ] 3) awful dance-gifted Ellen DeGeneres, I give a
[    ] 4) amazing piece of my past.
3 - So Lady Gaga, you are _. - So Lady Gaga, you are incredible.

Escolha a opção correta e anote.

[    ] 1) old
[    ] 2) incredible
[    ] 3) boring
[    ] 4) regular

✏ Complete

1 - He is _____ good with math, one of the ______ kids I have ever seen.
[    ] 1) really/smartest
[    ] 2) really/dumbest
[    ] 3) really/smarter

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

SMART ______________________________
IMPRESSIVE ______________________________
WOW ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 38 - Stating Ownership
- My mom is the best.
1 - Jack Kennedy was a friend _ mine. - This is my ukulele.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Mr. Johnson just stole my car!
[    ] 1) of - Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine.
[    ] 2) on - Everybody's got a dream. And this is
[    ] 3) by mine.
[    ] 4) at - They're mine. I'm forgetting
everything, aren't I?
2 - Is this hat _?
- Google Drive is the place to store all
Escolha a opção correta e anote. of your stuff.
[    ] 1) my - Did I pronounce your name
[    ] 2) yours properly? Yunjin?
[    ] 3) our - Is this hat yours?
[    ] 4) her - Yours is the aisle seat just here.
3 - How is ownership shown in this video?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) by using articles
[    ] 2) by using verbs
[    ] 3) by using adverbs
[    ] 4) by using pronouns

✏ Complete

1 - Helpe ___, someone just _____ ____ wallet.

[    ] 1) me/stole/mine
[    ] 2) me/stoled/my
[    ] 3) me/stole/my

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

STOLE ______________________________
STORE ______________________________
DREAM ______________________________
UKULELE ______________________________
MINE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 39 - Refusing to Give Permission
- No, you can't ask a question, so put
1 - No, you _ work in groups. your hand down.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - You can't just repeat what I'm saying,
[    ] 1) about Matt. You got to do the test, man.
[    ] 2) have - Excuse me, you can't enter San
[    ] 3) maybe Pietro in those clothes.
[    ] 4) cannot - You can't call him.
- No, you cannot work in groups.
2 - Do you mind _ smoking?
- Oh! Seita, sorry, this is a school. Do
Escolha a opção correta e anote. you mind not smoking?
[    ] 1) always - You're not allowed to go out with
[    ] 2) often your friends anymore.
[    ] 3) stop - I'm afraid it's not possible to keep
[    ] 4) not the rooms open after 8 pm.
3 - _ it's not possible to keep the rooms open after 8 pm.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) Surely
[    ] 2) Perhaps
[    ] 3) Maybe
[    ] 4) I'm afraid

✏ Complete

1 - You _____ swim with your school clothes, go _____ them and then, you
______ swim.
[    ] 1) can't/chance/can't
[    ] 2) can't/change/can't
[    ] 3) can't/change/can

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

ENTER ______________________________
ROOMS ______________________________
CLOTHES ______________________________
NOT ______________________________
SCHOOL ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 39 - Asking for Permission
- May I take your menus?
1 - _ I take your menus? - May I see that for a minute? Watch
Escolha a opção correta e anote. this.
[    ] 1) May - May I sit next to you, Sally?
[    ] 2) How - Yes, Doctor, thank you. Can I leave
[    ] 3) Why my stick just here?
[    ] 4) What - And can I have a little look? I'll just
put my gloves on.
2 - _ I leave my stick just here?
- Mom, can I play outside?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Do you mind if I spend some time
[    ] 1) Can looking around after my shift?
[    ] 2) Where - Do you mind if I smoke?
[    ] 3) Who - Do you mind if I ask how long you've
[    ] 4) When been with KH Communications?
3 - Do you _ if I smoke?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) want
[    ] 2) need
[    ] 3) mind
[    ] 4) hope

✏ Complete

1 - Can you wait here _____? I just ____ to talk to them.

[    ] 1) for a minute/have
[    ] 2) for a minute/can
[    ] 3) for a minute/go

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

OUTSIDE ______________________________
FOR A MINUTE ______________________________
TAKE ______________________________
PUT MY GLOVES ON ______________________________
STICK ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 39 - Giving Permission
- Okay. You may live in the guest
1 - You _ kiss the bride. house.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - You may kiss the bride.
[    ] 1) feel free - Mr. Cordero, you may return to your
[    ] 2) may seat.
[    ] 3) have - Here's our of ce kitchen. You can
[    ] 4) do help yourself to anything here.
- You certainly can. You can drive me
2 - Okay. Here's twenty. You _ keep the change.
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Okay. Here's twenty. You can keep
[    ] 1) did the change.
[    ] 2) can - The seat belt sign is off. Feel free to
[    ] 3) has walk around.
[    ] 4) away - Feel free to look around and I'll be
3 - Oh no, go _, I don't mind. right back.
- Oh, no, go ahead, I don't mind.
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
- Go ahead, snap 'em on.
[    ] 1) about
[    ] 2) ahead
[    ] 3) are
[    ] 4) afar

✏ Complete

1 - Sorry but this is ____ seat, but you ___ sit here by my side.
[    ] 1) my/can
[    ] 2) mine/can't
[    ] 3) mine/will

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

KISS ______________________________
SEAT ______________________________
KEEP THE CHANGE ______________________________
CERTAINLY ______________________________
GUEST ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 40 - Making a Request
- Could you please turn that down?
1 - _ please turn that down? - Oh yeah, could you please bring the
Escolha a opção correta e anote. water glasses from the lazy susan?
[    ] 1) How many - Could you please wait here for a
[    ] 2) How much moment?
[    ] 3) Couldn't you - Would you please hold me?
[    ] 4) Could you - Winston, would you please put out
that cigarette?
2 - _ bringing me the drinks menu?
- Would you please tell Mr. Cooper
Escolha a opção correta e anote. that I'm here?
[    ] 1) Never mind - Would you mind bringing the drinks
[    ] 2) Wouldn't you mind menu?
[    ] 3) Don't you mind - Would you mind telling me what all
[    ] 4) Would you mind this is about?
3 - Please _ call me. Please. - Please don't call me. Please.
- Please don't be late for dinner in the
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
[    ] 1) won't
[    ] 2) doesn't
[    ] 3) shouldn't
[    ] 4) don't

✏ Complete

1 - I _____ like to ask for a little help here, and ______ in bringing more
[    ] 1) would/do you mind
[    ] 2) would/you will
[    ] 3) would/can you do

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

TELLING ______________________________
WOULD YOU MIND ______________________________
FOR A MOMENT ______________________________
PUT OUT ______________________________
DINNER ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 40 - Giving a Command
- I want you to marry the princess.
1 - I _ you to marry the princess. - Anyway, you know computers and I
Escolha a opção correta e anote. want you to work with Stanley.
[    ] 1) sleep - Stop wasting my hard-earned money.
[    ] 2) want - Stop watching TV and do your
[    ] 3) hate homework!
[    ] 4) love - Make sure to be concise and answer
questions directly.
2 - _ to lock up on your way out.
- Make sure to lock up on your way
Escolha a opção correta e anote. out.
[    ] 1) Make sure - Don't touch my hair, man!
[    ] 2) Always forget - "Don't argue with me. I was in the
[    ] 3) Please don't jar," the genie said angrily.
[    ] 4) Find out - Next, always remember to walk
3 - _ touch my hair, man! around the machine before you use it.

Escolha a opção correta e anote.

[    ] 1) Terrible
[    ] 2) Stop
[    ] 3) Happy
[    ] 4) Don't

✏ Complete

1 - On your way out, i ____ you to take the trash out the of ce.
[    ] 1) want
[    ] 2) make
[    ] 3) ask

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

HARD-EARNED ______________________________
ARGUE ______________________________
ON YOUR WAY OUT ______________________________
PRINCESS ______________________________
CONCISE ______________________________



Data: ____ /____ /____

 Diálogo do vídeo
✏ Exercícios da aula 40 - Asking If You Need to Do Something
- I did not drop it or mishandle it in any
1 - _ I have to say this one? Glenn Beck. way. Do I have to pay to have it xed?
Escolha a opção correta e anote. - Do I have to say this one? Glenn
[    ] 1) Does Beck.
[    ] 2) Might - By the way, do I have to show both
[    ] 3) Do my national and international driver's
[    ] 4) May license?
- Ai, do I need to buy chopsticks, too?
2 - What do you think I need _ bring?
- Well, did you really need to put all
Escolha a opção correta e anote. that effort onto a hamburger?
[    ] 1) on - What do you think I need to bring?
[    ] 2) by - Should I admit that I've made
[    ] 3) to mistakes?
[    ] 4) at - Do you mean twice a day? Should I
3 - _ I take them before or after meals? take them before or after meals?
- Okay, is there anything we can bring?
Escolha a opção correta e anote.
Should we bring some food, too?
[    ] 1) Have to
[    ] 2) Should
[    ] 3) Need to
[    ] 4) Probably

✏ Complete

1 - Do i ____ to be there tomorow? Or ____i get there at friday?

[    ] 1) needed/will
[    ] 2) need/can
[    ] 3) Will/can

✏ Traduza as palavras abaixo

CHOPSTICKS ______________________________
DROP ______________________________
ADMIT ______________________________
MEALS ______________________________


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