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U-Site, Brgy. Kaligayahan,

Novaliches, Quezon City


Senior High School



Grade 12


--- WEEK FIVE and SIX ---

By: Mr. Eric Joseph Q. Gonzales, LPT

BSEd – Computer Education




Learners will be able to…

• Classify contents of different media types;
• Define media convergence through current examples; and
• Compare and contrast how one particular issue or news is presented through the different types
of media.

Do you like to watch television shows or listen to news reports? Are you an avid comics fan or more of a
gamer? Whatever you like to do most, it probably has something to do with media. Almost all people are engaged
with media, whether through traditional forms or in any modern platforms available today. Let us now indulge
into the different types of media, to understand how they present and deliver information to the public audiences.


A person that is able to read and write has the ability to use and
access media. The most common form of media is print media.
These are paper publications such as books, newspapers, magazines
and other reading materials that are physically printed on papers.
Today, countless printed materials have digital versions that are
available for downloading and are accessible through internet

These are some of the most commonly used printed media forms available today.

• Book – a reading material that is either printed or digital in structure, it

can also be fictional or non-fictional in content. These are set of text and
images printed on sheets of papers, compiled and arranged accordingly
before binding it all together. There are different types of book available
for the public.

Here are some of the most commonly used by students inside the library.

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- Textbooks are reference materials for different academic subjects. It contains essential information on
specific topics needed to achieve the competencies required for different level of learners.
- Novels are narrative prose, written to tell stories based on the fictitious mind of the writer.
- Dictionary is a reference material for defining words. It also provides the origin and development of
the word (etymology), the proper pronunciation and different forms according to its use. Words are
arranged alphabetically for easier searching.
- Almanac is book containing detailed information on certain interests. It is published yearly in order
to present updated facts and figures.
- Atlas is a collection of different maps, displaying the geographic formations and political boundaries.
The word “atlas” came from the Greek mythological stories, he’s a titan that was tasked to carry the
world on his shoulders as a punishment frim the Olympians.
- Thesaurus is somewhat similar to a dictionary, it presents the synonyms and antonyms of a word
based on the different meanings and its uses.
- E Books (electronic books) refers to digitally published books that are made available through the
internet. A portable device must download digital reader software or application to access and read
the materials off-line mode.
• Newspaper are reading materials that present relevant current issues, various articles for local news,
sports and entertainment. It can be published daily or in a weekly basis,
allowing editors to also express their ideas and opinions on a specific
social issues in the editorial page. There are two kinds of newspapers, the
broadsheets and the tabloids.
- Broadsheets present news written in formal English, providing deeper
analysis on important social issues.
- Tabloids are mostly suited for those who prefer more condensed news
and entertainment articles using informal language most of the time.
• Magazines are periodically published, containing articles depending on different specific subject areas.
It is usually covered attractively about fashion, entertainment, sports, or lifestyles.
• Journals are similar to newspapers, but has a more specific audience depending on its contained articles
and reports on certain topics.
• Newsletters are used to disseminate information in an organization, institution, or in a community. It is
published in a weekly or monthly schedule, in order to keep their targeted readers updated on the latest
happenings and announcements.
• Gazette it pertains to an official publication of an organization or institution that provides public
notifications in their community.
• Pamphlet is a small booklet or primer that contains detail in text and images regarding special topics or
• Brochure it is a magazine type material containing pictures and information about different products or
services offered by a company.
• Leaflet and Flyers are sheet of papers with pictures and information about a product, usually distributed
free for advertising purposes.

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Are you familiar with “WOWOWIN” or any of Willie “Kuya Wil” Revillame’s songs? Have you ever
tried dancing “Boom Boom” or “Baaam” by Momoland? If you do, it is probably because you have seen and
heard them in televisions, movies or on radio. We become familiar to those we see and hear frequently, from
morning till night, leaving a lasting impression in our consciousness. Broadcast Media has the ability to transmit
different audio and video presentations by using radio and air waves as a medium to reach its target audiences.
Mass Media is the application of diverse technologies available to reach the maximum number of dispersed
audiences simultaneously as possible. There are three forms of broadcast media, the television, radio, and film.

Television it is an electronic device capable of

receiving signals from space, using complex electrical
structures to convert and reconvert electrical waves into
visible light rays and audible sounds. It projects transient
images of fixed or moving images with sounds through its
screen for the viewers. The television is one of the most
common appliances found at every household, comes in
different models, sizes and screen types that enhances
picture quality in viewing. Photo Credit:

These are the different types of television technology:

• Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) – the first models of television that uses cathodes to project lights into
images in a picture tube.
• Plasma Display Panels – an alternative for CRT technology, it was the first flat screen designed with
pixelated plasma that responds to electric fields, creating a faster frame response than cathode rays.
• Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) – this technology uses a liquid crystal state of matter, wherein liquid
molecules are in a specific crystal structure in order to have the same précised oriented alignment for
each pixel. It lets light to pass through depending on the voltage, different voltage is applied to each
pixel to create images across the screen.
• Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) – it contains a compound that can emit its own light in response to
electricity, allowing it to produce better color quality than LCD’s. Since its compound is self-light
emitting, less voltage is required means lesser electricity needed. It minimizes power consumption
up to 40%, saving money and conserving energy.

Broadcast networks are responsible for airing television programs, using specific frequencies provided
and permitted by the government, these are what we call as television channels. Information are presented through
different programs, it could be in the form of news casting, variety shows, sports coverage, game shows, television
series, music videos and more. It is the most effective medium used to advertise different products and services
or in providing public information in between programs and commercial breaks.
Personalities on seen in televisions are commonly referred to as celebrities, they are considered to be the
catalysts in a television programs’ success. With ample exposures, a celebrity can become famous and influential.
Their popularity and charisma to the public is the driving force of broadcast media, their fashion styles,
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endorsements, opinions and actions has a great impact on the audience. This one of the reasons why some experts
named the television “the idiot box”, it’s because most people simply rely, believe and imitate what they see in
televisions. On the other hand, the success of television opened up the gates for boundless information. That’s
why it is also referred as “the window to the world”, bringing its audience to different places, showcasing different
beauties and cultures, expanding the knowledge by providing facts through visual experience..

Radio is the radiation (wireless transmission) of

electromagnetic energy frequencies through space. Radio waves are
frequency signals that carry information from a transmitter to a
receiver; by making contact with an electrical conductor (antenna),
properties of radiated waves are modulated and demodulated to allow
transmission of data. The concept of radio waves were first identified
and studied by a German physicist named Heinrich Hertz on 1886.
Using this concept, the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi
developed the first ever transmitter and receiver on 1896 to successfully transmit signals (Morse code) using a
wireless telegraph. With the use of transistors, the radio can control the flow of electrical signals. The transducer
will convert modulation signals into audio signals, allowing the speakers to produce sound waves significant to
human auditory perceptions.

A radio can be set into two modes:

• Amplified Modulation (AM) – the modulation signal alters the amplitude (strength) of the radio
carrier. (mostly news programs)
• Frequency Modulation (FM) – the modulation signal changes the radio carrier’s frequency.
(different music stations)

Today, different radio networks have their own specialized program

formats, the station’s DJ (disc jockeys) will run the program intended for their
target audience. Each radio station should only operate under a license
granted by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), allowing it
to broadcast on FM or AM band using a specific radio frequency channel.
Commercial advertisements are frequently aired during each radio programs,
compared to television, air time on radio stations are much cheaper. Most
radios are battery operated, making it more portable (can bring anywhere)
and cost efficient for people living in rural and remote places, they can listen
to music, drama or news programs anytime. From old simple transistor radios
to modern digital radios, it still proves to be an effective media tool in
providing various entertainment and significant information to the general public.

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Films – these are motion pictures created by capturing series of still images on a roll of film and projected
in a screen. A movie film often tells a story through a variety of themes and genres, each characters are played by
actors and actresses to provide life and meaning to the story. Some films are made entirely from sets of colorful
drawings, each set is compiled and arranged meticulously in order to produce an animated film. A documentary
film presents information on special topics or events, it is narrated to describe
significant footages that present facts and information to the audience.

In making a film, different equipment such as video cameras, lighting

and sound system are essential to the quality of a movie. The first motion
pictures were inaudible and are presented in black and white pictures only.
Through time, sound and colors are added to make different scenes more
realistic, especially when viewed in cinema theaters by the public. Here in the
Philippines, movies are classified by the Movie and Television Rating
Classification Board (MTRCB) into classification ratings for viewers:

• Rated G – means that the movie or program is for general patronage (all ages)
• Rated PG – the movie or program will require parental guidance for minor viewers
• Rated SPG – a rating that requires strict parental guidance in viewing, the movie or program might
display violence, horror, sex and inappropriate languages that are not suitable for children
• Rated R – these are movies and shows that have age restrictions. (R-13)(R-16)(R-18)

The success of a film is based on its box office earnings, from different local and international cinemas.
Awards and recognition are given to the actors, actresses, directors, and writers for their impressive contributions
on the movie. Some movies are created by big production companies with famous celebrities as lead stars, capable
of having international screenings in different countries. There are also some movies that are produced locally by
independent film makers with minimal production cost, these are the Indie Films. By casting average artists for
the lead roles, production crew are also limited and are mostly done in single locations.

Lesson 3: NEW MEDIA

Media has evolved throughout the years, Information and communication

have been part of every person’s daily life. Before, students were accustomed to
visit school libraries to check for appropriate references and search different facts
or information on a particular subject. With the development of computers, with
precision calculations and faster information processing, improvements in
communication system were made possible. The internet is considered as the
greatest breakthrough in media and communications, allowing computer users to
access and share information in a single electronic communication network. It
enables numerous users to connect, interact, and communicate in a virtual communal platform.

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Different features of the Internet:
• Web Page is the primary interface on the web, containing the different information and tools for
the user. Each web pages are connected by hyperlinks, forming the digital entity of a web site.
• Hypertext these are the set of digital data and information that are presented and displayed on a
web page, allowing users to directly access the web site. z
• Instant Messaging allows users to interact on the internet
directly, through on-line chatting in real time. Some IM
platforms can also transmit documents, images, and video
files to users simultaneously in real time.
• E-Mail is a system of encoding messages to be sent
electronically via the internet to any user around the world. It
allows and synchronizes different attachments, some applications like Google Drive, iCloud, and
Dropbox are designed to allow users to link large files on their email attachments.
• Distance Education provides access for students to study without the need to go to school.
Allowing the teachers to conduct virtual classrooms and facilitate their students by providing
instructions and material on-line, facilitating their class using a portal that will require an account
for every student in a particular class.
• E-Books are the electronic versions of books made available for different handheld devices can
be acquired through downloading or by simply browsing the internet.
• On-Line Shopping is a popular activity that provides
several opportunities for the public consumers and
business entrepreneurs to engage in business
conveniently. It offers a wide range of products from
local and international companies, allowing
transactions using various devices connected to the
• Media Convergenceis the ability of media to combine technological features capable of
communicating through the internet, providing speed, accuracy and reliability in presenting
various information. A good example is a smartphone, it has the essential features of several
gadgets used to create media information. It can connect users to countless web pages, empowering
them to communicate and interact on different social media sites.

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Every now and then, people are looking to be entertained in any ways possible. They may enjoy listening
to music or watching their favorite show on television, either way, people of different ages go for these forms of
media entertainment. With the emergence of social media, everyone can now create and share their own media
presentation style. By means of media convergence, all forms of media are now available on the World Wide
Web (www) or simply the web. Allowing the user to
manage a single device to access, create and share media
information on any social media site. According to a
Sanchez (2020), there are approximately 74 million
Filipinos with smartphones last year (2019), from an
estimate of 43 million in 2015, the numbers have grown
immensely and is predicted to exceed 90 million on 2025.
As the demand for smartphones increases, so will the
number of users accessing the web. The World Wide
Web enables a user to browse and use different social
media sites available on the internet, covering a vast array
of audiences here and around the world. Figure 1Number of smartphone users in the Philippines from 2015 to
2019 with a forecast until 2025

A person who regularly monitors and participates in numerous issues or

topics using any media sites is called as “netizen”. They are the largest group of
audiences, who postulates and support all kinds of media information on the
web. Most Filipinos are active netizens, besides surfing the internet, they create
and share all sorts of media files on the web. Any video or messages that have
gone viral or trending means that it has reached instant popularity on every social
media networks. A meme is a funny video, a witty message, or a comical image
that is being shared, copied, or retweeted by internet users. With the presence of
new media, the World Wide Web plays significant role in linking different media
to the internet.

Let’s Do this!

Formative Assessment
A. Define the roles of each type of media.

1. PRINT MEDIA - ________________________________________________________________

2. BROADCAST MEDIA - _____________________________________________________________

3. NEW MEDIA - ________________________________________________________________

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Test Your Understanding!

Exercise 1
Share your insight on Media Convergence to the class.

▪ Why is media convergence a trend that will not go away?


Exercise 2

Analyze the pictures below using a Venn diagram





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Eon Market Research (July 3, 2020), “Global Print Media Market Insights and Extensive Research (2020):
North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa” [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Cunningham, P. (July 27, 2011). “Gotcha journalism? Oh, it's everywhere”, China Daily [Digital Image].
Retrieved from

Cardenas, T. (ND). ”Transparent Kid Reading Clipart”[Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Home Stratosphere (2020), “The 6 Different Types of Television (Based on TV Technology” [Article]. Retrieved

Brain, M. (2000). "How Radio Works". [Article]. Retrieved form

Stewart, G. (ND). “Movies Clipart Movie Symbol - Camera Gif Transparent Background, HD Png Download”
[Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Robinson, R. (2015). “Online Shopping Security: Best Practices for Businesses”, SecurityIntelligence [Digital
Image]. Retrieved from

Ibañez, A. (ND). “INSTANT MESSAGING: WHY IS IT SO POPULAR?” ICT Pulse [Digital Image]. Retrieved
Lin, Qindong (2018), “The convergence era: the integration of mobile media and social media”, meco6936
[Digital Images]. Retrieved from

Sanchez, M. J. (2020), “Smartphone users in the Philippines 2015-2025”, Statista. Retrieved from

Statista (2020), “Smartphone users in the Philippines 2015-2025” [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

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