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ECO867 International Finance Dr.

Arshad Ali Bhatti

Fall, 2022

Assignment 1: Article review: how to prepare a summary of the selected article?

Selected Article: Eichengreen, Barry J. & Gupta, Poonam - DECOS, 2016. "Managing sudden stops,
"Policy Research Working Paper Series 7639, The World Bank.

To be handed in on 26-09-2022

Article Summary Worksheet

Use this worksheet as a guide for writing your article summary. This is only a tool; you are NOT
REQUIRED to turn in the worksheet to me. Your summary should answer all of these questions.

1. Write down the full citation for the article in APA format.

2. What is the purpose of this article? (Hint: a good title will give you clues; you can also
generally find that information in the abstract and start of the introduction)

3. What were the author’s main hypotheses? (Hint: look at the end of the introduction)

4. Describe the results of the study. Were they consistent with the hypotheses? (Hint: start by
looking at the results and then look at the beginning of the discussion section where most
authors will summarize the findings in words. Don’t use direct quotes or include specific

5. What are the primary conclusions from the paper? What are the theoretical and practical
implications of the results? (Hint: this will be in the discussion section)

6. In a few sentences, describe your reaction to the study. Were the results what you expected?
What are the strengths of the study? Weaknesses?

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