Review 2

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1. DOCTRINA CRISTIANA - the first book written in the Philippines.

2. PEDRO BUKANEG - the Father of Ilocano Literature.

3. FRANCISCO BALTAZAR - the Father of Tagalog Poetry.

4.LOLA BASYANG is the pen name of Severino Reyes.

5. KENKOY - the first and longest-running komiks series in the Philippines.

6. JUAN CRISOSTOMO SOTO - the Father of Pampango Literature.

7. MANILA BULLETIN - the oldest existing newspaper in the Philippines since 1900

8. ALEJANDRO ABADILLA - the Father of Modern Tagalog Poetry.

9. He wrote the popular fable The Monkey and the Turtle - JOSE RIZAL

10. This is known as Andres Bonifacio's Ten Commandments of the Katipunan - THE DECALOGUE.

11. Rizal's model for Pilosopong Tasyo was PACIANO RIZAL.

12. Rizal's pen name - DIMASALANG, LAONG-LAAN

13. Taga-ilog - JUAN LUNA's Pen name.

14. The first filipino alphabet was called ALIBATA/BAYBAYIN

15. the first filipino alphabet consisted of 15 LETTERS

16. He was known for his `Memoria Fotografica` - JOSE MA. PANGANIBAN

17. AMADO HERNANDEZ - He is known as the `poet of the workers or laborers`

18. Ilocano balagtasan is called BUKANEGAN

19. MARAGTAS - Visayan epic about good manners and right conduc

20.PASCUAL POBLETE - the father of Filipino newspaper

21. PANDEREGLA - first Filipino bread

22. The Great Plebian: Andres Bonifacio

1. WILHELM WUNDT-father of psychology

2.SIGMUND FREUD-father of psychoanalysis, and psychosexual theory/Father of Modern Psychology

3.JOHANN HEINRICH-father of education and pedagogy

4. IVAN PAVLOV-classical conditioning

5.BURRHUS F. SKINNER-operant conditioning.

6.DAVID AUSUBEL-meaningful learning

7.JEROME BRUNER-discovery learning, spiral curriculum

8.ALBERT BANDURA-social cognitive learning theory.

9.EDWARD LEE THORNDIKE-law of readiness and exercises

10. KURT LEVIN-life space content.

11.KOHLER-problem solving by insight, insightful learning

12.URIE BROFENBRENNER-ecological theory

13.SANDRA BEM-gender schema theory

14.HOWARD GARDNER-theory of multiple intelligence

15.ELLIOT TURRIEL-Social domain theory

16.LAWRENCE KOHLBERG-moral development theory

17.ROBERT STERNBERG-triathlon theory intelligence

18.ERIK ERIKSON-psychosocial development theory

19.MA. MONTESSORI-transfer of learning, kindergarten preparation of children.

20. EDWARD PAUL TORRANCE-creative problem solving

21.CHOMSKY-linguistic acquisition theory

22.JEAN PIAGET-cognitive learning theory

23.JOHN WATSON-behavioral theory

24.EDWARD TOLMAN-purpose behaviorism

25.BERNARD WEINER-attribution theory

26.DANIEL GOLEMAN-emotional intelligence.

27.TITCHENER- structuralism psychology

28.ROBERT GAGNE -the sequence of instruction

29.ABRAHAM MASLOW - hierarchy of needs, motivation theory

30.BENJAMIN BLOOM - bloom's cognitive taxonomy

31.DAVID KRATHWOHL - affective domain

32.LEV VYGOTSKY - socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding

33.JOHN LOCKE - tabularasa , empiricism

34. CHARLES COOLEY - looking glass self-theory

35.JOHN FLAVEL - metacognition

36.ARNOLD GESELL - maturation theory

37.JOHN DEWEY - Learning by doing

38.DAVID FROEBEL - Father of kindergarten

39.AUGUSTE COMTE - Father of Sociology.

40.JOHN AMOS COMENIUS - Fr. of modern education.

Common Let Boosters

✅Highway 54 - the old name of EDSA during WW-II

✅ Trisomy 21 - also known as down syndrome

✅ Kumintang - Filipinos would sing this song in preparation for war battle

✅ En ventre sa mere - the right of the unborn child is the same as the right of individual

✅ Mark Twain - the pen name of Samuel Clemens

✅ Heroic Couplet - last two lines of the Sonnet

✅ Sergio Osmeña - the first appointed head of the Department of Education during Commonwealth

✅ Philippine Normal University - established by the Americans for aspiring educators in 1901

✅ Animal cells - do not produce cell walls

✅ Boustrophedon - Ancient Greeks form of writing

✅ Nitrogen - the most abundant gas in the atmosphere

✅ Skin - body's largest organ

✅ Chivalric education - also known as a social discipline. The educational system which emphasized
social etiquette

✅ Socratic method - teachers ask questions to try to get students to clarify and rethink their own ideas,
to come eventually to a deep and clear understanding of philosophical concepts

✅ Saracenic education - this education is training for scientific thinking

✅ verbatim - word for word

✅ Social Justice - very foundation of genuine peace and reconciliation

✅ National Treasury - provides the fund to support the Air Quality Management in the Philippines

✅ Tomas Pinpin - kauna-unahang manlilimbag na Pilipino

✅ Pascual Poblete - tinaguriang "Ama ng Pahayagang tagalog"

✅ Oxygen - a by-product of Photosynthesis

✅ water - universal solvent

✅ Gametes (in human) - contain 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome

✅ Emilio Jacinto - utak ng Himagikan

✅ Apolinario Mabini - utak ng rebolusyon Katipunan

✅ Kinkee - the gas lamp used to lighten the streets in intramuros way back in history

✅ Miranda rule - the right of a person under arrest

✅ Epistemology - examines the nature and origin of human knowledge

✅ empiricism - holds that the sensory experience is the source of knowledge

✅ Agnosticism - coined by Thomas Huxley which means "not knowledge but being able to know

✅ metaphysics - it seeks to find out what is ultimately real

✅ Horticulture - the art of growing flowers, fruits and vegetables

✅ Jus sanguinis - a child follows the nationality or citizenship of the parents regardless of the place of
his birth

✅ 1956 - Lupang Hinirang was sung for the first time

✅ Element - the simplest substance that cannot be decomposed further by normal chemical means

✅ Pedro Bucaneg - Ama ng panitikang Ilocano

✅ Intellectual Appreciative Experiences - based on the premise that all the learning has emotional

✅ Thailand - formerly called "Siam"

Henry Otley Beyer - proposed the idea that the first Filipinos came through waves of migration from
South to North

✅ Klaster - Kambal katinig

✅ Trinidad Tecson - Ina ng Biak-na-Bato at Ina ng Kruss na Pula (Red cross)

✅ Truman Doctrine - was an american foreign policy created to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion
during the cold war

✅ Manila - was named "Distinguished and ever loyal city" by Legaspi

✅ Mariano Trias - First Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines

✅ Plebiscite - the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on important public questions such as
a change in the Constitution.

✅Monotheist religion - Christianity, Islam, Judaism

✅ First sultanate - Sultanate of Sulu

✅ Diwata I - first Satellite launched by the Philippines

✅ Franchise - given the right to vote

✅ disenfranchise - removal of the right to vote

✅ Antarctica - Largest dessert, cold dessert

✅ Bicameralism - upper house / Lowerhouse

✅ Executive - implementing body

✅ Legislative - Lawmaking body

✅ Judiciary - interpreting body

✅ Ural Mountain - separated Europe and Asia

✅ 5 ships of Magellan - Trinidad, Conception, Victoria, San Antonio, & San Tiago

✅ Mongoloids - Known as the Yellow race

Common Let Boosters

❤Pulchritude - Loveliness

❤Composure – Aplomb

❤Abase- Demoted

❤Despotic – Cruel

❤ Persiflage – Praise glowingly

❤Dexterity – Manual skill

❤Amorphous - Shapeless

❤Penchant - Fondness

❤Transmuted - Change

❤Transcendental -Supernatural

❤Rancor - Bitterness
❤Carnal - Worldly

❤Sine qua non - Indispensable

❤Euphoria - Extreme o

❤Loquacious - Verbose

❤Acapella - Without accompaniment

❤Alter ego – Close and Inseparable, Friend

❤Amor con Amor sepaga – Love begets love

❤conflagration - Large fire

❤Baduy – Awkward-looking

❤Mundane – Ordinary

❤Profanity – Obscenity

❤Apocalyptic – Prophetic

❤Impertinent – Irrelevant

❤Voracious – Very eager

❤Abandoned – Left behind

❤Volition – Will

❤Esoteric – Understandable by few

❤Queue – line

❤Docile – Easy to management

❤Erudite – Learned

❤Soiree – Evening party

❤Connoisseur – Expert in a matter of test

❤Chauffeur - Driver

❤Mesdames- Plural of madame

❤Renaissance- Rebirth
❤Sophisticated – Wordly

❤Caveat -emptor - Let the buyer decide

❤Ad nauseam - Excessive degree

❤Coup de grace – A death blow

❤Correlation – No relation

❤Prodigy - Offspring

❤Formally – Unconventionally

❤Formerly – Hereto force


 Education Act of 1982 applies to both private schools in all levels of the entrire education system. An
act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an integrated system of education.

 Act. No. 74 - laid the foundation of the Philippine public school system and made English as the
language instruction. Jan. 1, 1901

 RA 416 Converted the Philippine Normal School into Teachers college and offered courses leading BS
in Elementary Educ. and Master of Arts in Educ. June 18, 1949
 RA 7168 - converted the Phil. Normal SChool into university Dec. 26,1991

 Commonwealth Act No. 1 - Basis of Compulsory military training in the school. it is also known as
National Defese Act passed by the Philippine Assembly on Dec. 21, 1935

 Commonwealth Act No. 586 - Also known as Education Act of 194-, provides the legal Basis fo rhte six-
year elementary course, the double-single session, fixing the school entrance age to 7 ad the national
support for elementary educ, compulsory attendance in the primary grades for all children who enrolled
in Grade 1

 RA 6655 - also known as the Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988

 DECS ORDER NO. 38 S. 1994 - All senior high school students are required to take NSAT

 DECS ORDER NO. 25 - Implemented a Bilingual Education Policy since 1974, requiring English as
medium of instruction.

 DECS ORDER NO. 107 S. 1989 - Recommended the use of English or Filipino or both the language the
child brings to school should be valued.

 RA 5462 - Created the NMYC to increase the employability and improve the quality of skills of the out-
of-school youths

 PD 603 - Requires that every school division should organize special classes for children with special

 RA 5250 of 1966 - provide a ten-year teacher education program in Special Education for the teaching
of the gifted, mentally-retarded and those with behavior problems.
 PD 1480 - Created the National Computer Center as the central computer policy body directly under
Office of the President

 RA 5698 - Created the Legal Education Board to improve the quality of law schools and arest of the
climbing number of bar flunkenrs

 RA 7686 - institutional dual training, allowing students of vocational and technical education to pursue
their studies while at the same time geting paid on the job training in private industries

 COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 80 - provides the leagal basis for adult education implementing the
constituitonal provision on the citizenship traing of adult citizens.

 PD 1139 - created the position of Deputy Minister for Non formal Education program of the ministry.

 ACT NO 3377 - Vocational Act of 1927 of the Philippine Legislature as amended by Act No. 3740 and
RA No. 175 laid the basis for vocation education in the pbulic shools and made provisions for its support

 ACT NO. 2706 - Placed the private schools uder the regulation and supervision of the Secretary of
Education, Culture and Sports

 MECS ORDER NO. 84 - recognition of academic program of each private school in order to give teh
students who have completed the cours, certificate and title or diploma

 PD NO. 1006 - Considered teachers as professional and teaching promulgated on as profession . PBET

 sept. 22, 1976 and effective on jan. 12, 1977 - All teachers are required to pass the PBET before they
be allowe to teach whether in private or public elem and secondary school
 commonwealth act 587 - confers the status of perason in authority upon supervisors, teachers, and
professors of public and recognize private schools.

 B.P. 232 SECTION 64 - pertains to braden the scientific and technological knowledge and promote
vocational efficeincy, embodied in teh creation of BTVE

 ra no 4670 - Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, declared as its policy the promotion and
improvement of the social and economic status of public school teachers.

 PD NO 146 - Required all high school graduates seeking admissions to post secondary degree programs
necessitating a minimum of four years study to pass a national entrance examination.

 MECS ORDER NO. 31 SERIES OF 1981 - A revsision and clarification of MEC ORDER NO. 1 S. 1979,
entitled selection of those who will be awarded honors in teh secondary schools should be based on
weighed rank.

 MECS ORDER NO. 44 SERIES OF 1983 - Revised procedure of determining honor pupils in elemetary

 RA 7722 - Puts up the CHED to take over the DECS the task of over seein the tertiary education

 RA 7731 - Abolished the NCEE to give the marginalized sector greater access to college education

 RA 7743 - Created the Centers of Excellence in Teacher EducationalTechnology Pupcabiaocampus

 RA 7796 - Created the TESDA which has the function of upgrading Voc-Tech training.

 RA 7791 - Streched the sY FROM 185-200 DAYS

 RA 1265 - Made the observance of flag ceremony compulsory.

 RA 7836 - Mandated the holding of periodic licensure test for would be mentors under the supervision
of the PRC

 RA 9155 - The governance of basic education act passed to rename DECS to DepEd

 Education Act of 1982 applies to both private schools in all levels of the entrire education system. An
act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an integrated system of education.

 Act. No. 74 - laid the foundation of the Philippine public school system and made English as the
language instruction. Jan. 1, 1901

 RA 416 Converted the Philippine Normal School into Teachers college and offered courses leading BS
in Elementary Educ. and Master of Arts in Educ. June 18, 1949

 RA 7168 - converted the Phil. Normal SChool into university Dec. 26,1991

 Commonwealth Act No. 1 - Basis of Compulsory military training in the school. it is also known as
National Defese Act passed by the Philippine Assembly on Dec. 21, 1935

 Commonwealth Act No. 586 - Also known as Education Act of 194-, provides the legal Basis fo rhte six-
year elementary course, the double-single session, fixing the school entrance age to 7 ad the national
support for elementary educ, compulsory attendance in the primary grades for all children who enrolled
in Grade 1
 RA 6655 - also known as the Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988

 DECS ORDER NO. 38 S. 1994 - All senior high school students are required to take NSAT

 DECS ORDER NO. 25 - Implemented a Bilingual Education Policy since 1974, requiring English as
medium of instruction.

 DECS ORDER NO. 107 S. 1989 - Recommended the use of English or Filipino or both the language the
child brings to school should be valued.

 RA 5462 - Created the NMYC to increase the employability and improve the quality of skills of the out-
of-school youths

 PD 603 - Requires that every school division should organize special classes for children with special

 RA 5250 of 1966 - provide a ten-year teacher education program in Special Education for the teaching
of the gifted, mentally-retarded and those with behavior problems.

 PD 1480 - Created the National Computer Center as the central computer policy body directly under
Office of the President

 RA 5698 - Created the Legal Education Board to improve the quality of law schools and arest of the
climbing number of bar flunkenrs

 RA 7686 - institutional dual training, allowing students of vocational and technical education to pursue
their studies while at the same time geting paid on the job training in private industries
 COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 80 - provides the leagal basis for adult education implementing the
constituitonal provision on the citizenship traing of adult citizens.

 PD 1139 - created the position of Deputy Minister for Non formal Education program of the ministry.

 ACT NO 3377 - Vocational Act of 1927 of the Philippine Legislature as amended by Act No. 3740 and
RA No. 175 laid the basis for vocation education in the pbulic shools and made provisions for its support

 ACT NO. 2706 - Placed the private schools uder the regulation and supervision of the Secretary of
Education, Culture and Sports

 MECS ORDER NO. 84 - recognition of academic program of each private school in order to give teh
students who have completed the cours, certificate and title or diploma

 PD NO. 1006 - Considered teachers as professional and teaching promulgated on as profession . PBET

 Sept. 22, 1976 and effective on jan. 12, 1977 - All teachers are required to pass the PBET before they
be allowe to teach whether in private or public elem and secondary school

 commonwealth act 587 - confers the status of perason in authority upon supervisors, teachers, and
professors of public and recognize private schools.

 B.P. 232 SECTION 64 - pertains to braden the scientific and technological knowledge and promote
vocational efficeincy, embodied in teh creation of BTVE

 RA no 4670 - Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, declared as its policy the promotion and
improvement of the social and economic status of public school teachers.
 PD NO 146 - Required all high school graduates seeking admissions to post secondary degree programs
necessitating a minimum of four years study to pass a national entrance examination.

 MECS ORDER NO. 31 SERIES OF 1981 - A revsision and clarification of MEC ORDER NO. 1 S. 1979,
entitled selection of those who will be awarded honors in teh secondary schools should be based on
weighed rank.

 MECS ORDER NO. 44 SERIES OF 1983 - Revised procedure of determining honor pupils in elemetary

 RA 7722 - Puts up the CHED to take over the DECS the task of over seein the tertiary education

 RA 7731 - Abolished the NCEE to give the marginalized sector greater access to college education

 RA 7743 - Created the Centers of Excellence in Teacher EducationalTechnology Pupcabiaocampus

 RA 7796 - Created the TESDA which has the function of upgrading Voc-Tech training.

 RA 7791 - Streched the sY FROM 185-200 DAYS

 RA 1265 - Made the observance of flag ceremony compulsory.

 RA 7836 - Mandated the holding of periodic licensure test for would be mentors under the supervision
of the PRC

 RA 9155 - The governance of basic education

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Geography Hall of Fame

Largest Continent:

Asia, 17,212,000 square miles

Smallest Continent:

Australia, 3,132,000 square miles

Highest Mountain:

Mount Everest, Himalayan Mountains, Nepal-Tibet, 29,035 feet above sea level

Lowest Point on Land:

The Dead Sea, Israel-Jordan, water surface 1,349 feet below sea level

Deepest Underwater Trench:

Mariana Trench, 200 miles southwest of Guam in the Pacific Ocean, 36,198 feet below the ocean surface

Largest Sea:

The Mediterranean Sea, 1,144,800 square miles

Highest Lake:

The highest navigable lake is Lake Titicaca in Peru, 12,500 feet above sea level

Lowest Lake:
The Dead Sea, Israel-Jordan, surface of water 1,349 feet below sea level

Largest Lake:

Caspian Sea, 152,239 square miles

Largest Freshwater Lake:

Lake Superior, U.S.-Canada, 31,820 square miles

Deepest Ocean:

Pacific Ocean, average depth 13,215 feet

Largest Ocean:

Pacific Ocean, 60,060,700 square miles

Smallest Ocean:

Arctic Ocean, 5,427,000 square miles

Largest Gulf:

Gulf of Mexico, 615,000 square miles

Largest Bay:

The Bay of Bengal, 1,300,000 square miles

Largest Island:

Greenland, 839,999 square miles

Largest Peninsula:

Arabia, 1,250,000 square miles

Largest Archipelago:

Indonesia, 3,500-mile stretch of 17,000 islands

Largest Gorge:

Grand Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona, U.S., 217 miles long, 4–18 miles wide, 1 mile deep

Deepest Gorge:

Hells Canyon, Snake River, Idaho, 7,900 feet deep

Longest Mountain Range:

The Andes of South America, 5,000 miles

Longest River:

The Nile, Africa, 4,180 miles

Shortest River:

The Roe, Montana, U.S., 200 feet long

Largest River:

The Amazon, South America, basin of 2,500,000 square miles

Longest Estuary:

Ob River, Russia, 550 miles long, up to 50 miles wide

Largest Lagoon:

Lagoa dos Patos, Brazil, 150 miles long, 4,500 square miles

Largest Waterfall:

Angel Falls, Venezuela, 3,212 feet high

Filipino Writers

(pseudonyms / pen names)


Antonio K. Abad


Jose Abreu


Macario Adriatico

Amaori, C. Amabri and Felipe Malayo

Faustino Aguilar

Emilio Aguinaldo


Virgilio Almario

Rio Alma

Pascual Alvarez


Aurelio Alvero

Magtanggul Asa

Cecilio Apostol

Catulo, Calipso and Calypso

Francisco Arcellana

Franz Arcellana

Pedro de Govantes de Azcarraga

Conde de Albay

Francisco dela Cruz Balagtas

Francisco Baltazar

Asuncion Lopez Bantug (Rizal’s grand niece)

Apo ni Dimas

Jose Ma. Basa

Isaac Fernando delos Rios


Ba Basiong

Gen. Vito Belarmino

Blind Veteran
Andres Bonifacio

Agapito Bagumbayan, while his inspiring Katipunan name was Maypagasa

Felipe Calderon

Simoun and Elias (names from Rizal’s novels)

José Corazón de Jesús

Huseng Batute

Jose dela Cruz

Huseng Sisiw

Marcelo H. Del Pilar

Plaridel, Dolores Manapat, Piping Dilat,Siling Labuyo, Kupang, Haitalaga, Patos,Carmelo, D.A. Murgas,
L.O. Crame D.M. Calero, Hilario, and M. Dati.

Severino de las Alas


Epifanio delos Santos

G. Solon

Valeriano Hernandez Peña

Ahas na Tulog, Anong, Damulag, Dating Alba, Isang Dukha, Kalampag and Kintin Kulirat

Severino Reyes

Lola Basyang

Mariano del Rosario


Salvador Vivencio del Rosario

X and Juan Tagalo

Domingo Gomez

Romero Franco

Nestor Vicente Madali Gonzalez

N.V.M. Gonzalez

Fernando Ma. Guerrero

Fluvio Gil

Amado Hernandez

Amante Ernani, Herininia de la Riva andJulio Abril

Emilio Jacinto

Dimas-ilaw and his Katipunan name wasPingkian

Nick Joaquin

Quijano de Manila

Jesus Lava

B. Ambrosio Rianzares

Sixto Lopez


Gen. Antonio Luna


Juan Luna

J.B. and Buan (a translation of his surname Luna which means moon)

Apolinario Mabini

Bini and Paralitico

Jose Palma

Ana-haw, Esteban Estebanes and Gan Hantik

Rafael Palma

Hapon and Dapit-Hapon

Jose Maria Panganiban

Jomapa and J.M.P.

Pascual H. Poblete


Mariano Ponce

Naning, Tikbalang, and Kalipulako

Dr. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

José Rizal, Dimas-alang (Tagalog for Touch me not), Laong-Laan (which means Ever-prepared), Agno and

Hugo Salazar


Moises Salvador


Jose Turiano Santiago


Lope K. Santos

Anak-Bayan and Doctor Lukas

Juan Crisostomo Soto


Luis Taruc

Alipato (which means spark that spreads a fire and one of Rizal’s pet dogs)

Jose Ma. Sison

Amado Guerrero

Dr. Pio Valenzuela


Clemente Jose Zulueta

M. Kaun

J. Zulueta
Juan Totoó

Presidents of the Philippines: Their Achievements and Contributions

Updated on March 11, 2015

Since independence in 1898 and the ratification of the Philippine Constitution in the First Republic, there
have been 15 presidents. Starting with General Emilio Aguinaldo all the way to current president
Benigno Aquino, this article details each president's particular contributions and achievements while in

1. Emilio Aguinaldo 1899-1901

One way to remember the first president of the Philippines First Republic is to look at the five peso coin.
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo's face used to grace the five peso bill (which is not used anymore). The back of
the bill shows him holding the Philippine flag at the celebration of the Philippine Independence Day.

Contributions and Achievements:

first (and only) president of the First Republic (Malolo Republic)

signed the Pact of Biak-na-Bato, creating a truce between the Spanish and Philippine revolutionaries

known as the President of the Revolutionary Government

led the Philippines in the Spanish-Philippine War and the American-Philippine War

youngest president, taking office at age 28

longest-lived president, passing away at 94

2. Manuel L. Quezon, 1935-1944

After 34 years of Insular Government under American rule, Philippine voters elected Manuel Luis
Quezon first president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. He is known as the “Father of National
Language” (Ama ng Wikang Pambansa). He died of tuberculosis in Saranac Lake, New York.

Contributions and Achievements:

first Senate president elected as President of the Philippines

first president elected through a national election

first president under the Commonwealth

created National Council of Education

initiated women’s suffrage in the Philippines during the Commonwealth

approved Tagalog/Filipino as the national language of the Philippines

appears on the twenty-peso bill

a province, a city, a bridge and a university in Manila are named after him

his body lies within the special monument on Quezon Memorial Circle

3. José P. Laurel, 1943-1945

José P. Laurel's presidency is controversial. He was officially the government's caretaker during the
Japanese occupation of World War II. Criticized as a traitor by some, his indictment for treason was
superseded later by an amnesty proclamation in 1948.

Contributions and Achievements:

since the early 1960s, Laurel considered a legitimate president of the Philippines

organized KALIBAPI (Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas, or Association for Service to the New
Philippines), a provisional government during Japanese occupation

declared Martial Law and war between the Philippines and the U.S./United Kingdom in 1944

with his family, established the Lyceum of the Philippines

4. Sergio Osmeña, 1944-1946

Sergio Osmeña was the second president of the Commonwealth. During his presidency, the Philippines
joined the International Monetary Fund.

Contributions and Achievements:

became president at 65, making him the oldest person to hold office

first Visayan to become president

joined with U.S. Gen. Douglas McArthur in Leyte on October 20, 1944 to begin restoration of Philippine
freedom after Japanese occupation

Philippine National Bank was rehabilitated and the country joined the International Monetary Fund
during his presidency
Bell Trade Act was approved by the U.S. Congress during his presidency

appears on the 50-peso bill

5. Manuel Roxas, 1946-1948

Manuel Roxas was the fifth president of the Philippines: the third (and last) president under the
Commonwealth, and the first president of the Third Republic of the Philippines. He held office for only
one year, 10 months, and 18 days.

Contributions and Achievements:

inaugurated as the first president of the new Republic after World War II

reconstruction from war damage and life without foreign rule began during his presidency

under his term, the Philippine Rehabilitation Act and Philippine Trade Act laws were accepted by

appears on the 100-peso bill

6. Elpidio Quirino, 1948-1953

Elpidio Quirino served as vice president under Manuel Roxas. When Roxas died in 1948, Quirino became

Contributions and Achievements:

Hukbalahap guerrilla movement active during his presidency

created Social Security Commission

created Integrity Board to monitor graft and corruption

Quezon City became capital of the Philippines in 1948

7. Ramon Magsaysay, 1953-1957

Ramon Magsaysay was born in Iba, Zambales. He was a military governor and an engineer. He died in an
aircraft disaster while boarding the presidential plane.

Contributions and Achievements:

Hukbalahap movement quelled during his presidency

chairman of the Committee on Guerrilla Affairs

first president sworn into office wearing Barong Tagalog during inauguration

presidency referred to as the Philippines' "Golden Years" for its lack of corruption

Philippines was ranked second in Asia’s clean and well-governed countries during his presidency

established National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA) among other agrarian

8. Carlos P. Garcia, 1957-1961

A lawyer, poet, and teacher, Carlos P. Garcia also served as a guerrilla leader during the Pacific War.
Born in Bohol, Garcia serviced as vice president under Ramon Magsaysay and as secretary of Foreign
Affairs for four years. He became president when Magsaysay died in 1957.

Contributions and Achievements:

known for “Filipino First Policy,” which favored Filipino businesses over foreign investors

established the Austerity Program focusing on Filipino trade and commerce

known as the “Prince of Visayan Poets” and the “Bard from Bohol”

cultural arts was revived during his term

was the first president to have his remains buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani

9. Diosdado Macapagal, 1961-1965

Born in Lubao, Pampanga, Diosdado Macapagal was a lawyer and professor. His daughter Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo was the 14th, and second female, president of the Philippines.

Contributions and Achievements:

established the first Land Reform Law, allowing for the purchase of private farmland to be distributed in
inexpensive, small lots to the landless

placed the Philippine peso on the currency exchange market

declared June 12, 1898 to be Philippines’ Independence Day

signed the Minimum Wage Law

created the Philippine Veteran’s Bank

10. Ferdinand Marcos, 1965-1886

Born in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, Ferdinand Edralin Marcos was a lawyer and Senate President for three
years. He was president for 21 years. He ruled under martial law and his dictatorship was known for its
corruption and brutality. Marcos was removed from office after the People Power Revolution.

Contributions and Achievements:

first president to win a second term

declared Martial Law on Sept. 22, 1972

increased the size of Philippine military and armed forces

by 1980 the Philippine GNP was four times greater than 1972

by 1986 the Philippines was one of the most indebted countries in Asia

built more schools, roads, bridges, hospitals, and other infrastructure than all former presidents

the only president whose remains are interred inside a refrigerated crypt

11. Corazon Aquino, 1986-1992

The first woman president of the Philippines and the first woman to become president of an Asian
country, Corazon Aquino was born in Paniqui, Tarlac. She was a prominent figure in the People Power
Revolution that brought down Ferdinand Marcos' dictatorship. Her husband, Benigno Aquino Jr., was a
senator during the Marcos regime and its strongest critic. He was assassinated while Marcos was still in

Contributions and Achievements:

first woman to be president of the Philippines or any Asian country

restored democracy

abolished the 1973 Marcos Constitution and ushered in the new Constitution of the Philippines

reorganized the structure of the executive branch of government

signed the Family Code of 1987, a major civil law reform, and 1191 Local Government Code, which
reorganized the structure of the executive branch of government

initiated charitable and social activities helping the poor and the needy

named “Woman of the Year” in 1986 by Time magazine

on the new 500-peso bill together with her husband Benigno Aquino

Received honors and awards including:

100 Women Who Shaped World History

20 Most Influential Asians of the 20th Century

65 Great Asian Heroes

J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding

12. Fidel V. Ramos, 1992-1998

Fidel V. Ramos was the chief-of-staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines before he became
president. He was also a civil engineer. As president, he restored economic growth and stability in the
country, even during the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. He is the first, and so far the only, non-Catholic
president of the Philippines.

Contributions and Achievements:

oversaw Philippine economic growth

presided over celebrations of Philippine Independence Centennial in 1998

received British Knighthood from the United Kingdom by Queen Elizabeth II (Knight Grand Cross of the
Order of St. Michael and St. George)

hosted the fourth Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Leader's Summit in the Philippines in 1996

Philippine Stock Exchange became an international favorite during his presidency

death penalty reinstated while he was in office

signed peace agreement with the rebel Moro National Liberation Front

13. Joseph Estrada, 1998-2001

Known as Erap, Joseph Estrada was the first president who had been a famous film actor. His presidency
was controversial. During his years in office economic growth was slow and he faced impeachment
proceedings. He was ousted from the presidency in 2001. He was later convicted of stealing from the
government but was pardoned. He ran unsuccessfully for president in 2010.

Contributions and Achievements:

during his presidency Moro Islamic Liberation Front headquarters and camps were captured

joined other leaders and politicians to try to amend the 1987 Constitution

cited as one of the Three Outstanding Senators in 1989

among the “Magnificent 12” who voted to terminate the agreement that allows for U.S. control of Clark
Airbase and Subic Naval Base

14. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, 2001-2010

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was the 14th, president of the Philippines (and the second female president).
The Oakwood Mutiny occurred during her term. Arroyo oversaw road and infrastructure improvements
and higher economic growth that presidents before her, but there was also controversy. The so-called
"Hello Garci" controversy involved recordings that allegedly captured Arroyo ordering the rigging of the
election that put her in office. In 2005 Arroyo faced impeachment proceedings related to the recordings
but the impeachment failed. After she had left office Arroyo faced additional charges of election fraud
and misuse of state funds.

Contributions and Achievements:

second female president of the country

first and only female vice-president of the Philippines so far

first president to take oath outside Luzon

former Economics professor at the Ateneo de Manila University, where current president Benigno
Aquino III was one of her students

ex-classmate of former U.S. President Bill Clinton at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign
Service, where she maintained Dean’s list status

oversaw higher economic growth than the past three presidents before her

peso became the best-performing currency of the year in Asia in 2007

eVAT Law was implemented under her term

currently on the 200-peso bill

15. Benigno Aquino III, 2010-present

Benigno Aquino III joined the House of Representatives and the Senate before his presidency. He is the
first president who is a bachelor; he is unmarried and has no children.

Contributions and Achievements:

created the no "wang-wang" (street siren) policy

appointed statesman Jesse Robredo to serve as secretary of Interior and Local Government in 2010,
where Robredo served until his death in 2012

initiated K-12 education in the Philippines

renamed the Office of the Press Secretary to Presidential Communications Operations Office and
appointed new officers

suspended allowances and bonuses to Government Owed and Controlled Corporation and Government
Financial Institution board members

oversaw 7.1% growth of the Philippine economy in 2012

There are 18 regions of The Philippines as of May 2015

17 regions as of June 2009

Added an extra region in 2015: read about it

A "Region" is not a Constitutional form of government and is used only for administrative management
or statistics reference by the Executive branch.

National Capital Region (NCR)

Code: 130000000

No. of Provinces 0

No. of Cities 17

Caloocan City, Philippines

Las Piñas City, Philippines

Makati City, Philippines

Malabon City, Philippines

Mandaluyong City, Philippines

Manila City, Philippines

Marikina City, Philippines

Muntinlupa City, Philippines

Navotas City, Philippines

Parañaque City, Philippines

Pasay City, Philippines

Pasig City, Philippines

Pateros City, Philippines

Quezon City, Philippines

San Juan City, Philippines

Taguig City, Philippines

Valenzuela City, Philippines

No. of Barangays 1,695

Registered Voters (2009): 5,999,706

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 11,553,427

Luzon REGION I (Ilocos Region)

Code: 010000000

No. of Provinces 4

Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines

Ilocos Sur Province, Philippines

La Union Province, Philippines

Pangasinan Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 9 No. of Municipalities 116 No. of Barangays 3,265

Registered Voters (2009): 2,627,045

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 4,545,906

Luzon REGION II (Cagayan Valley)

Code: 020000000

No. of Provinces 5

Batanes Province, Philippines

Cagayan Province, Philippines

Isabela Province, Philippines

Nueva Vizcaya Province, Philippines

Quirino Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 3 No. of Municipalities 90 No. of Barangays 2,311

Registered Voters (2009): 1,735,564

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 3,051,487

Luzon REGION III (Central Luzon)

Code: 030000000

No. of Provinces 7

Aurora Province, Philippines

Bataan Province, Philippines

Bulacan Province, Philippines

Nueva Ecija Province, Philippines

Pampanga Province, Philippines

Tarlac Province, Philippines

Zambales Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 13 No. of Municipalities 117 No. of Barangays 3,102

Registered Voters (2009): 5,472,593

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 9,720,982


Code: 040000000

No. of Provinces 5

Batangas Province, Philippines

Cavite Province, Philippines

Laguna Province, Philippines

Quezon Province, Philippines

Rizal Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 12 No. of Municipalities 130 No. of Barangays 4,011

Registered Voters (2009): 6,178,557

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 11,743,110


Code: 170000000

No. of Provinces 5

Marinduque Province, Philippines

Mindoro Occidental Province, Philippines

Mindoro Oriental Province, Philippines

Palawan Province, Philippines

Romblon Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 2 No. of Municipalities 71 No. of Barangays 1,458

Registered Voters (2009): 1,375,320

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 2,559,791

REGION V (Bicol Region)

Code: 050000000

No. of Provinces 6

Albay Province, Philippines

Camarines Norte Province, Philippines

Camarines Sur Province, Philippines

Catanduanes Province, Philippines

Masbate Province, Philippines

Sorsogon Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 7 No. of Municipalities 107 No. of Barangays 3,471

Registered Voters (2009): 2,774,327

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 5,109,798

REGION VI (Western Visayas)

Code: 060000000

No. of Provinces 6

Aklan Province, Philippines

Antique Province, Philippines

Capiz Province, Philippines

Iloilo Province, Philippines

Negros Occidental Province, Philippines

Guimaras Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 16 No. of Municipalities 117 No. of Barangays 4,051

Registered Voters (2009): 3,914,326

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 6,843,643

REGION VII (Central Visayas)

Code: 070000000
No. of Provinces 4

Bohol Province, Philippines

Cebu Province, Philippines

Negros Oriental Province, Philippines

Siquijor Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 16 No. of Municipalities 116 No. of Barangays 3,003

Registered Voters (2009): 3,655,441

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 6,398,628

REGION VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Code: 080000000

No. of Provinces 6

Eastern Samar Province, Philippines

Leyte Province, Philippines

Northern Samar Province, Philippines

Western Samar Province, Philippines

Southern Leyte Province, Philippines

Biliran Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 7 No. of Municipalities 136 No. of Barangays 4,390

Registered Voters (2009): 2,337,185

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 3,912,936

REGION IX (Zamboanga Peninsula)

Code: 090000000

No. of Provinces 3

Zamboanga del Norte Province, Philippines

Zamboanga Sibugay Province, Philippines

Zamboanga del Sur Province, Philippines

Two Independent Cities:

Isabela City, province of Basilan, Philippines

Zamboanga City, Philippines

No. of Cities 5 No. of Municipalities 67 No. of Barangays 1,904

Registered Voters (2009): 1,804,278

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 3,230,094

REGION X (Northern Mindanao)

Code: 100000000

No. of Provinces 5

Bukidnon Province, Philippines: Cities within the province of Bukidnon

Camiguin Province, Philippines

Lanao del Norte Province, Philippines

Misamis Occidental Province, Philippines

Misamis Oriental Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 9 No. of Municipalities 84 No. of Barangays 2,022

Registered Voters (2009): 2,230,538

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 3,952,437

REGION XI (Davao Region)

Code: 110000000

No. of Provinces 4 and 1 independent city

Compostela Valley Province, Philippines

Davao del Norte Province, Philippines

Davao Occidental, Philippines

Davao Oriental Province, Philippines

Davao del Sur Province, Philippines


No. of Cities 6 No. of Municipalities 43 No. of Barangays 1,162

Registered Voters (2009): 2,433,932

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 4,156,653

REGION XII (Soccsksargen)

Code: 120000000

No. of Provinces 4 and 1 independent City

Cotabato Province, Philippines

South Cotabato Province, Philippines

Sultan Kudarat Province, Philippines

Sarangani Province, Philippines

Cotabato City, Philippines

No. of Cities 5 No. of Municipalities 45 No. of Barangays 1,194

Registered Voters (2009): 1,896,772

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 3,829,081


Code: 160000000

No. of Provinces 5

Agusan del Norte Province, Philippines

Agusan del Sur Province, Philippines

Surigao del Norte Province, Philippines

Surigao del Sur Province, Philippines

Dinagat Island Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 6 No. of Municipalities 67 No. of Barangays 1,310

Registered Voters (2009): 1,307,397

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 2,293,480

Luzon REGION XIV Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)

Code: 140000000

No. of Provinces 6

Abra Province, Philippines

Apayao Province, Philippines

Benguet Province, Philippines

Ifugao Province, Philippines

Kalinga-Apayao Province, Philippines

Mountain Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 2 No. of Municipalities 75 No. of Barangays 1,176

Registered Voters (2009): 840,145

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 1,520,743

REGION XV - Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)

Code: 150000000

No. of Provinces 5

Basilan Province, Philippines - Included in 2001 except for the city of Isabela which is part of Region IX

Lamitan City, Basilan, Philippines

Lanao del Sur Province, Philippines

Marawi City - included in 2001

Maguindanao Province, Philippines

Sulu Province, Philippines

Tawi-Tawi Province, Philippines

No. of Cities 2 No. of Municipalities 113 No. of Barangays 2,470

Registered Voters (2009): 1,692,468

Population (as of Aug 1, 2007): 4,120,795

Region XVIII - NIR - Negros Island Region

Code: 180000000 No. of Provinces 2

Negros Occidental Province, Philippines -

1st Class

19 Municipalities, 13 Cities, 662 Barangays

Reg Voters: 1,478,260

Population as of 2010(census): 2,396,039

Negros Oriental Province, Philippines

1st Class

19 Municipalities, 6 Cities, 557 Barangays)

Reg Voters: 606,634

Population as of 2010(census): 1,286,666

No need to memorize. Need to familiarize 😊🙏💪

1. Filipino migrant writer whose fiction stories reflect the Filipino concept of American culture?
Bienvenido Santos

2. This Filipino writer in English used Hispanic- Filipino culture and traditions in his works Nick Joaquin

3. A story is made out of exchange of letters. Epistolary

4. One famous Japanese poem, it is consists of 3 lines totalling 17 syllables with nature as topic Haiku
5. It is a dramatic presentation that originated from the traditional armed encounter between the
Christians and Muslim Filipinos. Moro - moro

6. Speech progress which was concerned with amplifying and enriching the voice using human amplifiers
such as the nose, windpipe, and chest. Resonation

7. He was called "Morning star of English Literature. Geoffrey Chaucer

8. "To be or not to be" is the beginning of the soliloquy of________. Hamlet

9. The Rubaiyat has a theme of: Grasping pleasure while you can

10. He was the foremost French short story writer. Guy de Maupassant

11. The pen name of Samuel Clemens is. Mark Twain

12. She was the reason of Trojan War. " the face that launched a thousand ship" Helen of Troy

13. Where did the ancient civilization of China exist. Yellow River

14. Indian sacred hymns are enshrined in this compendium. Rig veda

15. The longest epic of India. Mahabharata

16. A Greek poet, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer
17. Egyptian literature is identified as_________. Mediterranean

18. The Philippines lies in the ___________, an area where volcanoes are active. Ring of fire

19. Migrant crossed the seas from the southern Philippines there were already aboriginal settlers in the
islands. Negritos

20. Who first introduced the Islamic religion to the Philippines? Mukdum

21. The late president Ferdinand Marcos placed the Philippines under Martial law through what laws.
Proclamation 1081

22. This person served as the brains behind the "arena theater" Severino Montano

23. She wrote the 1st Filipino modern English language short story. Dead star. Paz Marquez Benitez

24. Famous ballerina who brought ballet to children of various economic levels. Liza Macuja

25. Angono, Rizal boasts a famous composer who became a National Artist. Who is this person. Luis San

26. Known as Quijano de Manila in the Philippine literature. Nick Joaquin

27. known as " huseng sisiw" Jose dela Cruz

28. The following were among the 5 ships involved in Ferdinand Magellan's voyage, except: Cartagena
29. What was the name of forced labor imposed during the Spanish regime. Polo

30. Through the Galleon Trade, the Philippines half extended contacts with___________. Mexico

31. What economic policy in 16th century Europe influenced Spain's expansion is policy to discover new
lands. Mercantilism

32. 1565, Legaspi concluded a blood compact with the chief of Bohol. Who is referred to. Sikatuna

33. Which religious missionaries first arrived in the Philippines. Augustinians

34. The Spanish mestizo priest was the pioneering leader of the native secular clergy in the
Secularization Movement of 186. Pedro Pelaez

35. Governor- General Narciso Claveria was responsible for the____________. Spanish surnames

36. Which Spanish Policy provided the resettlement of Filipino communities to form town centers of
cabeceras. Reduccion

37. The last Spanish Governor- General of the Philippines. Diedo delos Rios

38. He became the leader of the Magdalo faction. Baldomero Aguinaldo

39. Robert Frost wrote the poem Acquainted with the Night from which the stanza is taken: isolation -
40. The wounded soldiers were visited by the president who honoured them with ____ for their _____.
Medals – valor

41. Marcelo H. del Pilar condemmed the hidden control and domination by Spanish religious priests over
the colonial government using this term. Frailoracia

42. He was the founder and editor of the newspaper " La Independencia. Antonio Luna

43. He was the orator of the Reform Movement and the first editor of La Solidaridad. Graciano Lopez

44. Which law set a full- trade policy abolishing the qouta limitations on Philippine exports to the United
States. Underwood-Simmons Act

45. He was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation policy during the
American colonial years of the Philippines. William Mckinley

46. He was among the last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and established the so - called "
Tagalog Republic". Macario Sakay

47. In the Philippine history, who was known as the " The great Dissenter". Claro M. Recto

48. He is the father of the Local Government Code. Aquilino Pimentel

49. He is considered the father of Iloko literature. Pedro Bucaneg

50. Where did the folk song " Ati Cu Pong Singsing" originate. Pampangos
51. One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is_________. Salvaging

52. How many days are needed after which an enrolled bill becomes a law. 30 days

53. Which policy of the state provides preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate
members of Philippine society. Social justice

54. Which is the fundamental law of the Philippines. Constitution

55. Which department has the authority to make laws and to alter them when needed. Legislative

56. Which refers to the act of the President to stay the execution of a convict. Reprieve

57. Who has the power to declare the existence of a state of war. Congress

58. How is the crime of rape classified? Heinous

59. All Filipino citizens have the right to vote and to be voted upon such a government official. What is
this constitutional right called. Suffrage

60. The tax required to be paid annually by all adult citizens of the Philippines is the_______. Community

61. The art and science that deals with the morality of human acts. Ethics

62. Ethical conduct governs social research. Which among the following are not related to ethics /
morality in research? Erroneous data
63. Whose view gives prominence to faith in understanding the existence of God? St. Augustine

64. Reason must be in understanding the existence of God. Who advocated this philosophy? St. Thomas

65. This field deals with the study of how human beings behave. Psychology

66. The father of modern Psychology Sigmund Freud

67. If principles and theories of human behavior were to applied to teaching and learning, the field will
be called_________. Educational Psychology

68. Which of the following is considered as the lowest form of learning? Perceiving

69. Of the following, which is an example of natural altered state of awareness? Sleep

70. Which statement on human intelligence is correct? It is consists of multiple intelligence

71. What do we call the sum of money collected for our use of a road, bridge, and highways? Toll

72. Which term refers to duties payable on goods, whether imported or exported? Tariff

73. When on controls the supply/ production of goods, this implies Monopoly

74. The island of Luzon is estimated to be 100,000 square kilometers. In exponential form, it can be
expressed as_________. 20^5
75. How many prime numbers are there between 1 to 100. 25

76. What are the prime factors of 120? 2x2x2x3x5

77. The largest common multiple of two or more numbers is called______. GCF

78. The greatest common factor of 22, 15,7 is________. 1

79. What percent if 75 is 15? 20%

80. Total amount after adding 8%interest for 3 months of 6,000? 6, 120

81. The probability of getting a 2 after rolling a fair die is__________. 1/6

82. A ball is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number divisible by 2. 1/2

83. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5 seats. 120

84. A recipe calls for 2 cups of milk for every 7 cups of flour. A chef will use 28 cups of flour, how many
cups of milk must be have? 8

85. How many seconds are there in a 24- hour day? 86, 400

86. The sum of three consecutive integers is 123. What are the integers? 40,41 42
87. Which of the following is a product of 13 and an integer? 1326

88. Uri ng pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagpili. pag bubukod at pagtatangi Pamukod

89. Bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping ika at tambilang Gitling

90. Ano ang tawag sa tatlong magkakasunod na tuldok na ginagamit upang ipabatid na may bahaging
hindi sinipi mula sa talata? Ellipsis

91. Uri ng pagbabagong morpoponeniko na gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyon ng ponema sa salita.


92. Uri ng pagsusulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulat upang pukawin ang damdamin.

93. Dulog pampanitikan nq nagbibigay diing sariling panlasag bumabasa. kilala rin ito bilang reader-
response theory. Impresyonista

94. Ibigay ang angkop nq damdaming ito ang dinadaanan upang maipaabot ng tagapagsalita ang
kanyang mensahe. Tsanel

95. Kung ikaw ay nagnanais lamang ng magpalipas ng oras, anong klaseng pagbasa ang nqbabagay sa
iyo? Kaswal

96. Science provides knowledge through disciplined observation. Which of the following is not
characteristic of scientific assertion? Hearsay

97. Which of the following when perceived causes action on a reaction? Stimulus
98. Which among the following represents the smallest unit of life? cell

99. Which of the following statements about living things is false? All living things have a nervous system

100. Which of the following best describes a group of cells that work together to perform a function?

101. Which among the following are duplicated during the process of mitosis? Chromosomes

102. Plants create their own food by absorbing and processing sunlight. The ability to produce one's own
food source is a metabolic process known as: Autotrophs

103. Fungi absorb the nutrients from dead organisms, in an ecosystem what roles do they play?

104. Which among the following cell organelles does not participate in cellular division? Ribosomes

105. Which of the following is not an example of naturally occurring sugar? Mitose

106. Sugar compounds such as monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides are also classified.

107. Damage to DNA that is not repaired and then replicated can result in genetic disorders. This
demonstrates__________. Mutation

108. Air, when mixed with sulfur oxide coming from motor vehicles and industrial plants fall to earth
giving effects to living things. This polluted air is known as. Greenhouse effect
109. Air, flood, and water are essential elements in human existence. Carried by wind air
called__________. Falls to earth poisoning fish and destroying vegetation. Acid rain

110. You won the jackpot prize in lottery. The prize money cannot be paid in currency by only in gold.
Applying your knowledge in chemistry. Select the largest amount of gold from choices below. 40.00
kilograms of gold

111. The Kyoto protocol, which requires countries to reduce greenhouse emission, is a practice that
advocates____________. Environmental protection

112. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 and an atomic numbers of 14. How many protons are
in this atom? 14

113. Rock fragments thrown into the air during a volcanic eruption is called: Lava

114. Which among the following properties is a measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched?

115. He established the tobacco monopoly during the Spanish era. Jose Basco

116. Technology ______ dramatically in the twenty-first century. Has improved

117. A bread - and butter sandwich ________ my favorite morning snack. is

118. This is a segmented worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation. Leeches

119. The ______ of the story is that friendship is sacred. Moral

120. What are the prime factors of 273? 3x7x13

121. This is the surface of the earth between the Tropic Cancer and Arctic Circle. Zone

122. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics such as justice, and fairness. Political realist have a more
realist viewpoint of politics, aptly stated by "Might is right". Who among the following is more of a
political realist rather than political idealist? Julius Caesar

123. Even when her friends betray her, Becky bears no rancor in her heart because she is not _____.

124. If I _____ known you before, we could have become partners for a project. had

125. These are the thin structures of cytokinesis amoeboid movement changes in the cell shape.

126. All important factors must be considered to arrive at a sound ________. Decision

127. The cause of power outage was a ______connection. loose

128. Virtual face-to-face communication is made possible by this software. skype

129. "My head is bloody, but unbowed" hyperbole

130. The Shakespearean classic saw the predicament of two lovers from warring families. Romeo and
131. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is a _______. Parallelogram

132. The proposed equipment ______within the budget of the school. is

133. The Philippine Legislature has two houses: senate and House of Representatives. What term best
describes this setup? Bicameralism

134. How do you call the tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals? Income tax

135. Which of the following is considered the lowest form of learning? Perceiving/ Teaching

136. In July 1901, Isabelo delos Reyes founded the first labor union in the country. What was its name?

Association of the Philippine Labor Union Obrera Derocratica

137. During the June 12, 1898 Declaration of Independence, a band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino
What band was this? Malabon Band

138. This is modern technology's response to message previously sent over couriers or post offices E-

139. Among the not-easily-observable skills are cognitive abilities. This is because they are _______.


140. What is the LCM of 5,2, and 7? 70

141. My concept of inner peace came from my mother's daily activities which I now recall with fondness
and awe. She was a full-time housewife wholly dependent on my father's monthly salary. How she made
both ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small acts of charity on the side was beyond me."
Based on the recount, the mother's financial resource were ______ Limited

142. "I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was branded as a terror in school. The pupils
dreaded the day they would enter my class. Little did they know that behind my unpopular façade was a
heart full of compassion. But how did I learn this moniker? I did not tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I
wanted them to know that cleanliness of body was good of their health. I inspected their teeth, nails,
footwear, handkerchiefs, clothes, ears, noses and hair." Based on the recount, the teacher values
__________ Cleanliness

143. The student's request to reset the test ______ reasonable. is

144. Ito ang humahadlang sa maayos na pakikinig. Ingay

145. Kung bibilangin ang pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula, ito ang makukuha. Sukat

146. What do you think will mostly happen when a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution? It well

147. A toothpick can float on the surface of the water because of surface tension

148. Which of the following organisms is considered heterotrophic? grasshopper

149. "The prodigal son, who is the black sheep of the family, has returned home." What figure of speech
was used in the given statement? Metaphor

150. Below are different sources of energy. Which do you think is the most DISADVANTAGEOUS because
of its possible threat to human sources of food? Geo-thermal
151. Ano ang tinataglay ng mga sumusunod na salita: tanaw, aliw, kamay, reyna? Diptonggo

152. What do you call the molecule that contains the genetic information of the organism? Nucleic Acid

153. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge of burden upon persons, property or
property rights for the use and support of the government expenditures for social services and a way of
revenue collection? Taxation

154. The fundamental right invoked by filing the "writ of amparo" is _____ Right to life, liberty and

155. What does a professional code of conduct prescribe? Moral and ethical standards

156. The invited resource speaker has a lot on his mind. He is such a LOQUACIOUS speaker. The
capitalized word means. Verbose

157. "Two heads are better than one" means that it's better for two people to think of a solution that
just one person. This is a classic example of this figure of speech. Synecdoche

158. The planets of the solar system have mythological references. They are based on what genre of
mythology. Roman Mythology

159. A new show____ on ABS-CBN two days ago. Has launced

160. In the courtroom, the judge said that the findings have no bearing because there are_____.
161. The newly elected president demonstrated great APLOMB in dealing with the nasty and foul
questions thrown by reporters. The capitalized word means: composure

162. "The goddess Aphrodite is the phantom of delight''. The sentence is an example of Metaphor

163. "Crispin! Basilio! My children!" Is an example of_______. Apostrophe

164. This element of the short story is the combination of all events, which are caused to move because
of the conflict. Plot

165. A sonnet is a poet that has fourteen lines and a total of ____ syllables. 140

166. Of the four, this is the shortest literary work. anecdote

167. When small children call all animals "dogs", what process is illustrated, based on Piaget's cognitive
development theory? Assimilation

168. When a teacher teaches the idea that it is wrong to think that Filipino lifestyle, products and ideas
are inferior to those of other nationalities, he fights against ______. Xenocentrism

169. The sum of traditionally derived and orally transmitted literature, material, culture and custom
within predominantly and technologically advance societies is referred to as: Folklore

170. What is the first skill a student must have before he/she can read? Phonemic awareness

171. The man looks _______at the food on the table. strangely
172. If he _______ eating excessively, he would be that fat were

173. Which among the sound below is voiceless? /p/

174. The official stand of the newspaper on a particular issue is found in the: editorial page

175. Imperative almost nearly means_______ Having to do with vital requirement

176. The line "Under the bludgeoning of chance, My head is bloody but un-bowed" depicts the person's:

177. Which is the BEST way to write the underline portion of this sentence?

"The studies revealing that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working with computers than boys"
studies revealed

178. It's now 2 hours past his schedule, the facilitator may not come anymore, but we'll still be ready in
case he ______ does

179. It may seem frivolous to you ,but it's important to me. What does frivolous means? worthless

180. The new student was VEXATIOUS Annoying

181. He turned up a new leaf after long years of imprisonment. Made a turning point

182. Many a child ___ left to the care of relatives while the parents work. is

183. A lot of water _____ needed to irrigate the parched land. is

184. "If you want the moon, I will get it for you" is an example of_________. Hyperbole

185. People who are too _______ are liable to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals. credulous

186. Susan _________ in bed too long and missed her classes . lay

187. Which province was known as "Provincia de Comintan" during the Spanish period? Batangas

188. Which Spanish Governor-General ordered the deportation of Jose Rizal to Dapitan, Zamboanga de
Norte? Despujol

189. Which is known as the earliest form of writing in the Philippines? Alibata

190. Which of the following designed the Rizal Monument? Richard Kisling

191. Who was the last Filipino General to surrender to Americans during the Filipino-American War?
Miguel Malvar

192. Art is product of man's need to express himself to a high degree of sensitivity toward his
environment. Who is the painter of fisher folks and farmers of his hometown? Carlos V. Francisco

193. What contained the concrete promise of the Americans to Filipinos Independence "as soon as
stable government can be established?" Preamble of Jones law

194. Three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference is called ____________

195. Memories or brutality during the Japanese regime was associated with a group called _____

196. Which among the following is considered as an intrinsic property of matter? Flammability

197. Which among the following virus caused disease is characterized by abdominal pain, increase of red
blood cell, decreased in platelet count and subsequent haemorrhage when left? Dengue



Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy (CKP)


2. +ICT



Domain 2, Learning Environment (LE)

1. Learner safety and security

2. Fair

3. Management

4. Support

5. Promotion
Domain 3, Diversity of Learners (DL)


Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning (CP)

1. Process

2. Competencies

3. Programs

4.Professional collaboration

5. ICT

Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting (AR)

1. Assessment

2. Achievement

3. Feedback

Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement (CLPE)

1. Community

2. Professional ethics

3. School policies

Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development (PGPD)

1. Profession/Professional

2. Philosophy of teaching


S: Specific
M: Measurable

A: Attainable

R: Reasonable/Realistic

T: Time-Bound


The theory of multiple intellegences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of
education at Harvard University. It suggest that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q.
testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a
broader range of human potential in children and adults.

These intelligences are:

• Linguistic intelligence (word smart)

• Logical mathematical intelligence. (number/reasoning smart)

• Spatial intelligence (picture smart)

• Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)

• Musical Intelligence ( Music smart)

• Interpersonal Intelligence ( people smart)

• Intrapersonal intellingence (self smart)

• Naturalistic intelligence (nature smart)

• Existential Intelligence

Emulate ✅ imitate

Vouchsafe ✅ grant

Abeyance ✅ suspended

Denigrate ✅ malign

Furtive ✅ sneaky

Remonstrate ✅protest

Corroborate ✅confirm

Gullible✅easily deceived








Stupefy✅make numb








Ostracized ✅excluded

Cacophonous✅loud and unpleasant



Candor ✅honesty

Contemptuous ✅ scornful

Feeble ✅ weak

Inevitable ✅ certain


B.F. SKINNER – Operant Conditioning BANDURA – Modeling

BANDURA & WALLACE – Social Learning CARL JUNG – Psychological

CONFICIUS – Education for all, Golden Rule

EDWARD THORNDIKE – Connectionism ERICK ERIKSON – Psychosocial

IVAN PAVLOV – Classical Conditioning JEAN PIAGET – Cognitive

FROEBEL - Father of Kndrgrtn PEZTALLOZI – realia, Froebel’s protégé JEROME BRUNER – Instrumental

JOHN DEWEY – learning by doing JOHN LOCKE – Tabula Rasa (blank sheet) KOHLERS – Insight Learning

LAURENCE KOHLBERG – Moral Development

LEV VGOTSKY – Social Cognitivist, Scaffolding



DOUBLE EFFECT – sacrifice for the good or bad

FORMAL COOPERATION – cooperation with will

LESSER EVIL – choice of the less one from two bad things

MATERIAL COOPERATION – cooperation without will


ORAL (0-1 yrs. old) – Infant

ANAL (1-3 yrs. old) – Toddler

PHALLIC – Preschool

LATENCY – School Age

GENITAL – Adolescense

OEDIPUS – son to mom

ELECTRA –daughter to dad

Recent Laws During Duterte Administration

General Info

1. Proclamation No. 124 – January as “National Bible Month”

2. Executive Order No. 25-renamed Benham Rise to Philippine Rise.

3. Executive Order No. 26- ordered a nationwide smoking BAN. Implemented in July 23

4. Republic Act No. 10913 - Anti-Distracted Driving Act

5. Republic Act No. 10666, or the "Children on Motorcycle Safety Act of 2015",

6. Republic Act No. 10931 Free tuition in state universities

7. R.A. 10932 No Enhanced Anti-Hospital Deposit Law

8. R,A 10928 Extending Passport Validity to 10 years

9. 10929 Establishing FREE INTERNET ACCESS in public places

10. 10930 Extending Driver’s License Validity for Five Years

11. RA 8049 Anti Hazing Law

12. Republic Act No. 10969 or the Free Irrigation Service Act

13. RA 10742- SK REFORM

14. RA 10963 Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act (TRAIN) Law

Important Events:

1. Japanese Encephalitis - a mosquito-borne illness endemic to the Philippines

2. Avian Influenza Outbreak- declared in Pampanga

3. Philippines ranked 6th in the 29th sea games. (Malaysia: host country)

-24golds,33 silvers,64 bronze won by the Philippines in the 29thseagames

4. 6.4 bilyon shipment of drugs from china, nakalusot Sa Customs under Sec. Nicanor Faeldon

5. 2019- Philippines will host SEA Games

6. November 10–12 – The Philippines hosted the 31st ASEAN Summit Clark Freeport Zone in Angeles,

7. November 13–14 – The hosted the Twelfth East Asia Summit at the Clark Freeport Zone in Angeles,

8. December 19 — President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act
(TRAIN) Act January 1, 2018 took effect- Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act (TRAIN)

is a legislation which made reforms on taxation in the Philippines.

9. Isnilon Hapilon of Abu Sayyaf and Omar Maute of Maute Group, leaders of ISIL-linked militants
fighting the government in the Battle of Marawi were reportedly killed on October 16

10. October 23 – the Battle of Marawi was declared officially over by the military


11. January 22 – The Mayon Volcano’s alert status was raised to Alert Level 4 due to intensified volcanic
12. The Office of the President has ordered a 90-day preventive suspension order against Overall Deputy
Ombudsman Melchor Arthur Carandang for alleged grave misconduct and grave dishonesty for the
unauthorized disclosures of the alleged bank transactions of President Rodrigo Duterte and his family.

13. February 28 – President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

14. May 23, 2017 – Martial Law was declared on the islands of Mindanao –

15. Dec 31. 2017 –expiration of validity of the martial law

16. July 2, 2017- Pacquiao’s Fight against Jeff Horn

17. July 24, 2017 – 2nd SONA of Duterte

18. August 8, 2017 - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Celebrates 50th Golden Anniversary
Celebration in PICC.

19. Sept 21- Proclamation No. 319 Duterte declared “National Day of Protest”

September- National Peace Consciousness Month

20. January 31: A total lunar eclipse coinciding with a super moon and blue moon phenomenon was
witnessed by many astronomers and skywatchers throughout the country.[8

21. DengVaxia scandal vs aquino and butch abad

22. 29th of March 1969.- 49th anniversary of New People’s Army. (NPA)

23. Sept 21, 2017- National Day of Protest

24. . February 12: -The Philippine Government has signed the administrative order to completely ban
the deployment of all workers to Kuwait.

25. . March 1 – President Rodrigo Duterte has signed Republic Act No. 10973, that restored the power of
select officials of the Philippine National Police (PNP) to issue subpoenas on cases under investigation.

26. March 14 – President Rodrigo Duterte has announced that the Philippines is withdrawing from the
International Criminal Court (ICC)


1. MARIA LOURDES SERENO – On March 8, through Votes of 38-2, the House Committee on Justice has
found probable cause in the impeachment complaint against Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno.

2. HORACIO "ATIO" CASTILLO III – Killed by Aegis Juris fraternity over the fatal hazing of University of
Santo Tomas (UST) law freshman student in September last year.
as the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) has for the election protest of former Senator Ferdinand
“Bongbong” Marcos, Jr (counting started on Apr. 2 for Camarines Sur, Iloilo, and Negros Oriental)

4. KERWIN ESPINOSA, PETER LIM- The Department of Justice has cleared alleged drug lords due to lack
of evidence

5. MAUTE GROUP – rebel group who seized Marawi City, they are not ISIS, but only ISIS-affiliated

6. OMAR MAUTE leader of maute inspired by Isis in Marawi City

7. REYNALDO PAROJINOG SR. – Mayor who was killed in the drug ops in Ozamiz City.

8. NOVA PAROJINOG- her daughter

9. KIAN LOYD DELOS SANTOS - A 17-year-old who was kill


● RA #7836 - Philippine Teacher Professionalization Act of 1994

● RA #7796 - TESDA Act of 1994

● Article XIV 1987 Philippine Constitution (Educ.Sci & Tech,Arts,Culture& Sports) 👉this is the very
fundamental legal basis of education in thr philippines.

● Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa 232, Sept 11,1982) 👉an Act providing for the Establishment &
Maintenance of an Integrated System of Education

● RA #4670 - Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (June 18,1966)

● RA #6713 - Code of Conduct & Ethical Standards For Public Officials and Employees

● RA #7877 - Anti-sexual Harrassment Act of 1995

● RA #9155 - Decentralization; Legal basis of Shared Governance in Basic Education

● RA #7784 - Establishment of Center of Excellence

● K-12 Curriculum - Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

● RA #90210 - "An Act to Integrate Information Teachnology into the Public Elementary & Secondary
Curricula & Appropriating funds

● RA #10121 - DRMM approval headed by OCO office of Civil defense May 2010




Stimulus bounded- distracted by outside stimuli easily.

Horizontal mobility- a teacher in brgy. School transferred in town.

Vertical mobility- teacher being promoted as supervisor

Nuclear family- father, mother and their children

Extended family- parents and other relatives

Solitary play- children play toys by themselves

Onlooker play- children watch others play but not involved

Parallel play- children watch alongside not with each other.

Associative play- parehas ang kanilang nilalaro

Baduy- awkward looking

Transmuted- changed

Carnal- bold

Aplomb- composure

Loquacious- verbose

Profanity- obscenities

Rizal was born- calamba, laguna

Penchant- fondness

Eureka- discovery
Metaphor- "the lord is my sheperd"

Hyperbole- " he is the blacksheep in the family"

Geoffrey Chaucer- morning star of English lit.

Shakespear- "Bard of avon"

Nature- heredity, IQ, character traits

Nurture- environment

Phelogenetic- development follows orderly sequence

Ontogenetic- rate of dev. Is unique

Cepalocaudal- dev. From head to foot

Proximodistal- central access

Iconic- by seeing ex. Pictures

Symbolic- by symbols ex. Words and numbers

Inactive- learning by doing physical action

Socrates- " know thyself"

Plato- " wrote the republic"

Aristotle- "father of modern sciences"

Albert bandura- social learning theory/ modelling

Kohlberg- moral dev. Theory

Pavlov- classical conditioning

Skinner- operant conditioning

John amos comenius- " orbis pictus"

NCBTS -national Competency-based teacher standards

tanaga 7777

tanka 57577

Tree releases carbon dioxide during? ~ evening

tatlong tuldok na sunod-sunod = elipsis

town criers~~~umalohokan

Meaning of TOS ~~~table of Specifications

Sage on stage ~~dispenser of knowledge

Negative effect of extended family~ FAVORITISM.

Bicameralism~~ Jones Law

Ang _____ay ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping IKA at Tambilang~~~GITLING

She is a lovely rose" is an example of~~metaphor

Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the US~~would have been

She is a lovely rose" is an example of~~metaphor

Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the US~~would have been

___________ is an example of a non pathogenic microorganism~~ Probiotics as bifidobacterium

First labor union in the Philippines~~~Union Obrera Demokratika

The only remnant after world war II~~Philippine Independent Church

Sa mga Soc Sci major mag focus po kayo sa Economics



1. THRUST – proceeding without assessing

2. DANGLING – hanging activity by giving another

3. TRUNCATION – leaves activity

4. FLIP-FLOP – returns to a left activity while currently

doing an activity

5. STIMULUS-BOUND – distracted
6. OVERDWELLING – overtime in one topic

7. OVERLAPPING – multitasking results negatively




IDEALISM – enough in mind PERRENIALISM – constant

PRAGMATISM - practice (T&E) PROGRESSIVISM – improve

REALISM – enough to see UTILITARIANISM - best



PRE-SPANISH – survival and conformity

SPANISH – Christianity

AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life

COMMONWEALTH – moral character, efficiency

JAPANESE – progress


B.F. SKINNER – Operant Conditioning

BANDURA – Modeling

BANDURA & WALLACE – Social Learning

CARL JUNG – Psychological

CARL JUNG – Psychological

CONFICIUS – Education for all, Golden Rule

EDWARD THORNDIKE – Connectionism

ERICK ERIKSON – Psychosocial

IVAN PAVLOV – Classical Conditioning

JEAN PIAGET – Cognitive FROEBEL - Father of Kndrgrtn

PEZTALLOZI – realia, Froebel’s protégé

JEROME BRUNER – Instrumental Conceptualism

JOHN DEWEY – learning by doing

JOHN LOCKE – Tabula Rasa (blank sheet)

KOHLERS – Insight Learning

LAURENCE KOHLBERG – Moral Development

LEV VGOTSKY – Social Cognitivist, Scaffolding

SIGMUND FREUD – Psychosexual

WILLIAM SHELDON – Physiological


HEDONISM – pleasure principle

DOUBLE EFFECT – sacrifice for the good or bad

FORMAL COOPERATION – cooperation with will

LESSER EVIL – choice of the less one from two bad things

MATERIAL COOPERATION – cooperation without will


1. ORAL (0-1 yrs. old) – Infant

2. ANAL (1-3 yrs. old) – Toddler

3. PHALLIC – Preschool

4. LATENCY – School Age

5. GENITAL – Adolescense

OEDIPUS – son to mom ELECTRA – daughter to dad


PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing Teachers

RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works of Jose Rizal

RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for Public School Teacher”

RA 7722 – CHED

RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”

RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

RA 9155 – BEGA (Basic Educ.) or DepEd Law

RA 9293 – Teachers Professionalization Act

RA 10533 – K-12 Law

ACT NO. 2706 – “Private Sch

Professional Education ➰

⭐Which type of visual shows the actual object under study? –


⭐Which perspective views the learner as actively creating meaning?

👉 Constructivism

⭐Why is it important for teachers to understand learning theory? -

👉 Theory informjs practice

⭐The evaluation activity in a lesson plan should answer the following question:

👉How will you determine if students have achieved the learning objectives?

⭐What is the main principle of the discovery method? -

👉Students learn best by doing

⭐The purpose of a motivation activity in a lesson plan is to:

👉gain and maintain students' attention

⭐Which perspective says that learning should take place in an environment that resembles the real
world with all its complexities? –


⭐ISTE standards are

👉technology standards for students and teachers

⭐Which of the following is an acceptable verb to use in objectives? –


⭐This theory believes that learning is largely determined by the external environment –


⭐According to Marianne Torbet, which of the following is not a game inclusion factor? –


⭐Which of the following are the procedures and actions used to help students meet stated objectives? -
👉 Methods

⭐What type of lesson evaluation takes place during the planning of the lesson? –

👉 Formative

⭐Visuals that convey a concept by comparing one idea to another and implying a similarity are called

👉analogic visuals

⭐Which is the physiological process in which sound waves enter the ear and are converted into electrical
impulses that travel to the brain? –

👉 Hearing

⭐Which of the following is NOT a fair use guideline? -

👉 The cost of the item in question

⭐The information activity in a lesson plan should answer the following question:

👉How will you help students see relationships among ideas?

⭐According to the authors of Children's Ministry that Works, in choosing games for children, which of
the following is not an important factor? -

👉The games should be competitive

⭐Which of the following are evidence of "the digital divide": i.e., the gap in equitable use of computer
technology among student groups? -

👉Computers used for drill and skill only in low income districts
⭐Which of the following experience is most closely associated with the constructivist perspective of
learning? -

👉 Student teaching

⭐Sam brought his rock collection to class for his students to classify. Which type of media is being used?

👉 Exhibit

⭐Which of the following is a three dimensional representation of a real object? –

👉 Model

⭐Which of the following is true regarding the shift in education in recent years? -

👉There has been a shift toward learner-centered instruction.

⭐Copyright law protects -

👉 the legal rights to original works

⭐The ability to accurately interpret and create visual messages is known as

👉 visual literacy

⭐Which of the following is a problem exacerbated by the prevalence of social media sites such as

👉 - Cyber-bullying

⭐The purpose of an application activity or conclusion section in a lesson plan is to

👉 provide opportunity for practice and feedback.

⭐Which of the following is true regarding field trips?

👉 - They are a form of enactive learning.

⭐The PIE model of classroom instruction stands for

👉: plan, implement, evaluate

⭐Which of the following objectives contains acceptable criteria? -

👉Students will compose a paragraph with no more than two errors.

⭐This theory uses the computer as a model for the way humans think -

👉 informational processing

⭐Persistence of vision is a phenomenon whereby -

👉the brain continues to see the image for a fraction of a second after the image is cut off

⭐Interpreting a visual is also known as

👉 decoding

⭐What is the difference between informational processing theory and constructivism? -

👉The first says that knowledge is objective and represents experience; the second that knowledge is
subjective and depends on the learner's interpretation of experience.

⭐An enduring change in human behavior or performance resulting from practice or experience is the

👉 definition of learning

⭐Which of the following is NOT a step in the scientific process, often used in the problem solving
method? -

👉 explore the question

⭐The rule of thirds tells us that elements should be arranged

👉along imaginary lines dividing your visual in three

⭐Sam borrowed ½ of an engine with the inners workings exposed from a local tech school. Which type
of media is this? –

👉 Cutaway

⭐Which of the following is NOT a criteria for selecting and/or creating instructional materials? -

👉 Are all materials original?

⭐Applying technological processes and tools to solve problems of teaching and learning is the definition

👉 educational technology

⭐Charts and graphs are what type of visuals? –

👉 Organizational

⭐In general, which gender seems to be more concerned with social relationships?

👉 – Girls

God blesss ♥️By God’s Grace magiging LPT din kayo

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