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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Instituto de Educação à Distância

Rua Correia de Brito, 613, Ponta Gêa
C.P 90 - Beira - Moçambique
Tel: (+258) 23 32 64 05 Fax: (+258) 23 32 64 06

2º Trabalho de Campo da Disciplina de Inglês

Curso de Licenciatura em Ensino de Matemática, 1º Ano.

Topic: Grammar and essay writing

Note: Use the subject module, manuals, articles, links, among other materials that deal with the
topic being researched or done. Use updated bibliographic material.

Organizational criteria
a) The fieldwork must be carried out individually. Under no circumstances, group work will be
b) Cases of plagiarism from internet sources and among colleagues will be penalized receiving
zero mark.
c) The marks of this work range from zero (0) to twenty (20).
d) Use Times New Roman, font size 12, 1,5 of line spacing, justified text with upper and left
margins of 3 cm, lower and right margins of 2 cm.
e) The work must contain a minimum of 10 pages (depending on the nature of the topic, it may
have least), including the pre-textual elements.
f) The work must contain an introduction, development, conclusion or final considerations and
g) The students must follow the APA standards, 6th Edition in the elaboration of the work.
Section 1: Adjectives

Part I:
Complete the sentences by choosing the correct comparison and superlative adjectives.
(3 marks)
1. The elephant’s brain is _________ the whale’s brain.
A. more big than B. bigger than C. the bigger than D. the biggest
2. Monkeys are _________ learners than elephants.
A. faster B. fastest C. the most fast D. more fast
3. I am ________ my brother.
A. tall than B. taller than C. more tall than D. tallest than
4. Tom thinks that his car is _________ than my car.
A. best B. more expensive C. the most expensive D. expensive
5. This could be __________ examination of all times.
A. more easy B. difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult
6. Davis is _________ than Edy. Edy is arrogant.
A. more modest B. arrogant C. the most modest D. modest
7. My town is _________ this city.
A. the most peaceful than B. peaceful than C. more peaceful than D. peaceful
8. John is more __________ Mary.
A. taller than B. creative than C. happiest D. faster than
9. Some students are __________ than others.
A. more cleverer B. more successful C. braver D. more slow
10. I was ill yesterday, but I am __________ today.
A. better B. gooder C. weller D. best
11. I think winter is __________ season of the year in Beira city.
A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. handsome
12. This is __________ car produced by this company.
A. new B. newer C. the newest D. newest
13. Do you know who ___________ woman runner in the world is?
A. faster B. further C. the fastest D. fast
14. Who is ____________ football player in the world?
A. worse B. better C. the best D. bad
Part II:
Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives below. (3,5 marks)
Adjective Comparative Superlative
15 Happy

16 Great
17 Fat
18 Wet

19 Cold
20 Handsome

21 Modern

Section II: Adverbs of frequency

Position of adverbs of indefinite time or adverbs of frequency.

Adverbs of frequency can take different positions in a sentence.
The adverbs of indefinite time or frequency (e.g. often, always, never, sometimes, generally,
seldom, rarely, hardly ever, frequently, etc.) usually go in the following positions:
 Before the main verb;
 After the Verb To Be;
 Between the auxiliary verb and the main verb;
 Before used to and have to.

Part I:
Rewrite the sentences below placing the adverb in the brackets in its correct position.
(5 marks)
22. Mary goes shopping to the mall. (usually)
23. Amalia helps her parents with the housework. (sometimes)
24. We are late to school. (never)
25. Mark is sad. (hardly ever)
26. My sister goes swimming. (often)
27. Our teacher is very friendly. (usually)
28. David doesn't study the grammar reference before his tests. (often)
29. I am happy. (always)
30. Elena reads the newspaper. (hardly ever)
31. Mike and his sister are fighting for the remote. (always)

Part II:
Complete the blank spaces by choosing the correct adverbs of frequency (A, B, C or D).
(2 marks)
32. I visit my relatives once in a blue moon. So I __________ see my uncle John.
A. sometimes B. hardly ever C. almost always D. usually
33. I’m never late for our English classes. I’m __________ on time.
A. always B. often C. rarely D. sometimes
34. Jane goes to the beach only once a year. She goes to the beach __________ .
A. sometimes B. never C. normally D. yearly
35. My sister often __________ a book before she goes to sleep.
A. reads B. read C. red D. reading
36. I __________ eat fast food because I know it’s unhealthy.
A. always B. sometimes C. frequently D. never
37. __________ we go to the gym to exercise, maybe two or three times a week.
A. Rarely B. Always C. Sometimes D. Never
38. They ________ go to bed early because they have to get up early the next day.
A. hardly ever B. always C. rarely D. seldom
39. She doesn’t finish work early because she is ___________ busy.
A. seldom B. never C. always D. rarely

Section III: Essay writing

(6.5 marks)
All over the word, higher education programmes are written in and taught by using English.
Therefore, many universities will require students to speak the language. Not only, but also the
fact that English language is important in our lives because it aids communication.

40. Write a short composition on the following topic:

‘The importance of English language for university students’.

Note: Do not exceed 120 words.

Apects to consider:
 Organisation;
 Flow of ideas (coherence);
 Grammar and language use;
 Maximum number of words.

The end

Beira, the 12th of September, year 2022

The Tutor: Cremildo Augusto Almeida Cuvejengua


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