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Subject Instructor

Academic Year 2021-2022

PLT College of Guinobatan, Inc. envision to become a dynamic
educational institution of excellence, producing innovative, empowered
and technically-oriented workers to address societal needs and to be a
catalyst for regional, national and global development.

To produce highly competent professionals with consciousness for scientific
and technological research; and to generate outreach programs that
would ensure value based community growth and transformation.

 To inspire and instill into the minds and hearts of the students the value of service to God,
humanity and respect to the duly constituted authorities.
 To prepare the students on crime prevention and detection, criminal investigation, law, law
enforcement and other related areas.
 To provide the basic knowledge and skills in law, law enforcement, criminal sociology, crime
detection and investigation, forensic sciences and correctional administration that can satisfy
both national and global standards.
 Strengthen awareness and realization of ethical standards of leadership, morality and discipline.
 Initiate a research environment wherein students and faculty members produce research papers
that will develop a progressive nation.

The PLTCGI Department of Criminal Justice is envisioned to be an
Academic Leader in Criminal Justice Education Bicol Region.

The PLTCGI Department of Criminal Justice is committed to promote the
intellectual development of students who can exhibit critical thinking; and
produce highly competent and well-equipped graduates who can
demonstrate first-rate services in the fields of policing, legal, criminal
investigation, forensic science, penology, criminal sociology and industrial

GOALS security.

 To inspire and instill into the heart and mind of the BS Criminology and BS Industrial Security Management
students the higher concepts of service to God, humanity and country.
 To foster the ethical standards of leadership, accountability, responsibility and integrity.
 To provide basic knowledge and skills in Criminal Law and Jurisprudence, Law Enforcement Administration,
Criminalistics, Crime Detection and Investigation, Sociology of Crimes and Ethics and Industrial Security
 To prepare the students for careers in law enforcement, crime prevention and investigation, forensic
sciences, correctional administration, security management and other allied fields characterized by
national and global standards.
 To enrich the significance role of Criminal Justice Research in promoting and maintaining public safety and

 Discipline
 Responsibility
 Integrity
 Respect
San Francisco, Guinobatan, Albay


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course presents an overview of the different schools of

thought in criminology; theories that explain criminal behavior; techniques for
measuring the characteristics of criminals, crime and victims; the interrelatedness of
theory, policy, and practice in the criminal justice system; and current issues and
studies in criminology.

II. NO. OF UNITS:3 Units –


IV. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, the students are expected to:
 Know the relevance of studying criminology in the society;
 Learn the criminological theories and their relationship to crime;
 Correctly assess the precipitating agents of human and criminal behavior;
 Identify the agents which includes and influence man to commit crime;
 Learn the basic techniques of investigation and the application of forensic
instrument in crime detection; and
 Discuss the relevance of punishment and correction system in the
treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.

 Chapter I ( Nature of Criminology)
 Chapter II ( Approach in Criminal Etiology)
 Chapter III ( Classification of Criminal)
 Chapter IV ( Crime Topologies: Crimes in the Modern World)

Nature of Criminology
The word “Criminology” is composite of two words;
crimin+ology. It was derived from the Latin word crimen, which
means “accusation”, and Greek word aoyia-logia which means
“the social science approach to the study of crime as an
individual and social phenomenon”. Literally means, systematic
study of criminals, that is, person or break or offend the social or
law., However, since the offenses committed by criminals are
crimes, and as crime occur in the society, the term “criminology”
means study of crimes as well as criminals in relation to society. It
is also tries to determine their causes of these and also thereby
recommend preventive measures. The science of criminology is
the scientific and systematic study of crime as a social

Various scientific techniques and methods are employed for

the study of the phenomenon. As a criminology views man as a
social animal, it tries to study social interaction and phenomena
to place its subject matter in a proper perspective. The science
of criminology also investigated the structures and function of
social laws, rules and regulations. How the social laws,
conventions and traditions do get formulated? How and why
does an individual break them? Is there an element of
compulsion and coercion in his defiance of the laws? Or is it

These and other allied matter is studied by criminology with

a view to find adequate answers, which may help to formulate
the effective preventive measures and controls. The reaction of
the society towards a criminal and the disposition of the criminal
towards the society are the important matters of investigation,
which may help to understand adequately the phenomenon of
crime. Only by a full appreciation of these matter can we learn
ways and means to control crime.

Definition of Criminology

E.H. Sutherland & D.R. Cressey: CRIMINOLOGY is the body of

knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. This
definition exhibits sociological bias and regards crimes to be a
reaction to certain set of social factors and causes.

M.A, Elliot & F.E. Merill: CRIMINOLOGY may be defined as a

scientific study of crimes and its treatment. This definition besides
emphasizing the scientific investigation into the nature and
etiology of crime, stresses the practical or utilitarian nature of this
body of knowledge, namely, devising, ways and means to
prevent of or reduced the incidence of crime and to rehabilitate
of criminals as an normal members of the society.

D.R. Taft: CRIMINOLOGY is the study which includes all the

subject matter necessary to the understanding and prevention
of crimes together with the punishment and treatment of
delinquents and criminals. This is a comprehensive definition and
described theoretical as well as practical aspects of the study. It
brings out clearly the fact, which may get overlooked usually,
that criminology is concerned not with the offences committed
by adults only but also with juvenile offences.

Webster Dictionary: CRIMINOLOGY may be described to be

the scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon, or of
criminals in their mental traits, habits and discipline, etc. This
definition has the merit of emphasizing equality the sociological
as well as psychological aspects of the crime and the criminal.

Scope of Criminology
Like other social sciences, the scope of criminology is quite
extensive. It is related to each and every social class and
structure. Though the scope of criminology is very vast and
coextensive with many science, the criminologist has tried to limit
its scope in order to be able to study the subject scientifically,
systematically and exhaustively. The viewpoints of certain
notable criminologist are given below.

According to Edwin H. Sutherland and Donald R Cressey,

the science of criminology includes within its scope the
processes of making laws, breaking of laws, and reaction
towards the breaking of laws.

 Making of Laws: This pertains to the examination of the

nature and structure of law in the society which could be
analyzed systematically, systematically and exhaustively to
learn crime causation and eventually fight them.

 Breaking of Laws: This pertains to the examination of the

reasons of crime causation which primarily deal to answer
issues why despite the presence of laws people still commit

 Reaction towards the Breaking of Laws:This pertains to the

study of how people, criminal and the government reacts
towards the breaking of laws because the reactions
necessarily bright light to the development of modern
measures to treat criminal offenders at the same time the
reaction may be contributory to criminality,

In the opinion of Sutherland, criminology has distinct aspects or

departments. Though distinct, these are nonetheless not
independent, but inter-linked. A thorough study of these aspects
exhausts the scope of criminology; to study all of them in the
same studying the whole science of criminology in accordance
with Sutherland’s discretion of the scope of criminology, we can
divide into departments.

a. Sociology of Law: In this we study the nature of crime from

legalistic point of view. Also we investigate into the effects of
present laws upon crime and study the possible reforms in the
laws in order to prevent and control the occurrence of crime.
The major concern of sociology of law is to critically examine
the impact of various legal systems upon crime. The study
can go a long way to evolve suitable changes in the laws to
curb crime.

b. Criminal Etiology: In this department, a systematic

investigation into the various causes of crime. Here we study
the social and personal factors responsible for the
occurrence of crime and growth of criminals.
c. Penology. Besides knowledge and determination of the
causes and factors, which generate or encourage crime, it is
equally, if not more, essential to know the ways and means of
controlling and preventing the crime. This aspect is studies
systematically and in a scientific manner to achieve control
over crime. The manner to achieve control over crime. The
facts and theories in this regard the scope of Penology, an
important department of criminology.

d. Victimology: A branch of criminology which deals on the

study on what makes a person a victim of crime. A study
conducted that a person becomes a victim of crime
unknowingly or unconsciously due to his own action or fault.
A person somewhat constitute to the commission of crime
out of his own making.

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