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First Quarter Examination in Science 6

Name: ________________________________________ Teacher: _______________________

Grade and Section: __________________________ Date: __________________________

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you call the combination of two or more substances present in varied
proportion where each material are distinct and visibly seen by naked eyes?
A. compound C. mixture
B. cream D. water
2. Mix orange juice powder to water is what kind of mixture?
A. heterogeneous mixture C. homogenous mixture
B. insoluble mixture D. mixture
3. Biko, nilupak and buko salad is an example of what kind of mixture?
A. solid C. heterogeneous
B. liquid D. homogenous
4. Let us assume that the composition varies from one region to another, with at least
two phases that remain separate from each other, with clearly identifiable properties.
This is a heterogeneous or ___ mixture?
A. uniform C. non-uniform
B. dissolution D. solution
5. A sugar solution is prepared by adding dissolving sugar in water. Sugar solution
consist soft two components, namely, sugar and water. Which is solute?
A. water C. solution
B. sugar D. components
6. In question number 5 (five), which is solvent?
A. water C. solution
B. sugar D. components
7. Do all solutes dissolve in all solvents?
A. yes C. maybe
B. no D. none of the above
8. Not all substance can be dissolved in water. What do you call the substances that can
be dissolved in water?
A. soluble C. solution
B. insoluble D. dissolution
9. Which of the following describes solubility?
A. The ability of liquid to change color.
B. The ability of something to dissolve in a liquid
C. The time it takes for something to settle at the bottom of a liquid.
D. The speed of pouring a liquid out of a container.
10. A greater amount of sugar will dissolve in warm water than in cold water. What is
the factor affecting the solubility?
A. Temperature of solvent
B. Amount of solute
C. Nature of solute
D. Manner of stirring
11. Which of the following does not affect the solubility of solid solutes?
A. volume of solvent C. stirring
B. temperature D. amount of mixture
12. ________ is one of the factors affect solubility and it depends on how fast or slow
mixture is stirred.
A. manner of stirring C. nature of solute
B. temperature D. volume of solvent
13. What is known as the universal solvent?
A. water B. acetone C. vinegar D. soy sauce
14. Which of the following will dissolve in water?
A. Oil B. salt C. gasoline D. sand
15. Which of the following is an example of a colloid?
A. mayonnaise C. cooking oil
B. soft drinks D. bubbles in water
16. What will happen to the suspension if left undisturbed?
A. Some substances will be dissolved.
B. Some substances will mix with the other substances.
C. Some substances will settle at the bottom or float on top.
D. Some substances will imitate the characteristic of other substances.
17. In an experiment, the oil is mixed with water. When left undisturbed, the oil floats on
water. Why does it happen?
A. Oil floats above the water because it is dilute.
B. Oil floats above the water because it is concentrated.
C. Oil floats above the water because it is stronger than the water.
D. Oil floats above the water because it has lower density than the water.
18. Which of the following is an example of suspension when mixed?
A. soil and water
B. tea and hot water
C. coffee powder and water
D. ketchup and mayonnaise
19. Colloids are ______________ mixtures with intermediate particles size between a
solution and a suspension.
A. heterogeneous C. solution
B. homogeneous D. suspension
20. ___________ is an example of a solid aerosol. The dispersed particles are solid and the
dispersing medium is gas.
A. beaten egg white C. milk
B. gelatin D. smoke
21. Beaten egg white is an example of colloid. The dispersed particles are gas and the
dispersing medium is liquid. In what type does it belong?
A. liquid aerosol C. foam
B. solid aerosol D. sol
22. Which mixtures cannot be separated through picking?
A. grains and mongo seeds C. sliced fruits
B. nails and pins D. oil and vinegar
23. Which mixture can be separated through picking?
A. softdrinks C. creamer
B. orange juice D. sliced mixed fruits
24. To separate rocks into different sized particles for road building and other
construction projects, which method is applicable?
A. sieving B. evaporation C. picking d. using magnet
25. To separate the palay and pebbles, which process or separating of mixture is
A. evaporation B. hand picking C. filtration D. decantation
26. Which is the process of separating solid substances from a liquid through the use
of a filter paper or any cloths that can be used a sa filtering medium?
A. sieving B. winnowing C. evaporation D. filtration
27. Which among the following mixtures can be separated by decantation?
A. oil and water C. sand and marbles
B. salt and water D. coffee powder and sugar
28. Which of the following involves change due to application of heat?
A. drying of clothes C. wearing of mask
B. washing of hands D. washing of clothes
29. Which of the following kitchen materials can be used to separate cooked noodles
from the boiling water?
A. filter paper C. kitchen strainer
B. spoon and fork D. any kitchen materials
30. Which of these mixtures can be separated by the use of magnet?
A. plastic toys C. salt and vinegar
B. needle and hay D. sliced vegetables

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is not.

___________ 31. When solid mixed with other solid, it changed its color, size and
___________ 32. Some solids after mixing with other solids can be distinguished from
each other.
___________ 33. Not all solid materials can be distinguished when you mix it with
other solids.
___________ 34. There are solid substances that can be dissolved, and they are called
___________ 35. Oil and water when mixed formed immiscible liquids.
___________ 36. Hot water dissolves solute faster than cold and tap water.
___________ 37. Stirring the mixture slowly will dissolve it faster.
___________ 38. Sol is a colloid of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in air or
another gas.
___________ 38. Icing is an example of foam.
___________ 40. A colloid is a stable combination of particles of one substance that are
dissolved or suspended in a second substance.
Directions: Identify the type of mixtures for each sample. Write HM for homogeneous
mixtures and HT for heterogeneous mixtures.

_____ 41. mixed toys in the room

_____ 42. paper clips and pins
_____ 43. halo-halo

Directions: Identify the type of mixtures as solution, suspension, or colloid.

__________________ 44. gel

__________________ 45. muddy water
__________________ 46. juice drink
__________________ 47. lotion

Directions: Identify the methods of separating mixtures used. Choose from the word
inside the box.
decantation evaporation filtration
Sieving using magnet

__________________ 48. broth from tinolang manok

__________________ 49. flour from small pebbles
__________________ 50. staple wire and paper

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