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The University seal bears the symbol of the fervency

of the University of Bohol to be faithful to her mission
of providing holistic education to the students.

At the center is the burning flame of knowledge

anchored on three stripes of yellow, red, blue, the
core values, for which the University of Bohol stands

It is the dictum of the University that whoever comes

onto these core values shall be led from darkness to
light and unfettered from poverty.

The University of Bohol was originally named Rafael
Palma College after the greatest scholar of his time,
the late Dr. Rafael Palma. Its history is an account of
how a group of public and civic spirited citizens of
the province of Bohol ventured to establish an
educational institution in answer to a felt need of college education to those who could not afford to
study outside the province.

Rising from the ashes of World War II in 1946, the Boholanos welcomed with anticipation the birth
of a local college whose first members of the Board of Trustees were: Dr. Pio C. Castro, President;
Mr. Mariano Rocha, Vice President; Atty. Felix Magdales, Secretary; Mr. Catalino Castillo, Treasurer;
and Atty. Donato Galia, member. The first permits for the pioneer courses were granted by the
Bureau of Private Schools on June 10, 1946 through the earnest efforts of Atty. Victoriano D. Tirol,

The college admitted to her halls in July 1946, with 622 students. Since then she had grown in size,
leadership and influence far beyond the dreams of the founders despite inadequate revenues,
adversities and prejudices. The institution now offers instruction in many branches of knowledge in
the postgraduate, graduate, collegiate, secondary, elementary and pre-elementary levels. The
University opened the UB-Victoriano D. Tirol Advanced Learning Center on June 1995, a highly
competitive school for basic education in an 8-hectare campus in the suburbs of the city as a
development thrust for the 21st century.
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The institution which was founded through hope,
faith and prayer by more than 224 stockholders
dedicated to the education of the masses, has now
become the first University on the province of Bohol.

From its humble beginning in 1946 with 622

students, it reached a thousand mark the next school
year and since then has steadily grown in number.

To meet the increasing demands of a growing

college, the founders and stockholders decided to construct a five-storey administration building in
1965 which was fully erected in 1978 and a four-storey science building in 1978 despite difficulties
and scarcity of funds.

Inspired by the completion of the gigantic project and pressed by the challenges of time, the
founders, administration and school community were not satisfied with just having a college. Sparked
by enthusiasm and courage, the administration applied for the University status in 1969. On October
16, 1970, the Secretary of Education, Onofre D. Corpus granted the Charter for the University of
Bohol. On December 11, 1970, President, Atty. Victoriano D. Tirol, Sr. was installed. The significant
event was graced by the presence of no less than the most illustrious Boholano, President Carlos P.
Garcia, fourth President of the Philippines, who gave a fitting tribute to the founding of the

"My first words are those of fervent congratulations for the successful efforts you and your associates,
have exerted, culminating in the establishment of University of Bohol. This is certainly an outstanding
landmark in the history of our region. There are no boundaries to the new horizons of spiritual,
intellectual and real upliftment of our people resulting from the establishment of the University of
Bohol. Equally are my felicitations to you for having been deservedly exalted to the Office of the
President of the University of Bohol. This does not only constitute an everlasting laurel for our
dedicated career as an educator but it also opens for measure to the transcendental your golden
opportunities for contributing further and in a greater cause of the education of our youth especially
along University level."

On March 24, 1998, the University of Bohol installed into office its second president, Atty. David B.
Tirol, who pledged before God and his constituents that he will carry on the vision of the institution.

On December 11, 2010, it installed its Third President, Dr. Victoriano B. Tirol, Jr. who rallied the
University of Bohol to a new direction of a great future.

Despite the nobility of its mission, the University was not spared of challenges. It experienced
students' activism and labor problems in the early 1990s. Moreover, in 1999, sixty percent of the
University's structure was razed to the ground by a fire.

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On October 15, 2013, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the province. The structure in the University,
although earthquake proof, suffered major although not critical damage.

On December 12, 2014 it installed its Fourth President, Dr. Nuevas Tirol – Montes. She is the
University's First woman President.

Despite the painful experiences, UB refused to die. With the prayer and support of the UB family, the
alumni and the community, the University of Bohol survived. Now growing wiser after learning from
the painful lessons, it has resolved to put into effect new approaches, systems, and directions to face
bigger challenges. It has expanded its course offerings to include nontraditional courses in Allied
Medical Science, Computer Science and Technology, and a graduate program with different fields.

The institution, now more than sixty years of existence and

after years of becoming a University has remained steadfast to
her ideals and traditions.

And just last December 11, 2018, University of Bohol installed

into office its Fifth President, Dr. Victoriano B. Tirol, III.

As one of the leading institutions in Central Visayas, it serves

not only Boholanos but also those from the neighboring
provinces. It has continually produced prominent people who
are leaders in the community. It takes pride of its graduates
who top in board examinations and who successfully work
their way to prove true to the mission of the institution. It has
one established its roots – firm and strong through faith, hope DR. VICTORIANO B. TIROL, III
and prayer.


VISION: A premier university transforming lives for a great future.
MISSION: To provide a holistic education anchored on SCHOLARSHIP, CHARACTER, and SERVICE.
We wear the crown of excellence and innovation committed to the culture of success.
A UBian consciously and independently seeks for the truth applying the discipline of
research and innovation.

We embrace leadership and influence with principles and morals.
A UBian mindfully balances compassion and integrity in citizenship and leadership.

We respect diversity where volunteerism and selfless service are directed toward the
common good.
A UBian is an extra-miler in the call to serve with a sensitive and generous sense of
social responsibility.

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• Development of self-reliant, self-sufficient and globally competent students equipped with relevant
1 knowledge and skills.

• Achievement of aspirations towards socially acceptable ends: God-fearing, charitable and morally
2 upright.

• Empowerment to be mindful of the needs of others and render unselfish service to God, country and
3 fellowmen.

• Commitment to love of country through the exercise of rights and duties as responsible citizens.


Declaration of Admission Policy

The University of Bohol adopts a policy of open admission but selective retention to students
with complete and valid credentials, whose qualifications indicate satisfactory performance, and who
meet the other prescribed admission requirements.

Classification of Students and Admission Requirements

1. New Students
a. Freshmen - are high school graduates enrolling in college for the first time. Upon
enrollment, a freshman must submit the following requirements:
▪ Form 138 (4th year HS report card) or DepEd ALS (Alternative Learning System)
Examinee Report and certificate of qualification to college
▪ Original & Photocopy of the Birth Certificate/Marriage Certificate issued by the
National Statistics Office (NSO) / Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA).
▪ Certification of Good Moral Character, issued by the HS Principal
b. Transferees - Transferees are students who wish to enroll in the University after
having been enrolled in a college course at another institution. Upon enrollment, a
transferee must submit the following credentials:
▪ Transfer Credentials or Honorable Dismissal.
▪ Transcript of Records for evaluation purposes
▪ Original & Photocopy of the Birth Certificate issued by the National Statistics
Office (NSO) / Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA)
▪ 2x2 ID photo

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c. Senior High School
▪ Report Card of the previous grade
▪ Certification of Good Moral Character issued by the Principal of the previous
▪ Original & Photocopy of the Birth Certificate issued by the National Statistics
Office (NSO) / Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA).
▪ 2x2 ID photo

2. Resident Students

Resident students are enrolled in the University, in the same course during the immediate
preceding semester and also enrolled in the University during the current or previous
semesters, without having been issued a transfer credential.
Before enrollment, a resident student must have his academic records evaluated by the
Dean or academic adviser and be advised on subjects to enroll during the current semester.
Graduating students must have their academic records evaluated at the Registrar's
A resident student may enroll in another school after having been evaluated and issued
a permit to study by the Registrar even without a transfer credential, subject to institution
policy on Cross Enrollment.

3. Shiftee

Shiftees are similar to resident students except that they transfer their enrollment to another
course other than the course they enrolled during the preceding semester.
Before enrolment, a shiftee must have his academic records evaluated by the Dean or at
the Registrar's Office and be advised as to the subjects to be enrolled.

4. Returnee

Returnees are like resident

students, except that they have
stopped schooling in the
University for at least one
semester, without having been
released with a transfer credential. Before enrolment, a returnee must have his/her academic
records evaluated by the Dean or at the Registrar's office and be advised as to the subjects to
be enrolled.
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Level Classification of College Students

The number of units earned by the student in the degree curriculum he/she is enrolled in will be
the basis in the classification of the year level where he/she belongs.
Manual or electronic evaluation is done to determine the appropriate year level of the student
in the academic program he/she is enrolled in.

Additional Requirements

Besides the provisions under the "Classification of Student and Admission Requirements," other
requirements which apply to the students are given below:

1. Philippine Resident Alien students must submit to the Registrar's Office, a Student Visa, or
requirements for Student Visa application, as required by the Philippine Bureau of
2. Naturalized Filipino citizens must submit a copy of their NSO birth certificate and copy of
his/her Philippine Passport to the Registrar's Office upon enrollment.
3. Philippine Veteran's Affairs Office (PVAO) Students are those with education benefits under
Republic Act No. 65. They are required to submit, upon enrollment, a Veteran Passbook and
their award to the UB Treasurer's Office to avail of the benefits.
4. Private Scholarship Grant Requirements (if any)

Students can enroll during the prescribed registration period. Detailed instructions on
enrollment procedures are posted during enrollment time. General procedures and steps include the

Enrollment Process for Old Students and Returnees

1. Enrollment Information Counter/Dean's Office

▪ Get and Fill-up Enrolment Form
2. Treasurer's Office
▪ Payment of enrolment fee
3. Bulletin Boards
▪ Selection of subjects to enroll (write the section name in enrolment form)
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4. Dean's Office
▪ Check Course, Year Level and Curriculum Year
▪ Advising and Scheduling
▪ Issuance of Student Number
▪ Printing of Study load

Enrolment Process for New, Cross-enrollees, and Transferees

1. Enrollment Information Counter/Dean's Office

▪ Get and Fill-up Enrolment Form
2. Registrar's Office
▪ Encoding of Student Course, Curriculum Year, Name, Gender, Last School Attended
▪ Issuance of Temporary student ID number
3. Treasurer's Office
▪ Payment of Enrolment Fee
▪ Diagnostic Test
5. Dean's Office
▪ For Transferees: Dean's Evaluation
▪ Check Course, Yr. Level and Curriculum Year
▪ Advising and Scheduling /li>
6. MIS Office
▪ Picture taking and issuance of school ID


The school allows adding, dropping, and changing of subjects and/or course during the designated
schedule with a fee. Adding, dropping, and changing of subjects are only allowed on the following

▪ Conflict of class schedules

▪ Wrong subject/s enrolled
▪ The wrong description of subject/s enrolled
▪ The wrong sequence of subject

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The procedures for changing of course and adding, dropping and changing of subjects are as

1. Change of Course already enrolled

a. Secure an approved Academic Advising Form from the Dean of the new course
b. Prepare a new class schedule
c. Submit new schedule and Dean's approval for approval at the Registrar's Office
d. Pay 'Change Course' fee at the Treasurer's Office.
e. Have a new class schedule encoded and validated at the Registrar's Office.

2. Shifting of Course

a. Proceed to Registrar's office (Window No. 7) for evaluation and shifting of course.
b. Pay enrolment fees.
c. Proceed to Dean's office for scheduling and printing of Study Load.

3. Adding, Dropping and Changing of Course

a. Have the Certificate of Registration (COR)/Study Load noted by the Dean as to what
subjects can be added, dropped, or changed.
b. Check availability of course at the Registrar's Office.
c. Pay the required fees at the Treasurer's Office.
d. Have a new class schedule encoded and validated at Registrar's Office.

As per MORPHE 2008, Article XIX, Section 93:

"Cross-enrollment is discouraged and shall be subject to institutional policies, rules, and

regulations. However, for valid reasons as determined by, and with the written consent of the
institution he is regularly enrolled in, a student may be permitted to cross-enroll in another institution
in subject loads not normally offered during that particular term.".
At the discretion of the institution, a request for cross-enrollment may be allowed in accordance
with the institution's academic policies and standards on retention, promotion, transfer, and cross-
enrollment, and only under the following circumstances:

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▪ When the desired subjects are not offered by the institution the student is enrolled in,
during the term of the requesting student's enrollment;
▪ When the subjects are offered, but their schedules conflict with the requesting student's
other class schedules; and
▪ 3. When the student intends to spend the school term in his home province or region and
enrolls in subjects offered by an institution located therein, provided that such request is in
accordance with the accepting institution's policy on cross-enrollment.

A student need not secure the clearance from the Commission to cross-enroll, provided that the
total subject loads do not exceed the allowable number of units per school term.

The following is the procedure in securing a Permit to Cross-Enroll:

1. The student must secure an official academic evaluation from the Evaluator at Window No.
7 at the Registrar's Office, to determine and verify subjects to be enrolled;
2. Applicant must prepare a letter of cross-enrollment request addressed to the Vice President
for Academic Affairs through the Registrar;
3. Secure an endorsement from the Dean, stating the reasons why the applicant must be
allowed to cross-enroll;
4. Secure a Certificate of Subject Offering from the Registrar of the school where the applicant
wishes to cross-enroll, stating the following:
a. subject name
b. subject description
c. units
d. class schedule
5. Secure approval of cross-enrollment from the Registrar;
6. Pay required fees at the Treasurer's Office;
7. Get the Cross-Enrollment Permit from Window No. 7 at the Registrar's Office and submit the
same to the school where the student will enroll.

The maximum number of units for which the cross-enrollment is ordinarily permitted is only six
(6) units during the regular term and three (3) units during the summer term.

Total cross-enrolled units must be within the allowed number of units enrolled during the term.

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As per MORPHE, Article XIX, Section 92

"Upon the discretion of the higher education institution, a graduating student may be allowed
additional subject-loads of not more than six (6) units.
Graduating students may be allowed to enroll with overload units/subjects to a maximum of six
(6) units, in addition to its regular load; however, the total number of units enrolled must not exceed
28 units.
Applicants with a general point average (GPA) lower than 2.5, will not be allowed to take
overload units.

The following is the procedure in applying for a permit to overload:

1. Secure final evaluation and computation of GPA from the Registrar's Office
2. Fill out Application for Overload and submit together with final evaluation and computation
of GPA to the Dean for approval and endorsement
3. Pay required fees at the Treasurer's Office
4. Secure final approval from the VP Academic Affairs


A student is considered as "Officially Enrolled" when he/she has already paid the enrolment fees and
has his/her enrolment entered in the school database.

For one to be called a bonafide student of the University of Bohol, he must:

1. Be officially enrolled, which means that:

a. His/her enrollment must have been signed and approved by the Dean;
b. He/she must have paid the required fees with the official receipts of payment;
c. He/she must have an official copy of the Certificate of Registration issued by the
Registrar's Office.
d. His/her name must appear in the class list, of the subjects he/she is enrolled in,
issued by the Registrar's Office;
e. His/her name appears in the computer database as officially enrolled.
2. Has attended classes
3. Has not been dropped from the rolls

The rights and privileges granted by the University shall be enjoyed by the bonafide students as
described above, and their status shall be maintained as such.
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A bonafide student can see school activities, his/her grades, and personal accounts online.

For first time users, please go to the UB official website: and log in to
the School Automate
using your Student ID
number as the default
username and

username: 12-3456-78
password: 12-3456-78

After your initial login,

you will be asked to
change your default
username and
password; please
follow the pattern
when you change to
your permanent

UB - initial(First Name)
initial(Middle Name)
Complete(Last Name)
Make sure to
remember your
username and
password the next time
you log in. Please keep
your account login
details confidential and
avoid giving it to
anyone for security and
privacy purposes.

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Transferring/Shifting to any course within the University
A student may transfer/shift from one course to another after he is given permission and approval to do so by
the Dean and the Registrar. He/she is also known as a "Shiftee."

Transferring to another school

A student transferring to another school must apply for a Certificate of Transfer Credentials. Such credentials
may be issued only after the applicant has been cleared from all financial, library and property liabilities. Included
in the Certificate of Transfer Credentials are the:

a. Certificate of Good Moral Standing indicating that the student is of good moral standing and has
voluntarily severed his connection with the University of Bohol.
b. Informative copy of the Transcript of Records will be released to the student; the original copy will be
mailed to the school where the student applied for enrollment.
c. Photocopy of other documents such as:
▪ Original & Photocopy of the Birth Certificate issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) /
Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA).
▪ HS Form 137-A
▪ TOR from previous schools, if available.

After the release of the Certificate of Transfer Credentials, the student concerned loses his student status in this
University. The rule likewise applies to students who have already registered themselves in another school.

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