Work Ethics.

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Work Ethics

Work is the legitimate use of our mental and bodily powers for economic gain or profit.
Working is both a right and a duty. The right to work is derived from the right to life. It is also a
natural duty since every person is endowed with bodily and mental powers so that he may take
care of himself and not become a burden to others.

The Question of Wage

Labor Code of the Philippines defines the relationship between capital and labor. Capital refers
to the owners or investors of the business. Labor refers to the hired workers hired by the
business. Labor and capital compliment each other although strained relations become inevitable
from time to time due to conflict of interest. The question of wage is supposedly to be fixed by
mutual agreement (CBA) between capital and labor. In our country, the determination of the
minimum wage is done by the National Wage Board and the Regional Tripartite Wage Board.

Just Wage=Family Wage-commensurate to the needs of a modest average family.

Basic Duties of Workers

1. Work honestly and diligently

2. Comply with all the rules of the workplace
3. Respect the employer and officers
4. Don’t cheat or steal
5. Don’t waste time

Basic Duties of Employers

1. Compensate workers justly

2. Treat workers as your equal
3. Provide safe and healthy environment
4. Allow time for vacation
5. Don’t impose unjust rules

Unionism- an organization of workers in an industry or business organization for the protection

of livelihood.
Labor if unorganized cannot protect its rights and bargain collectively with the employers

Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)- s a written legal contract between an employer

and a union representing the employees. The CBA is the result of an extensive negotiation
process between the parties regarding topics such as wages, hours, and terms and conditions
of employment.

Strike- an organized cessation of work by workers for the purpose of forcing management to
meet work related demands such as increase in wages and benefits or improving working
conditions. For a strike to be moral, it must comply with the requirements of the Labor Code.
Rules under the Labor Code

1. There is a sufficient and just reason for holding a strike (Ex. Bargaining deadlock, Illegal
termination of union’s officers).
2. The intended good results must outweigh the evil effects of the strikes.
3. The means employed are lawful.

Justice is the foundation of morality

Love and solidarity between labor and capital are the basic foundation of common good so that
common goals or objectives would be met.

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