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Name: Megan Princess A.

Suico Subject: Management by Filipino Values

Instructor: George Hamoy


I. CASE FACTS: Mutual Lending of Ms. Juliana Sarangaya case.

II. PROBLEM: What Ms. Juliana will do about her current situation and dilemma?
1. To determine the accurate and best strategy to Ms. Juliana’s branch on how to achieve the target
2. To establish branch vision and mission for the employees guidance on achieving their goals.
3. To engage actively with her prospect clients for helping herself to grow and be exposed to many
people at the same time gain their trust.
IV. ANALYSIS OF CAUSES: Our generations today must be taught on how to deal with business procedures
and program for them to propose other possible ethical and easy strategies to improve the profile of the
client's portfolio as well as sustainability. Ms. Juliana was having a negative thought on the facilitators fee
since she’s gonna have to decide what will save her dignity and morality for being a member of a
financing company.
1. Ms. Juliana will continue to develop the trust and use her connection with her existing clients
and encourage them to invite more potential borrowers.
2. She can offer a lower interest charge or rebates to those active clients that can create a new
group to the financing firm.
3. Explore the area where the branch is located and have courage to invite strangers.

Ms. Juliana will continue to develop the This will serve as an opportunity for the Since its new and money matters, it has
trust and use her connection with her financing firm to justify its existence and no guarantee that the existing clients will
existing clients and encourage them to encourage more clients to join. help Ms. Juliana to look for other
invite more potential borrowers. possible borrowers.

She can offer a lower interest charge or They will be able to have more clients Offering lower interest may affect
rebates to those active clients that can since money is the main or the dominant companies operations and targets
create a new group to the financing firm. solution for us to buy our needs. especially its portfolio.

Explore the area where the branch is Ms. Juliana can make deals directly to Exploring new areas might give you a
located and have courage to invite her prospect clients and can avoid difficult time reaching your goals on a
strangers. facilitators fees. scheduled plan.

VII. RECOMMENDATION: For me, I recommend alternative 1, Ms. Juliana will continue to develop the trust
and use her connection with her existing clients and encourage them to invite more potential
borrowers and alternative 2, she can offer a lower interest charge or rebates to those active clients that
can create a new group to the financing firm. Ms. Juliana and the company should do their best to
convince and market the best they can offer to their prospect clients. With the help also of their existing
clients’ trust and encouraging words to their associates will be a great help for them. Their prospect
clients will become their official clients, then, the official clients will gain prospect clients again for the
company. They must also establish their vision and mission as to why they have created the financing
firm and potential solutions for the people why they need to borrow and trust the company. In my personal
experience, I have had the same job as Ms. Juliana and I discourage middle men to help me find
prospective clients. I believe in my ability and capacity to create a group of borrowers as long as I have
the vision to help them especially when they want to build their own business or to provide solutions to
their children's tuition fees and other school related expenses.

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