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College athletes should be able to make profit off their name, image, and likeness.

Since 2019
athletes have wanted to be paid for their name, image and likeness, but there was never a way to
get paid. That’s because of a law from the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) that
states college athletes are not allowed to make profit from the name, image, and/or likeness. But
they were allowed to get endorsement deals that lined up with the schools’ sponsorships.

College athletes were always able to have sponsorships/endorsements that were allowed from the
universities/ colleges they attend. But colleges worry about the amount of profit they will income
from the likeness of their athletes. Like jersey sales because when a person buys for example a
jersey from the University of Georgia, Georgia would earn 100% profit of the purchased which
is one way they make a lot of their money which goes into scholarships. In the article, “Paying
College Athletes – Top 3 Pros and Cons,” it states, “If students were paid, the NCAA argues,
many colleges and universities would have to offer fewer scholarships and the remaining
scholarships would be distributed unfairly to the top football and men’s basketball players
because those two sports bring in the most evidence.” The NCAA can’t forget the other ways
colleges make their profit like entry tickets to the home games. Division 1 colleges always have
their stadiums full on home games with students and fans which brings in good money for the
university. “If you look at the program like Louisville, they generate $45 million a year in
revenue” So the programs get a lot of money in revenue, but it also states “They give out 13
scholarships. That adds up to about $400,000 a year. The rest of it goes to the coach who make
$8 million a year, to the assistant coaches, who make as much as half-million dollars a year.”
Which means the coaches are getting paid more than the players that are working hard to keep
their jobs.

The coaches get paid for coaching so why can’t the athletes get paid for playing. “All throughout
the athletic department, people are making six-figure salaries. It does not go to the players.”
Athletes are always working for what they earn like how they earn a scholarship to the college
they attend. And if the athletes don’t work for what they earned like their scholarship, their
scholarship would get dropped and they would have to pay to go to school. So other than that,
athletes don’t actually get paid to work so hard for the program they are attending, athletes are
like an unpaid workforce. So, athletes should be able to make money off the items they are
helping sell like their jersey’s sales and brand deals they sign outside of the college’s

Also, athletes need money for their wants and needs because, they won’t have much to any time
to get a job and work after school most of the day then practice. According to the article, “Paying
College Athletes – Top 3 Pros and Cons,”, “About 25% of Division 1 athletes reported food
poverty in the past year and almost 14% reported being homeless in the past year.” If athletes
were able to make money from the likeness and name, they would be able to help with their
families at home because, “they (and their families) frequently live below the poverty line.” The
athletes would be able to help provide their families with the living situation or their future
situation. Most of the athletes won’t go pro and that money they earn in college would help them
start a life after college. And making money in college doesn’t make them not care about their
education because, you never know if they’re going to take their sports to the next level and they
will need to have a backup plan just in case that does happen. Now let’s say athletes do just slack
of in their education their scholarship would be taken from them so keeping good grades and
trying their hardest at the sport they are playing is an incentive to keep their scholarship and the
money they are making of their name, likeness, and image.

Athletes should gain profit off their name, likeness, and image is important because
colleges/universities are making profit of their athletes when the athletes aren’t making nothing
off their own name and image. Colleges won’t even lose that much in earnings from athlete’s
jersey sales and extra sales that include the athlete’s name. The universities make plenty of
money off tuitions, ticket entry cost, and extra purchases from merchandise that don’t include
athletes name, likeness, and image. Also, colleges usually offer many different sports, so you
have to consider the revenue they are getting from all the sport combined. Athletes work hard to
make money from their play on either the football field, basketball court, soccer field, and
volleyball court .

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