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Lesson 1: Meaning and Nature of Communication

Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles, Models, and Ethics

Lesson 1. Meaning and Nature of Communication

1. What is language?
2. What makes it similar or different from communication?
3. Why do we need to communicate?
4. Why is there a need to be familiar with the meaning, nature, types, and process of
5. In what way does communication affect our daily lives.

Meaning of Language

 Language is a humanistic and conscious expression of ideas, emotions, and desires through
purposely produced symbols (Edward Sapir).
 Language is a sealed-off and an impermeable monoglossia like a prison-house (Mikhail
 Language communicates (Mallarme, the French poet).
 Language is a determinant of life, thinking, and all other forms of mental ability (Benjamin
 The systematic nature of language is complete if it is valid (Roland Barthes).
 Language is an utterance with a limited length but created with unlimited components
(Noam Chomsky).

Is the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts, and views between or among two or more
people (Mandrunio, 2016). Exchange involves codes, symbols, or sounds understandable
by the communicators.

However, communication is also a transfer of information from one place or thing to

another, and may not utilize language to so (Das, 2006).

Nonverbal communication –meanings are understood through gestures, body language

and other manifestations of emotions like being sad or happy.

Language and Communication

Communication refers to the interchange of messages or information from one person to
another, either verbally or nonverbally

Language is a human communication method or the system through which people interact
(Das, 2006).
Communication Language
Entails a process A medium or a tool by
which communication is
being carried out
Communication Emphasizes the message Language
By the auditory sense
brought about by the signs
and symbols processed by
all the senses
Static Dynamic (meanings of
words change over time)

Interchange of messages or information from A human communication method or the

one person to another either verbally or non- system through which people interact
Process Medium
Emphasizes the message brought about by the Auditory sense
signs and symbols processed by all senses
Static Dynamic
some noise (physical/psychological) may meanings of words change over time
render the message unclear and vague

Purposive Communication

 A type of communication by which different forms of communication serve various

objectives depending on the intention and goals
 There are distinct verbal and written communication styles that can be strategically utilized
to achieve specific communication intentions
 These styles are recently supplemented with technologically-driven resources
 Example: business purposes –to persuade customers to buy available products; mediating
2 conflicting parties to come up with amicable settlement

Transmission of Relevant and Quality Communication Transactions

 Can be best achieved through the state-of-the-art technological advances that transform
the world into a village
 Communication flows in all directions through strategic technics

 These systems make communication pathways accessible through virtual and real-time

Depending on your fields of discipline or specialization

 Communication forms and processes may range from simple and direct to complicated

 distinct communication purposes require appropriate communication forms and processes

 achieving them depends on the channels based on distance, domain, noise/barriers, and

 When necessary personal, face-to-face, and real-time communication approaches can be

utilized to understand other people’s ideas and opinions effectively and at the same time,
to be understood.

Face-to-face/real-time/personal communication approaches:

Allow communication participants to hear, see, observe, and feel the nuances by which
ideas are expressed and processed

Formal and written communication strategies are relevant in business, education, legal,
and government communication transactions by which documentation is essential

Verbal communication processes may be made easy and accessible through mobile phones or
internet sources like video conferences, chats, virtual discussions, or face-to-face encounters.

Nonverbal communication processes take many forms like advertisements on tv or YouTube,

street billboard and signs, body language, gestures, and facial expression.

Thus, the purpose of communication defines the form and the process by which it is being
carried out.

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