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a B.Tech. 4 Registration No, | | of Tota Number of Pages : 03 “ « 5" Semester Regular Examination 2017-18 2 Transport Phenomena BRANCH : CHEM Time : 3 Hours ‘Max Marks : 100 Question Code : B230 Answer Question No.1 and 2 which are compulsory and any four from the rest. ; The figures in the right hand margin indicato marks. Assume suitable notations and any missing data wherever necessary. Answer all parts of a question at a place. at. Answer the following questions : (2x10) (@) In Fourier’s law, the proportionality constant is called the i. Stefan-Boltzman constant ii, Thermal diffusivity 3 ji, Heat transfer co-offictent a . iv. Thermal conductivity a s (b) Prandtl number Is the reciprocal of i. Mass diffusivity x Momentum diffusivity i, Thermal diffusivity x Momentum diffusivity fi, Thermal diffusivity/Momentum diffusivity iv. Thermal diffusivity x Mass diffusivity (e) tural convection heat transfer, the correlating parameter is ws Grashoff number a a Be li, Eckert number Sie sct fi, Greetz number — ~ ~ q 'v, Bond number {d) The rate of heat transfer is a product of overall heat transfer co-efficient, the difference in temperature, and the i, Nusselt number ji, heat transfer area ze ii, cheating volume, 2 fv, none of theso (e) The velocity profile for laminar flow through a pipe is i logarithmic parabolic = i, tinear iv. hyperbolic {f) The ratio of average fluid velocity to the maximum velocity in case of laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid inca circular pipe is " Ler 4 2 0.66 wm 05 (9) For a particle settling in water at its terminal settling velocity, which of the following is true? i.” Drag = weight ” ji, "Drag = kuoyancy + weight > 2 20 li, Buoyancy = weight + drag iv. Weight = buoyancy + drag | | En on 0 PCESHO1 (h) “o 0 Q2. (a) «() wd) Where does the maximum stress occur in case of laminar flow i incompressible fluid in a closed conduit of diameter 'd'? 1 At d/4 from the wall ii, At the wall At the centre ,At d/8 from the wall - 1% The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentrationis known as i. Osmosis Isotonic Diffusion Solution As molecules diffuse, they create this, which is a difference in concentrations across space. i i. Concentration gradient ii, Diffusion ili, Semi-permeable wv. Osmosis. Answer the following questions : Define momentum, thermal, and mass diffusivities. Define combined momentum flux. * i State Newton's Law of Viscosity with mathematical expression. What is friction factor? How thermal conductivity depends on temperature in case of low density gases and liquids ? Define mass, Write the formula for overall heat transfer coefficient for a cornposite wali consisting of four different layers with different thermal conductivities with different thicknesses. >. Pn > 2 How diffusivity of liquids is varied with temperature? State Fick’s Law of binary (molecular) diffusion. Write the unit and dimensions of momentum, thermal, and mass diffusivities. Explain the classification of fluids. Define Stoke’s law and its range of applicability. Derive an, expression for, average velogity profile of Newtonian fluid. flow between two vertical walls separated by 2 distance 2B, taking origin at midpoint of 2B distance. What pressure gradient is required to cause di-ethylaniline (CsHsN(C;Hs)2), to flow in a horizontal, smooth, circular tube of inside diameter D=3cm at a mass rate of 1028 gmisec at 20°C? At this condition, density of di-ethylaniline is 0.935 gm/om® and viscosity is 1.95cP. Friction factor is 0.0063. Derive an,expression for. maximum velocity when a Newtonian fluid is flowing through a pipe of radius R vertically downward. Draw the velocity profile. ‘Aheated sphere of radius R is suspended in a large motionless body of fluid. It is desire to study the heat conduction in the fluid surrounding the sphere in the absence of convection.Set upthe differential equation describing the temperature T in the surrounding fluid as a function of r, the distance from the centre of the sphere. The thermal conductivity of K of the fluid is considered constant.{ntegrate the differential equation and use these, boundary conditions to determine the integration constants: at rR, T= Trand r= =, T=T.. From the temperature profile, obtain an expression for the heat flux at the surface. Equate this result to the heat flux given by ‘Newton's Law of Cooling’ (2x10) (4) (3) (8) (5) (10) (10) Qs. Q7. 3. Qs. {b) “fa) (b) (2) (b) () and show that Nusselt number, i 2, in which D is the sphere diameter. Explain Free and Forced! convection. Derive anexpression for deter a stagnant gas film where the What are the boundary conditions used for solving sheil mass balance equation? Ing the mass flux of a liquid, diffusing through is non-diffusing. Consider a long cylindrical nuclear fuel rod, surrounded by an annular layer of aluminum cladding. Within the fuel rod heat is produced by fission; this heat source depends on position approximately as, Sn=Sro* ,, where Spois kngwn constants, and r is the radial coordinate measured from the axis of the cylindrical fuel rod. R- and Rcare the radius of fission and cladding materials. Derive an expression for temperature profile in the cladding materiel ‘f the temperature at the outer surface of cladding is To. A droplet of liquid A of radius r;, is suspended in a stagnant film of te. Boundary conditions are r= ry, Xa = Xav.and r= ra, Xa =%aa, Taking the value ‘of constant as r17Nars show that aches na Xa When rp» what will be the expression for Nari? Discuss in brief about the Equation of continuity. Explain creeping flow around the sphere. Discuss steady state equimolar counter diffusion. a0 a (18) {5} (8) 6) SM Somashers gort-18 Treawspocst Pranamenn Buestion code! Bago A) CA) Thermal Conall vey Cw) CEI) Thermal «ts frardy/momerhem ited ayn Greshel 1b CAN) heed Pen ber irae diy Parabolic Awes CO) weight = b 4 a Neyany + COUN pone” Le DW) De flsion OC) is. grader. 304) morenhom abs flasively Y= Oyrarn Vio sedy (22) alenaely thermal ele fast vey o # = Thermal _condiichur a) e head Capacity Mess difharudy 0, > (ef Bee oredr Qe, = Seat SM = P+ G, = Pi Jiiaughee pea ef Mavonely # ets Hees’ the Bhear aleesle) Ona fluid element layer i“ alevedly propertonal to the ve of Bheax étvecn® aihencaly To i zo gh i a De) Fuh | ee ; 2 raeuu eh Feed oy eee eet a Migs ge | ee crea | 45 U | Sansa Vane ee; Fodepenctont | eae poe Thtnclerpte — Riaopeck cin Please | FAURE locrent ® Newtoreon ued: ¢ = —y, Ae Thincterphic te _ a5 (a Shen ee ence ae — 7OS) i Rheopectd < ‘es ee ~a(asy hee | “eta eee | , Datatent + nce ey, eS, ©) stokes tag? | fy 2% Hpehn% Sho to's * ge memeeepp toa ble ctphe Reynobls ne. 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